HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING NOVEMBER 15, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings. Councilmembers McArthur and Lacy excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber Director, said the Chamber was working on improving the image of East Wenatchee. The Chamber would recognize any business that had improved it's appearance or had accomplished something to enhance East ' Wenatchee. A certificate of recognition, which would include the mayor's signature, would be presented to the business. Council agreed by consensus. DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Hall Update Nick Wiltz, Code Compliance Officer, gave an update on the status of the city hall construction. He said the footings were being prepared, the preparation of the property was near completion and getting water to the area was next. Planning Department City Planner Campbell reviewed the funding status of the 9th Street project. He explained the Transportation Improvement Board's matching funds and said May could be a possible bid date. Council discussed the funding options, how the project would progress, the increase in the cost of the project and phasing of the project. Concern was expressed as to the increase of the project cost compared to the grant monies awarded. Mr. Campbell informed Council there could be additional monies available for the next phasing and the city should make this a priority for ' 1994. - 1 - - Z - •PapTOA azaM 6T6TT PUP '988IT-688TT '088TT-8L8TT 'L98TT szagwnu qupiJ eM TTO-TAed '£66T '=agogoO 3o 4,4UOw aq-4 zo; £66T 'S sagwanoN Pled S£'Z09'LLS 3o gunowe Tegoq aqq uT '0£6TT gbno,z41 999TT s.Tagwnu .Ta4onOA TTozApd anosdds saop TTounoo 'IeAoaddp jo; ITounoO og paggTwgns eiv 'ZL'0£9'TTTS 90 qunowe aqq uT '6TTZ 46noigq £90£ sxagwnu .Ta4onOA quawAed '£66T 'ST sagwanoN 'agep STgg ;o sV •ITounoo og algeTTene apew uaaq seq gDlgM buTISTI e uo pepzooaa uaaq aneq '060,VZ,ZV 14OU Aq PaaTnba,T se paT;TIJaO swTplo guawasTngwTax asuadxa asoqq pup '080'6Z'Z6 140H Aq pazTnbas se saoT;;o bUTgTpne aqq Aq paT;Tg1aO pup pa4Tpnp siagonoA STTTS 3o UOT'4pJapTsUOD •Z £66T 'T zagwanoN 'uoTssas aeTnbag - sagnuTH ;O UOTge.zaPTsUOD T '0-£ 'ATsnowTupun paTijeo U01g0w aqy •pagsTT a.TaM swagT BUTMOTIO; a4q se pup 'paquasazd se sepUaTeD qu9sUO3 aqq anosdde og gseN .TagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sxoTzPuaH zagwawTTOunoO Aq apew spM uoTgow V :UOTgoV TTounoo HVQNS'TVo SNRSNOJ '£66T 19 .Tagwaoa0 uo agppdn up aATaoal PTnOM TTounoO pup goaCosd ITeal aqq UO PaMaTAas buTaq aiaM slTegap TeOTUgOaq pees sbuTTIOD TOAeH •squawaAOJdwT asagg uo AgTo aqq ggTM bUINIOM UT aATgdaoai qou seM Aqunoo aqs •saTITITgn Pup gged aToAoTq a 'saueT aa.z4g apnTOUT og 'anuaAV quowgsps ;o buTuapTM uo UOTgeMJOJUT buTTTdwoo seM a4 pies Uewpoog •TH 0-£ 'ATsnowTupun paT.Tzeo uoTgow aqy 'bb6'6ZTS ;o qunowe aqq UT goaCoid uoigpzTjpubTS gaazgs qq9 pup 4qS aqq To; OTzgoaTs 4STTPUPDON og PTq aqq PSeMe Og sxoTJpuaH aagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'MoNTH zagwawTTounoo Aq apew spM uoTgow V :uOTIOV TTounoo • ILWJOU oq pau.Tn-49a Pe4 oT;;e.Tq -TOCpw PUP SAepTlog a41 Jaq;e 'Azen-Tga3 uT paglegs aq pinoM goelosd aqq !Pup oTgsTTeaz aq PTnoM goaCojd aqq ;o g.Ted Aue buTgaTap Taa; qou pTp eq pTes upwpoo0 •1H •sgsoo TeuOlgTppe PazTTeaJ UOTgonjgsuoo Mau oq paiedwoo se UOTgezTIPUbTS a4g go UoTgonjgsuooas ;o AguTegiaoun ags •sappTq Mol seM 4STIPUpJoH '000'001S uaaq peq agewTgsa s,TaauTbua aqq ybnoggle It, W VZTS qe OTzgoalS gSTlpueOOH oq pTq aqq go pipMp buTpuawwooas asaM SjaauT6ue AgTO aqy •goaCoid UoTgeZTTeubTS gaalgs 419 pup qgS aq-4 .To; pauado uaaq peq spTq pies uewpoo0 gUapuaguTJadns aoUeUagUTeH gaazgs ORDINANCE 93-11-01 Second reading of an ordinance levying the general ' property taxes for East Wenatchee for 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the ordinance levying property taxes for East Wenatchee for 1994. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1994, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 93-11-02 Second reading of an ordinance fixing salaries for East Wenatchee employees for 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the ordinance setting ' salaries for East Wenatchee employees for 1994. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 92-16 AND FIXING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DURING THE YEAR 1994. 93-11-03 Second reading of an ordinance adopting the 1994 budget for East Wenatchee City Clerk/Treasurer noted one change in the budget ordinance. The estimated revenues increased due to an additional amount of $16,750 being added to the estimated property taxes. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the ordinance adopting the budget for East Wenatchee 1994. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENDING JANUARY 1, 1994, AND APPROVING AN ORDINANCE SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION. - 3 - -v- 'IVRNVH SHSSHSH HHS,LIHHOO AHOSIAOV alSVM QIgOS d,LNnOJ SV'IOnoQ SH,L ONIZd00V 'NO,LONIHSVM ' HSHO,LVNSM ,LSVS 30 ASIO SHZ 30 NOI,Ln'IOSH2i V ET-E6 'ON NOISn'IOSad '0-E 'ATsnowtueun paTlIeo uoTgow aqy •TenueH szagwaH agseM pTToS aqq ;o TeAo3dde 6uTgdope uoignTosa3 aqq anoidde og sxotipuaH :ragwawTiouno0 Aq puooas 'gseN .TagwawTzouno0 Aq apew seM uolgow V :uOTIOV Tiouno0 •paX00IJan0 uaaq peq ianaMoq 'uotgnTosai Aq auop uaaq aneq pinogs qt 'Tenuew aqg pagdope TTounoO aqg uagM pies s6UTTT0O aOAeH TenueH sjagwaH aaggcwwoo AJOSTApV agseM piToS aqg butgdope uoignTosaz V LO-TT-E6 NOI,LngOSSU buTpeai gs.Tz; peat sbUTTToo zoAeH „•Teiigsnpul asnogajeM„ gdaoxa sgoTagsip buTUOZ TIP apnTout og apo0 TedToTunH aagogeuaM gses aqg ;o 080'9T'ZT uoigoaS spuawe aoueuipjo aqq pies TTagdwe0 JauueTd AlTD g3iigsi0 AgTTTgn Teioiawwoo aqg BUT p.zebaz apo0 TedToTunH aagogeuaM gses aqg buipuawe aoaeuipio ue ;o 6uipeax gs.xi3 90-TT-E6 ispil`• llwAFmiyelcapicl NV ONIJ.,LSS QNV HSLS.LS HOIAUS 'IIAIO S,.I,LIO SH,L HSONn lNHHLdVdSQ SOIrMd HHJ, NI SHSAO'IdHS OIVd 'Tina NIvjuao HQn'IONI 01 HOOJ 'IVdIOINnH HHHOLVNHM SSVH SHI 30 OZ'£ 'dgldVHO ONIONSHV 4N0,19NIHSVM 'SSHO,LVNSM ISVS 30 AZIO SHI 30 HJNVNIG'dO NV 9T-E6 'ON SONVNIGHO 0-£ 'Aisnowiueun p9TaJPo uotgow aqy •aDTAzaS ITAID og buzgeTai apo0 TedToTunH aagogeuaM gsua aqg ;o OZ,E iagdeg0 butpuawe aoueutp.To aqq anoidde oq sxotipuaH sagwawITouno0 Aq puooas 'MoxtH jagwamITouno0 Aq apew sum uoTgow V :uoigoV ITouno0 siaot;;o pauoissiwwoo-uou apnTauz og aoueuipzo aDTAsaS TTAT3 aqg 6uTSTAa3 aoueuipJO ue ;0 6utpeaz puoaaS SO-TT-E6 r COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Hendricks gave a comprehensive report on LINK. He noted some of the details of the budget for 1994, adding LINK was looking for a different location besides the mall for an East Wenatchee transfer station. Councilmember Mikow said he had met with Brian Maydole, Douglas County Commissioner and was requesting a joint meeting with the city and county to bring critical issues under discussion. Some of the issues mentioned were the SR 28 traffic, stormwater, juvenile detention and the Eastmont district. Councilmember Nash said a workshop to formulate common goals could be very productive. Councilmember Mikow asked for direction from Council on this idea. Councilmember Hendricks recommended this be handled through Mayor Collings office. Mayor Collings agreed to contact Commissioner Maydole. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings read a letter from Duane Hevly, Planning ' Commission. He thanked the Council, Mayor and staff for their cooperation and professionalism, a job well done. Mayor Collings announced the Twilight Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting as December 3, 1993. She asked Council to consider giving the Chamber of Commerce one thousand dollars toward advertising for the project. She said the Chamber had a limited budget for the project this year and Stadium Funds could be used for advertising for the event. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve up to one thousand dollars for the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce for advertising of the Twilight Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0. ADJOURNMENT - 7:30 P.M. Virgiifia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -