HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/19/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesl k -I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JANUARY 19, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) IZi]IMR�7:��M� Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Mikow excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Stuart Campbell, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman, Randy Harrison, Chet Virnig, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Code Compliance Department Code Compliance Officer Wiltz presented Council with a year-end report assessing building permits and plan exams. Mr. Wiltz said the total valuation of building permits in 1992 was four million dollars; compared to one and one half million dollars in 1991. Building permits and plans exam fees totaled thirty-seven thousand dollars in 1992. He added new commercial building permits included Walker Furniture, to be located in the Speidel Building. Planning Department City Planner Stuart Campbell reported to Council on his first three weeks in the new position. He said he would pursue the goals listed in the 1993 budget for his department and he looked forward to discussing priorities with Council. Mr. Campbell said he had reviewed the Zoning Code for East Wenatchee and was working with the Douglas County planning staff on inconsistencies within the code and the East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan. He said he was learning city procedures for legal notices, fees, and staff reports, and reviewing his budget as he plans on purchasing a computer. He added he is working on the Riverfront Trail project with Mayor Collings and Jennifer Olsen. Mr. Campbell said he plans to be involved with the RTPO and WATS committees ' and is anxious to meet the city hall architects. - 1 - East Wenatchee Riverfront Trail Project ' Project Coordinator Jennifer Olsen presented Council with a trail update. She said she had been working with Mayor Collings and City Attorney Sparks on the boundary lease agreements with the Department of Transportation and Four Seasons Inn. She expected to receive authorization from the Department of Transportation to proceed within the next two weeks and the next step would be to request qualifications for engineers. Ms. Olsen said City Planner Campbell was doing an environmental review and SEPA checklist for the project. Ms. Olsen said the City's legal counsel had written a contract for the City of East Wenatchee and JAO Project Coordination. Legal counsel recommended Ms. Olsen acquire liability insurance. Council decided as long as the contract contained a hold harmless clause, liability insurance did not have to be a part of the contract. Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman reviewed the letter from the Department of Transportation regarding the traffic study on the intersection at Ninth and Eastmont. He said left turn lanes would be included in the paving work planned for the intersection this summer. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 4-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, January 4, 1992. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, January 19, 1993, payment voucher numbers 2130 through 2166, in the amount of $11,026.12. are submitted to Council for approval as 1992 payables. Payment voucher numbers 2167 through 2199, in the amount of $20,385.57, are submitted to Council for approval as 1993 payables. Voucher number 2142 was voided. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11311 through 11350, in the total amount of $75,846.50, paid January 5, 1993 for the month of December, 1992. Voucher numbers 11327, 11328, 11329, 11341, and 11350 were voided. - 2 - - E - •paiTsap os zanTzp aqq ssaTun sameu azTnbaz qou pTnoM pue papuame uaaq peq sassazppe ,szaATap bUTpzebaz UoTJOas aqq pTes 4oT911s90 zaznseazy/xzaTO AgTO •Tasunoo TebaT Aq Matnaz zo; buTgTzM UT sguammoo sTg gTmgns uosxoer zH pagsabbns aH aoueuTpzo pasodozd aqq 5uT43e3p pue buTgozeasaz auop TTaM qo[ a zo; goTasgsaO zaznseazy/xzaTO Alto paquamTTdmoo uemzammTZ hauzoggv dgTO •Tasunoo TebaT s,dgTO aqg pue gozeasag TedToTunH ggoq dq paMaTnaz uaaq peq aoueuTpzo pasodozd aqg pTes sbuTTToO aOAeH •aaueuTpzo geoTxeg aqq ssed oq uoTgom sTq M83pggTM Aoeq zagmamU ounoO •zanTzp aqg ;o zagmnu auogd pue ssazppe amoq aqq deTdsTp pTnoM asuaoTT s,zanTzp geoTXeq aqq goU zo zaggagM seM gu9TT3 sTq ggTM ansst SoCem a pTes aH 1 •szagam geatxeq ;o uoTgoadsuT zo; guamgzedao aoTTod agq uo gas aq pTnogs gTmTT amTq a pTes uosxoer •zH •squamazTnbaz ssaooid anp agegs pageTotn ATgtssod pue oTgsTTeaz IOU sum asuaoTT a ;o Tetuap aqq Teadde oq sassauTsnq geoTxeg zo; amez; amTq dep OAT; aqg pTes uosxoer zW •aaueuTpzo geoTxeg pasodozd aqg buTpzebaz suzaouoo passazppe 'qe0 Asagznoo Jog AaUZOgge 'uosxoer aor •aznpaooid buTsuaoTT geotxeq Mau e buTquamaTdmT aaueuTpzo aqg ssed og znggzYoW zagmamTTounoO dq puooas 'doez zagmamTTounoO dq apem sum uoTgom Y tuOTIDY TTounoO •panomaz aq wjagam a gnoggTM„ spzoM aqq pagsabbns Aoeq •zH •zagam a uo pageTnoTeo azaM saa; agq qou zo zaggaqM ;o ssaTpzebaz aouenpe uT Aed oq AITTTge ;o ;oozd gsanbaz og ggbT3 aqg aneq pTnogs szanTaP TIE gTa; aH •zeaTo qou TTTgs seM aouenpe UT sea; ;o uotgoaTToo aqq buTpzebaz aaueuTpzo aqq ;0 OSO.91'S uoTgoaS gTa; aq pTes doe? zagmamUounoO •uoTssTmmoO uoTgegzodsuezy satgTTTqn uogbuTgseN aqq le quamdojdma sTq ggTM gsazaquT ;o gaTT;uoo a oq anp buTgon moz; UTegsge pTnoM aq TTounoO papuTmaz sxoTzpuaH zagmamTTounoO •buTgaam TTounoo gseT aqq qe pagsanbaz sabuego aqq goaT;az og papuame uaaq peg aaueuTpzo aqq pTes sbuTTToO zoAeH 1 aznpaoozd buTsuaoTT geoTxeg Mau a bUTquamaTdmT aaueuTpzo ue ;o bUTpeaz PU009S TO-TO-£6 S3ONYNIQdO 91 r Margaret Armann, Woody's City Cab, asked why licenses had to posted in the taxicab. She said many of her drivers had complained about the fee increase and December was the busiest ' time of year. She requested the licensing procedure be changed to another time of year. City Attorney Zimmerman said the posting of licenses in the taxicabs was a safety precaution for passengers. City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the fee increase from five dollars to twenty-five dollars placed more responsibility on the taxicab drivers and barely covered the expenses incurred in the licensing process. Ms. Oestreich said if the ordinance was not passed another extension of the current taxicab licenses would be necessary. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to extend the current taxicab licenses to February 28 and to direct the City's legal counsel to review and revise the proposed ordinance. The motioned carried, 4-0. 93-01-02 Second reading of an ordinance confirming the creation of the East Wenatchee Police Department Mayor Collings read second reading. ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to pass the ordinance confirming the creation of the East Wenatchee Police Department as presented. The motion carried, 4-0. ORDINANCE 92-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON CONFIRMING THE CREATION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE. CABARET LICENSE 93-01-06 Cabaret license application for Sebastian's Restaurant City Attorney Zimmerman read the cabaret licensing procedure from the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Mr. Zimmerman said if the cabaret license application for Sebastian's was denied, he would suggest a Special Council meeting be held for the appeal process. Councilmember Lacy said there was no reason to deny the cabaret license based on the criteria in the City's municipal code. He said the criteria was good moral character of the applicant and ' standards of public safety and welfare. - 4 - r -s- n 1 •pagsanbai se Odyg aql oq aalgal e puas 01 sbutTloO 3OAEH azTJoggne of snsuasuoo Aq pa8i5e TtounoO 'Odla aql ;o lavd aq oq paquEM Tlt1s AITO aqq legg buipnlOut 'ianaMoq 'sulBOuoO sag 5ututeldxa Odyg aql og aallat a puas oq uotsstmzad s,lTzunoO pagsanbai aqS •sMel-dq aqq ggSM usaovoO amos seM aiagl pies aqS -Odla AlunoO seTbnoO/ueTagO aql ;o butlaam a papuagle peg aqs pies sbuTTloO iodpH lHodzu S,HOAYH 'aOtgou sdep ❑aq uantb aq pZnoM zauMo ssautsnq aqq 'dzessaoau sEM butipaq sleadde us ;I •d=enuer ;o pue aqq aao;aq aqep aqq ;o pat;tgou aq pZnoM .zauMo ssautsnq agy 'bUTlaaw ItaunoO TetoedS a of snsuasuoo Aq paaibp ITounoO •paitsap os guvDTTdde aqg ;t 'pajnpagas aq pjnoo buTaeaq sjeadde us 'amtq gegg qE patuap seM UOFgeoTtdde aql ;I 'ansST aqq uo 940A aaggoue io; guasaad aq pZnoM szagmamTTounoO TIE amtl gOTgm Is 'pajnpagas aq builaam TTounoO IRToadS a pagsabbns aH •asuaOtj 3o aslgOuez; a panTOnut gOTgM agon atg a Xeeaq qou pinoO 3OARK aqq ptEs uewsammTZ A9uaOIIV A4TO '(g3EN 'SXOtiPuaH) Z-z 'patg uotgom agy •qupanpgsau s,uetgsegaS so; uoilsoStdde asuaOTT gaapgEO aqq anoidde of Aopq SagmawTTounoO Aq puooas 'sXoTjpuaH aagmawTTounoO Aq apem sEM uOtgom V =uotgOY U ounoO •queinegsai aql is smaTgoid butgstxa punodmoo pjnoo asuaotl gaiegez aqg gTa; gspH 3agmawTTounoO •smalgoid aqq goa33oo of AITITgTsuodsai s,iauteo ssautsnq aqq aq pTnogs IT pup 'suoalEd lou 'saadoldma panTonut laodai aqq uT sguteldmoo aqq ;o Isom pies ingg3YoH sagmamTTounoO 'OTsnm aATT aqq mOi; mals you pip s,uetgsegaS 1e butgstxa smajgoid aqq pup paiabuepua lou axaM ase;Tam pup AIa;es otlgnd !uoigeoiTddp asueotl gaiegeo aqq buTAuap 3o; spunoib qou a3aM smagt asaqq qla; inggjVzH pup Joel s39gw8wTTounoo •queznegsaa aqq og ajdoad ;o PmOaO Jab3eT a m9aP OTsnm antT aqg asneoaq iogOE; E SEM asuaOtT gazegeo aql pees iauuTTg -IN •squamgstlgpqsa 3ETTmTs uEgl sTjeO qutpjdmoo atom se gons s3oloe; Auem uo pasEq seM aOtleOtjdde asuaoTl ga3egeo aql duap of uotgepu9mmo093 stq pTes i9uutl3 ;atgO '3nggjvOH pup dOe'I saagmawjtOunoO mo3; suotgsanb oq asuodsai ui •(jngg3YoH 'dae7) Z-Z 'Pall uotgom aqy •qup3nelsad s,uetgsegaS jog uotgeatTddp asuaOTT gajegvo agg duap og gseN jagmamTTounoO Aq puooas 'sXOtzpuaH aagwamjtounoO Aq apem seM uotlOM V 'vOt1OY jtounoO r S-- EXECUTIVE SESSION - Negotiations - Property Convened - 8:07 p.m. Reconvened - 8.31 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 8:32 p.m. Vird4nia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer 1 - 6 -