HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/15/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON
MARCH 15, 1993
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember
Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor
Collings. Councilmember Mikow arrived at 6:33 p.m.
Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman,
Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell.
' Matt Corbett, 606 Eleventh Street NE, presented a petition
requesting a street light be placed on Eleventh Street NE between
Eastmont Avenue and Grover Street. Mr. Corbett said the middle
of the block was quite dark; there had been a number of car
prowls and several near accidents.
Councilmember Hendricks asked if there was presently a power pole
on Eleventh Street. Mr. Corbett said there was not a power pole,
however, utility boxes were available.
Mayor Collings thanked Mr. Corbett and suggested Street
Superintendent Goodman research the request further.
Jay Weselberger, 705 Eleventh Street NE, said while he was in
favor of security measures for Eleventh Street, he did not feel a
street light was the answer. He felt increasing police patrols
and strengthening the neighborhood watch programs would have
better results than a street light. He said the street light
would only provide security to the middle of the block. He added
he had a personal concern regarding the location of the street
light adjacent to his property.
Mayor Collings said the Street and Police Departments would
research the situation and report back to Council.
- 1 -
- Z -
bulJapTsuoO aaaM Aagg pTes jauMopupT pup zadOTanap aqy •pabuego
uaaq peq Agzadoid queov[pe aqq geTd oq UOTgeOTTdde buTpuad
aqq pTes TTegdweo aK 'TTounoo woi; suoTgsanb oq asuodsa3 uI
'SZ go3eN
seM UOTgeOTTdde aqq JO; aUTTpeap aqy •UOTgeOTTddp queab aqq
gqTM paaooid oq UOTIUZT3oggne s,TTounoo jo; paXse aH •bUTpun;
ValsI so; agepTpueo AlaXTI a aq pTnoo pup abpTjg UeTzgsapad
g9aa'4S gquTH aqq gqTM UT aTq pTnoM aueT aToAoTq aq-4 pTes TlagdweD
•3W •auel alOAoTq ageapdas a pup saueT ino; gqTM spippupgs
gaa.zgs TeT.Tagse og do gaalgg gquTH buT.Tq oq 9gaawano3dwT
apnTOUT pinOM sueld 'goaCoid zopTi.Too gaasgs gquTH PUP ggqbTg
aqq JO; aTgeTTene spun; H3ZsI aq pTnoo azagq pTes Tlegdwea jH
'squawanojdwT gaaigs uo uebeaQ 'jW Pup subTsap uOTsTATpgns uo
XioM TTTM OARK •iW •E661 Jo; AgTO aqq Jo; s.TaauTbua buTglnsuoO
Mau aqg ''DUI 'sageTOossV auogsbUTATI-appM pup 'jailloo 'puowweH
;o uebaaQ TaTupa pup OAeH pTOJP H paonpojiUT TTagdweo aauupla AgTo
quawg3pdaa buTuueld
•w•d 6 oq 'w'e 6 wo.z;
6 T23dy io; palnpagos seM wn3o; aqy 'iaquao uoTquanuoo aagogeuaM
aqq le uolgegjodsuejl ueijgsapad pup aloAOTg jog wnjog TpuoTbag
uolbuTgseM Teaquao ggaoN aqq puagge oq TTOunoo pagTAuT uaslo •sH
iTounoo gxau aqq Aq algpTTene aq pTnogs sggpTM qoo; aATeMq
pup uaq aqq qqoq uo sagewTgsa gsoO pTes aqg •uoTgepuawwoOgj
gqpTM a aXew oq TTezq aqg ;o goadse U6Tsap aqq oquT gbnoua
ie; you asaM s.zaauTbua aqq '.TanaMoq 'gqpTM TTpsg goo; Uaq e
,To; p911PO Tesodoad queib aqq pTes UasTo •sli •iTVII aqq ;o gqpTM
aqq uo apew uaaq peq UOTSTOap a ;T paXse sXOTapuaH aagwawlTounoo
'Alnf Aq papieMe eq pup
aunt uT qno o6 pTnogs uoTgon.Tgsuoo goaCosd jo; spTe lTjdv uT
uaATb aq pTnoM sbuTpuT; ;o uoTgpquesaid a pup uoos XsoM uTbaq oq
paTnpagos aaaM sMajo AaAins agTs-uo 'sageTOossy pup uTeT3agweg3
'g •sjaauTbua bUTglnsuoo gqTM paubTs uaaq ppq goeil uoo p pup
uoTgeq.Todsupjl ;o quewgjpdaa aqq woi; peATaoaj uaaq peq paaooid
oq UOTgeZTioggne uaggT=M pTes uasTo ja;Tuuaf sogeuTpi000 gOaCold
goaCold TTers quoi;.xaATH aagageuaM gses
sluodau INUHIUVd3C1
'suosied palgpsTp ;o uoTgepoww000e aqq
10; paMolTe aoueuTpao gpOTxeq aqq pTes Uew.TawwTZ Aauioggy AgTO
apT.z oq saTsea geOTxeq
;o quawg.xedwoO
aqq puno; uaq;o
suosied paTgesTp pTes
•uoTgasOsTp uMo
ge geOTXeq aqq
go quawg.Tedwoo Aup uT
oq pamolle aq
ssabuasspd pTes
paag 'zK •aoupuTpio geoTxeq
Mau aqq gqTM
sTq passaidxa
'qpo s,ApooM jo; jaAT.zp
e 'aag3geuaM
ply 'paaH XOef
a new plat which would be all residential. As the present plat
application would be put on hold, there would be no problem
submitting an ISTEA grant application. The application would
list Corridor A as the selected route, however, the application
would not commit the City to that route. Mr. Campbell suggested
applying for the grant monies now because of the deadline. He
said Council would have the option of holding public hearings at
a later date regarding the corridor choices.
Mayor Collings said the corridor issue had recently surfaced
again because of the change in the pending plat application and
the notice of available ISTEA funds. She said Council may have
to reprioritize the City's Six -Year Transportation Plan.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second
by Councilmember Lacy to authorize City Planner Campbell to
submit a grant application for ISTEA funding for the Eighth and
Ninth Street Corridor project. The motion carried, 3-2
(Hendricks, Nash).
Mr. Campbell said he had been in contact with Eastern Washington
University regarding .a study of the downtown area. The study
would be conducted by students who would gather information on
revitalizing the downtown area. Topics of the study could
include landscaping, commercial square footage, and
bicycle/pedestrian access. Ten to fifteen students would conduct
the study and a report would be made to Council. The East
Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Take Pride Committee had agreed to
provide meals, lodging, and office space for the students.
Expenses for the project were anticipated at about three thousand
dollars. The Douglas County Planning Department had agreed to
contribute half of that total. Mr. Campbell requested Council's
permission to provide the remaining fifteen hundred dollars from
the planning department's professional services budget.
Council agreed by consensus to the expenditure of the budgeted
Mr. Campbell said the placement of political signs and yard sale
signs within the City limits was a concern and he asked
Council's direction in pursuing solutions. Council authorized
Mr. Campbell to research information for a new sign ordinance.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second
by Councilmember Mikow to approve the Consent Calendar as
presented and as the following items were listed. The motion
carried unanimously, 5-0.
' 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, March 1, 1993.
2. Consideration of Bills
'0-S 'AlsnOmTueun paiaieo uotgow
agy •3noq up saltw AIITgq oq 3N gaealS gquay uo giwil paads aqg
6uTbuego aoueUTPio aqq anoadde oq gspN iagwawTi0un0o Aq puooas
'inglaVoH jagwawliounoo Aq appw seM uotgow V suoFgoV TTounoo
'0-S 'ATsnowiueun patijeo uoFgow agy •buipeaj
puooas oq bUTPeas gSJT; agenala oq Aoe7 zagwawliounoo Aq puooas
'anggiVoH JagwawTtounoJ Aq apew seM uoigow V :UOTIDV TTounoJ
•buiPeax 49ST; peal sbuilToJ ioAeH
inoq up saTtw AWFgg oq 3N gaaigS gquay uo gTwtT
paads aqq butbuego aoueulpzo up ;o buzppai gsitd EO-EO-E6
'0-S 'Alsnowtupun paiiaeo
suotgow aqy •Agsadoad sTaKotN aqq oq 6utgelai dew 6UTUOZ agq
bulPuawe aoueuipJO aqq anoiddp oq gseN iagwawliounoo Aq puooas
's%otipuaH zagwamjTounoJ Aq apew seM uotgow V suoFgoV ITounoJ
Agsadoid ST94OTN aqg PaITEo
'gaaigS ggg6F3 3N OSZ qe Aiaadoid oq Pagelal dew
buTu0Z aqq buiPuawe a0ueuTPJ0 up ;o buiPPea puooaS TO-co-E6
•paPTOA seM 6ZbTT jagonoA TTojAed 'E661 'Aaenjgad 3o gquow
aqq so; E661 IS 740ZVH pied '4E'986'08S ;o qunowp Tegoq aqq ui
'SLVTI g6noigq bZbII siagwnu iagonoA IToaAed anoidde saoP TTounoJ
aJ9A 8ZEZ Pup LZEZ sjagwnu sagonoA quawAed •Tenosdde Jo; Ti0un00
oq Paggiwqns ale '8L'ZZ9'0ES ;o qunowe aqq aI 'ELEZ gbnoagq
LZEZ sjagwnu iagonoA quawAed 'E661 SI go=ekl 'agep STgq ;o sV
' •TTounoJ og aTgeTienp apew uaaq spy gotgM 6uTgsil
e uo pepiooaa uaaq aneq '060'6Z'Z6 MJH Aq pajTnbai se pai;Tgjaa
swieTo quawasingwiaa asuadxa asogq pup 9080'6Z'Z4 MJH Aq paitnbai
Se uaaz;;o 5UTITpne aqq Aq paTJTIJaa pup pagTpne sjagonoA
93-03-04 Recommendation to approve a rezone request by Warren
Hills from R-M to R-0
City Planner Campbell said the Warren Hills property was located
on 2.3 acres between North Baker and Eleventh Street NE. Mr.
Campbell said currently duplexes and one single family residence
were located on the property. He said the developer hoped to
build four-plexes. Mr. Campbell said the East Wenatchee Planning
Commission recommended approval. The City would need to work
closely with the applicant on safety measures required for a
building permit. The Douglas County Fire District would require
water improvements for a new development.
In response to a question from Councilmember McArthur, City
Attorney Zimmerman said the applicant would be responsible for
the water improvements.
Mr. Campbell read the following from the City of East Wenatchee
Comprehensive Plan and Findings of fact into the record:
The relationship of this upper area to Downtown at
Ninth Street and Baker makes it logical for support
uses such as offices possibly supplemented with small
restaurants and limited commercial (i.e.--print shops,
secretarial services). In addition, as part of a mixed
use project, high density multiple family could be
appropriate along Baker Avenue adjacent to Ninth.
Valley Mall Parkway should be encouraged to develop
with pedestrian oriented retail uses with offices and
apartments above.
Primary access should be from Valley Mall Parkway and
Baker. Strong pedestrian connections along Ninth and
Eleventh should be developed.
Findings of Fact:
1. The Comprehensive Plan of the City recommends
multi -family and office development for this area.
2. The proposed rezone site is on Baker Avenue which
is an arterial.
3. A SEPA determination of non -significance has been
issued for this proposal.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks,
' second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the Warren Hills
rezone application and to adopt the findings of the Planning
Commission as presented. The applicant would be responsible for
water improvements. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0.
- 5 -
•jogeT iaaqunToA ;o uoTgeuTqwoo
e apnTouT dew PUP poT.Tad uoTgonlgsuoa aqq buT.znp
paganpaoo aq TTegs UoTge4a69na)( •ageTjdosdde
se saToads queTd iaggo pup sagsnq Isaaj:t
aATgeu 'siaxiavq ;o uoTgeuTqwoo a buTsn dq agegs
Te3ngeu 1T8g4 oq paaogsas aq TTegs ea-Te aATgTsuas
dTTequawuoaTAua uTg1TM sTTe3g pazTTewio;un buTgsTxg L
•seaJe aATgTsuas dTTequawuOaTAua go aingeu
ageoTTap agq buTgeoTpuT speaq TTesg qe UoTgew.xo;UT
TeuoTgeonpe pup uoTgegabaA ;o quawgstTgeqsaaa
'saaTjjeq addq 3aggo 3o boT apnTouT TTegs sainseaw
uoTgoagojd •saouegjngsTp xoogsaATT/uewnq gsuTe6e
pzenb pup 196euew 'gaagosd oq swsTuegoaw butpnToUT
'aaeo pue aoueTT6TA TUToads glTM pansasaid aq TTegs
UUld easy u6Tsaa auTTa.Togs aqz UTggTM aATgTsuas
dTTequawaOJTAua se pageubTsap pue paT;TquapT seaiy •9
•saoanosaa aqg goagozd og uaKeg sdags ageTadoidde
PUP paT;Tgou uaaq aneq saTgTjoggne aadoad aqg TTqun
paddogs aq gsnw saoinosa3 p93anoosTp aqq qoa;;e
pinoM gegq XJOM TIP 'uoTgon.zgsUoo/buTpeSb bUTjnp
paianoosTp aq saoinosaj TeoTboioaegoae due pinogs S
aoinosai Teangino ;o quawgeazq aqg oq 6uTgeTaz
saToTTod pup suoTgeinbaz agegs quauTq.zad ggTM
6uTdaax UT aq TTegs uoTgon.Tgsuoo pup quewdoTanap
agTs TTe.zano ea:Te gaaload aqq uTggTM sagTs
aoinosas jejngino uMouxun ;o uoTgaago.Td aansua oy t,
•dgTTTgestp jo 'xas 'awoauT
'abe ;o ssaTpsebaj saasn Tie Jog saTgTungioddo
apTAojd oq pagon3gsuoo aq TTegs saTgTTTae; oTTgnd E
•uoTgeoTTdde sTgq ggTM p8MaTA91 sueid
aqq ggTM aouepn000e UT paaoOJd TTegs quawdoTanaa z
'goT3gsTa glleaH seTbnoo-ueTagD aqq Pup s3aauT6ug
;o daoo aqq 'a;TTpTTM ;o quawg3edaa 'saT3974sTg ;o
quawgiedaa aqq 'd6oToog go quealiv daa aqq butpnTauT
suoTgeTnba.z pup sapoo TeooT Pup agegs 'Te39pag
aTgeoTTdde TIP ggTM dTdwoa TTegs Tesodoad sTgy •T
:p.xooa.z aqq so;
qoe; ;o sbUTpuT; pup suoTgTpuoo buTMoTTo; aqq aneb TTagdweo iH
'sgTwti dgTo aqq UTggTM dTTengoe TTelq aqq ;o uoTgiod gegq
' oq dTuo paTTdde dgTD agq a.zo;aq gTwjad eqy 'gUo3;JaATH aagogaUatd
gseg agq jog gTWJad allTIaiogs aqq ;o TEAoidde papuawwooaa
;;egs pue UoTssTwwoD buTuueTd agq pTes TTagdweo iauueTd dgTO
quol;JaATg aagageUaM gseg
JO; gTwsad allTTazogs e anoidde 01 uoTgepUawwooag So-£0-E6
8. Service organizations, clubs and/or other agencies
shall be encouraged to participate in restoring and
enhancing the shoreline areas.
9. Restored areas shall be appropriately marked until
vegetation is reestablished in said areas.
10. Trail access and development shall be designed to
cause as little disturbance as possible to
riparian/wetland areas and those areas identified
as environmentally sensitive and be consistent with
mitigation in the Non -project EIS.
11. Consideration shall be given to equestrian users on
bridges constructed across drainages in order to
prevent bank erosion, depletion of wetland/riparian
area and disturbance of wildlife.
12. Nature trails, wildlife viewing platforms and
benches shall be located where they are least
destructive to environmentally sensitive area.
Said trails and amenities shall be reviewed
on -site, with the Department of Wildlife, Chelan
County PUD, Public Works, and contractor to assure
that damage to sensitive areas is minimal.
13. Nature trail design shall include the following:
a. Nature trails shall be maximum of four feet
wide and improved with bark, hard packed or
gravel surfaces.
b. Nature trails shall be designed to
accommodate the topography, shoreline
configuration, and avoid steep gradients,
cuts and fills. Exiting tress, shrubs,
bushes or other similar vegetation shall be
left in an undisturbed condition.
C. Linear trails shall be avoided within known
bald eagle perch sites.
d. Bicycles, domestic animals, and livestock use
shall be prohibited on nature trails.
Primary use should be for foot traffic only.
e. All lighting of nature trail shall be
f. Bicycle racks shall be made available at each
nature trail head, and barriers erected or
signage be in place to discourage their use.
- 7 -
luawdOlana4 TeTluelsgns auTTaiogS aqq PUP ssaooid
MaTna.z TeguawuoiTnue agl gbnoagi gaaCoid STgl MaTna.T
of 4gTungioddo up ppq aneq uoTloTpsTinC ;o saTouaby s
iagseH auTTa.TogS aqq pue (VKS) god' quawabeueyi
auTTa.zogs aqg ggoq ;o suoTgetnbai pue saTOTTod
'sTeob agels aigeOTTdde TTe sgaaw goaCoad sTgy {,
• quawuoilAug
auTTaiogS Teang a se wezboia SagseW auTTajogs
aagaleuaM gseg ;o AgTO pue Aqunoo seTbno4 aqq UT
pageUbTsap 8JP spueTgaM pageTaosse pue aUTTaaOgs agy E
apTM agegS ;o auTTa.Togs a se paT;TsseTO
GIP spUPIgaM pageToosse TTe pue sanT'd eTgwnToo aqy Z
'19ATg eTgwnToo
aqq buoTe qqed aXTq pue ueTigsaped a spuawwooaa
gotgM ueid anTsuagaadwoO aagogeuaM gseg ;o AITJ
aqq ;O sTeob aqq ggTM gualsTSUoo ST Tesodoid sTgy T
:gop3 ;o s5uTPUT3
•squawaounouue pTq uoigonigsuoo Tie
;o gjed se aTgeTTene appw aq TTegs suOTITPuo4 asagy
goaCojd-uoN aqq glTM quagsTsuoo pue 'a;TiPTTM ;O
guawgiedaQ aqq ggTM pageuipa000 aq TTpgs sainsoTo
TTe.z1 legTgpq aTbeg pieg eATgTsUas goalojd oy
•suoTgTpuoa gITM aoueTTdwoo
a.Tnssp og ATXaaM aoTMq gseaT qv quawdoTanap
tTeag goadsuT iTegs ;;elS bUTuueTd Aquno4
pue AgTO aqq Pup sXioM oTignd uoigonigsuoo buTin4
•auTTaaOgs pue zanTJ aqq ;o asn aTgTsuodsai agowoad
of se os paubTs aq pTnogs Aagy •seingea; 01501095
PUP TegUawuo.Tnua 'Te.zngino anbTun UO qoa;;a
as.Tanpe TeTquegsgns ou aneq 01 sp Os paubTsap aq
TTegs saTgTuawe pue SITPJ4 'saTgTTToe; TeUOTgeaJOajj
•sazngea; TequawuOITnua queg3odwT
oq AgTnTgTsuas aansse oq japio UT pagonpuoo
aq TTegs ;;egS quawgjedaa buTuuPla aagogUUaM gse3
;o AgTO pue seTbnOQ pue quawgiedaa s3lioM oTTgnd
'aO4OezgUOO aql 141TM aouaia;uoo uoilonslsuoo-aid y
'saaTnap leTTwTS zaglo Jo buTOua; glTs 'sw.zaq Xooi
apnTouT Aew spoggayy •seaau abeuTeip of uoTquaggp
TeToads ggTM UOTgonilsuoo bUTinp spaiv pagjngsTp
pue sTTT; 'sgno TTe ianoa of pa3Tnbaa aq TTegs
saOTnap saglo pue bUTpaas 'sainseaw TOJIUOo UOTSOJa
6. A determination of Non -Significance was issued
specific to this proposal on January 14, 1993; with
a fifteen day comment period and in accordance with
WAC 197-11-340 (2) and WAC 197-11-060 (5) (b) phased
review process.
7. The proposed use will be in the public interest and
is compatible with surrounding properties and
orderly development of Douglas County and the City
of East Wenatchee.
8. The design of the trail section within the City of
East Wenatchee has been reviewed by city staff. The
completed project will provide for the protection of
the shoreline from unnecessary disruption and will
ensure permanent structural stability of cuts and
fills associated with the trail alignment.
In response to questions from Council, Mr. Campbell and Douglas
County Planner Jerry Litt said the trail width was still being
studied. The original grant application was for ten foot trail
widths, however, additional studies listed benefits of a twelve
foot trail width.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second
by Councilmember Lacy to adopt the recommendation of the Planning
' Commission to approve a Shoreline Permit for the East Wenatchee
Riverfront. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0.
Councilmember Lacy said he had attended a meeting of the Mayor's
Council on Hispanic Affairs. He said a primary concern of the
Council was whether local educational standards were up to
federal requirements for bilingual students and monolingual
non-English speaking students. He added.a presentation on family
law and dispute resolution among Hispanic families was part of
the presentation.
Councilmember Nash said the Wenatchee Area Visitor and Convention
Bureau Balloon Chase was a success despite not being able to
launch the balloons. She said there was a lot of participation
and everyone complimented the area accommodations and ease of
Mayor Collings said she had attended a meeting of the Wenatchee
Area Transportation Study committee. She said much of the
information was the same as Councilmember Mikow had presented at
' the previous meeting. She added, as a jurisdiction, WATS
recommendations would be voted on later in the year.
NaoTJ ALTO Agndaa
mAaluno •r epvT i
m • d ZV ° S - SN3WN2SnofOV
m•d OV:8 - pauanuooad
m•d ZZ:g - pauanuoD
uoigebTITq - NOISSSS 3AIInO3%3
' •IZ Tizdy seM goaload aqq BUTMaTAGJ .xo; autlpeap aqy •MaTAa3
s,Itounoo jo; elgeliene aq pinoM ueTd quamabeue}i agseM PTIOS
aAisuagajdmoO saTjunoO selbnop-uajagD aqq ;o q;eip AJPUTmilaid
atiq ;o satdoo pies SBUITTOD 3oAe{1 •passnoSTP aaaM ga6pnq
aqq se TTaM se sanSST quaiano •ajjTAJagetj ui buigaali ITounoo
IeUOTBdd agseM PTIOS aqq papuagge peq aqs PteS S6utTIoZ TOAVj•j