HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING OCTOBER 19, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings declared the week of October 18. 1992 "Business Women's Week" in East Wenatchee. She presented a proclamation to Beth McRae of the Business and Professional Women of Wenatchee. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Maintenance In response to a question from Councilmember Hendricks, Superintendent Goodman explained the procedure for reporting burned out street lights. Mr. Goodman said the location, and, if possible, the number on the light pole, should be reported directly to Douglas County PUD. Also, the outage could be reported to the City Street Department, who would refer the information to Douglas County PUD. Finance City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the first budget workshop was scheduled for October 21 at 6:30 p.m. and the second workshop for October 26 at 4,00 p.m. Ms. Oestreich presented information regarding a library in a portion of the new city hall. She said a library levy election is required by the district. The City would provide space for the library and the district would handle all other aspects, including staffing and supplies. The library district reimburses the City for its portion of utilities. - 1 - -z- :sTeob asagl 6uinatgOR 30; seaze bviMOTTO; agl uo snoo; TTTM u6Tedmeo dtgszaulzed zo; lsanb aqy aATT 01 aaeTd aATgonpozd atom pus zallaq a AOTTeA aagoleuaM aq1 axem of azg lsanb ;o sTeO6 mzal 6uoT aqy •uOTleztue6zo ztagl buigtzasap OapiA e paMogs 'lsanb builuasazdaz 'spooM pas;TTM pug lzagoanH aTjJV SHOISVINSS3Nd 'papiOA seM LEZET zagmnu zagonOA luamAed 'Tenozdde zo; TTounoo 01 palltmgns aze '6U'ELZ4SbS 3o lunowe aq1 uT '60££T gbnozgl £EZ£T szagmnu aegonon luamAed 'Z66T '6T zagoloo 'alep sigl ;o sV •papiOA seM 99TTT zagOnOA TTozAgd 'Z66T zagmaldag ;o gluom aq-4 zo; 'Z661 'S zagoloo Peed '0T'89Z'TLS ;o lunome Te101 9q1 ut 'TTZTT g6nozgl b9TTT szagmnu zagonOA TTozAed anozdde saop TTounoo -TTounoo o1 aTgeTteng apem uaaq sgq gOigM buils?T e uo papzooea uaaq aneg '060'DZ'Z6 Mod Aq pazinbaz se pai;TlzaO smteTO luamaszngmT9a asuadxa asogl pus 1090'UZ'Zb MON Aq pazinbaz se zaOT;;O bUTliPne agl Aq pai;Tlzao pus palFpne szaganOA sTTTS ;O uoTlez8pFsuO0 'Z 'Z66T 'S zagoloo 'uoissaS zeTnbag - salnuTH ;o uotlezapTsuoo •T 1 -s 'Paizzeo uOTIOM aqy 'palstT azaM small BUTmOTTo; aql se pus paluasazd se zepuaTeo luasuoo aq1 anozdde of MoKiW zagmamTTounoo Aq puo0as 'AOej zagmamTTovnoo Aq apem seM uOTIOM V suOTlOV U ounoo NVQN3ZVo SNSSN0o 'butUaAa 1eg1 TTounoo of uoTaeluasazd e OXem pTnoM " oui 'Aaz;;er 'zadtd 'uemTassnH uesns pees gOiazlsao •sw '6uT199m ITounoo Z66T 'Z zagmaAON aql 1e sbu2peaz puo09s pug 1SZT; gloq ;o TeAo3dde zo; saoueutpzo 941 MgTAaz 01 TTounoo paKse ags 'spuoq uoilgbiTgO Tezauab xel pal?wTT 9g1 zo; aptAozd of sT zaglo aqy •A1to aq1 3o suOzlebTlgo pug spuoq aq-4 6uTzalsTbaz zO; st auo TTeq AITO aq1 so; ansst puoq aql butp3e6az saoueuipzo 1;ezp oMl gjTM TTounoo paluasazd goTazlsao 'sW '6Z Pug gZ zagol0o uO pTaq buiaq sdogsxzOM TTeq AITO agl 04 10tz1sip aq1 81TAUT pTnoM aH 'TTounoo of Noeq lzodaz pus AzezgTT a ;o A1TTTgTssOd aql alebtlsanut 01 zaalvnTon pTnoM aq pies sKOtzpuaH zagwamTTOunoo 'dlaq ou ;o aq pTnoM AAaT TTews a 'pun; AzezgTT aql UT AauOm gbnoua lou seM azagl ;? ptes aH 'TTeq AITO Mau aq1 ut AzezgTT a 5uipze691 uoilneo pastApg MONTH zagmamTtaunoo •AnaT a lnoggTm sasuadxa butlezado 19A00 of g6noua seM pun; AzezgTT s,A1TO aql ;T paKss Aoeq zH 'AzezgTT aql zo; wooz aq1 zo; Aed TT?1s pTnoM Alto aqy •sasuadxa 6uilezado zo; aq ATuo pTnoM AnaT latzlstp AzezgTT aql pees Aae7 zagmamTTounoo I education, agriculture, economic development, and tourism. Mr. Huechert asked the City Council to contribute ten thousand dollars over a four year period to the Quest organization. Mayor Collings asked if other government entities would be contributing to Quest. Mr. Huechert said Chelan County PUD, the City of Wenatchee, and Chelan County were some that would be contributing to the organization. Councilmember McArthur asked if this would be a permissible use of Stadium Funds. City Attorney Sparks said it should be permissible because of the tourism aspect. He said he would verify that information. Councilmember Lacy asked about the administrative costs the organization anticipated. Mr. Woods said there would be an initial one hundred fifty thousand dollar expense; however, the organization would not have a paid director. Superior Court Judge Carol Wardell spoke on behalf of the Juvenile Justice Campaign Committee regarding the proposed juvenile justice facility bond issue for Chelan and Douglas Counties. Judge Wardell said the existing facility was much too small for the needs of our communities. It is a twelve -bed facility. The average daily population in 1992 has been eighteen and one half. Douglas County's share of the ten million nine hundred thousand dollar project would be two and one half million dollars. The new facility would be designed to serve the community for the next fifteen years. The issue will appear on the November 3, 1992 ballot. Judge Wardell asked for individual and Council endorsements. City Attorney Sparks said he had contacted Municipal Research regarding Council's ability to endorse a ballot issue. It was determined a ballot issue could not be endorsed by a city or council unless a public hearing was held to address the issue as correctly named by title and proposition number. Council asked Mr. Sparks to research this further and if a public hearing was required, the Council could do so as there would be time before the election. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to endorse the juvenile justice campaign subject to legal determination and the holding of a public hearing, if necessary, on October 26, 1992. The motion carried, 4-0 (abstain - Hendricks). - 3 - �s Fl 1 1 zaznspeal/Nia10 AITo goTazlsao •3 eT Ba. 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