HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/19/1993 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 19. 1993 6s30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Presents Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman, Ray Yarnell, Jim West, Rick Walk. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Sue Barker, Wenatchee Area Visitor and Convention Bureau, presented Council with 1993 Apple Blossom Souvenir Programs, schedules of events, and booster buttons. Deborah Haskins, Habitat for Humanities, said the organization will hold an auction on April 24. She asked for anyone wishing to make a donation to meet with her after the council meeting. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Superintendent Goodman said of two hundred applications for ISTEA funding, the Eighth and Ninth Street Corridor project had ranked in the top forty. Mr. Goodman said the local Department of Transportation was recommending replacement of the signalization at the Fifth and Sixth Street and Valley Mall Parkway intersections. In response to a question from Councilmember Hendricks, Mr. Goodman said the signalization plans would be discussed with the new mall owners. Mr. Goodman estimated the project at between one hundred forty thousand and one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars. Council agreed by consensus to authorize Mr. Goodman to pursue the Fifth and Sixth Street intersection project. ' Mr. Goodman also asked for Council's authorization to pursue the paving project for Eleventh and Thirteenth Streets above ' Eastmont. Councilmember Mikow agreed paving of these streets was needed, however he felt Grover Street was in more need of paving. He added he would be abstaining from voting on the issue because of his residence on Thirteenth Street. Council agreed by consensus to authorize Hr. Goodman to pursue the paving project for Eleventh and Thirteenth Streets. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action, A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, correcting the Special Session Minutes council action, and as the following items were listed and setting the date of May 3 for an appeal hearing regarding the denial of a taxicab driver's license. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, April 5, 1993. Special Session, April 13. 1993. The corrected motion is as follows Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to authorize Merritt+Pardini to move forward with the next phase of the ' city hall project at 2.3 million dollars; adding back into the project the metal roof and stone on the rotunda. Bid documents should request deductive alternate bids. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 2. Consideration of Bills 93-04-93 3. Set the date for an appeal hearing regarding the denial of a taxicab driver's license Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, are submitted to Council for approval. As of this date, April 19, 1993. payment voucher numbers 2435 through 2506, in the amount of $146.230.99, are submitted to council for approval. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11476 through 11488. in the total amount of $80.202.50, paid April 5, 1993 for the month of March, 1993. Payroll voucher numbers 11475, 11477, and 11481 through 11488 were voided. ' •paTuap gem uoTgeOTTdde asuaoTT ssauTsnq Mau aql IT Sag;e gun pauaddeq you peq sTg1 'A39TOOS auemnH aq1 ;o sanssT agl buTssa.zppe aeM 9100 sH gbnoglTe PTes uemiammTZ AauJO11 T A1TO •uoTgeoTidde asuaOTI aql buTnoidde g1TM maTgoid ou peq eq 'lam asaM uOTgnlTlsa:' glTM suiaOuOD 9141 pue suOTgTPuOO s,AgaTOOS auemnH aqg ;T PTes ON 'paTuap sasuaOTT ssauTsnq eas og aiTsap you PTp aq pies iauuTId ;aTgO •ol paiagpe aq buTsnog 10; sauTTaPTnb VaS[1 ('t, 'PuP :sTemTue Ile uo pauTeluTem aq spaooaa agaTdmoo (•£ :dTauemnq pazTueglna aq sTemTue (•Z :;;egs uo ueT3euT39g9n a (•T 3asuaOTT a ;o aouenssT ejo;aq gam aq suOTgTPuOD buTMOTIO; aqg palsanbaa peq AgaTooS auemnH aqg pies aH •aie;Tam pue OA19;es 'glTeaq OTTgnd ;o gsa393uT lsaq aql uT you gem asuaoTT agl ;o aouenssT pauTm3alap gem IT IT paTuap aq pTnOO asuaOTI ssauTsnq e PTes uemiammTZ -IN •asuaoTT ssauTsnq a ;o ZeTuap JO; ET391TIO aq1 uTeTdxa of uemiammTZ AguJOIIV AITO passe Aoul iagmamTTounoO *dogs Mau aqg uo aseaT a141 TaOueO PTnoo pue dogs luaiano say aneg ITTgs pTnoM ags 'paTuap gem uOTgeOTidde asuaoTT Mau agl IT pies aTOO 'sH 'sXOTspuaH iagmamU ounoO mo3; suOTgsanb 01 asuodsai uI •smaTgoid aseasTp Saggin; pTone of sTemTue 9141 20; luaMUOJTnua ueaTO Mau a gsTTgegsa ' 0g SUOTIU91UT Tag seM 1T PTes aTOO sH -ssauTsnq pa0099 e uado og pagsTM aqs A74m aTOO sH paXse 3ngg3yoH iagmamTTounoO 'ssauTTT aq-4 ao; paleasl Io pauingai aq pTnoo sTemTue ITT amTg gOTgM buT.inp ROTTod aalueienb Sep ual a paguamaTdmT osTe peq aTOO *sH PTes XOTT3 '=H 'Al aTOoS auemnH 3o ueTieuT39l9n 9q1 gbnoigg paTpueq aq pTnoM eTseueggna pue 'TemTue goea uo ldaX aq pinoM sp30093 glTeaq agaTdmoo 'sTemTue XOTs puagle 01 Iieo uo aq pTnoM ueTleuTiagan e 'aoTgoeid UT aiaM sToiguoO uoTlelTueS •suoTgepuammoOai dlaTooS auemnH aqg g1TM buTdidmoo gem OTOD 'sH PTes XOTTa 'zH •OMTI sTgl a=o;aq on3ed ggTM lTeap ianau peq aToO *sH 'smaTgo,zd JOT=d 1nog1TM sieaA auTu so; ssauTsnq gad aq1 uT uaaq peq aTOJ •aH 1eg1 Pies ON 'aTOD 'sH 1suTebe sgTns ITnTo buTpuad PUP sbop ITT buTTTas so; uoTgoe3;uT 9,9100 sH uodn paseq gem IeTuap io; ❑OTgepuammOOaz s,JauuTT3 3aTg0 PTE9 XOTT3 '=W 'Teadde ;0 3811ai s,aTOD 'sH paM9Tn93 'aTOO lea so; d9u301ge '3(OTT3 aTAX •dgaTOOS auemnH ADITRA aagOgeaaM PUP ;aTgD aOTIOd aagOleuaM gseg aql Aq suoTlepuammooaa uo paseq uaaq peq slaa =a11T'I aqg ;o oTa s,lea so; uOT1eOTTdde asuaoTT ssauTsnq aq-4 3o TeTuap 39q PTes gOTaigsaO iainseaiy/XiaTO A1T0 ■ slaa 3a11Tq aql 3o OTd s,1ed so; asuaoTT ssauTsnq a ;o TeTuap agl buTpzebai buTseag Ieadde uy 40-40-£6 HOI1vuaaISH00 Mayor Collings asked if there were any public comments regarding the issue. Deborah Haskins, 420 Eli Street, Chelan WA, said she had purchased two sick kittens from Pat's Best Friends in October 1992. She said Ms. Cole never returned any of her repeated phone calls regarding the animals and she was against the issuance of a business license for Ms. Cole's new business even if Ms. Cole met the Humane Society's conditions. Courtney Prather, 95 Eastmont, Avenue, said she was a former employee of Pat's Best Friends and she had witnessed abuse of animals on many occasions. Rachel Cordell, 17 South Lombard Avenue, said she had purchased a dog from Pat's Best Friends in December 1992. Though she was told the dog was healthy, it developed parvo. She said Ms. Cole did not return her repeated phone calls and continued to sell sick animals. Evelyn Brent, 401 South Kentucky Avenue, said her daughter had purchased a dog from Pat's Best Friends which had an eye problem. Her veterinarian said, if untreated, the illness would have resulted in the loss of sight in that eye. Ms. Brent said her own dog had been groomed at Pat's Best Friends for years, however, she suspected abuse and no longer took her dog there. Mayor Collings closed the public portion of the appeals hearing. Councilmember Lacy said he disliked interfering with a person trying to make a living; however, he was strongly influenced by the fact the Humane Society's conditions were not implemented until after the denial of the new business license application. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Hendricks to deny approval of the business license application for Pat's Pic of the Litter Pets. A roll call vote was called fort Councilmember McArthur Yes Councilmember Nash Yes Councilmember Mikow Yes Councilmember Hendricks Yes Councilmember Lacy Yes City Attorney Zimmerman said he would present the written findings of the appeals hearing at the next council meeting. 93-04-05 Chelan and Douglas Counties Comprehensive Solid Waste Management preliminary draft plan Mayor Collings said the Council needed to make a decision on the preliminary draft of the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. She said the draft was in the same form as it would be for •0-s 'ATsnomTueun paT33eo uoTgom aqy •uejd guamabeueH agseM pTToS aqg so; jt'ooT3aquT aqq 6oTgdope uoTgnTosag put' gu9m8836t' TeooTialut aqq ubTs oq JOAeK aqg azTzoggne oq gseN sagmamTTounoD Aq puooas 'GXDT3puaH 3agmamTTounoo Aq apem sea uoTgom y IuoTgoy TTounoo •buTubTs p9puamm0093 Pup TeooT3aquT agq uT suoTIVOWTPom agq ggTM aTgeg3o;moo spa ags pTes sbuTTToo 3oApH '3eaA agq jo pua aqq 146noigq poob aq pTnoM guamea36t' Mau aT41 •TT3dV uT pa3Tdxa hienuer uT pau6Ts uoTgnTo993 pup TeooT.xaguT aqq pTes sbuTTToo 3oAeH ueTd guamabeueH agseM pTToS aqg so; TeooTi9•3uT aqg 6uTgdope uoTgnTosag pup guam9a3be Tpooi39gul 90-60-£0 NOISIIZOsau amy RHooquai i •0-S 'ATsnomTueun PeT33t'o uoTgom aqy ueTd q;e3p A3puTmTTaid guamabeueH agseM pTToS aATsuagaidmoo saTqunoo spjbnoo-ueTago aqq ano3dde og 3ngg3yoH iagmamTTounoo Aq ' puooas 'Aoej 3agmamTTounoo Aq appm sea uoTgom y :uoTgDV TTounoo agseM ;o uoTgpgiodmT aqq uo see; goedmT pup sgTm3ad g0T3g9Tp ggTpaq a3am guamaTdmT pTnoo Agunoo aqg sToiquoo aqy •asogo IT a3agMAup moi; ssauTsnq gToTTos pTnoo Auedmoo aqq pup ssauTsnq a4eAT3d ggTm a3a;.xaguT qou pTnoo saTqunoo pagegs 5uTTn3 g3noo amaidnS aqq pup ginoo UT pabuaTTego ueaq ppq quamabeueH agseM •Auedmoo 94pAT3d p Aq page3ado pup paumO sRm iiF3PueT aqy •anssT agpiedas e seM uoTgengTs TTT;PUeT agq pTes 006be3Q •3H •ueTd agseM PTTos aqq 3aAo gTTds saTgunoo agg 3T doTanap pTnoo uoTgengTs TIT;Puej aqq oq majgo3d 3eTTmTs a ;T paKse MoKTH 3agmamTTounoo 'guamaTdmT oq 3eaA auo ggTm '666T 'T ATnf Aq aopjd uT aq gsnm upj3 gu8ma6eueH agseM pTToS aql •uoTgdope Temao; Pup M9TA83 TeuT; 30; suoTg3TpsT3nl TeooT oq pauanga3 oq pTnoM uejd aqy •quammoo og AgTung3oddo up aneg pjnoM oTTgnd je3auab Pup 'A60Toog ;o quamg3edap 'TTounoo uoTIPIJodsue3y pup saTgTTTgl1 uog6uTgseM agy ';;egs smeibo3d agseM pTToS ggTM paaaTAa3 aq uagq pTnom uejd q;eap aqq 'pegdope ;T 'pTes oo6be3Q 3H •uejd aqg UT uoTgonpa3 e 3agge3 qnq 9spa3ouT aa; a aq you pTnoM a3agg pTes oob6e3o •3H 'a93PygTm Agunoo ueTago 3T uoTg3od s,Agunoo ueTago 3anoo I og aspa3ouT aa; a aq pTnom a3agg 3T Paxst' SXDT3puaH 3agmamTTounoo TTounoo moi; suoTgsanb Aup 3aasue og aTgeTTEAe sea 'smp3bo3a agseM PTToS sej6noa-ueTago 'oobbe3o uoN pTes sbuTTToo 3oApH •agep 3ageT e le apem aq pTnoo sabuego 'A3essaoau ;T '3anaMo4 'uoTgdope TeuT; ORDINANCE 93-04-01 Second reading of an ordinance amending the zoning map related to the Warren Hills rezone located at 1022 and 1024 North Baker Avenue, 110. 124. 130. and 150 NE llth Street, and 1015 Alvin Court Mayor Collings read second reading. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to pass the ordinance amending the zoning map related to the Warren Hills rezone. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING HAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE WARREN HILLS REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1022 AND 1024 N BAKER, 110. 124. 130, AND 150 NE 11TH STREET AND 1015 ALVIN COURT FROM "R-H RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO "R-O RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE DISTRICT" AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 93-04-06 First reading of an ordinance amending Section 6.04.230 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code ' relating to animal control laws Mayor Collings read first reading. EAST WENATCHEE RIVERFRONT TRAIL UPDATE Jennifer Olsen, project coordinator, and Bob Droll, landscape architect, gave an update on the trail project. Ms. Olsen said the trail planning committee had walked the trail and identified areas for review with Mr. Droll. Ms. Olsen said she had met with the Department of Transportation and Dave Jenkins, Four Seasons Inn, regarding the property leases for the trail which must be secured before construction of the trail could begin. Mr. Droll and City Planner Campbell were working on the environmental impact statement. Ms. Olsen said she would be contacting Chief Flinner regarding emergency vehicle access and public safety. Mr. Droll discussed the different areas of potential liability associated with the trail such as the grade on the switchback portion of the trail, boulders, and security. Mr. Droll suggested convex mirrors, video cameras, and lighting as possible security measures, particularly below the Columbia River Bridge. Chief Flinner recommended lighting and police patrols as the most ' valuable means of security. Mountain bikes, trail bikes, and golf carts were suggested as transportation for patrols. jainsvaiy/Xiajo A1To y0jaJlsap g e�TuTbITA •m•d zb'g - LmaHmunorav •uOTsjoaP a Jo; TTounoo 01 1T luasazd pjnoM ags pup slsanbal sTq :(o; uOTlemJOJuT OPTAosd of uopno7 'JH paXse sbuTjToo JOAeH leql buTseaj uT palsaialuT aq Ig6Tm TUN AaTjeA 096 le Awadoad buTleoeA .10 zaPTsuoo 01 TTounoo 9111 PaXse osje TTeg A1To agl g1TM 6uoje Al=adoid sTg aq PTnoM ay pTps aH •TTey AITO luaisno ayl ;O .zaumO a141 sT aq PTes 'SN laaJIS •Aliedoid aq PaPPe aH •ARMXied luamasea ue buTIeOTPap uopnoZ ja •Aliadoad buTITaS uT PalsaialuT 941 buTuTO[pe Aliadoid y151 TITS 'uopnoq aTaaH SSNHHHOJ USH10 •aunr uT uOTluanuoo saT1To uol6uT49eM ;o uOTleToossv Tenuue 9141 ;0 TTounoo papuTma.T sbuTTTOo JOAeH •paseajd A3aA seM poogaogqbTau aql pue laoils gluanajg uo 5uTlg6Tj laails ;o luamaoejd eql zo; A1T3 ay1 PaXuegl '3N laalaS gluanaTg ;o luapTsai a 411aq.Too 11eH PTes s6uTTTop JOAPH 1H0dHH S,HOAVH •aTps Zo; lou seM 6uTPTTnq aql •aagoleuaM uT 6uTPjTnq Avma3es PTO agl 6uTspgoand aq 1ou pjnoM gNIq PTes sXoTJpuaH a agmamTTOunoo •luana agl aleuTPIOOO 01 aOT;;o aagmego aql lopluoo pjnoM sbuTTTOJ soAeH •ape3pd ayl uT aPTJ 01 amOOTaM azaM Aag1 'pojgTmjad aTnpayos aTag1 ;T pTes 'zagmego aagoleuaM Iseg 'saJiaH Tlled •apeied agl uT aledT0T13ed ueder 'eMesTH moi; 1ua6uTluoo 5uT1TsTA ayl palsanbea Aopl *jH •passnosTp ajaM apeaed sTsspyo AsseTo agl .To; sjTelaP pue buTlaam P3eog .agmeyo 99g03euaM lseg agl papualle Peg ay pTes Aae'j iagmamTTounop s3ivadn axv siuoau 'IIoNnoo •gluom auo AjalemTxojddv uT TTounoo of Xopq liodai pjnoM ay Put' aallTMMOD TTE31 ayl pue jTounoo ;o suoTlsabbns aql uo salemTlsa Isoo yoieasas pjnoM ay pies TToia JH •1SOa uT 90uaJa;;TP lueOT;TubTs e aq PTnoM ejagl ssajun uaaouoo a lou sPm TTezl aql ;o ' glpTM aql 1Ta; aq pTes Aoe'T iagmamjTounoo TTejq ylpTM aTgeTJV A e aneq of Tensnun lou seM 1T 6UTPPe 'uOTsToap TTounop a aq PTnOM TTeil aql ;0 141PTM ag1 pTes TTosa 'JH •ssapjnogs too; omq so auo aq pjnoM aouaza;;Tp ayy 'laa; uaal.Tno; aq PTnoM jTe.T1 aql ;o yIPTM TTPJeAO ayl pTes sbuTTTOD JOAeH •ITeJ4 ay1 30 gIPTM aql uo apem uaaq peg uoTsTOap Ave ;T PaXse sXOT.TPuaH jagmamTTounoo