HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/2/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING NOVEMBER 2, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Bob Goodman, John Flinner, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings declared November 14. 1992 "Make a Difference Day" in East Wenatchee. Mayor Collings said she encouraged all citizens to take part in "Make a Difference Day" and she looked forward to seeing the community work together. CITIZEN COMMENTS Roger Case, 922 Manzanal St, asked what could be done to submit changes to the City of East Wenatchee's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Case said he had attended the City of East Wenatchee Planning Commission meeting on October 26 and some of his concerns could not be answered because of Planning Commission guidelines. Mayor Collings suggested Mr. Case contact the City offices for assistance. Jennifer Olsen, Douglas County Parks Department, reported on the City's ISTEA grant application for the Riverfront Trail project. The City's award amount would be three hundred fifty thousand dollars. Other entities receiving monies included Douglas County for its portion of the trail, LINK for bike racks, and the City of Chelan for its Twenty -Five Mile Creek project. Selling points for the East Wenatchee project were the community's support, it's potential to encourage other trail projects, and a twenty-five percent match of funds from the City rather than the usual twenty percent. Ms. Olsen said the next steps in the grant application process would be to contact and sign an agreement with the Department of Transportation regarding the requirements for administering the grant. She said Secretary of Transportation Duane Berenson was expected to formally approve the grant before the end of the month. - 1 - -z- •TTRJ1 aNTq/UeTJlsapad aq-4 0l UT ail aTgissod a aq osTe pTnoa azagl '1SaJalUT Al?unmmoo gbnoua glint Pies wmeH 'JH IzodJTV uzog6ued gl?M ui-9T1 01 'ATTn;adoq pup 'lodap ulezl a spieMo1 ob osTe pTnoM 6utpun; aq-4 pTes mmeH 'JH 'TTaM se sauTIsnq zaglo Jo; AITTTOe; a apTAozd of padoq XHIZ P?es mmeH •JH •sXOoT aXTq pup swoozlsaz OTTgnd apnToui pTnoM pup pTJOM aagaleuaM aqy moz; ssozae pup slaazls lsaTa pup asnOTed uaamgaq laazls UOTSSTH Uo paleooT aq pTnoo Jaluao aqy •sasnq zo; zaluao Ja;sueJl IaaJls-;;o up ;o uOTlonzisuoo sPaPmOl ob TlTm 6utpun; aqy •loaCozd TepowtlTnm a Jo; buTpun; Tezapa; PeATaoaz peg XHIZ pees aH 'ldaouoo TepomJalul aq1 6UTpzebaJ UOTIPIUasead t, apem 'Jabeuew ITsueJl XHIZ 'mmeH uaX NOISYZN3ssHd •TeAOJdde Jo; TTounoo 01 P911?mgns aze '69'6ZD'69S 3o lunoms aql UT '9S££T 746nozgl 0I££i szagmnu zagonOA luawAt,d 'Z66T 'Z zagwaAON 'alep STgl ;o sy *TTounoo of aTgeTTene apem uaaq seq gozgM 6uiisTj e uo papzooaz uaaq ant,q 4060'4z'zb MJd Aq paJinbea se pat;TlJaO swtpTO luamaszngwiaJ asuadxa asogl pup '0s0'VZ,Zt Mod Aq paJTnbea 1 se zaoi;;o buTITpne aq1 Aq P92;TIJaO pup palTpne szagonOA 'Z66T 49Z sagola0 'uotssag Tetoads sTT?g 30 uoileJapisuoo •z 'Z66T '6T Jagoloo 'uoTSsas JLITn6ad - salnUtN ;o UOTIpJaptsuoo •T '0-S 'PaTJJUD UOT1Ow aqy •PeISTT elaM swalT 6ulmOTTo; aql se pup paluasazd se JepuaTeo luasuoo aql anozddp of MOXTH JagwamTTOunoo Aq puooas 'AopZ JagwamlTounoo Aq appm SLIM Uotlow y 3UOTl0V TTounoo HVONsgVD INESHOo •JOleutpJ000 1oaCozd s,Alto aql se 1oaCozd TTezy IUOJ;JaATH aql uo XJoM Jag anUtluoo 01 UOSTO •sH aZTaoglne of snsuasuoo Aq p99z6e TTounoo •JoleuzpJ000 1Oa1OJd s,AITO ag1 aq of paaJ6e UasTO 'SH 'AI?o aq1 3O ;Tegaq uo auop TTaM qoC LI zO; uasTO •sH papuawwoo TTounoo aq-4 put, s6uTTToo JOASH •aosuazag Azplazoas Aq Tenozdde Tewzo; JO; 6UTITeM sT AITO aq-4 'luasead 1V 'loaload TTeJI 9141 3o sluawaSJopUa aATjeTSTbaT Xaas 01 awtl aq1 aq osTe pTnoM STgl •UOTgngTjquoo 6utpun; pasimozd 91T 6Utpze6aJ palaeluoa aq uoTi?Teoo doo7 aql alaTdmoo aql palsabbns Pup IUeIJOdwT SLIM IuamaATOAUT AI?unwwoo pappe aqS •aJtnbaJ pTnoM lueJb aql gazeasaJ Teuozltppe agl aTPueq of JoleuiPJooa e luzodde TTounoo palsabbns aqS abets sigl le sloadsp luelJodwt azaM luawa6puew pup UotleUTPJOOO IOaCOJd pees uasTo •s{T Mr. Hamm said LINK's first year ridership estimates were three hundred fifty thousand passengers. However, LINK will celebrate ' its one millionth rider this month. BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT Susan Musselman, Piper Jaffray, Inc., presented the bond purchase contract for the City's Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds. She said passage of the bond ordinance included the acceptance of Piper Jaffray, Inc. as underwriters for the bonds. Ms. Musselman said she would continue working with City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich, to put together the limited tax bond issue. She said the bonds would be paid for out of the City's regular operating expenses in payments of one hundred fifteen thousand dollars per year for ten years. The City would receive the funds would begin on that date. Bonds receive accrued interest. The anytime after December 1, 2000. ORDINANCES on November 24 and interest dated November 1 would also City could redeem the bonds Mayor Collings said there were two ordinances regarding the sale of the municipal bonds. Council had reviewed copies of the ' ordinances at the October 19 council meeting. Mayor Callings asked to pass both first and second readings of the ordinances. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to have first reading of the ordinance adopting a system of registration of bonds and obligations of the City, elevate first reading to second, and pass the ordinance. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 92-13 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION OF BONDS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to have first reading of the ordinance providing for the City's Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds and elevate first reading to second reading. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to pass the ordinance providing for the City's Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds. The motion carried, 5-0. rj - v - 1 'luaozad 9Uo-A11Tg1 ;o TaA91 a 01 OT1ez S,A1TO 9q1 buTzq o1 poTzad zeaA aAT; aq1 zano aseazOUT luaozad uaa1;T; e g1TM 10ez1uo0 zeaA aAT; a 6uTlsanbaz seM A1uno0 seTbnoO pTes agS •S90TA10s linoo zo; 1a6pnq £66T 8q1 6uTpzebaz ag0oge7 ue0 ;;TzagS pue 'Tauuoszad 1zno0 •ssauOTssTmwOO AlunoO seTbno0 aq1 g1TM buTlaam a papualle zauUTTd ;aTgD PUS 'goTaagsao zaznseaaL/NzaTO A1T3 'sbUTTT00 zoAeH 'sMaTAzaluT aq1 g1TM 95UTTIOD zoAeH buTlsTsse aq pTnoM Auedmo0 STzzag agl 3o 'suOA7 QXTH pae 'aag0leU9M ;o A1TO 'sag5nR qo9 'g0Ta11Sa0 zaznseazy/NzaTO A1TO '£T zagmaAON zo; paTnpagos azaM sMaTnzalul 'SalepTpueO aauueTd aAT; dol aql of P9TTew uaaq peg szallaT pTes s6uTTTOO zoAeH 'uazpTTgo Apaau zo; sAo1 asegaznd 01 ob TTTM dnozb aq1 Aq p9108TTo0 suoTingT=IuOO 'gnlo aToAozolOm TeOOT a Aq pazTuebao apezed slog zo; sAOI a papualle ags pTes sBUTITOO zoAeH TeuOTITppe pue saueT uznl 1;aT 19az1S glu9naT3 Uo buTdTzls aq1 aq1 UT sa6uego paledToTlue uaaq peq dots AeM-aazgl a pTes 199z1S g1uTH agl paazbe SHOd3H S,HOAVH 'Azessaoau aq 1g6Tm 6uT1g6TT zo; ldaoxa 'palaTdmoo uaaq peq pTes UempoOg 'zH 'UOT109szaluT agl 3o asne0aq pazapTSU00 aH 'UzaOUOO a SeM UOT109Sz91UT uempooO luapualUTzadnS 19az1S 'pagsTUT; seM laazlS gluaA919 Uo 6uTdTzls aq1 ;T paNse Ogle aH 'suazTITo g1TM SUOTleszanuoo STq UT uza0UO0 zocem a SeM s.qI pTes aH 'anuanV 1uow1se3 pue 1aaz1S gluTN ;o UOTloaszaluT aql le 1gbTT IeubTs a 1noge paNse MONTH zagmamlTounoO S3ZVOdn ONV SZHOd3H 7IONn0O bUTpeaz 1SzT; peat SbUTI100 zoAeH '£661 JO; AITO aq1 JO; saxel Alzadozd agl buTllas aOUeUTpzO ue ;o 6uTpe9z 1SZT3 vO-TT-Z6 '3ZV0 3AI103333 NV 0NIHSI79V1S3 QNV !3SnV7O &1IvII9VH3AaS V ONINIVINOO -NOSONIHSVM '37ZZVSS 30 'ONI 'AVH33VP H3dId 01 SQN09 3HZ 30 AH3AI730 3HS H03 ONIQIAOHd QNV 37VS 3HS ONIAOHddV •ONn3 NOISdH303H ON09 V ONIHSI79VIS3 !SQNO9 3HZ d0 SSNVNSAOO ONV SHH3Z 493SVH SSSEHINI 'S3IZIHIISVH 'HH03 '3SV0 3HS ONIXI3 !77VH dSIO M3N V ONIddIn03 QNV ONIZORHSSNOO 30 SSOO 3HS d0 IHVd V AVd OS HOIHM HIIM SONnd 30IAOHd OS S3SOdHnd ' AZIO 7VH3N3O HOd ASIO 3H1 dO 'Z66T 'SON09 NOISVOI790 7VH3N35 XVS Q3SIHI7 30 3n7VA HVd 000'SLSS 30 3ONVnSSI 3HZ H03 ONIQIAOHd !SS3NO3Z930NI ONI10VHZN00 01 ONI1V73H 'NOISNIHSVM '33HO1VN3M ISV3 30 AZIO 3HZ 30 3ONVNIQH0 NV VT-Z6 'ON 3ONVNIQHO Mayor Collings suggested Council authorize one hundred thousand dollars for court services for 1993. This would include a system of "in -cell arraignment" which the county would own and maintain. Council agreed by consensus to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for court services for 1993 only. Mayor Collings explained the situation with Douglas County regarding communications services. Eighteen thousand dollars was budgeted for communications in 1992. The requested amount for 1993 was forty-four thousand eight hundred dollars. Chief Flinner said an alternative would be to contract with the City of Wenatchee for communication services. The City of Wenatchee had agreed to the eighteen thousand dollar figure with a three-year contract and three percent annual increase. Mr. Flinner said there would be an initial expense for General Telephone to install a dedicated 911 line to ring into the City of Wenatchee rather than Douglas County. Also, for the grid work required to put East Wenatchee addresses on Wenatchee's computer system. Mr. Flinner added future plans called for a central dispatching system, including fire dispatch, for the entire Wenatchee Valley. Council agreed by consensus to pursue contracting with the City of Wenatchee for communication services. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Negotiations Convened - 8:00 P.M. Reconvened - 8:15 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 8:20 p.m. Virgiiiia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer 1 =Z�