HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/7/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes7>1
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember
McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Mayor
Collings. Councilmember Lacy arrived at 6:37 p.m.
Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell,
Randy Harrison, Linda Countryman, Chuck Zimmerman, Peter Fraley.
Mayor Collings read a proclamation of the City of East Wenatchee I
proclaiming the week of September 27 through October 1, United
Way Week in East Wenatchee.
Jack Hill, representing the Senior Center, gave a brief history
of the Senior Center. Several sites, including the Wenatchee
Convention Center and the Grand Central Building in downtown
Wenatchee had been considered for the center. Property on Maple
Street was purchased for construction of the center. Over one
million dollars was raised towards the construction of the
building, with the City of Wenatchee assisting with architectural
Mr. Hill said the Senior Center would need financial assistance
for operational costs from the City of Wenatchee, the City of
East Wenatchee, and Chelan and Douglas Counties. Estimated
operational costs for 1994 were one hundred seventy thousand
dollars, however, estimated revenues were only thirty-six
thousand dollars. Such projects as a thrift shop, bingo,
extended meals, and rental space within the Senior Center could
bring revenues up to ninety thousand dollars.
In response to questions from Council, Mr. Hill said Dr. Larry ,
Hauge, consultant for the Senior Center, would be the contact
persons about questions regarding financial assistance. Mr. Hill
said the financial request was not yet available. The Senior
Center is separate from the Retired Seniors Volunteer Program and
would receive little United Way funding.
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City Attorney Peter Fraley reviewed the 1992 Cable Act for
Council. Mr. Fraley said the main issue regarding the cable act
was whether the City wished to regulate cable rates.
Mr. Fraley said the City could apply for certification to
regulate cable rates and the rates could be regulated for the
basic cable service. Rates for expanded basic and premium
channels such as Showtime and Home Box Office could not be
regulated. Mr. Fraley said the Federal Communications Commission
had frozen cable rates in the spring of 1993. however, the freeze
would end on November 15, 1993. Certification could take thirty
days and should be completed before November 15 to be effective.
Mr. Fraley said, although the cable operator and the FCC
suggested waiting to see if regulation was necessary, the
recommendation of legal counsel was to apply for certification.
Mr. Fraley said a joint certification with the City of Wenatchee
might be considered to reduce costs.
In response to questions from Councilmembers Mikow and Lacy, Mr.
Fraley said the certification would allow the City to regulate
only cable rates not programming. He said the City already
regulated programming through it's franchise agreement with the
cable operator.
Council agreed by consensus to authorize a resolution toward
certification to regulate cable fees be placed on the September
20, 1993 council agenda. (4-1 Hendricks)
Riverfront Trail Update
City Planner Campbell reported
Campbell said the right-of-way
and ready to be submitted to the
the next grant funding cycle.
on the status of the trail. Mr.
acquisition was nearly completed
Department of Transportation for
Mayor Collings said the right-of-way acquisition had been more
complicated than anticipated and the time required for completion
would be very close to the September 30 deadline.
Street Department
Street Superintendent Goodman reported to Council on the progress
of street projects on the Six -Year Transportation Plan. He said
bids for the Thirteenth Street paving overlay would be opened
September 13 at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Goodman said the Fifth and Sixth
Streets signal system would be in final form by September 15.
Mr. Goodman said it had been recommended to wait until spring to
' begin the Eastmont Avenue project because of drainage problems
and utility relocations. In response to questions from
Councilmember Hendricks, Mr. Goodman said he did not plan to
patch the shoulders of Eastmont Avenue in the interim, however,
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- £ -
' •TeAoSdde .To; Ttouno3
og paggtmgns aie 'LZ'TL6'LZS ;o qunowE agg ut '£69Z gbno.zgq
T98Z szagmnu IagonOA quamAed '£66T 'L sagmagdaS 'agep stgq ;o SV
•TTouno3 oq aTgeTtene apem uaaq seq gatgM butgSTT
e uo papiooaj uaaq aneq '060.6Z•Z6 140H Aq paztnbai se pat;Tgiao
swtETo quamas.xngmtai asuadxa asogq pue '080.4Z•ZV i4Dd Aq paainba3
se =aot;;O butgtpne aqq Aq pat;TJJao pue pagtpne s.Tagon0A
09.6V HaLdVH0 'NOSJNIHSVM 30 3000 agSIASH 3HZ 9NISd04V
6-£6 •ON NOI1n7OSSH
aagogeuaM gsEg
Jo; AOTIod uotgeuTWTIOsip a butgdopE u0TgnJ0Sai V £ TO-60-£6
STTTS ;o uotgesaptsuo3 •Z
£661 'LZ gsnbnV 'uotssaS TetoadS
£66T 'ZT gsnbnV 'uotssaS TetoadS
£66T '9T gsnbnV 'uotssaS zeTnbaa - sagnuTH ;o u0tgeiaptsu03 •T
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uotgom aqy •pagsTT Da9m swage butMOTTO; aqq se pue 'paquasaid
se JvpuaTe3 quasuo3 aqq anoidde oq Aoe7 aagm9mTt0un03 Aq puooas
'sxotzpuaH .zagmawTt0un03 Aq apem seM uotgow V tuoFgoV Ttounoo
uvaxaZV3 ZN3sNO3
•p.zeo8 AJOSTApV a0TI0d/suaztgt3
e gsTTgegsa oq aoueutpio Aiessaoau agq ggTM paaooad
oq uost.TJP H aueuagnatZ aztioggne oq snsuasuoo Aq paa.zbe Ttouno3
•p.Teoq ASOSTApe aqq butp.Tebas
suaztgto oq AaAzns e pagngTJIStp peg aq pees 9H gnduT uaztgto
atom uTeb pue otTgnd aqq ggtM dtgsuotgeTai JasOTO a agea.zo
oq seM pseoq Asostnpe aqq ;o asodind agq pees uos'JJe H queuagnaiJ
'TTouno3 Agt3 puE uoTsstwmo3 aotAiaS TTAt3 aqq Aq paipueq
ApeaiTe asaM p.Teoq AJOstnpe suaztgto e ;o aotgotpstznl agq
3apun Ile; pTnoM qeqq sansst qTa; aq pTes sxot.zpuaH .zagmamTtouno3
•pzeoq E gons gSTlgeqsa og paitnbai aq pTnoM
aoueaTp,zo ue Pees s5uTITo3 soAeH •p.TE09 AiostnpV 90tT0d/suazT1TD
pasodoid aqg uo gndut s,Ttouno3 jog paxse uosTJJeH gueuagnaT7
quamgiedae aotTod
' amtq stgq qe butuueTd seM iadOTanap aqg gegM oq se .TeaToun seM
qT gouts p1074 uo seM goe(osd gaazgS pitgL aqq pees uempooO •zH
•goaCosd anuaAV quowgse3 aqq ggTM butgstsse
ut pagsa.Taqut seM Aguno3 seTbnOG ;t aas oq x3ag0 pTnoM aq
Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11761 through 11814,
in the total amount of $78,942.18 paid September 3, 1993 for the
month of August, 1993.
Payroll voucher numbers 11767 and 11768 were voided.
93-08-05 Discussion and possible adoption of a resolution and
interlocal regarding the Wenatchee Housing Authority
City Attorney Zimmerman said if the City gave authority to the
Wenatchee Housing Authority, it would be permanent. He said the
Revised Code of Washington had no provisions for regaining that
authority and authority would need to be in the form of an
interlocal agreement.
Mr. Zimmerman said it would not be difficult for the City of East
Wenatchee to establish its own housing authority. He added
giving up the authority to the Wenatchee Housing Authority would
mean loosing a lot of local control.
Marti Sterling and Alicia Robertson, Wenatchee Housing Authority
addressed Council. Ms. Sterling said the Wenatchee Housing
Authority considered itself one entity representing both the City
of Wenatchee and the City of East Wenatchee. She said a name
' change to the Greater Wenatchee Housing Authority was being
Ms. Robertson said Section 8 funding was already being provided
in East Wenatchee on a need basis by the Wenatchee Housing
Authority without compensation.
Councilmember Lacy said he was not opposed to meeting the needs
of East Wenatchee residents, however, he felt it was important
for the City of East Wenatchee to continue development as a
municipality and an autonomous entity. He said he felt the City
should take responsibility for such programs itself.
Councilmember Lacy said he would support an interlocal agreement
contracting with the Wenatchee Housing Authority which included
provisions for the future termination of the contract and for
annexation of Douglas County properties under the authority of
the Wenatchee Housing Authority. He said he would also support
the formation of the City's own housing authority. He said he
could not, however, support a resolution that did not include a
provision for regaining the authority given to the Wenatchee
Housing Authority.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second
by Councilmember McArthur to form an East Wenatchee Housing
Authority and negotiate with the Wenatchee Housing Authority to
contract services.
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- S -
•quawaszopua aqq gsuTebe agoA
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•anssT puoq uoTquagap aTTUannC aqq .zo; ITounoo
AgTO aagOgpuaµ gseg aqq woz; quawasiopua 3aggoue pagsanbaz
ppg Ilapipµ ToseO a6pnr q.znoO JOTiadns pTes s6uTTTOD JOApK
anssl puo8 uoTquagaa eTTuannr AqunoO
seTbnoa aqq ;o quawassopua aTgTssod pup uoTssnosTa L0-80-£6
ONINNv'Id a.LSVM aI70S 9AIIVH2do00 Hoa JNIaIA0Hd
01-£6 N0I1n70SEH
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agseµ pTToS aqq buTpa?BaJ AqunoO seTbnoa gqTM Tv0OTzaquT
pup uOTgnlosa.z aqq gdopp og inggzyoH 3agwawlTounoO Aq puooas
'sXOTzpuaH iagwawTTounor Aq appw seM uoTgow y :uOTg0y TTounOD
•sJPI Top puesnogq uaq paipung oMq seM g66T jog gunowe
ga6pnq pagedToTque aqq 'sanaMog 45=4aaw ITounoo gseT aqq qe IsOD
egTdeo zad aqq pagonbsTw peq aq pTes 'agseM PTIOS AgunoO spTbno❑
'oobbe,za uog 'Aae'I JagwawTTOunOD MOJ; SUOTgsanb oq asuodsaa uI
•agseM pTTos go anssT aqq uT aappal 1puoTbea a aq
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agseµ pTToS Agunoo selbnoa aqq uTol aagOgpuaµ gseg ;o AgTO aqq
papuawwoaaJ TTagdwp0 •ali •quawabpupw ggMozb io; suOTgeiapTsuoa
gqTM aangn; aqg spzpMoq paXOOT pup padoTanap-TTaM seM
wpiboad agseµ pTToS Aqunoo selbnoa aqg pTps aH 'LL'£S sum AqunoO
selbnoa UT gsoo egTdpo .zed pagedToTque 666T aqq pTes TTagdwe0 •.zH
•awTq quasaid aqq qe we.zboad padoTanap-TTaM e aneq IOU
pTp AqunoO ueTagO pup weibozd aqq ,zo; Aauow g6noua aq pTnoM qpqq
anaTTaq IOU pTp aq pTes ITagdweo •iW uosiad iad 06'TS 3o gsoo
agewTxo.zdde up aq pTnoM STgy •wej6o.zd TeTgTUT aqq Jog szellop
puesnogq paipunq auo pagabpnq ppq AqunoO ueTagO pTes aH •wp.zbo.zd
agseM PTIOS AqunoO ueTagO aq-4 uo pagzodaz TTagdwp0 iauueTd AgTO
ueTd quaw96eupW agseM PTIOS aqq 5uzpie6aJ TeOOIJaquT
pup uoTgnTosaz e ;o uoTgdopp aTgTssod pup uoTssnosTa 90-80-£6
'0-S 'AlsnowTupun paTizeO uoTgow
aqy •UOTgewao;uT TeuOTgTppe buTpued AgTioggny buTsnoH aagogeuaµ
gseg up buTwJO; uoTgow agq aTgeg oq Aopq aagwawlTounoO Aq puooas
'sXOTzpuaH ,zagwawTTOunOD Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uoTgaV ITounoo
'TeAOSdde so; p.zpoq aATgnoaxa
sgT oq AgTaogqny 6uTsnOH aagOgeuaµ aqq gqTM saOTAJas gOezguoo oq
lesodoad s,AgTO aqq quasasd oq aneq pTnoM aqs pTes uosgzagoH •s{l
Councilmember Lacy said the law specifically allowed legislative
bodies to endorse propositions which would have positive
community effects.
In response to a question from
said the appropriate public
endorsement had been completed
posted for public review
Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings
notifications of the possible
The council meeting agenda was
and included the proposition
Mayor Collings opened the meeting for public discussion of the
juvenile center bond issue at 8:16 p.m. The public discussion
was closed at 8:17 p.m.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second
by Councilmember Mikow for the East Wenatchee City Council to
publicly endorse the Douglas County Juvenile Detention Bond
Issue. The motion carried, 4-1 (Hendricks).
93-08-07 A rezone application for property located north of
Thirteenth Street NE, between North Arbor Terrace
and Sunset Highway (SR-28)
City Planner Campbell said the application was for a rezone from
R-L (residential single) to R-M (residential multiple). Mr.
Campbell said the applicant's original application was for a
rezone to R-0 (residential -office), however this was denied by
the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission and staff
recommended approval of the rezone to R-M.
Mr. Campbell showed slides of the property and the adjacent
intersection of Thirteenth Street and SR-28.
Council Action: A motion was
second by Councilmember McArthur
the East Wenatchee Planning
application for the rezone
Thirteenth Street NE, between
Highway (SR-28) from R-L to R-M.
made by Councilmember Hendricks,
to accept the recommendation of
Commission and approve the
of property located north of
North Arbor Terrace and Sunset
The motion carried unanimously,
93-09-93 First reading of an ordinance amending the official
zoning map regarding property south of Eleventh
City Planner Campbell said this
rezone from R-L (residential
multiple) already acted upon by
was the ordinance required for a
single) to R-M (residential
Mayor Collings read first reading.
- 6 -
- L -
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