HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/3/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MAY 3, 1993 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation of the City of East Wenatchee proclaiming May 1 through May 8 Lions' White Cane Days in East Wenatchee. Mayor Collings read a proclamation of the City of East Wenatchee proclaiming May 2 through May 10 Education Appreciation Week on East Wenatchee. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mayor Collings thanked the police and Street Departments for a job well done during the annual Classy Chassis Parade. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, April 19, 1993. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. - 1 - 7 L - z - •(MOXTH) T-6 6PaT11eO U014OW eqy •AwapeOV UeTISTJgO aagOgPUaM pup g01ng0 Tegsooequaa pagTun Io3 SUOTgPOTIddp puegs sXlonalT; aqq anoldde Oq sXoTipuaH lagwawjTounoO Aq PU00as 'gspx lagwawjTounoO Aq appw spM uoigow y :uoTgoy ITDunoo •aTgTssod se a;es wagq aXPw oq sX1oMaIT; ;o asn pup ales aqq paT;Tpow aoueuTplo quaiano aqg gTa3 aqs pTPs sbUTITOO 1oAPH •anTgOa;;a uaaq ATTea1 qou peq 'Z66T 1O; aoUPUTpso AoUablawa aqq gqTM PUP 'Mau SPM aoueuTplo aqy •XIoM og AgTungioddo Ue UanTb aq pTnogs aDueUTplo sX1oMa1T; quallno aqq gla3 Aagq pies sbUTTTOD 1oAeH PUP SXOTipuaH pup Aoel slagwawTTounoO *Jegj a6ogTP SXIOMa1T; buTuupq aOUVUTP1O UP buTIOnP; 'MoXTH IagwawlTounoo gqTM paa16P aqs pies 1ngglyoH lagwawjTDunoO '666T 103 anT40a33a qT bUTXew 'Os op og awTq aqq seM MOU DOUPUTpIO SXIOMaIT; Mau P sspd og pagsTM TTounoO 3T PTPs uewlawwTZ 'III •palTnbal aq Apw aoueuTplo 40UD61awa Iaggoue 4E66T uT padOTanap plezPq ail; P ;I •a3UPUTp1O aqq lad pagdaoop aq og peq SUOT4UOTIddP puegs SXIOMaIT3 'SX10MaIT; 6uTp1p6al sagngPqs agpgs aqq UT 995UP140 OU Uaaq pPq alagq aoUTs pips aH •agegs agq UT saOUPUTpao SX1OMa1T3 anTssa16o1d qsow aqq ;o Duo peq aagDgeuaM gse3 ;o AgTO aqq pies upwsawwiz Aauioggy AgTO •96essed ;o agep aqg 1aq;P 1eaA DUO TTgun anTgoa;;a aq qou pTnoM aoueuTplo sXioMaIT; Mau p pies goTalgsa0 •sH •pagdaoop aq og peq SUOTIPOTTdde aqq sX1oMa1T3 ueq qou pTp aDUeUTp10 sXionalT3 quaiino aqq aoUTs pies gOTalgsaO 1aansealy/X1aj0 AgTO •aaggabogle SgTwTI AITO aqg UTggTM sXIOMaIT; ;o asn pup ales aqq buTuueq aoueuTplo up ;o 1one; UT seM aq pies MOXTH '1H 'E66T uT Uaddpq pTnoo Z661 1O3 aoupuTplo sX1oMa1T;,ADua5law9 up palTnbal goTgM gpgq og UOTgengTs IpITMTS P gPgg paalaDUOD 91aM gseN pup MoXTH slagwawTTounoO Awapeay UPTISTIgO aagageuaM 1o; pUPgs SX1oMa1T; 103 aOT1PDTTddy ZO-SO-£6 gD1ng0 Iegsooaquad pagTun 1o3 pUegs SNJOMa1T; 1O3 uOTgeDTjddy TO-SO-£6 NOIIVHa0ISN00 •papTon a1aM 'ZTSZ PUP 'TTSZ 'OTSZ '80SZ slagwnu guel3eM •TPnoidde Io; ITDunoo og pajjTwgns alp '69'LTL'8ES 30 qunowe aqq UT ZSSZ gbnolgq L05Z slagwnu 1agDnon gUawAed 'E66T 'E AeH 'agep sTga ;o sy IPI S!' LInNI11 7ID.KnOO 33H3,IVN3M ,LStl3 30 .IIID 93-05-03 An appeal hearing regarding the denial of a taxicab driver's license for Terry Weekes of Courtesy Cab. Tom Rechtin, attorney for Terry Weekes, asked Council to grant a continuance of the appeal hearing. Mr. Rechtin said he would like to have more time to review Mr. Weekes DWI conviction in Chelan County and Mr. Weekes was considering withdrawing his appeal. Mr. Rechtin said he would submit a written request for continuance to the City's legal council. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to grant continuance for the appeal hearing regarding the denial of a taxicab driver's license for Terry Weekes of Courtesy Cab until the regular council meeting on June 7. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE 93-04-06 Second reading of an ordinance amending Section 6.04.230 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to animal control laws Mayor Collings read second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the ordinance amending Section 6.04.230 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to animal control law. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 6.04.230 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 6.04. AMENDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF CITY ANIMAL CONTROL LAWS AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 93-05-04 First reading of an ordinance adding a new Section 15.24.061 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regarding posting of signs on city property Mayor Collings read first reading. Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said this ordinance would regulate the posting of signs on City property and City right-of-way. He said yard sale signs and potential signs placed on City property created a potential driving hazard. Mr. Wiltz said enforcement of the ordinance would involve educating the public. Citizens posting signs would be notified and asked to remove the signs. Mayor Collings said the public education would include a newsletter article and posting the ordinance in such places as the Nickel Ads office. - 3 - -v- '£66T 'T Azenuer woz; Aed RATIOPOIgaz anTaoaz pTnoM szaaT;;o aqy •szaOT;;O aOTjod agq Aq paubTs uaaq peq gOe3gUOo UOTun v66T-£66T aqg pTes sbUTITOO IOAeH laodaH S AWNH •XsTz qe sueag ggTM panTonuT sT UOTgeZTUeb.IO aqy •aazOg Xsel UOTgeonps awTIO paTTeO UOTgeZTUebzo ue agebTgsanuT 0g zauU1I3 3aTg0 paXse MoXTH zagwawjTounoo 'O-S 'ATsnowTueun peTzzeo uOTgow aqs •paquasazd se sgad zaIITI aq-4 ;o oTd s,ged zO; buTzeaq jeadde aqq uo UOTsTOap pue sbuTpuT; aqq gdaooe og gseN zagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'sXoTzpuaH zagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM UOTgow v :UOTgov jTounoO •sgad zaggT'I aqg ;0 oTd s,ged zo; 6UTzeaq jeadde aqg uo suoTsTOap pue sbuTpuT; uaIITzM aqq paquasazd Aauzoggv AITO b AeH uO OvµS buTpzebaz szauOTssTwwOO AgunOD seTbnoa agg ggTM buTgaaw e buTpuagge aq pTnoM aqs pappe sbuTjToO zoAeH •aaggTwwoO AzosTnpe agseµ pTTOS aqq woz; bUTMe3pggTM buTzapTsuoa azaM aagogeuaµ ;o AgTO aqq pup Aqunoo ueTago pTes sXoTzpuaH zagwawTTounOD Sasvadn aNv SIHOdau 'IIONn00 •paTgeq seM aOueuTPJO ubTs Mau aqg 'uoTssnosTp zaggzn; buTMoTTo3 •panowaz aq pTnogs Agzadozd AgTO buToe3ap abeubTs aazbe 'zanaMoq pTp PH walgozd e seM gaazgS gJUTN uo abeubTs TeOTgTjod aqq Taa; IOU pTp aq pTes Aoe7 zagwawTTounoO •aagogeuaµ UT ubTs jeTuuagua0 aqq ;o eaze aqq oq zeTTwTs ,auOz uoTsToap, a seM eaze aqg pTes gseN zagwawTTounoo •pzezeq a paquasazd subTs aqq anOzd 01 AgTO aqg Xse pTnoM aTdoad pup abeubTs TeOTgTTOd log pasn ATTeuOTgTpezq uaaq peq uOTgeooT gaazgS gquTN aqg pTes Aoej zagwawTTounoo •piezeq Aga;es TeTquagod a azaM subTs aqq 'OSTV Aum-;o-ggbTz AgTO uo subTs log panssT aq qou pTnoo gTwzad ubTs a asneoaq panowaz aq pTnoM subTs Bans pTes zgTTµ •zH gaazjS gquTN ;o doq aqg ge AeM-go-ggbTz ALTO aq-4 uo pamOTTe aq oq anuTquoo pTnoM sub's TeOTITTod ;T paXse AOerI zagwawTTounoo •sUazTgTO buTA;Tgou gnoggTM subTs anowaz y0a pup alld aqq ggoq pTes ZgTTµ •zii •Agzadozd ALTO ssazppe IOU op seoueuTpzo asagg 'zanaMoH subTs ;o buTgsod aqg bUTgejnbaz saoueuTpzo aneq ApeazTe uoTgegzodsuezl ;o quawgzedaa aqg pue and AqunoO seTbnoa pTes zgTTµ •zH 'sXOTzpuaH zagwawjTounoO woz; suoTgsanb oq zaMsue UI ',.,;T 'c ?IV"I �77InKT11 giDNnoO 33HOIKN3I1 ISH3 30 UIO r 1-7 LJ Mayor Collings said Merritt+Pardini should be reporting soon to Council on the status of the city hall project. In response to Council questions, City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said Merritt+pardini was working to get the cost estimate down from the amount approved by Council. Ms. Oestreich said a different estimate should be available in a couple of weeks. Mayor Collings said the option to change the price estimate still remained before bidding. Mayor Collings said the City could send three voting delegates to the Association of Washington Cities business. meeting. She said any issues Council wished to have discussed at the meeting should be presented in the form of a resolution to AWC. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Property Convened - 7:45 p.m. Reconvened - 8:20 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 8:25 p.m. Virgi a E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -