HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/22/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 22, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Councilmember McArthur excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman, John Flinner, Linda Countryman, Pete Fraley, Nick Wiltz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Maintenance Supervisor Goodman asked Council to approve the paving project of several streets in the last annexation area. ' He said it was a budgeted item. Council agreed by consensus. Mr. Goodman asked Council to agree to the process of hiring another maintenance person, as had been approved in the budget process. Council agreed by consensus. Planning Department City Planner Campbell reviewed the County's plan for extension of 4th Street to SR 28. He said a grant may be available, it would be an alternative to potential traffic problems and the County would like a letter of support from East Wenatchee. Council agreed by consensus to sending a letter to the County in support of the project and the grant. Mr. Campbell said he would be doing a Planning Short Course in Waterville on April 19. He said it would be County wide and invited Council to attend. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 4-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, February 7, 1994. 2. Consideration of Bills - 1 - -z- suoTgpTnbaj OOd sgdopg pup sabipgo pup salpi gons ;o Toiluoo aqq sapTAoid UOTgnTosaj sTgl •aspaaoap AlgTssod pTnoo sales 'sanaMOH '6661 AeN TTlun papualxa seM azaas; aspaiouT ales 9Tgpo agy •salp3 aTgeo agpTnbas og uoTlezTiogZne pup uoTJEOT;TJlao aql panoidde ATsnoTAa3d peq TTounoo aqg pTes AalEJJ Aauzoggd AITO swalsds uoTsTAaTag aTgeo ;o sabzpgo ;o uoTleTnbaa 5uTpTAo3d uoTgnTosai H SO-ZO-46 xoisnzosxx *pace uMoluMop aql uT ssauTsnq azow 5uTg0eSlgp pue pa32 agg buTAozdwT ',ozluoo oT;;esq 3aglaq azaM suoseas TpuolgTPPe '�anaMoH ueTd ieaA xTs agq pup UOTgeZTT?UbTS Mau ggTM sueTd s,AlTo aql uT buTaq Apea3Tp gzoddns pagTo TTounoO gjoddns ;o jaggaT aqg oq snsuasuoo Aq paaabp TTounoO •ease abpTiq ueTgspgppo agg qp TTew TeuoTgTPpe ue gsuTpbe aouenpe uT pupgs a axeq of luoddns ;o saggaT e Jog TTounoO paxse uMojg •iH •uoTsupdxa pleMoq AITO aqq w0i3 lioddns pup azngonllsej;uT 'uaxpg ;o uolsuagxa 'sueTd peon 'TTpw sagloup of uOTITsoddo 'TTpgai se ease azoo UmoluMop aqg buTdaaX ggMoib 1e3aua6 papnTouT TTeH agg ;o suaaouoo pTes unoig •1H 'AITTTap; buTxipd a6aeT e buTppe pue azTS uT buTTgnop UT pagsasaguT ST sspag pue pagTsTA peq quawa6eupw saeas pup :hquadozd pup aanlTuin3 s,uaTTy pasegoind peg TTeH aql pTes aH awxq sTgg le auozaa Aup jog suoTgpOTTdde ou azaM asagg pTes uMoje •SH •TTew aql ;o snlegs pup sueTd ainan; agq uo liodai p 9Ae6 'TTew AaTTpA aagoleuaM agl buTluasasdaj 'uMoug wTf 'zH TTeH AaTTeA aagoleuaM •sluawu6TSSe qOC UT Sabupgo pue ;;egs Mau 6UT1Tg sp gons 'appw aq pTnoM sabuego awns pappp aH •squana ;o aTnpagos pup ssazbosd s,neaing ail-4 uo TTaunoO og uo' lewuo;uT paingTlgsTp 4nsasng UOTquanuo0 pup JOITsTA aqq BuTluasaidau 'AauppTO uod •JH neaing UOTquanuo0 pue iogTSTA - Hoilvixassdd •papTOA ssm OZZE sagwnu qupizpM 'Tenoudde so; TTounoO of paggTwqns ase '90'66S't,9ES ;o lunowp agl uT 'TT6E gbnozgq 65EE szagwnu sagonoA IuauiAed 'y66T 'ZZ Aspn-Tga3 'agep sTgl ;o sy ' TTounoO of aTgeTTene @pew uaaq seq goTgM buTlsTT e uo papzooas uaaq aneq '060'bZ'Zb tdod Aq pa=Tnbai se paT;TlJao swTeTa quawasangwTal asuadxa @sogq pup '0g0'6Z'Z6 MJd Aq palTnbaz se iaOT;;o 6UTITpn2 aql Aq paT;Tlz@o pup pagTpnp siagonoA CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second 1 by Councilmember Lacy to approve the resolution providing regulation of charges for television systems. The motion carried, 3-1 (Hendricks). RESOLUTION NO. 94-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF BASIC SERVICE TIER RATES AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CHARGES OF ANY CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM OPERATING IN THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation declaring February 19 through February 26, 1994 as National Future Farmers of America Week. ORDINANCES Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to elevate first reading to second reading on both ordinances. The motion carried, 4-0. ' 94-02-06 An ordinance amending the EWMC, Chapter 17.24.020 regarding modular homes as dwellings in agricultural areas. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance and amend Chapter 17.40 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The motion carried, 3-1, (Nash). ORDINANCE NO. 94-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADDING A NEW SUB -SECTION D TO SECTION 17.24.020 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE PERMITTING HUD MODULAR AND MANUFACTURED HOUSING IN THE R-L RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON TEN ACRE LOTS AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 94-02-07 An ordinance amending the EWMC, Chapter 17.40 to allow auto repair work in certain areas Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance and amend Chapter 17.40 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The motion carried, 4-0. - 3 - -v- •uoTssTwwoO buTuueTd aqg 01 paguTodde uaaq peq gsaM uuAZ •sH gegg pappe aqS slojvjsTbaT ggTM gaam 0q ITzdV UT •0.O 'UogbuTgsLM og buTob aq pTnoM ease aqq moi; sTeTOT;;o TPJanas pue aouaia7uo0 aATgplsTba, 0MV a" Ip OTdoq a seM JageM BUINUTap ages 3o anssT aqg pappe sbuTTIOD a0AeH •Aquno0 spTbnoO ian00sT0 pup pie0g dsosTApV aOTTod agg Jo; sMaTAzaq? u'uoagaun7 s,uoAeH aq-4 g0ns papuagge peq aqs suoTgoun; quaaa34Tp pappe aqS '666T '81 aunt io; paTnpagos s2m gsa3 un3 apTsgse3 aqq pTes sbuTTIOD JOAeH •pagueM dagq sa0TAJas aqq apTAoid oq TTounoO pup AgTO aqg 4ITM N10m oq padoq aq pTes aH •uoTIUTOossV dooj appose0 aqg ;o uemagTgM hize7 ggTM gam peq ags pTes sbu?TIOD soheH ZHod3u S,HOLVH •(uoTquagsgp 'SX0Tipu9H) '0-£ 'PaT=se0 uoTgow agy b66T 8 goieH PTaq aq oq uoTgoaT3 ,�guno0 splbnoQ aqg UT T •oN uoTlTsodoad aq TT?M g0TgM Al?TT0e3 uoTquagaO aTTuannr aq-4 gsoddns AToTTgnd og Aop7 sagwawTTounoa Aq puooas 'MoxTH sagmawlT0un00 Aq appm svm uoTgow V :uoTgaV TTOunoo -IT gioddns pinoM aq 'sanaMoq 'aATssaOxa waas pTp sgsoo aq-4 ;o awos page -as aH adAq sTgg ;o AITTTOe; e UT sguawaaTnbas pup spaau aqg ;o buTpuegs-Tapun jaggaq e peq aq pup auo0 abpnr paiTgad ggTM law peq aq pTes Aop7 iagw9wTT0un00 AgTITOe3 uoTquagaO aTTuannr - T •oN uoT-aTsodoid 60-ZO-66 NOIZVH30ISHOD •malgoud p ampoaq buTsTnzo ;T aoueuTpio aTgpaoio;ua pooh a aq pTnoM IT qTa; aq pup 'AaTbpee ;a?q0 oq PaxTeg Peg ag 'aou?uipso buTsTnio s,aag0geua14 saq;e paulWaled seM aaueuTpio aq-4 pTes iauuTT3 ;a?g0 aOueuTpso agg ;o quawaOso;ua agg ggTM aTgegso;moo sLm aq ;T zauu?T3 ;a?q0 Paxse MoxTH T@gwawjTOunoD buTpeai gszT; ppaj sbuTlToO JOAPH aagogeuaM gsp3 UT buTsTnio buTpsebaz saTnj pup suoTgeTnbai bu?gsTlgeqsa aOueuTpzo ue 3o buTpeas gs3T3 80-ZO-66 '31VO 3AIZ03333 NV ONISZ3S ONV UIO 3HZ 30 ZOIHISIO ZVI033HH00 AlINnHH00 H-0 3HS NI 03HH03d3d 38 OZ S30IAH3S NIVdSH 370IH3A HOZOH SNIIIIHH3d 3000 ZVdIOINflH 33H0SVN3M SSV3 3HZ 30 OZO'Ob'LT NOIZ033 ' OZ 0 NOIZ03S-9nS M3N V ONIQOV 'NOZONIHSVM '33H0ZVN3M ZSV3 30 2UIO 3HS 30 7I0Nn00 ALIO 3HZ 30 30NVNIQN0 NV £-66 'ON 30NVNIOdO COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Mikow said he had attended the East Wenatchee Chamber Board Meeting and the board said they were pleased with the City of East Wenatchee's commitment to the community. He added East Wenatchee's is an honorary membership due to the support. Councilmember Lacy said he had attended a meeting of the Sister Cities Group in honor of Ralph Nakata. Misawa, Japan, Wenatchee's sister city, hopes to be more involved with Classy Chassis this year. Councilmember Lacy reported on attending his first LINK board meeting. Mr. Lacy said discussion included the transfer station, the multi -modal center location, a citizen group from Hi Valley asking for bus service, budget and bonuses for employees. The Citizens Advisory Board also gave input. Councilmember Lacy said the meeting was interesting and he was looking forward to being on the board. ADJOURNMENT - 7:55 P.M. ' Vida E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer Ll - 5 -