HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/16/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 16, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Stuart Campbell, Bob Goodman, Charles Zimmerman, Chet Virnig, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS ' Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, read a letter granting the City of East Wenatchee's membership for 1993. waiving the annual fee. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation of the City of East Wenatchee supporting the 1993 Washington State Special Olympics Winter Games. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Planning Department City Planner Campbell reported on the Resource Conservation and Development Committee. He said the committee was designed to help facilitate such community needs as environmental education, tourism, and transportation. He said Brian Delaney of the Resource Conservation and Development Committee would like to make a presentation to Council. - 1 - r -z- •Tenoadde ao; TTOunOD ' o1 palgtwgns aae 'L6.98£'L£S ;0 qunowe a111 UT 168ZZ gbnoagl ££TZ saagwnu aagonon guawAed '£66T '9T Aaenagaa 'a•yep stgl ;o sy •Ttaunoo of aTgeTtene apew uaaq seq gOTgM 5UT1sTT e uo papaooaa uaaq aneq 'e60.VZ•ZV MO,i Aq pajTnbaj se pat;Tgaao swteTO guawasangwtaa asuadxa asogg Pue '080.6Z•Z6 mo-d Aq P9JTnbaa se saoT;;o buTgTpne aqg Aq pat;Tgl9O pue pagTpne saagonOA sTTTS ;0 UOTgeJ8PTS UOO •Z •£66T 'T Aaenagag 'uotssaS aeTnbag - sagnutH ;o uoTgezapTsuoO •T •0-6 'Pat.zieo uotgow aqy •PagsTT aaaM swage buTmollo; aq1 se pue paguasead se aepaaTeO gUasUoO 841 anoidde o1 gseN aagwawTtonnOO Aq puooes 'MoXTH aagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM UOT10w y 9aotloV Ttouno0 HYQNagvD ZNSSN00 'sTgg aaptsuoo AITO 891 Palsabbns PUP sglptM Ttea1 goo; 9nTaM1 6atpUaww0091 seM a94ltwwo0 Ovi dooZ aqy •aaluaO UotguanUOD aagogeuaM aqg 1e 6 Ttady uo plaq aq pTnoM satlunoo UeboueXo pue 'seTbnoQ •ueTago ao; aouaaa;uoO Aaostnpy Tteay dooZ y •1oe[oad TTea1 aql ao; mat; bUtaaautbua AaeutwtTaad aqg se palOaTas uaaq peq UOgbUTgseM 'AaoeZ ' woa; OUi 'saletoossy PUP uteTaagwegO •S pees UasTo •sW quaoaad ant; aq ATuo pTnoM Ttea1 aq1 10; satuow gueab ;o gogew s,A1tO aq1 pies uasTp sW sMatnaa Teluawuoatnua aO; saUTIBMTq uo bUTXaoM seM TTagdwe0 aauueTd A1tO 'sallaTsMau aagogeUaM lseg ;o A1tO 1Ua0aa aqg ut papnTOut uaaq peq TTeag aq1 bUtpaebaa 1aasUT uy agepdn Tteag a aneb 'aO4eUTP1000 1091oad 'uasTo aa;tuuar Tteay 1uoa;aaATH aagoleuaM 1ses •quawlaedap aotTod TTeq Alta Mau 991 bUtpaebaa suotlsebbns Teaanas apew peq weal uotleltpaaooe-add agl Ptes aH •gOaeN UT lsal Uotgegtpaaooe aql 1onpuoo pTnoM s;aig0 aotTod pue s;;taagS ;o UotgeTOossV uolbutgseM aql woa; weal aagwaw Uanas y •UotgegtpaaoOe aql so; paXaoMaa aq pTnoM wood aouaptna aqg pees aaUUTJd ;atgO •wood aovaptna 8141 seM eaae aTgeuotgsanb ATuo aq1 pue palaTdwoo uaaq peq gsaq uotgeltpaaooe-add y •Uotleltpaazoe quawlaed9a aotTod aqg Uo alepdn UP aneb aaUUTTa ;atgO 1uawlaedaa aOTTOd •aalltwwOO luawdOTanaQ pue uOTlenaasuoO aoanosag aqg at aagoleuaM lseg ;o AlTo aq1 luasaadaa pTnoM TTagdweo 1aen18 butlels aaglaT a puas og sbUTTTOD aoAeW aztaoggne og snsuasuoo Aq paaabe Ttounoo •saeTTOP Al;t; paapunq Oml seM aa; Tenuue ag1 pue dtgsaagwaw butgsanbaa uotlOTPstanC 40ea woa; a911aT a paatnbaa aalltwwoo 9141 pees aqg '81 Aaenuer uo aaaltwwo0 luawdoTanaQ PUP uOtgenaasuoO aaanosad aq1 40 butlaaw a butpUalle aq pTnoM TTagdweO •a{T Pappe sbUTTToO aOAeN ' Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11367 through 11423, in the total amount of $84,678.35, paid February 5, 1993 for the month of January, 1993. PRESENTATION Lee Pardini, Merritt + Pardini, and Dave Schott, DOH Associates, presented plans for the new city hall. Mr. Pardini said the next phase, design and development was scheduled to begin the first week of March. Construction was expected to begin in June, with completion in the spring of 1994. In response to questions from Council, Mr. Pardini described the handicap access to the building and details of the design and development phase. Mr. Pardini asked for Council's authorization to proceed with this next phase and to meet with the North Central Regional Library to review the library's area of the city hall. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to authorize Merritt + Pardini, architects for the new city hall, to proceed with the next phase and to meet with the North Central Regional Library. The motion carried, 4-0. ORDINANCES 93-02-02 Second reading of an ordinance amending the zoning map related to property on Eastmont between 13th and 15th Streets, called the Hale and Sutton property Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance amending the zoning map related to the Hale and Sutton property between 13th and 15th Streets. The motion carried, 4-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE. WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF EASTMONT AVENUE BETWEEN 13TH AND 15TH STREETS, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE HALE AND SUTTON PROPERTY, FROM "R-Mp RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO A "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT" OVERLAY TO THE "R-Mp RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" ZONING AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 93-01-01 Taxicab ordinance and procedure ' City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich requested the Council to extend the taxicab license expiration date to the 31st of March. This would allow legal counsel and staff time to review the ordinance revisions. - 3 - -T, - •snsuesuoo Aq peeibe TTOunoo pansind aq pinogs goa[oid a6eU5ts aqg ;t ITzunoo paXse ' pup ujezu00 ;o Otdog a seM ubts agg 10; UOtgeOOT a ptES SbUTTTOo soAeH •911tAJ8gg M UT t asogg 0-4ieTtwts aagogeuaµ gseg JO; abeubts awoOTaM aptnoid dlag og butlTTm set+, Agunoo selbnoa ;o g,zod aqy *LT TTjdy ao; pelnpagos seM 'pooq.xoggbtaN anoA ut aptid aXey '.Sep do-uealo y •aeOA stgg utebe sassautsnq ease aptsgno paOeTd aq pTnoM saxoq aanoT3 •egae uMoguMop aqg ssnostp og law peg aaggtwwoo aagogeuaM gseg ut aPTId aXVI aqg ptes sbutTToo zoAeH yaodsa S,aoayw •AspunS uo •w•e 0£:L pup AepingeS uo 'w'd 0£'Z pup 'w•E 0£:L 3O3 paTnpegos ajaM sagoune'T •Aoutno og aagogeuaM gseg JanO IaneJ4 pTnoM suOOTTeq aqy •%Jed XSeTo Pup sTMaq woJ; suoolleq aATemq gounel og aaaM sueld pies aaXieg •sW •agepdn up ant6 og 'neazng uotguanuoo Pup JOITSTA ea3y aagogeuaM 'JaXaeg arts pagse aqs •L pue g goasH uo plaq aq pTnOM asego uOOTTeg Tenuuy s,neaang Uotguanuoo pue JOITSTA easy aagogeuaM aqg pees gseN aagwawTTounoo •zagTags Tewtue aqg le 5z Aienigag so; paTnpegos seM butgaaw Tenuue AgatooS auewnH aqy •AgaTooS auewnH aqg ge AJOgewaSa lewtue up pup atuTlo .tagnau pup Beds a io; suETd aae ejagg Ptes aqs •pieog Aiostnpy AgatooS auewnH AeTTeA aagogeuaM aqg zo; Aavjazoas se pageUtwou uaaq peq aqs pees ingglyoH .zagwawTTounoo 'J9AO aXEg SaaumO TTew Mau agg ' Ttgun pToq uo a,taM aagogeuaM gseg ut sagueo sa;sueil Mau a zo; sueld ptes SXOTJPU9H iH •gsobjeT aqg butaq agnoi ggJOMuaAeaq agg tagno.x gsab.zeT puoaas aqg aq og panatguoO 6T agnoa aagogeuaM gseg 'ET go3eW io; palnpagos seM geaigaj Tenuue s,xHiq •6utnutguOO aiaM AITTTDuJ Iepowtglnw pasodosd aqg uo suotssnostp pies aH xKIrl UO pag3odai osTe SXotipuaH jagwawltaunoo •.tawwns stgg MaTAa3 leut; io; Apea2 aq pinoM OVMS Aq g.todai a pappe sXOtlpuaH •Jjj •Agunoo selbnoo woi; iagwaw pieoq a ao; aaggtwwoo Asostnpy agseM PTTOS seTbnoa-ueTago aqg ❑t butuado auo seM a3agg Pees SXotipuaH JH •plat;sueH pue 'getgug 'azawgseo azaM suotgeOOT Jaggo •woa; TOOgOS Ajeguawalg PUeIsI XOOa aqg le w,d S-V wox; LT Itjdy uo Aep uotgOaTIOD agseM snopiezeq 4911 a aq pTnoM aiagg pees aH aaggtwwoo Aiostnpy agseM PTTOS agg uo paliodai sXOTJPU aH .tagwawTTounoo •ansst aqg ssnostp og Agtungioddo up Ttounoo butnOTle wage epuabe up aq pTnogs ansst aqg 'bUTNew UOTSTOap UT paAlonat aaaM sjegwaw aaggtwwoO uagM •agep-og-dn Ttounoo aqg daaX dTaq pTnoM stgg gTa; aqS gguom gsed aqg ianO papuagge peq Aagg sbutgaaw aaggiwwoo snotiEA aqg ;o giodas ;atiq a antb saagwawTTOunoo pagsa6bns sbutTloo .10AeH ssivaan UNy syaodsa ZIoNnoo ' 0-q 'pati.xeo Uotgow aqy '£66T 'T£ gaieH og agep uotge.ztdxa asuaotl geotxEg aqg puegxa og jnggjyOH JagwawTTOunoo Aq puooas 'MoXeH iagwawltounoo Aq apew seM uotgow y :uotgOy Ttounoo L_ 4 r 319 Mayor Collings reported on the Regional Transportation Planning ' Commission. She said Joyce Stewart, City of Chelan, had been elected to chair the committee. The criteria for projects seeking ISTEA funding was discussed. Ms. Collings said she would be serving on the screening committee, representing a city from Douglas County. Mayor Collings said a meeting of the Solid Waste Regional Council consisting of the Chelan and Douglas County Commissioners had been held, however, she did not have the results of that meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Property Convened - 7:45 p.m. Reconvened - 8:25 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 8:30 p.m. Vir nia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -