HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/1/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr M CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmembers Hendricks and Lacy excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Stuart Campbell, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Charles Zimmerman, Chet Virnig, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, reported on fourth quarter for 1992. The Chamber held its Good Morning, East Wenatchee breakfast and Computer Expo in November. In December, a new East Wenatchee visitor's brochure was completed and the annual Twilight Parade and Christmas Lighting in the city park was a success. Among the projects for the Chamber's Take Pride in East Wenatchee committee for 1993 are highway signage and a community clean-up day scheduled in April. In 1993, the Chamber will continue its promotion of the City of East Wenatchee and work on tourism ideas for all of Douglas County. Larry Whiteman, Cascade Loop Association, presented Council with a Washington State Centennial map for display at the new city hall. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Police Chief Flinner gave the monthly report for January 1993. He said the police department had finalized its packet. A pre -accreditation check would be ' February. In March, Chief Flinner and Lieutenant appear before a citizens board in Olympia. In May, will be completed and granted from the Washington Sheriffs and Police Chiefs. accreditation conducted in Harrison would accreditation Association of - 1 - -z- •papTOA seen IOZZ aagwnu aagonoA 1uawAed •Tenoadde 30; TTounoo 01 pallTwgns a.Te '6T'ZTO'TTS ;0 lunowe aq-4 ui 'Z£ZZ gbnojgl ZOZZ ssagwnu aagonon luawAed '£66T IT A.Tenjgea 'alep sTg1 ;o sy 'Tiounoo o1 aTgeTTene apew uaaq seq gOTgM buT1sTT e uo papiooai uaaq aneq '060'6Z'Z6 Moil Aq pa.TTnbei se paT;Tlzao swieTo luawasingwTea esuadxa asogl pue 'OSO'6Z'Z6 Moll Aq pazTnbas se jaoi;;o buTlTpne aq1 Aq pai;Tl3ao pue palTpne saagonoA sTTTS ;o ❑oTIVIePTsuoO •Z £661 '61 Alenaer 'UoTssaS-Tvinbag - salnuTW ;o UOTleiapTsuoo •T •O-£ 'palaav o uoTlow aql •palsTT asap sw91T bUTMoTTO; aql se pue sUoT109aJ oo glTM paluasa.Td se .TepuaTea luasuoo aq1 eAoidde of inglzyoli jagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'MoxTyq zagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTlow V suoilOH Tiounoo Z vaKarivo IMRSNOJ •saTuow luawaouequa ;o AITTTgeTTene aq1 uo xoago pTnoM aq pTes uewpoo0 luapualuTiednS laajgS •buTpun; VaISI .To; palliwgns aq pTnoo 1oaloid luowlseg aql ;T paXse mONTW jagwawTTounoO •uoTlelSodsue.T1 ;o swjo; zaglo buTApnls aq osTe pTnoM aallTwwoo SIVM aql pTes TTagdwe0 zauuela ALTO •VSISi woij aTgeTTene saTuow ;o uoTgjod TTews a ATuo seM buTpun; luawaouequa pTes uasTO •sW •buTpun; VaI SI lsanbai pue saT1TJoiad pue spaau uoTleliodsueil uMo aTagl apToap 01 aTge aq pTnoM saTlTunwwoo pTes aqS •buTpun; fZLSI seM aoua.Ta;uoo 9q1 ;o oTdo1 aqy •aouasa;uoo sailTunwwoa buiAT'T jo; 6UTUueTd UoTlel.Todsueiy aql papualle peq aqs pTes uasTO •sW •S Ajensgag pauado aq TTTM spTq pue aTgeTTene aju slaxoed uoilewjo;ui pegsTlgnd uaaq peq loa[oid TTBJ-4 941 Jo; szaaUTbUa io; suoTleoT;TTenb ;o sluawalels .To; lsanbei agl pTes uasTO J8;Tuuar ioleuTpiooO 1o91OJd loa[OJd TTV11 1UO3;J8ATg eagoleuaM lses •sailnp Toiled zeTnbai siq of uoilTppe ui luawliedaa aoiTod aagoleuaM lse2 aql .To; 10le6Tls9nuT Mau aql aq TTTM bTuJ'A 19g0 1931330 •Awapeoe aaTTod 9g1 palaTdwoo pue jeaA lsed aq1 JO; saoT;;o anTasaT e se paA.zas seq 1s9M 'SW '£661 IT Azenjga3 paglels a}( •luawlzeda0 aaTTod aagoleuam lseg aql UT JaoT;;o Mau aql ST lsalhl wTf F_ RECOMMENDATION 93-02-01 An application for a rezone for John Nickels as recommended by the Planning Commission City Planner Campbell said the application was for a rezone from R-L residential single to R-M residential multiple, had been recommended for approval by the East Wenatchee Planning Commission; with the condition the City receive a ten foot dedication. The rezone would allow the construction of a four unit apartment building at 250 NE Eighth Street. The structure would replace the existing five unit building. Mr. Campbell said utility easements were satisfactory, however his concern was the adequacy of roadways to sustain multi -family traffic flows. He recommended the ten foot dedication for future expansion. Mr. Campbell read the following facts and findings from the Planning Commission: 1. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations of the City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The property is adjacent to a multi -family PUD and adjacent to multi -family zoning in the county. 3. The final development will comply with all provisions of the R-M Zoning District. City Attorney Zimmerman recommended Council approval of the rezone application without the dedication condition. He said legally the City could not require the developer to dedicate the property as a condition for approval. Don Huber, Huber Real Estate, said the developer would be happy to consider the dedication after a site plan was completed. He asked Council for a consideration of the ten foot dedication condition at that time. Councilmember McArthur asked Street Superintendent Goodman if he felt the roadway would be adequate without the ten foot dedication. He said since there would be no increase in traffic, there should not be any problem. Councilmember Mikow said since the surrounding property was zoned residential multiple, it would probably be unlikely anyone would build a single family residence in that area. Rezoning to residential multiple would create a more uniform look. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember McArthur to accept the recommendation of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission excluding the condition for a ten foot dedication and approve the rezone application. The motion carried, 3-0. - 3 - =s aaanseaay/xiaTa AlTo gotaalsap •s eti{l}batA •w•d 66'L - sx3HxxnOfOY •sguawwoo .Sue ggTM sKotapuaH •ay{ goequoo saagwawTtaunoo palsabbns aqs alas doap ao aptsgano taouaaalaad buTTaAoaa s,Altunwwoo aqq aq pTnoM butgaaw DVMS qxau eql le oTdol a pappe sbuTTToo aoAeH '£661 ao; aagwaw aaggtwwoo s,Agtp aqq se anutquoo pTnoM sxotapuaH aagwawTTounop aaggtwwoo aqq uo ageaaagja se aAJas pTnoM aqs pies anglayoH aagwawTtounop antlaluasaadaa ageuaagTe ue lutodde Ttounoa aqq palsanbaa pay aaggtwwop Aaostnpy 91SPM PTToS aqq pees sbutTTop aoAeH S3ZYOdn GKV SIHOd3H ZIJNn00 butppaa gsat; paaa sbuTTTop aoAeH aoueutpao aqq ;o TEAoadde papuawwooaa TTagdwao aauueTd AITO Alaadoad uoggnS pup aTeH aql PaTTeo 'gaaagS 41ST ' pup qq£T uaaMgaq quowzses uo Alaadoad of pageTaa dew butuoz aqq butpuawa 93UPUTPJO up 30 buTpeaa gsat3 ZO-ZO-£6 HONVNIGHO 4v