HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/20/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI ' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Nick Wiltz, Chuck Zimmerman, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Jerry Litt, Douglas County Planner, gave a growth management ' update. Mr. Litt said the present population of Douglas County was twenty-eight thousand nine hundred. He said the population was twelve thousand in 1950 and the anticipated population by 2010 was thirty-seven thousand. This was a twenty-seven percent increase in growth. However, he said, the East Wenatchee city limits had experienced a forty-two percent growth rate in the last ten years. Mr. Litt said East Wenatchee's land use situation was unique because of the amount of green areas versus residential areas. If the City wanted to protect existing orchards, it would be necessary to purchase development rights. He said someday the area's orchards would disappear. Mr. Litt said the planning department had been working on a land use survey. He said a parcel list of Douglas County properties was near completion and the County had adopted a zoning ordinance requiring a minimum lot size. The County already met the criteria set by the state legislature for growth management. A growth management ordinance would be drafted and reviewed for passage in January 1994. Mr. Litt said the regional growth management council was beginning a study of essential public facilities. He said the council was considering contracting services for the study of a - 1 - - Z - '8Z-HS oluo 1a931S gluTN woz; aueT uinl 1;91 aql 6uTpJV bas MONTH jagwawTTounoo g1TM laaw pTnoM ag pTes upwp000 •aH 'MONTH jagwawTTounoo woz; suoTlsanb of asuodsaj u= •0-S 'ATsnowTueun paTilPo uoTlow aqy •Oui 'buTned pup buTNonil TTa10ITH 01 loaCold AeTiano laallS gluaal3Tgl aql p3eMe pup s1pTTop 1g5Ta-Alg6T9 pazpunq anT; puesnogl Aluamq ;o lunowp aql UT pTq aq1 ldaooe of gspN aagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sNoxjpuay jagwawTTOunoo Aq appw seM uoTlow y :uOT-40V TTounoo ,pTq Mot sTg1 buTldaoop papuawwooaz szaauTbua A1To agy oui '6uTned pue buTNonij TTagOITH Aq pallTwgns SJPjj op 1gbTa-Alg5Ta paipung anT; puesnogl AluaM1 seM pTq Mot aqy '1oeCosd AeTJano laa31S gluaal3Tgl aq1 jog panTaoa.T uaaq ppq spTq eajg1 pTes uewpoOo luapualuTjadnS laazlS luawljedaa 1aai1S •sauTTpeap uoTlonjgsuoo uTg1TM palaTdwoo aq TTT1s pue buTjds AT.Tea JO TTe; aleT uT pTq aq pTnoo 1oaCoid aq1 pips uoTlel.zodsupzy ;o luawliedaa aqy •TTezl aql JO; laA se aTnpagos uoTlonilsuoo oT;Toads a lou seM aJegl pTes uasTO •sW 'luawaaibe aseaT aql buTisanbai uoT1p1=odsupal go luawljedaa aq1 01 JallaT a luas peq s6uTTToo JOAPH pTes aqS •pazTTeuT3 aq of ppq TTT1s uoT1e1=odsuejy go 1ua1Ulzedaa aql 741TM luawaazbe aseaT a pTes uasTO sW •anssT sTgl buTgoipasai aq pTnoM ;;e1S Alzadoid A1To ;o asn aql ao; suoseas ano3 g1TM luawaai6e suoTlpzado pue aoueualuTew p aneq lou pTp A1To a741 pTes uaS10 •sH •pauTelgo uaaq ppq dlladosd aql 01 aT1Tl aql aOuo AeM-;o-1gbT3 aql A3TlaaO-a-T of Ailessaoau aq pTnoM 1T pTps aqg •luawu.Tano6 Teiapa; aql UIOJ; p9nT90a3 Tenoidde Tpgian Pup uoTlelzodsupzy ;o luawliedaa aq-1 Aq paT;T1=ao uaeq peg AeM-go-1gbTj aql pTes aqs law aq pTnoM saTuow lupib TTP31 aql JO; auTTpeap 0£ jagwaldaS agl pTes 'ioleuTpiOoo loaCo.Td 'uasTo is;Tuuar alppda TTPJI 1u03;sanTH sZHod3H imaHZHHd3a *lop luawabpupw glMozb aql ;o uoTleluawaTdwT zo; luawaazbe TpooTJaluT up 1e buTNOOT aq pTnOm TTounoo luawabeupw g1Mo.x6 TeuOTbaJ agl pappe aH •suOlsTOap Aue appw SIVM aaO;aq sbuTseaq OTTgnd aq pTnon aiagl pTps 11Tri 'jH 'MONTH zagwawTTounoo woz; uoTisanb a of asuodsaz uI •Apn1S uoTleljodsupsy Paiv aagoleuaM aq1 Aq pazano0 6uTaq seM luawaTa uoTlelzodsupal Tezni aq1 pappe 11Tq JW sToogos pup 'and agl 's1oTJlsTp ianas pue saleM aql anTonuT pTnoM goTgM ueTd saT1TTTOe; TelTdeo CONSENT CALENDAR ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, September 7, 1993 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, September 20, 1993, payment voucher numbers 2894 through 2952, in the amount of $52,015.65, are submitted to Council for approval. ORDINANCE 93-09-04 Second reading of an ordinance amending the official zoning map regarding property south of Eleventh Street Mayor Collings read second reading. ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance amending the official zoning map regarding property south of Eleventh Street. The motion carried, 3-2 (McArthur, Hendricks). ORDINANCE NO. 93-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS BEING BETWEEN NORTH BAKER AVENUE AND THE WENATCHEE RECLAMATION IRRIGATION CANAL AND SOUTH OF ELEVENTH STREET WITHIN THE CITY FROM "R-L RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO A "R-M RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 93-09-05 First reading of an ordinance establishing a Community Police Advisory Board Mayor Collings asked that the ordinance be tabled until the next meeting. Some changes needed to be made in the ordinance. 93-09-06 First reading of an ordinance amending the official ' zoning map regarding property known as the Eggers property Mayor Collings read first reading. - 3 - '0-S 'ATsnowtupun paTzzeo uoTgow aqy •quawpuawe buTTOAaaH TTO Pasn agseM PTToS 13EzP aqq gdopp og ZnggjyoH iagwawTTOunoO Aq puooas 'Aop7 iagwawTTOunOD Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uo;gOy U ounoO •aagngeuaM gses ;o AITJ aqq pup dquno0 seTbnoa Aq pasegs agTs auo aq pTnoM aiagq pTes s6uTTTOO IOAVW 'suoTgsanb TTOunOO og asuodsaj uI •xaaM buTMOTIO; aqg ;0 6uTuuTbaq aqq Aq squawwoo Aue ggTM Jag IOequOO og ITaunoO paXse aqS •quawpuawe q;psp aqq uo uoTgae axeg og papaau TTOunOD pTes sbuTTTOD JOAPH quawpuawe 6uTTOAOag TTO Pasn agseM PTToS 60-60-£6 '0-9 'ATsnowtueun paTiJeo uoTgow aqy •Tenuew aaggTwwoO AJosTnpy agseM PTToS aqq gdaooe oq sxoTipuaH sagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'Aop7 iagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uOTgoy ITounoo •Tenoidde zo; suoTgoTpsTjnC guaJa;;Tp aq-4 oq paquasaid aq Tenuew sqT papuawwoOaz peq aaggTwwoO hiosTnpy agseM PTToS agg 'AITTewio; a se 'pTes sbuTTTon JOAPH ' Tenuew aaggtwwo0 AJosTnpy agseM PTToS aqq ;o aouegdaoay 90-60-£6 Hyx00Nd alsvm aIZOs •sxaaM aaJgg ATagewTxoidde UT uTbaq pTnoM uoTgonsgsuoo pTes ggoqOs '3H •agep uOTgaldwOO 9 ATnr e so; TTeO pTnoM gopzquoo aqy •Tasunoa TebaT pup 3aanse9iy/xiaT3 AITO aqq Aq MaTnas 10; paggTwqns aq pinoM gopsquoo y •puoq pTq a ggTM puodsaj og sAep uag aneq pTnoM aaao •uoTgonsgsuoo aai0 og pieMe ;o aotgou p anssT oq seM dags gs1T; agg pTes aH •aTnpagos uoTgonzgsuoo JeTiq e pauTTgno ggoqos •iH 's6uTITOD 3oheH woJ; suoTgsanb oq asuodsai uI *O-S 'ATsnowtupun paTJJeO uoTgow aqy Ioalojd TTeq 41Ta aqg uo; uoTgonsgsuo0 aalD ;o ptq MOT aqq gdaooe oq Aoe7 jagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'sNoTzpuaH aagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uotgow y :uo;goy TtounoO •uoTgon3gsuoO aauO oq goaCosd TTeq AITO aqq pieMe pup pTq MOT aqg gdaaop oq seM sgaagTqajp aqq pup 33egs ;o uoTgepuawwoaai aqq pTes 'sageTOossy HOa 'ggogOS anew poomuuArI ;o uoTgonjgsuo0 aa3O seM zappTq MOT aqy •TTeq AgTa Mau aqg ;o uoTgansgsuoo aqq Jog panTaOai uaaq peq spTq aasgg pTes zgTTM uaOT;;O aoupTTdwoO apoo TTeq AgTa ;o uOTganzgsuoo io; pTq aqq pieMp oq aoTgepuawwoOas SgTnsaj pTq uo pases LO-60-£6 auvmv aNy NOIyyaNSHHODSH aIs COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES ' Councilmember Mikow said there would be a retreat for the East Wenatchee Chamber Executive Board on Saturday, September 25 to plan for 1994. Mayor Collings said the Chamber lunch meeting on September 21 would also address plans for 1994. Councilmember Lacy said the Hispanic Council was planning their annual festival. He asked Council to attend and support the festival. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings read a letter from the Washington Finance Officers' Association awarding certification as a professional finance officer to City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich for the second consecutive year. Mayor Collings said staff had suggested a committee be formed to help the construction phase of the city hall. She said the clerk of the works would discuss decisions involving construction with this committee. Street Superintendent Goodman, Councilmember Lacy, and Mayor Collings were ,selected to serve on the committee. Council agreed to the formation of the committee by consensus. In response to questions from Mayor Collings, Councilmember ' Hendricks said LINK had scheduled three Saturday workshops; the first on September 25. The tax percentage rate would be discussed at an October workshop. Councilmember Hendricks said he would bring the tax information to the next council meeting. The Mayor and Council discussed Code Compliance Officer Wiltz serving as clerk of the works on the city hall project. Councilmember Lacy said he was concerned about the City's legal liability regarding claims against the contractor when a city employee was also clerk of the works on the project. City Attorney Zimmerman said some government entities did use their own employees in this capacity and some used resident project representatives from the architect's office. He said Mr. Wiltz's contract would have to be reviewed and a one year addendum added regarding the city hall project. Councilmember Lacy said he would like the addendum to contain language which defined Mr. Wiltz's role as clerk of the works. He suggested the issue be tabled until a draft addendum could be presented for Council review at the next council meeting. Council agreed by consensus. Mayor Collings asked Council to decide on a ground breaking date for the new city hall. Council agreed on Saturday, October 2, at 10:00 a.m. for the city hall ground breaking. - 5 - aaanseaay/xaaiO ALTO MOTaaz990 •3 ei BITA ^�~rY 3 m' d S T i 8 - SNZHNH[10r(IV 'm'd L Ie £661 'L aago3o0 ao; dogsxaoM 196png 666T 393TJ aqq jas TTounoo m•d vT:g - pauanuooag m•d gS:L - pauanu00 Agaadoad - NOISS3S 3AIS[1J3B3