HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/4/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING OCTOBER 4, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman, Gil Sparks, Ray Yarnell, Nancy Lynn, Jim West. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Collings called a fifteen minute executive session regarding negotiations. Convened - 6:35 p.m. Council reconvened 6:52 p.m. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation declaring October as Crime Prevention Month in East Wenatchee. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Chief Flinner reported on the Criminal Justice funding process. He noted some grant monies may be available for the DARE program or the Block Watch program. Chief Flinner asked Council's consideration of contracting with the Chelan County Jail on a percentage partner basis rather than paying on a per prisoner basis. He said the cost would change annually, however, the overall cost appears to be less that the way we are paying now. Councilmember Lacy asked Chief Flinner to gather information regarding the jail's future growth and work release plans. Chief Flinner said the department planned to award citizens for good driving. Chief Flinner and Tom Robbins, Washington State Patrol, presented awards to Officers Yarnell and West, and Patrolman Chowning for service above and beyond the call of duty. - 1 - - Z - •sassauisnq TeooT aqq Jo; 6uF3[Jed Jo; paau aqq pup :AgJadoid aqq snTdins Jo TTas oq upTd s,AlTo aqq agoT buTXJEd pauMo A4To aqq butpJpbaJ TTounoo oq aXods 'sassauisnq uMoquMop aagogeuaM gseg 6uTquasaJdaJ 'JJpg upa NOIZVZNSSSHd •ssaooad gabpng aagogeuaM gseg aqq 6UTjnp paJapisuoo aq 1TTM 6uTpun; Jo; sgsenbaH 0001ST npaang UOTIUanuo0 pup JOITstb 00066 dool appose0 agy 00888ZS aoiammoo ;o Jagmpgo aagaqeuaM gseg °5661 Jo; spun; xey TagoN/TagoH Jo; SUOTg22FUE5J0 BUTMOTTO; aqq Aq apem aJaM suoigequasaid SZSHOaH Z30Qng ONnd NnIUVIS •papFon seM 656Z Jagmnu JagonOA •Tpnoiddp Jo; TiounoO oq paggtmgns Pap '0£'0T6'Z6S ;o qunowE aqq uT '086Z g6nozgg ZS6Z sJagwnu Jagonon quawALd '£661 'S JagogoO 'agep szgg ;o sy •TFounoo oq aTgpTTenp apew uaaq spq goTgM 6utgsTl e uo pepJooaJ uaaq aneg '060'6Z'ZT, MOH Aq pazinbaJ se pat;TgJao smTETo quamasJngmTaJ asuadxa asoqq pup 4080'SZ'Zb MOH Aq paaTnbaJ se JaoF;;o buTITpne aqq Aq pai;igJao pup pagtpne siagonop SITTG ;o uotgeJaPTSUOD •Z £66T '0Z 'gdaS 'UOTSSaS JeTnbaH - sagnuTH ;o uotgeJapTsuoO •T '0-S 'ATsnomTueun pazJJeo uoTgow aqy •pagsTT aJaM smagt butMoTTo; aqq se pup 'paquasaid se Jppuelpo quasuo0 aqq anoidde oq gseN JagmamTTounoo Aq puooas 'sXoTJpuaH JagwamTTounoo Aq apem sPm uoTgow y iuOTgoy TFounoo HYQNagvo IN3SNOO •6uipuaggE aq pTnoM ag dogsNaoM gupJb quamdOTanao Agtunwwoo 3o quamlaudea e pup ST JagweAON ganbupq o pup off aqq paounouup osTE aH .'uMoquMoa JnoL buigeJgaTaO„ butpJebaJ ZT Jagogoo uo dogsXJoM a buTpuaggp aq pTnoM aq pies TTagdmpo 'JN •UOTITsod agg pagdaooe pEg aH 'xNIZ Jo; 9aggtmwo0 AJostnpy Teoiugoay e uo anJas oq paXse uaaq ppg aq pTes TTagdwuo JauueTd AgTO guamgiedao buiuupTd •qaw uaaq pEq squawautnbai autTpeap TTVJq aqq Jag pastnpe pEq 'JogeutpJ000 goaCoJd 'aasTO Ja;Tuuar pies SBUTTToO JoAeH agEpdp TTPJI x The City Council had given the business owners a ninety day stay on a decision regarding sale of the property. ' The following business owners spoke to Council asking for consideration of keeping the parking lot for business and customers: Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Tami Fitzpatrick, Enhance East Wenatchee Delores Palmer, Class A Surplus Brad Wachtel, Wachtel Brothers Fine Jewelry Dan Jursnick, Jursnick Printing Virginia McKee, McKee Hobbies Eastside Arcade manager Jolly Seyster, property owner of Irish TV Lou Simmonds, Minn's Tavern and 5 T's Restaurant Duke Testall, Hugo's Tavern Cecil Helm, Garlini's Restaurant Discussion followed regarding liability, grant monies possibly being available for planning, how the city needs to determine sale or surplusing of the property, how the city can help the business owners keep the property as a parking lot, and how the business owners can purchase and own the parking lot as a group or corporation. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to allow City Planner Campbell to work with the Downtown Revitalization Committee in applying for grant funding for planning and solution. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to table a decision on sale of the parking lot for thirty days (November 1) to allow more time for the grant application process. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE 93-10-01 First reading of an ordinance establishing a Community Police Advisory Board Mayor Collings read first reading. Councilmember Mikow said Section 2.40.050, number 4 should not be part of the ordinance. Also, Attorney Zimmerman said the residence requirement needed to be changed. The ordinance will be corrected before second reading. 93-09-06 Second reading of an ordinance amending the official zoning map regarding property known as the Eggers property Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the zoning map change for the Eggers property. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. - 3 - -v- ' 'Z66T 30 .LOV NOILI.L3dHOJ uNV NOI,L33S0Hd HaRfISNOJ NOISIA3'I3.L 3'I9V3 3H.L 01 LNVIISKnd NOISSIHHOJ SNOIlVJINnHHOJ 'IV2i3u33 9HS HZIM NOISVJIailu 3J NZIIIHM V 33HDIVN3M SSV3 30 ASIJ 3HL 30 3'IVH38 NO 3'II3 OS UOAVH 3H.L ONIZIUGHInV 'NO.LONIHSVM 433HJ,LVN3M ISV3 30 A.LIJ 3H.L 30 'IIJNnOJ ALIJ 3HS 30 NOIln'IOS32i V ZT-£6 'ON NOISn'IOS321 •(SXDTJpuaH) 'I -v paT3Jeo UOTgom aqy uoTgoagoid .zamnsuoJ uoTsTAalas algeJ og guensind JJ3 aqg ggTn uOtgeOT;Tgiao e aIT; og JOAem aqg 5uTzT3oggne uoTgnTOsai aqg anoidde og Aoe7 xagmamlTounoJ Aq puooes 'noKTH 3agmamlTounoO Aq apem sen uoTgow V suoTgoV TTounoO •uoTge0T3Tg3a0 pue TOJIuoo agei algeo buTpzebai uoTgnlosaa V Z0-0I-£6 'AJI'IOd .LN3HssvuvH 'IVnx3S V ONI.LdOOV 'NObONIHSVM '33HJSVN3M ISV3 30 AIIJ 3HL 30 7IJNnOJ AIIJ 3HS d0 NOIIn'IOS32i V IT-£6 'ON NOI.Ln'IOSSd '0-S 'ATsnowTueun paTaieo uoTgow al •aay0geuaM gse3 go 6gTJ aqg so; KOTIOd auamsseseH IenxaS e gdope pue uoTgnTosai aqg anoidde og sxoTipuaH iagwamlTounoJ Aq puooes lAoe7 iagwawlTounoJ Aq apew sen uoTgow V =uoTgoV ITounoO AoTlod guawsseseH IenxaS aagogeuaM gse3 ue 5uTgdopL uOTgnlosai V ZO-OT-£6 NOI.Ln70S31i •algTg aqg se Ilan se AgTioggne buTsnoq aqg go ease aoTAias aqg buTbuego ;o uoTguaguT aqg og anp aoTgou .zagging ITgun palgey AgTioggnV buTsn0H aagogeuaM aqg buTpiebaz IeooliaguT pue u0Tgnlosaz 'uoTssnosTu 50-80-£6 NOI.Ln'IOS3Ii amy 'IVJO'IN3SNI 'SIVu 3AIS03333 NV ONIHSI'I9VIS3 uNV ,LOIHISIU gVIZN3uISSS .,H--d" V oil LDIUISIG 'IVI.LN3uIS32I ,.Z-H., HOII3 AIIJ 3H,L NIHIIM 3N ISSU,LS HIET 30 HIHON uNV (8Z-HS) AVMHDIH 13SNIIS uNV 3JV2HSI 2IOSHV 'ON N33MS3H ONI38 SV u38IHDS3u ArVIVEaN3O AlUSdOSd 'IVS'd NIVIHaD NO NOIIVNOIS3u ONINOZ 3H,L 3ONVHJ OS A.LIJ 3HS 30 . dVH ONINOZ ZVIJI330 SH,L 5NION3HV 'NO.LONIHSVM '33HJIVNHM SSV3 30 AIIJ 3HJ, 30 'IIJNnOJ A.LIJ 3H.L 30 3JNVNIu2I0 NV ZT-£6 'ON 3JNVNIOUO COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Hendricks gave a report on the LINK workshops, adding they were very productive. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings asked Council for support in attending the Business Journal Expo on October 13 and 14. Mayor Collings said information regarding Initiative 601 and 602 were available from her office. Mayor Collings said she needed authorization from Council to proceed with the PUD franchise negotiations. The franchise expired November 19, 1993. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to proceed with the request. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Collings said the city had been asked to support the concept of a van for Disabled American Veterans, and their program, "Stand Up for Americans". A letter will be presented showing Council support. Mayor Collings said she had a contract from the attorney's, which had been reviewed by Nick Wiltz and herself, regarding Mr. Wiltz doing the inspection on the city hall project. Council asked to review copies of the contract, as well as Mr. Wiltz original contract, before making any decision. ADJOURNMENT - 9:38 P.M. Virgina E. Oestreich City C'erk/Treasurer - 5 -