HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/28/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JULY 28, 1993 9,00 a.m. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Presents Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy and Councilmember Hendricks absent. Staff Presents Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Nick Wiltz, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell Renee Ainardi, Nancy Lynn. CITY HALL 93-07-08 City Hall bid results and acceptance or rejection of bids Dave Schott, consultant architect for Herritt+Pardini, the city's lead architects, reviewed the bid process and bid opening for Council. Bids were received from Cree Construction in the amount of $2,038.000 and from Hale and Long Construction in the amount of $2,098,000. He said it was the recommendation of the architects that the bids be rejected and the project be rebid. The amounts were considerably higher than the architects estimate of $1,913.049. Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich reviewed the financial status of the City Hall project. Code Compliance Officer Wiltz reviewed the ICBO process to date. Lee Pardini, Herritt+Pardini, arrived at 9s30 a.m. Hr. Pardini explained what the bidding market seemed to be when the original bid was published. He is confident the city will receive more bids and they will be much closer to the architects estimate. Part of the specification changes will call for bid alternates. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember McArthur to reject the bids submitted and rebid the city hall building project to include bid alternates. The motion carried, 4-0. ADJOURNMENT - 9s50 a�.m.� Virgi is E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - T - •suoTgotpst3n1 qua3a;;tp aqg wo3; s3oAem aq pTnoM saAigequasaidaj pup 3agwagdaS ut aq pTnoM butgaam gs3t; agy •pawao; uaaq peq aaggtwm00 A3ostnpV agseM PTToS AgunoO seTbnoO a pees 0065e3Q uog 30geutp3000 me3bo3d sSVOdn OYMS •Tpnosdde 3o; Ttauno0 oq paggtwqns a3p 'L6'ZW OTS ;o gunowe aqq ut 'ZTBZ g5no3gq 08LZ s3agmnu 3agonoA quawAed 'E66T 'Z gsn6nV 'agep stgq ;o sV 'TTouno0 oq aTgeTtene apew uaaq seg gatgM 6utgstT p uo papaoo93 uaaq aneg '060*VZ'Z6 MOE Aq paitnbei sp pat;tgsao smteTo quawasingwta3 asuadxa asoqq pup '080'6Z*ZV MOE Aq pa3tnba3 se J901;;o butgtpnp aqq Aq p9t;tg3a0 pue pagtpnp s39gon0A sTIT9 ;o uotge3aptsuo0 •Z E661 68Z ATnr 'uotssaS TetaadS E66T 46T Ainr 'uotssaS 3eTn6aN - sagnutH ;o uotgpiapTsuoo 'T '0-b 'ATsnOMTupun p9t33e0 uotgow aqy •pagstT a3aM swage buTMoTTo; agg se pup 'paquasaid ss 3ppuaTPD qu9su00 aqg anoidde og gspN sagwawTTounoO Aq puooas '3ngg3VoH zagwamTTounoO Aq apew spM uoTgow V =uotgOV ITouno0 HvGNs'IYO ZNRSNOO sONVIJs'IZV 30 a5aaad •upwzawwTZ xongO 'upwA3guno0 epuTq '3auuTT3 ugof 4TTagdme0 japnis 'ZITTM X01N 4uswpoo0 qos 4g3T9jIsa0 ptuT5JTA :quasa3d ;3egs 'w'd SE'9 ge pant33p Aoeq 3agmawTTouno0 •s6utTTOD 3oApW gsLN 3agwamTTouno0 'MoxTH 3agmawTt0un00 '3ngg3V0H 39gmamTTounoO 'sxat3puaH 3agmamTTouno0 :quasa3d saagmamTT0uno0 'I'IVO 'I'IOH (•6utgaam aqq ;o agpp aqg mo3; s3eaA xts ;o poTaad e 303 TTpH A'ITO IV pautpga3 aq TTTM pup pap3o0a3 SVm butgaaw stgy) FINFEUME E66T 'Z isnonV ONIGISRHd SONITIOO NMVQ 'dOAVW CaNSANOO 'IIONn0O ALIO alll dO NOISSES UV'IfIDSH NOIONIHSVM s3HOZVNSM ISVs 30 ASIO eM Mr. Draggoo said Parametrics of Kirkland would draft a Douglas County Solid Waste Plan. The revised plan would be submitted for a thirty day Mr. Draggoo asked review. if East Wenatchee was still interested in being a collection site for used oil. Council asked staff to review the used oil amendment and determine if it would be beneficial to the City. Street Superintendent Goodman said the heat would be inexpensive, however, such issues as sufficient time, staff, and storage; and the proximity to city hall and the junior high school needed to be considered. Mr. Draggoo said the City of East Wenatchee was identified for curbside recycling by 1995 if the City's population reached five thousand. At that time Waste Management would be mandated to provide the recycling. If the City did not reach the population and density requirements, another option could be a central drop box. Councilmember Mikow asked how the Douglas County Commissioners felt about curbside recycling. Mr. Draggoo said the same plan and criteria for recycling would be presented to Douglas County. He suggested a joint plan between the City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County encompassing the area from Nile Street to Fancher Heights to the Odabashian Bridge. This area would meet the population and density criteria set forth in the plan. City Planner Campbell said the County population is twenty-seven thousand nine hundred. He said a large percentage of the population is urban East Wenatchee. Currently, thirteen percent of the urban area is recycling and fifty percent is the goal for 1995. He said curbside recycling would give the City an opportunity to work with Douglas County. Councilmembers Mikow and Lacy said the City should work with the County on recycling. Mr. Mikow said the City of East Wenatchee should be the lead agency in the recycling plan. EAST WENATCHEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE UPDATE Patti Herres gave Council an update on Chamber activities and reviewed the Chamber's calendar of events. She said the Carson and Barnes Circus was a great success. The Chamber was considering registering a trademark for the Classy Chassis Parade. Ms. Herres said the kiosk at Pangborn Memorial Airport would be dedicated on August 18 at 11:30 a.m. and the Take Pride in East Wenatchee Committee was continuing its work on signage for the highway. - 2 - - £ - '3IV4 3AII03dd3 NV ONIIINS QNV SIN3Hdo'I3A30 IIKn o3NNV'Id HOa S333 OI ONIIVgSU 3400 'IVdIOINf1H HRHDIVXUM ISV3 3HI dO 080'89'LT SNOIIO3S ONICHENV 'NOIONIHSVM 433HJIVN3M ISV3 30 UIO 3HI d0 3ONVNIGHO NV 8-E6 3oNVNIOT o •(SXDT.TpuaH) T-b 'PaT2Seo uoTgow aqI •saa; uoTsTATpgns oq 6uTgeT9i apoO TedTolunH aagogeuaM gse3 aqg buTpuawe aoueuTpao aqq gdope og gseN jagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'AoeZ sagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uoTgow V :uoTgoV TTounOD buTpeai puooas peal sbuTTIOD JOAeH saa; quawdoTanap gTun pauueTd og buTgeTas apo0 TedToTunH aagogeuaM gse3 aqq 6uTpu9we aoueuTpio ue ;o 6aTpeai puooas LO-LO-£6 '3IVQ EAII03dd3 KV ONIHSI'IHVIS3 oNV SNOISIAIaGnS doa s333 OI ONIIV'aH 3QOo 'IVdIOINIIH 33HOIVNEM ISV3 3HI dO 080'9T'91 QNV 060'ZT'9T SNOIIo3S 0NIQN3HV 'NOIONIHSVM '33HOIVNSM ISV3 30 LlIO 3HI d0 3JNVNIO'iO NV 8-E6 30NVNIGHO •(sxoTlpuaH) T-6 'PaTJJPD uoTgow aqI •saa; uoTsTATpgns og 6uTgeTaz apoO TedToTunH aagogeuaM gse3 aqg buTpuawe aoueuTpio agg gdope og gseN 3agwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'Aoerj iagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uoTgow V :uoTgoV TTounoo buTpeaj puooas peal s6uTTIOD zoAeH saa; uoTsTATpgns oq buTgeTaa apoa TedTDTanH aagogeuaM gse3 aqq buTpuawe 90UPUTPIO ue ;o buTpeaz puooaS 90-LO-E6 S3oNVNIQuo '(uTegsge 'sxoTzpuaH) 0-y 'paTizeo uoTgow aqI •ppng X3eH io; asuaoTT s,iaATJP geoTxeq aqq ;o Teadde aqq Auap pue sbaTpuT; ;3egs aqq gdaooe oq inggsyoH iagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'Aoe7 lagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTgow V tuOT40V TTounoo •Teadde aqq Auap pue sbuTpuT; ;;eqs aqg gdaooe oq uoTgow e a Kew pTnogs TTounoo 'pxooaz aqg zo; 'pTes uewiawwTZ Aau'011V AgTO •TTaunoO ajo;aq buTseedde aq qou pTnoM pue Teadde sTg UMPJP741TM Peq 'PPnu xaeH 'gueoTTdde aqg pTes goTaagsa0 .Ta.Tnseajj,/KiaTO AgTO asuaaTT s,saATJP geoTxeq e ;o TeTuap aqg 6uTpJebas buTJeaq Teadde uV 10-80-E6 ONIHVHH 'lV3ddV _74_, 93-08-02 First reading of an ordinance amending the City of East Wenatchee's 1993 Budget Mayor Collings read first reading. In response to a question from Councilmember Hendricks, City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said funds from the Drug Fund could not be transferred to other funds. RECOMMENDATION 93-08-03 Rezone application for property located between Eleventh Street NE and Ninth Street NE in the area of Baker and the irrigation canal City Planner Campbell said the Planning Commission was recommending approval of the application for the rezone. The rezone was from single family (RL) to multi -family (RM). Mr. Campbell said the indication for more multi -family units was apparent, especially located near the downtown area. He said staff was recommending approval with staff requirements met and added there was some opposition to the rezone at the Planning Commission's meeting. Councilmember Lacy said more multi -family housing was needed within the City limits and if the rezone met with the comprehensive plan, he would support it. ' Councilmember Hendricks said while he agreed more multi -family housing was needed, he would vote against the recommendation because of citizen opposition. Mr. Hendricks said he had spoken with two of the citizens in the area and was disclosing this and therefore would vote against it. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the rezone application for property located between Eleventh Street NE and Ninth Street NE in the area of Baker and the irrigation canal. The motion carried 3-2 (Hendricks, McArthur). MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said there would be a bid opening for the new city hall on August 12 at 2 p.m. and a Special Council Meeting at 5 p.m. to award the bid. ADJOURNMENT - 7:38 p.m. 6 )-f-,1 �-CQ� Virginia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 4 -