HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/8/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MARCH 7, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Bob Kiesz, Ray Yarnell, Randy Webley, Bruce Nash. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Planning Department ' City Planner Campbell updated Council on Stage I of the Ninth Street Project. Mr. Campbell said right-of-way negotiations were in process and the project was close to the design phase for Stage I. March 18 would be the deadline for the grant application for the funding of Stage II. Mr. Campbell said one issue in Stage II would be replacing the old irrigation line, which ran up Ninth Street almost to Eastmont. He said the City could face possible liability if the pipe broke in the future. Mr. Campbell said the estimated cost of Stage II of the Ninth Street Project would be nine hundred thousand dollars including the line replacement. Mr. Campbell said he would contact Council with information and answers to questions after he met with the Reclamation District, city engineers and legal counsel. Mr. Campbell said plans for the Ninth Street STP funding included a bus pull-out to be located on the north side of Ninth Street above the school district ballfields. However, LINK had requested the bus pull-out be located in front of the new city hall. Ll - 1 - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 7, 1994 Mr. Campbell said this location would require the removal of the stone wall at the front of the city hall property or setting it back ten to twelve feet. Council asked for more specific information and Mr. Campbell will collect additional information and respond to Council. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Actioni A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, February 22, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date. March 7, 1994, payment voucher numbers 3413 through 3444. in the amount of $24,275.58. are submitted to Council for approval. Voucher number 3412 was voided. ' Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 12102 through 12153, in the total amount of $86.876.83 paid March 4, 1994, for the month of February, 1994. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation of the City of East Wenatchee to the Apple Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross proclaiming March, 1994 as American Red Cross Month in the City of East Wenatchee. ORDINANCE 94-02-10 Second reading of an ordinance establishing regulations and rules regarding cruising in East Wenatchee Mayor Collings read second reading. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance establishing regulations and rules regarding cruising in East Wenatchee. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. - 2 - - £ - 1-1 •asn buiwlo;uoouou bUT1STXa UP se bUTUOZ aTbuts TPzluapisal 'T-H ag1 01 ut palaglp;pupzb aq PTnoM pzpgozo s,pno11S 'IW PTeS TTagdwe0 zW •spzPgozo 10111saz pTnoM goigM butuoz of 1oalgo pTnoM aq 'JanaMoq 'UOT1PXauue aq1 pazonp; aq pies aH •1aaz1S gluaalautN uo pzpg0zo TTews a pauMo ag pies 3N 1S gluaalauiN TTb 'Pnoz1S TTT9 •aleTzdozddP sPM butuoz aTbuts TPTquapTsaz 7-H aql 1Ta; aq pies aH Aj enuef uT TT3uno0 01 uotlexauue Io; uOTITlad lueozad ual aq1 paluasazd '3N 1S gluaalauTN SZZ 'uealg PTOSeH :uotlexauue pasodoid agl ;o zoAP; uT axods suaZTITo buTmOTTO; aql •uotlexauue snonbzluoouou aztnbai 1ou pTnoo pzeoq MaTAaI A,iepunoq aq1 p?es aH •awil sigl le uotlexauue zabzeT e ;O X1?TTq?ssod aq1 ;o UOT1eOTpUT ou uaAib peg pauoq MaTAaz Ajepunoq aq1 pies TTagdwp0 zW 'gspN zagwawTTDuno0 woz; uotlsanb P 01 asuodsaz uI •gnTO A,zluno0 pup ' ;TOO aagoleuaM aq1 apnTout pTnoM pup ATalewixozdde pup sl?wtT A1?0 agl 01 sluapisaz Mau pazpunq zno; s1Tun buTTTaMp uaAas-AgXTS pazpunq auo ppe pTnoM uoTlexauuu aql pees TTagdwp0 IH -dais TPOz6OT P aq pTnoM IaAtg etgwnTOD aq1 01 Iaxpg wO13 uotlexauue aznln; P pzes pup ease paxauue aql ;;o buizenbs papuawwoOal TTagdwp0 zW •uotlexauup aql bu2MOTIO; aTbuts TPTIuapisaz 'I-d se pua glnos aq1 pup aTdillnw Tetluaptsaa W-H se pale paxauue ag1 ;o pua g11ou aql butuoz papuawwooaz aH aUOp aq pTnoM butuoz UOTIexaUUe-azd ou pup hlunoD aq1 uT 000'0Z IdS pauoz ATluazzno spM Pale aql PTPs TTagdwPO IW •Tzouno0 zo; satzepunoq uotlexauuP aq1 pauiTlno TTagdwp0 •zW •palPPTTpA uaaq ppq £ Aapnuer uO TTouno0 o1 pa11?wgns uoTgTlad uotlexauuP 1uaolad u91 ag1 PTPs TTagdwp0 zauu2Td Al?0 1uow1se3 PUP zaxeg uaaMlaq '1aaz1S gluaalaUTM 01 gluaal;?d wOI; pa1POOT hlladozd Io; palliwgns uotlexauup ;o UOTaTiad 60-ZO-b6 NOIIVx3NNV 3JVQ 3AIS033d3 NV ONIIIaS QNV 33HO,LVN3M ISV3 d0 A,LIO 3HS d0 SV32IV Q31VN5IS30 NIHIIM SNOIIIQNOO NIVII12D daaNn ONISIMID H02id S31I3IH3A 9NIIIHIHOdd 3QOJ 'IVdI0INnH 93HDIVN3M ISV3 3HI d0 06'OT EHIdVHO MHN V ONIIdOQV ' NOIDNIHSVM ' 33HJ,LVN3M ,LSV3 30 kIIO 3HI d0 3JNVNIGHO NV 5-66 -ON SONVNIQLIO 466T 'L HZ)HVH SsInNIW gioNnoo 33HJZVN3I4 ,LSV3 d0 AII3 CITT OF EAST 47ENATCHEE COUNCIL AfINUTES MARCH 7, 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the annexation petition as submitted and to authorize the circulation of a sixty percent petition annexation to include the zoning area. The motion and legal description of the carried unanimously, 5-0. CITY HALL FUNDING 94-02-10 Recommendation for balance of funding for East Wenatchee's new city hall 11 City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said since the legislation which would raise the allowable debt of small cities had been passed by the state legislature, she would be changing her funding recommendation to Council. She said she would not be recommending bond anticipation notes or an interfund loan at this time. Ms. Oestreich said her recommendation would be to do another councilmanic bond in June and to sell the current city hall property. Pending the sale of the property, an interfund loan could also be done, if necessary. Ms. Oestreich said the legislation would double the City's allowable debt from three fourths of one percent to one and one half percent. Council agreed by consensus to Ms. Oestreich's funding recommendation. Ms. Oestreich said she would present the bond issue with actual figures to Council in May or June. RECOMMENDATION 94-02-11 Creation of an in-house legal counsel for East Wenatchee Mayor Collings said one of her duties as mayor of the City of East Wenatchee was to select the City's legal counsel. She said she elected to continue the services of Ogden, Murphy, Wallace because she felt the firm did a good job and she appreciated the firm's expertise. Mayor Collings said she had reviewed salary surveys from other cities and the costs for the City's contracted legal services was within the same range as most cities of the same size. Mayor Collings read a letter City of Bridgeport, supporting Wallace as legal counsel: from Steve Jenkins, mayor of the the retention of Ogden, Murphy, - 4 - - S - •saTITO zagmam zo; ginoo TedTOTunm puamwozaz dagq ' op zou :saZym q?0 zagmam sqT zo; Tasunoo TebaT asnoq-UT puamm0092 zo asiopua you pip wzt; guaabeuem xstz stq pies 'uogbutgSRM ;o uotgPTDOSSV 90ueznsui saigiJ buiquesazdaz 4pj9TJUP0 XOTa •Tasuno0 TebaT pazuatzadxa up papaau AITO aqg amig quasazd aqg ge 'zanaMoq 'dauzogge asnoq-ui up paau dTTenquana pTnoM dgi0 aqq pies aH Aauaogge asnoq-ui up so; ggbtz SVM amiq aqg Taa; you ptp aq PTe3 mOXTH iagwamTTouno0 •aagogpuaM gseg zo; Tasuno0 TebaT asnoq-ui up go uoigepuamwo09z aq-4 gzoddns you pip aq ptps sx0izpu9H zagmamTT0uno0 •dauzogge asnoq-uz uE ;o UOT;0919s zo; uoigom E ogan pTnoM aqs pTes aqS •Tasuno0 TebaT se aoeTTeM 'dgdznW 'uap6o uZegaz pTnogs dgZO aqg qTa; aqs 'UT panTonut dTguazzno si dgTo aq-4 sanssi uo paspq pies sbUTITOD zodPH •TTeo aspaTd 'ania0az am gegg 990inz99 aqg buTpzebaz suorgsanb due aneq nod ;T zo nod dTaq oq op uE0 am butggdue sT azagq ;I •anes TTTm am azom aq-4 4sa0tnz8s azPgs am azom aqy •Tozquo0 azom aneq am dnoz6 P se 'pagsazaqut aq pTnoM am swaTgozd zo saigarzdozdmT duE uaaq aneq azagq ;I •saTgTO zno quasazdaz oq wzi; sigg buisn dq qT;auaq aqg paztu6009z seq (MVIo) zaizze0 aauEznSUT zno uan$ •sgsoo zno gas;;o usgq atom sPq sgtns MET bUtgzane dq panes aneq am gEgq dauOm ;o qunowp aqy yang zno So; bueq TEaz a qa6 am gegg Taa; am 'wzi; 391TPMS a dq 80PTdaz og aTgtssodwt oq gxau aq pTnoM mzi; sigq dq papinozd saigTetoads pup saoznosaz aqq 114gzno3 aze; am zaggaq aqq 'zaggabog XoZgs saigio atom aqy •xzoM UTRTd pooT; PUP 'quamabeUPH agseM pTToS 'quawabpupK glmozg ;o sanssi apnTOui pTnoM stgq 'sawiq snozzen ge dqunoo SPTbnoQ ggTm buTTEap dTaq gzadxa paau TIP am pztgy •qT;auaq zno TTP zo; pazedazd aoeTTpM •dgdznH 'uapbo geqq mzo3az uotgexauuy PUP Sun xeg 5uTuza0u00 upmazod antgpguasazdaH og paizze0 I szaggaT aqq aq pTnoM aTdmexa amizd y •santgeguasazdaH pup szogpuag zno ggtM ggbiaM azom gonm satzzeo dauzoiju zno gatzgstp antgeTsTbaT awPS aqq uiggTm s9tgt0 ;o dnozb a sP 'dTpuOD99 •mzi; amPs aqq 6utztTTIn ut asigzadxa glTm pup dT?zegauom ggoq qT;auaq am pup smaTgozd uommoo anPq aag0geuaM pup aag0geuaM gseg IueTagy 'zagsnazg 'gzodabptzg •apis gsaM aqq uo satgt0 se TTaM se eaze sigg ui SRTITO zaggo TEzanaS quasazdaz dagq gszT; :suoseaz TezanaS zo; 90eTTeM 'AgdznW 'uap6o asogo gzoda5p2zg ;o dgto aqy •uotssnostp znod ui szog0e; quegzodmi awos zaptsuoo nod gPgq adoq pTnoM I •SaOinzas dauzogge S,qi 6uzbuPgO 6utgeTdmaguoo sT aag0geuaM gseg ;o dgTo agq geqq voiguaggp dw og awoo spy gi 666T 'L HOHN1i S3ynNIN ZIONf100 33HoytlN3M LSV3 30 All.' [ I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 7, 1994 5 Councilmember Lacy said a qualified attorney could be hired and the City would have better control over in-house legal counsel. He said financially, and with the City's continuing growth, the time was right for the City to hire its own in-house attorney. In response to questions from Councilmembers Lacy and Nash, City Attorney Kiesz said the mayor did have veto powers in issues not dealing with City finances. He said Council would need the vote of a majority plus one (four councilmembers) to override the mayor's veto. However, since Councilmember Lacy's original motion called for an ordinance, a veto would not be effective until an ordinance was prepared. Councilmembers Nash and McArthur agreed the time was right for the City to move ahead with its own in-house legal counsel. Councilmember Nash said she was certain a qualified attorney with experience in municipal law could be hired. Councilmember Lacy said he would like to amend his original motion to be effective January 1, 1995, for the hiring of an in-house attorney. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to have an ordinance created to establish the position of an in-house attorney for the City of East Wenatchee. The position would be effective January 1, 1995. The motion carried, 3-2 (Hendricks, Mikow) (Mayor Collings, veto). EXECUTIVE SESSION - Litigation Mayor Collings called a ten minute Litigation. Convened - 8:15 p.m. Reconvened - 8:25 p.m. MAYOR'S REPORT executive session regarding Mayor Collings asked for input regarding the Clean Air Act information given to Council in their packets. Council agreed that cooperation should continue with the Fire District on this subject, since they handle the fire permits and controlled burning. Mayor Collings reported on the different methods of selling the city hall property. 1) listing with a realtor, 2) the city selling and listing it themselves, e) or bid sell it as the fire district did with their old building. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to market the property and list it with a realtor. The motion carried, 5-0. - 6 - - L - 1 iainseajy/XiaTO AITO goiasgsa0 '3 etuTBJTA w'd SE'8 - ZNSHNHflOfGV •iogoadsui se qo[ pooh a butop ao; zlITM xoTN papuawwoo aq pue aTnpagos uo sum goaCoad aqg 'panTosa3 buiaq azan gnq 'pa an000 peq swaTgoid zouiw ma; a 'Tian buTOb alan sbutgg ba Ties 'sngegs buipTtnq TTeq AITO agg uo pagzodai aH •sagwawpieoq a se pawzo;uz asow awooaq og NNII woi3 wweH uaN qg?n buTlaaw sum aq pies Aoe7 sagwamjTouno0 salvadi1 amv siuoasu 'IIJNnoo 666T ' L HOdVH SS,L[1NIId 'TTJNl103 SSHDIVNEM ,LSHS 30 'IUI�