HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/6/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON ,
JULY 6, 1993
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember
Lacy, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor
Collings. Councilmember Nash excused as absent.
Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman,
Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell, Linda Countryman, Chuck Zimmerman,
Randy Harrison.
Finance Department '
City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the State Examiners had begun
the City audit for the years 1991 and 1992.
Code Compliance
Code Compliance Officer Wiltz presented a plan for office space
in the basement of the new city hall. This office space would be
occupied by Douglas County Solid Waste. Mr. Wiltz said the city
hall plans had been submitted to ICBO for review.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur,
second by Councilmember Hendricks to accept the plans for office
space in the basement of the new city hall as presented and move
forward with the project. The motion carried unanimously, 4-0.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second
by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the Consent Calendar as
presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion
carried unanimously, 4-0.
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1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, June 21. 1993.
2. Consideration of Bills
93-07-01 3. Cabaret License Application for 5 T's Restaurant
93-07-02 4. Setting the date of an appeal hearing regarding
a denial of taxicab license
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as
required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims
certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing which has been made available to Council.
As of this date, July 6, 1993, payment voucher numbers 2699
through 2730, in the amount of $36,800.75, are submitted to
Council for approval.
Payment voucher number 2718 was voided.
Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11649 through 11708.
in the total amount of $77.707.51 paid July 2, 1993 for the month
of June, 1993.
Payroll voucher numbers 11658, 11664, 11667. 11670, 11674. 11678,
and 11684 were voided.
93-07-03 A request to be heard by downtown businesses
regarding the sale of the parking lot
Several business owners addressed Council regarding the sale of
the city owned parking lot on Valley Mall Parkway.
Richard Garlini, Garlini's Restaurant, asked Council to
reconsider the sale of the parking lot. He said the parking lot
was necessary for the success of downtown businesses. He added
downtown businesses contribute to the City's tax base and provide
employment opportunities, which would ultimately be affected by
the loss of the parking lot.
Councilmember McArthur said the parking lot was purchased in 1979
from John Tontz as a site for a city hall.
The following business persons spoke in favor of the City keeping
the lot for business parkings
Alan Lake, Lake's Trading Post
Dwight McKee, McKee's Hobbies
Sylvia Jones, PJ's Photo and Craft Mall
Bob Corkrum, Quest/Economic Development Council
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•paiapTsuoo aq gsnw
aqg go asn gsaq
aqq pees Aopq JH
jouload TTeq AlTo
aqq uT papnTOUT seM
goT bUTNied aq-4 ;o
'JanaMog 'saxes
TeUotgippp 20 puoq
a gnogjTM hgTUnmmoO
agg pTTnq oq UOTITsod
a uT seM A4i0
aH •TTeq A4TO
Mau aqg ;o buTpan; agg
spzeMog papaeu seM
aqg ;o ales
agg mo3; anuanai pies
Aoe7 3agmam1iounoO
•PTos goT 5uTX3ed aqg
aas og aXTT ATTeaz PTnoM aq pup goT buTX3ed agg uFeg93 og dgi0
agg jo; geaab oog seM AgzligeTT aq-4 PTes sXOTipuaH zagmamTTounoO
•uotgepuammoaai sqT 30; lTounoO paNse pue ;;egs AgTO
pue suazTgTD hq paguasaid UOTgem3o;UT agq paMainai sbUTTloO JoheH
agg ;o asneoaq saTITO Aq pauMo aq you pTnogs sgoT buiXied pastnpe
aO?;30 s,Jogtpny agegs uogbuigseM agg PaPPe agg *AITITgUTT
agg og anp goT buTNjed aqg lTas og d120 aqq pastnpe peg
duedmoo aoupinsui s,Agz0 aqg pees gotaigsao iainseaiy/NialO AgTO
•apem uaaq peg sgsazie
leianas pup pawzT;uoo uaaq peq sgzodai asagy 'uoTgngTgsoid
Pup buTTeap bnjp se Bons satgtntgae TebalIT ;o sg3odaa Auem
uaaq peq ajagg ;Teq a pup ieaA gspT aqq UT Pies aH 'AITO agg
og AITTTgeiT ajTUT;aP a spM gol buzXied agg PTes ZaUUTT3 ;aig0
•goT bUTXipd aqq buTpaebai
sUJaOUOO s,6gTO aqq UTeldxa og =auuTl3 ;aTgO paXsp sbUTTToO soAeH
*saxes hgiadoad gbnoigq papun; pup pagsTlgpgsa aq
pTnO3 goTigsTP guamano3dwT TeooT a pees aH 'buTXied ao; hgiadoid
leuotgippe buTspgojnd saPTsuOO pTnogs dgTO aqg 'goT butXaed aqq
5UTTlas ;o peagsuT pees 'JaumO TTEH AaTTRA aagOgeuaM a 'unoig MTf
'anssi up amooaq PTnoo buiNipd pup puedxa og AgTTTge agg
uo puadap PTnoo sassauTsnq uMOquMOP pup TTeH AelleA aagOgeuaM aqg
;o aingn; aqg 'oNdogs Pup IJPH-TeM aXTT sassauTsnq ggFM PTes aH
-ease aagogpuaM gseg agg uTggTm ggnoib TTegaz ;o aingotd iabieT
aqq JapisuoO pTnogs Agt0 agq PTes 'sguamgsanui iaqueo 'iiee uea
•goT bUTNaed aqg ;o aOUeUagUTpw aqg iano
aXeg s39uMo ssaUTsnq pagsabbns 'satggoH s,aaxoH 'aaxOH za5ut0
'AITO agq mo3; goT buTXjed aqq asegoind pup iaggaboq
ui ob sassauTsnq uMoqunop aqq pagsabbns 'uuj ezzid 'bunoA Aalsigs
aqg ;o uotsuedxa ggTm gsTsse pinoo
•g3oddns Agtunwwoo azow Naas pTnogs
aqq aiojaq pees aH •jagmeg0 aagogeuaM
uoigeOTJTgneag uMoguMoQ aqq 3o iagwaw
•TTeH AaTTep aagageuaM
IOT buTX3ed aqq pappe aH
IT 'Aliadoid aqq PTos AITO
gsex agq gbnojgq aaggTwwoO
e seM aq pies mnsXioO •1H
r X
Councilmember Mikow asked Mr. Garlini to further explain how the
loss of the parking lot would affect the future of East Wenatchee
Mr. Garlini said the downtown business district was in a very
unique situation because of its close proximity to the mall. He
said the proposed expansion of the mall and the riverfront trail
would create opportunities for downtown businesses. He said the
businesses needed to work with the mall, to become an extension
of it, rather than competing with it. He added future
development of the downtown businesses would put money back into
the community and the City of East Wenatchee.
Councilmember Mikow suggested the downtown businesses develop a
plan for revitalization and maintenance of the parking lot and
present it to Council.
City Attorney Zimmerman said Council voted on July 20. 1992 to
surplus the parking lot on Valley Mall Parkway. He said the
property would be sold to the highest bidder, with minimum bids
of one hundred seventy-nine thousand dollars. The bid date was
July 15, 1993.
In response to questions from Councilmember Lacy, City Attorney
Zimmerman said there had been no bids received as of this date
and therefore the sale could be stopped.
Mayor Collings asked if the parking lot really served the needs
of the entire community or if another option might be better.
Ron Sharp, managing partner of the Wenatchee Valley Mall, said
with the recent purchase of the mall, a large investment had been
made in the East Wenatchee community. He said parking was a
definite issue for the mall and the mall owners would like to
participate in developing a plan to retain the parking lot on
Valley Mall Parkway. He asked Council to put the sale of the
parking lot on hold at this time.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second
by Councilmember McArthur to stay the sale of the parking lot on
Valley Mall Parkway for ninety days to allow the downtown
businesses to develop a plan to retain it. If an acceptable plan
had not been found at the end of ninety days, the property would
again be advertised for sale. The motion carried unanimously,
Jennifer Olsen, Project Coordinator, presented a final project
design for the riverfront trail to Council. Ms. Olsen said
authorization of construction funds must be received by September
30. She said the preliminary engineering phase and certification
of the right-of-way still needed to be completed first.
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- S -
•(UTelsge 'MoKTH)
O-E 'PaTuzeo UOTlow aqy •IoaCosd Tlpq AITO Mau aq1 jog .ToloadsuT
bUTPITnq se 'zITTM XOTH UTelai o1 AOeZ jagwamTTounoO Aq puooas
'.TngIiVOH jagmamU ounoo Aq appm seM uoTlom V IUOTloV ITounOO
•.ToloadsUT apTslno up 6uTJTq uegl ssaT
AITO aqI gsOO pTnoM pup luamDIT19J alpls sTg lOa;;e lou pinoM
z1ITM *IN ;o palTnbaa sznoq TeuOTITPPe 9141 pTes sbUTTI00 JOAeH
•loaCosd TTeq AITO aq1 JO; 'zITTM XOTH '.ToloadsuT buTPlTnq s,AITO
aql asn 01 seM snsuasUoO aq1 pup ;;els Aq passnosTp uaaq peq
suoTldo aql pTes s6uTITOD JOAeH •iolOadsuT buTPlTnq s,A1T0 ag1
asn 3o miT; bUTiaaUTbua s,A1TO aql asn 'soloadsuT up a.TTq 01 9JDM
SUOTldo •uOTlonjgsuOO Tleq A1TO aql buTsnp algeTTene soloadsuT
bnTplTnq a aneq of pa=Tnbai spM AlTO aqI pTes sbUTITOO soAeH
•p9n9TA9J buTaq TTTIS 9JaM
slU9MDJTnbai Aboloog ;o Iuamisedaa pup sabupgo .z9g1O aq pTnoo
aaagl pTes aqs lunomp palabpnq aq1 UTg1TM seM spun; ;o UOTliod
s,41TO aq1 pTes ags •saTlunOD seTbnoa pup upTagO aaaMlag 11Ids
aq1 buTMOTT03 mes6Oad alspM PTTos Alunoo selbnoa aql ssnosTp
01 aTTTAialeM UT buTlaaw alseM pTTOs a papualle sbuTITOO aoAeH
•UoTluanuoo luelTaoxa ue
UO16UTgseM ;O UOT1pTOOSSV aq1 papualle TTagdmp0 sauueTd A1T0
PUP 'sXOTIPUaH sagmamTTounoO 'MONTH iagmawlTounoo 'sbuTTToO soAeH
luodad S,iIO.LVH
'ATsnomTupun paTiieo uoTlom aqy •alnoi pasodosd aq-4 bUTpspbDa
luammo0 uazTlTa so; alep aql aq PlnOM buTlaaw TTounoo lxau aq1
pup ubTsap ITeal 1UOs;3aAT3 aqI anoidde of Aoe7 sagwamlTounoo Aq
puooas 'MoKTH sagmamTTounoO Aq apem SLIM UOT1Om V luOT10V ITounoo
•uTbaq pTnoo
XsoM ubTsap os aTgTssod sp uoos sp alnos pasodosd aq1 buTpse6as
luammoo oTTgnd seaq 01 aXTT PTnoM aqs pTes pue alnos TTei1
aATleusalle 9q1 burpsebas uOTsTOap a so; ITounoo paXse uasTO •sH
•aagOleuaM of ITVII
a se alnos aqI MaTA pinoM oTlgnd agy gdaOuOO TTes1
TTesano 9q1
g1TM lu9lsTsuO3 SLIM alnos aql pup alnos pasodosd
aql paXTvm
peq weal loaCosd 9g1 pTes TTagduweo JauueTd AlTO
'TTeJl aql of luaOpCpe IOT buTXsed aq-4 adeospueT
of paasbe
peq suoseas ino3 ;o 'SUTXuar anea pappp uasTO sH
•TTeil aql
;o UoTl3od s,AITO aq-4 so; lunowp palabpnq TeuT6TsO
aql uTg1TM
aq TITIs pTnOM sTgy •slunoo OT;;esl pue bUTAansns so;
sseTTop pupsnogl
uaal3Tgl IeuoTlTppe alpmTxosddp up ISOO pTnOM
alnos aqI
pTes uasTO •sH •suoseas sno3 pue uoTlpljodsuesy ;o
aqI gloq Aq panoidde uaaq peq goTgM alnos aATleusalle
Up buTllTwgns
spM meal loaCosd ITesl aqI pTes uaslo sH
Bob Corkrum, Quest/Economic Development Council, invited the City
of East Wenatchee to become more involved with the organization.
He said in the past the organization had principally represented
the west side of the river and he would like to see Douglas
County become more involved. He said one area of interest for
Douglas County residents should be growth management.
ADJOURNMENT - 8:10 p.m.
Virg nia E. Oestreich
City Clerk/TreasureR
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