HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/16/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr ' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING AUGUST 16, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, John Flinner, Linda Countryman, Chuck Zimmerman, Randy Harrison, Ray Yarnell. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, ' second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, August 2, 1993 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date. August 16, 1993, payment voucher numbers 2813 through 2860, in the amount of $35.716.40. are submitted to Council for approval. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11709 through 11760, in the total amount of $79,358.76 paid August 5, 1993 for the month of July, 1993. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street I Street Superintendent Goodman said one bid had been received for an aerial lift truck from Utility Equipment, Inc., Spokane. The - 1 - -z- ' SEM AgTjoggny 6uTsn0H aagagpuaM aqy •TTounoO io; weibosd M eH aqg pagTjasap 'AlTjoggny buTsnoH aagogeua45UTTJQIS Tgj AgTjoygny 6uTsn0H aagOgEuaM ayg yITM quawaasbe ue 6uTzTzoggne uoTgnTosas V Z6-80-£6 NOIZn7Os3N '£66T H03 i30QnH S,33HOZVN3M SSV3 30 )UIO 3HI ONION3Hd ONV LT-Z6 30NVNI030 ONION3HV 'NOZONIHSVM '33HOIVN3M ISV3 30 2LIIO 3HZ 30 3ONVNI0HO NV OT-£6 *ON SONVNIOHO •gabpnq £661 s,aay0gpuaM gse3 ;o AITO ayq buTpuawe aOueuTpio ayq anoidde og SXOTJpuaH iagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'znggiyoH jagwawTTounoO hq appw SEM uOTgow y :uoTgoy TT0uno0 6uTpeas puooas peat sbuTTTOD uoAEH ga6pnq £66T s,9ag0geuaM gseg ;o AITO aqq 6uTpuawp aOveuTp3o uE ;o buTpeas paoOaS ZO-80-E6 3ONVNIQ30 guawgip aOTTod ayg g0equo0 sseTO ayg UT pagsazagvT auoAue gEgg paNsaxse aH •saTgzpd pagsalaguT aiow peg pue U9MOM io; sseTo asua;ap 3Tas gsiT; SIT pagonpuoo pEy quawgspdap aotTod ayq pTes iauuTTg ;aTg0 •sanias IT AgTunwwoo ayq pup quawgiedep aOTTod aqg uaaMgeq gOEquOD aasOTO apTnoid pTnoM pspoq a Bons pup Tn;ssaoons A3aA uaaq peq wpiboad ayg pTes uosTlieH gueua4naT7 •oal minH ;o hgTO ayq UT wpsboid aeTTwTs e woi; uoTgewlo;uT pagngTiqsTp uoslJJPH queuagneiq •pazTnba1 aq pTnoM aOueuTpio ue 'pspoq a Bons agngTgsuT og pagsTM TTounoO ;I •gabpnq pup AOTTod buipjpbai TTounoO PUP JOAPH ayq og su0Tgppuaww00az aXew pue pjeoq MaTna2 quapTOOE pup pspoq uOTgOaTas u0Tg0w0zd a se ansas pTnoM pieoq aqy •sgTMTT AgTO aqq apTsgno pup apTsuT woi; suazTgTO pue 'TeTOT;;o IDTsgsTp ToogOs E 'aay04euaM gse3 ;o AITO ayq ❑TggTM suoszad ssauTsnq oMq io auo ;o gSTSU00 pTnoM p3eoq aqy •buTOTTod paguaTio-AITunwwoo iaggaq apTAOJd oq gio;;a uE UT pieos AsosTnpy aOTTod/uazTgTO e azTuebjo oq aXTT pTnoM ay pTes sauuTT3 ;aTgO 90TToa aOTTod •XOnig q;TT TETiaE ue io; ouj 'quawdTn63 ' AITTTgn woi; pTq ayg gda0op og snsuasuoo 4q paasbe •aTOTgan TTounoo ayg so; sieTTOP puesnoqq Ag3T3 Pagabpnq peq aq pTes upwp000 •jH aTOTgan pasn s,4gTO aqg uo uT-apeiq sETTop paipunq uaag;T; E ssaT szeTTop gg6Ta-AIJT; paipunq auTu puesnogg auo-hgso3 sum qunowp pTq established in 1981 with the City of Wenatchee. Interjurisdictional agreements were signed with Chelan and ' Douglas Counties. Section 8 housing is funded by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development with private landlords screening applicants and the housing authority verifying income. Agricultural and elderly housing is funded by the Federal Home Administration. Applicants are screened by the housing authority. The screening of applicants takes approximately thirty days. Leases are signed for one year and income is verified annually. Currently, there are five housing sites in Wenatchee and one in Manson. An agreement with the City of East Wenatchee is needed to place Section 8 participants within the city limits. In response to a question from Councilmember Lacy, Ms. Sterling said there was interest in developing Section 8 housing in East Wenatchee. Also, some sites being considered were close to the city limits. P Councilmember Lacy expressed concern over the resolution not containing a time limit and said he felt a specific length of time with requirements for terminating the agreement should be incorporated in the resolution. This would allow the City of East Wenatchee the option of having its own housing authority in the future. City Attorney Zimmerman suggested an interlocal agreement in addition to the resolution. Mr. Zimmerman said if authority was delegated to the Wenatchee Housing Authority it was permanent unless an interlocal agreement was signed returning the authority to the City of East Wenatchee. The City could take over existing housing from the Wenatchee Housing Authority or establish new housing. Council Action: A motion was by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to table the resolution authorizing an agreement with the Wenatchee Housing Authority pending further information. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. INTERLOCAL AND RESOLUTION 93-08-06 Interlocal agreement and Resolution adopting the interlocal for the Solid Waste Management plan Ron Draggoo, Douglas County Solid Waste, said the proposed interlocal solid waste agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County Solid Waste had been reviewed by Mayor Collings and the Douglas County commissioners. He said the two year agreement would be effective through December 31, 1995 and would keep the City of East Wenatchee in compliance. He added the solid waste program would continue to implement the adopted moderate waste plan and should adopt a solid waste plan by April of 1994. - 3 - - 5 - ' s,AgTO aqq UT aq oq aney pinoM uuI suoseas inog aqq woij paiTnboe To paseal AgiadoTd aqq Jo; saTITI aqq pies Uasip •syq •9Z gsnbny Aq paATaOaT aq pinogs gTwiad auTTaaogs aqq buTnoidde aoTgou uaggTam Iewzod •i?e.zq aqq Jo; MaTnai IequawuoiTAua ayq paATaoaz pey TTagdwea .Tauueld AgTO pies 'JOIPUTp.zooO goaCoud 'uaslp aa;Tuuar sivadn gives •0-S 'ATsnowTueun paTlzeO UOTgow ayy •Agunoa UelagO wo.T; agewTqsa qsoo egTdeo sad e gab oq pagOaiTp seM IlagdweD =auueld AITa 'E66T 'L .Tagwagdas '5uTga914 ITounoa gxau aqq ITgun agseM PTIOS Agunoo sel6noa gqTM uo.gnTOsal pue IeOolzaquT aqq algeq oq MoxTHaagwawlTounoo Aq puooes 'Aoeg sagwawlTOUnoa Aq apem seM uoTgow y 'UOTgOV ITounoa •Aqunoo selbnoa ygTM IeOolzaquT ayg buTubTs azo;aq pagsanbaz aq pinogs Agunoo uelayD wos; agewTqsa gsoa e qla; aq pies MoxTW sagwawlTOuno� -qno qdo oq buT.TapTsuoo a.To;aq pagap qs qa6 og AgTungToddo up wezbojd aqq 6UTAT6 'wez6o.Td Agunoo sel6noa aqq gqTM Aegs pinogs aayogeuaM gse3 qIa; aqs gaoddns pan.Tasap pue AgTa aqq aOJ xzoM wesbozd aqg pies aqs wea5oad Aqunoo selbnoa ayq ggTM buTutemai ;o AouagslsuoO ayg suazTgTO sqT panto AgTO aqq qla; aqs pTes sbuTTIOD zoAPH •IeoollaguT aqg buTubTs aio;aq weiboid Agunoo Uelaga aqq ;o agewTqsa gsoa e axTT osle pinoM ay pTes Aoeg jagwawlTounoa •weiboid aqq uT AgTgua quToC a aiaM saTqunOD selbnoo pue uelaga uagm uoslad .Tad SS'ES woz; aseaJOUT UP seM sTgy •aayOgeuaM gses uT ❑osiad .Tad SZ•LS AlagewTxoadde gsoo pinoM wei6oid agseM pTlos ayq V66T UT pTes oobbe.Ta IN •sagewTgsa gsoO egTdeo .Tad jog paxse Aoeg jagwawlTounoa •we.T6ozd Aqunoa sel6noa aqq gqTM ob oq aney pinoM 'Aqunoo ayq ;o alppTw aqq UT 'JanaMoq 'aTTTniageM •wezboad s,AqunoD uelago ;o .Tone; UT weTbozd AqunOD seT6noa aqq ;o qno qdo pinOO aayOgeuaM gses 'asTMaxTg 'Agunoa selbnoa uegq .TaggeT AgunoD uebouexQ gqTM ob oq pagdo 'aouegsuT .To; 'q.TodabpTzg •Aqunoo buTuToCpe aqq gqTM ob pue weiboid s,AqunoO JTagq ;o qno qdo pinoo saTgunoo aaggo buTUTOCpe suMOq pue saTITO pTes oobbexa •.TH 'sxoTipuaH TagwawlTounoa mos3 suoTgsanb og asuodsai uI •466T 'T ATenuef lTqun anuTguOO TlTM pue £66T 'T Alnr anTIDa;;a seM weTbozd agseM PTTos AqunoZ) sel6noa ayy aoueiTdwoo-uou ageTpawwT UT aagageuaM gses paoeld aneq pinOm IT asneoaq pageUTwsag IOU seM quawaaz6e aqg 'ITidy UT we.zbosd aqq wo.T; gilds Aqunoa uelaga gbnogy 'E66T 'T£ .Tagwaoaa 746noTgq anTgoa;;a sT weJbozd agseM PTTos Aqunoo sel6noa-uelagO aqy •AgTD aqq 6uTAlonuT squawaaTbe IeOOTIalUT agseM pTTos gua.Ta;;Tp ay-4 paUTeldxa 0066eTa •,Tjj 'sbu'TTOD zoAPH wos; gsanbas a og asuodsaT uI F_ 1 possession by September 1 to make the September 30 deadline for grant funding. The Department of Transportation would need three weeks prior to the deadline to process the paperwork. Ms. Olsen said there were two trail options which she would be discussing with the Department of Transportation. Option A would be the shorter trail and require the removal of a mature pine tree on Department of Transportation property. The City could offer to substitute young trees and provide irrigation. Option B would be the longer trail and require the removal of irrigation pipes. Ms. Olsen said the alternate trail route is approximately one thousand feet longer than the original trail. Additional costs would be approximately thirteen thousand dollars for surveying and design and approximately forty thousand dollars in construction expenses. This would be approximately twenty-five thousand dollars above the City's original estimated portion of one hundred sixteen thousand dollars. Added alternates such as a viewpoint, informational kiosk, and solar lighting under the bridge would be approximately an additional seventeen thousand dollars. In response to questions from Councilmember Hendricks, Ms. Olsen said if the September 30 deadline was not met, the City would loose the ninety-five to one hundred three thousand dollars in Transportation Improvement Board monies. Also, if the trail was not completed before the expiration of the City's contract with JAO Project Coordination, a new contract would have to be negotiated. City Attorney Zimmerman said normally the City would want to secure title insurance, but due to potential back logs and the limited time frame, the City might want to consider a quitclaim deed. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Hendricks said LINK would be providing a special bus to the Chelan and Douglas County Fairs. Mr. Hendricks said the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce would be conducting a tour of the downtown area of East Wenatchee the morning of August 12. All interested persons were invited to attend. Also, Representative Clyde Ballard would be speaking on Initiative 602 at the Chamber luncheon on August 17 at the Four Seasons Inn. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said the Chamber kiosk at Pangborn Memorial Airport would be dedicated at 11:30 a.m. on August 25. Mayor Collings announced a forty-five minute executive session dealing with litigation. - 5 - ss 1 Nialo AgTo Aindao URMAJJu r& r e uTq b w'd £S:8 - ZN3munoruv m•d z5:8 - Pauanuooag •sainutm Ai uami uotssas aAignoaxa aqq pualxa 01 pauanuooai jtounoo w*d o£'8 IV •1saialui ;o joit;uoo a o; anp uotssas aATInoaxa aqq wos; pasnoxe aq of asogo hoe? zagmamlTounoo •w•d L0'8 IV m•d bb'L - pauanuoD notIEBTITq - NOISS3S 3AIlnDaX 3