HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/5/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes�7
OCTOBER 5, 1992
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember
McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember
Lacy, Mayor Collings.
Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Bob Goodman, Bob
Dahmer, Jerry Litt, John Flinner, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman.
Superintendent Goodman reported on the status of the Eleventh
Street and Highline Canal guardrail. He said missing reflectors
had been replaced, a warning sign installed and a wide white
stripe painted to call attention to the canal. Mr. Goodman
suggested lighting as a possible alternative to a guardrail.
Code Compliance
Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said there is some interest in new
annexations into the City. Mr. Wiltz suggested public hearings
be held to answer citizen questions regarding annexation benefits
and the comprehensive plan.
Councilmember Lacy questioned the timing of annexation. He
suggested waiting until spring.
Mayor Collings said she felt the timing was right and important
and beginning an annexation process now, would allow more citizen
involvement in the new city hall process.
Councilmember Mikow said many members of the community have asked
him when the City plans another annexation. He said the City
needed to represent more of the community than the city limits
now permit.
Council agreed by consensus to begin the public hearing process
for annexations.
- 1 -
•dboloog ;o luaml3edaa ay1 paloeluoo dpe93le
peT aqs pTes sbuTlloo ZOAPH •lTounoa 9y1 of uoTleluasa3d a aXem
A50Toog ;0 luamlied90 ag1 buTneT papuammooea ay A1unoo selbnoQ
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Aboloog ;o lu9ml3edaQ 8y1 4ITM dTgsuoTlej93 uMo SIT dolanap AITO
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lTos ;o uoTlezT3oglneap aq1 ano3dde of sXoT3pu9y SagmamlTounoo Aq
paooas 'AoeZ iagwawlTounoo hq apew seM uoTlow V 3uoT1oV U ounoo
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pup loaloid leuTbT3o aq1 So; spun; pool; aq1 6uTzTioglneap
palsabbns Sag49Te3pa SN •alemTlsa leaT5T3o 9q1 upgl atom gonm
os aq pinOm loa[oad aql ;o Isoa lenlop aql aouTS 'sXooq STagl
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pinoM 1oa[o3d auoz pool; Mau a ;o lsoo aqy '1S9381uT oTTgnd
g6noua pale3auab 1ou pey pup L86T uT seM spun; pool; 6uTpse5a3
Anal puoq lsel aq-4 pTes 11TZ •3H -spun; pool; uoTlen3asuoo
lTos ;o uoTlpzT3oglne9p ay1 buTp3e5a3 aXods 4uoTlpn3asuoa
TToS 'Sayl8Te3p9 X2eW pue 'butuueld hlunoo sel5no0 'IITZ ASSar
•dogsX3oM aq1 3o sllnsea
aql gITM TTounoo luasaad o1 TuTp3ed+11T33aN So; 6Z Sagoloo 3o;
palnpagos aq pinoM buTlaam lTounoo leToads V 'lleq AITO Mau ag1
buTpap5a3 1nduT ;;e1s pup hlTunmmoo lab of SZ Sagoloo uo dogsX3oM
ls3t; aql ploy 01 aXTl pinoM TuTp31ed+11T1S9W pTes yoT931sao •sq
•dogsX3oM TZ aagoloo 9q1 le suoTleluasa3d aXpm pinoM
'spun3 wnTpelS se Tons 'saTuow 41To 5uTlsan13a3 S9TITlu9 apTslno
•sdogsXaoM Iabpnq 1s3T; aq1 So; 9Z Sagoloo pup TZ Sagoloo
Ias 01 lTounoo paXse aqs •ZT Sagoloo dq TTounoo So; Apea3
aq pinoM sla6pnq h3puTwTlaad pTes yoTailsao Sa3nse931/XSal3 A1TO
92-10-01 Contract proposal with Merritt+Pardini
architectural/engineering team for the new city hall
Councilmember Lacy was concerned that the City Hall Building
Committee was not involved with the design process with
Merritt+Pardini. He said he would like to contact Mr. Pardini
and discuss some of the committee's ideas. He hoped to reduce
the thirty thousand dollar estimate listed in the contract by
utilizing the committee's ideas and he felt some of the ideas
could answer issues to be discussed at the workshops.
Councilmember Mikow said Council was not trained in the
architectural/engineering field and not qualified to take the
lead in the project. He said it was important to have the
community input which the workshops would provide.
City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said she had spoken with Mr.
Pardini and clarified some issues in the contract. The thirty
thousand dollar estimate included all of phase one of the
proposal. It did not include phase two.
Mayor Collings suggested approving the contract now and suggested
Councilmember Lacy speak with Mr. Pardini and report back at the
next council meeting.
' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second
by Councilmember Mikow to authorize the Mayor, with the
assistance of the City Attorney, to negotiate the contract with
Merritt+Pardini based on the terms of their cost proposal. The
motion carried, 5-0.
Councilmember Mikow said he attended a meeting of past presidents
of the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. Attendees felt more
communication between the Chamber and the City Council was
needed. The Chamber would like a Councilmember to become an ex
officio member of the Chamber.
Councilmember Lacy said he had contacted Municipal Research
regarding the Twelfth Street storm situation and the City's legal
obligation. He determined the City had no liability as the
drainage system was installed by a private contractor. The
County had no maintenance obligation and, therefore, the City
inherited the same conditions and did not need to assume a legal
Councilmember Mikow
with Councilmembers
legal liability.
said he had discussed the storm drain issue
from other cities and agreed the City had no
- 3 -
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