HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/5/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesF, M 1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 5, 1993 6:30 P.It. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Clerk Oestreich advised Council that Brett Drager, MerRitt+Pardini, the city's architectural firm for the city hall, would be making a presentation at a special council meeting. She said it would probably be April 12 or 13 and she would send agendas as soon as it was confirmed. Mayor Collings reported for the Street Department. She said the PUD would place two lights on Eleventh Street as had been requested by residents in the area. The poles would be $1594 and would be a new type of fiberglass. If Council approved, then the Street Department would take action and go ahead with the lighting. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the placement of two light poles on Eleventh Street at a cost of $1594.00. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Planning Department City Planner Campbell introduced Rick Walk, a planning intern who will be working with the City and the County on projects during the summer. Mr. Campbell said Mr. Walk would be working on projects such as land use inventory, data for Growth Management, a planning brochure and a good zone map. Mr. Campbell said a sign ordinance for placement of temporary signs would be presented for Council approval soon. ' He said subdivision review fees would be increased to reflect additional expenses on permits, such as engineering fees. These fees are generally a part of permit costs for subdivision applicants. - 1 - -z- '0-S 'ATsnowTuEun paisieo uoTgow agy •uoTgegaidiaquT TebaT pue MOTnai jaggin; so; UOTssTwwoO buTuueTd aqq puE ;eqs oq xOeq uOTgeOTTddE aqq za;az oq sxoTipuaH sagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'gseN 3agwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uoTgOy ITounoo •A2TTTgTssod a Bons uo buTgoe uO TTounoo pauoTgneo uewiawwTZ •JH •saTgiadoid 6uTpuno3jns sE TTaM se Agsadoid sTg ;o auozas e 5uTgsanba3 sum queoTTdde agy •uoTgeoTTdde sTgg uT uoTgengTs aqq seM sTgg squvoTIdde agq uegg zaggo hgjadoid jog auozaz a buTpjebai anssT TebaT a aq pTnoo azagg pTes uewiawwTz Aau3oggy •Tanozdde buTpuawwoaaz seM uoTssTwwoO buTuueTd aqy •pTaq uaaq pay buTieaq oTTgnd a pue uoTssTwwoO buTuueTd aqq azo;aq uaaq peg gsanbai auozas aqq pTes TTagdwe0 sauueTa AITO AgTsuaa wnTPaH TeTquapTsaH Hd oq AITsuaa Mo7 TeTquaPTsad ZH woi3 Jaxeg 14g1oN pue gqTT le paILOOT AgJadOzd jog gsanbai auozaj a anojdde oq uoTgepuawwo0ag ZO-p0-£6 NOIIVGNHHH003N •buTpeaJ gsiT; peat sbuTTT00 iohEH -apew sT abuEgo auoz a UagM pasTnbaj sT aoueuTpuo agy qo uT^Td STOT PUP gaazgS gqTT aN OST pue 0£T '6ZT 'OTT 'saxEG 'ON VZOT PUP ZZOT qE pagEooT auozas sTTTH uazJaM agq oq pageTas dew buTuoz agq buTpuawe aOueuTpso ue ;o buTpeaJ gs313 TO-60-£6 SSDNexiaso •papTon azaM LZiZ gbnoxgq TZbZ siagwnu zagonon quawhea •Tenoidde jog TTounoo oq paggTwgns aae 'ZZ'9Z540£S 3o qunowe agq uT •6£6Z gbnoigq SL£Z saagwnu :xagonon quawhed '£661 'S TTady 'agep sTgg ;o sy 'ITounoo oq aTgeTTene apew uaaq seq gOTgM buTISTT E uo papsooei uaaq aneq 1060•bZ'Zb Mod Aq p93Tnbaz se paT;Tg3ao swTeTo quawaszngwTea asuadxa asogq pue 'eqo*vz,zv MoN Aq pazTnbaz se jaoT;;o buTgTpne aqq Aq paT;Tgiao puE pagTpne szagonOA sTTT9 ;o uoTgeiapTsuoO 'Z £66T 'ST goJEH 'uoTssaS sETnbag - sagnuTH ;o uoTgesapTsuoO •T '0-S 'ATsnowTueun paTiieo ' uoTgow aqy •pagsTT aiaM swagT buTMoTTo; agq se puE paquasaud se iepuaTeO quasuo0 agg anoadde oq gseN zagwawTTOunoo Aq puooas 'Aoe7 jagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uoTgow V :uoTgoy TTounoo NVaN3Zvo INaSN00 Y14 r M COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Hendricks said April 11 would be the last day for LINK to go to Mission Ridge. He added LINK may consider the old Safeway store in Wenatchee as a possible bus transfer station. Councilmember Mikow asked if a decision was to be made on the draft Solid Waste Advisory Plan, Mayor Collings said Council would need to make a decision at the April 19 meeting. Due to the size of the draft plan, it had been distributed to Council early for review. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said plans for the annual bar-b-que were being made. She anticipated a name change, such a Eastside Fun Pest. It would be June 19 and would be later in the day, probably 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Mayor Collings said she would be attending the North Central Washington Regional Forum for Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation workshop on April 9 at the Wenatchee Convention Center. Mayor Collings said April 10 would be the groundbreaking day for Complete the Loop Trail, and Arbor Day festivities. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Negotiations Property Convened - 7:13 p.m. Reconvened - 7:39 p.m. As recommended by Legal Counsel, a motion was made contract with the Police Officer's Teamster contract stated that an offer of three percent cost of living been made with no other changes. The officers have offer. The increase would be retroactive to January motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Nash. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ADJOURNMENT - 7:41 p.m. Virginiv E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer to ratify the The motion increase had accepted the 1, 1993. The Councilmember - 3 -