HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/7/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 7, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Councilmember McArthur excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman, John Flinner, Randy Harrison, Linda Countryman, Gil Sparks, Nick Wiltz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said Arby's was planning on building on Valley Mall Parkway, in the location next to the I Cashmere Valley Bank. Mr. Wiltz reported on the status of city hall, noting the concrete was eighty percent poured, the contractors were basically only one day behind, and the construction was moving ahead quite well. Planning Department City Planner Campbell said an Economic Development conference was being held at Central Washington University. He would not be able to attend, however a boardmember from the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce was planning to attend representing East Wenatchee. Mr. Campbell recommended renewal of membership and staying involved in the Resource Conservation and Development Council. He said there were many critical issues that affected the membership agencies, such as ground water rights and water filtration. Mr. Campbell went into further explanation of the new Arby's restaurant. He said the street would be widened for a left turn lane. The property was being dedicated for curbs, sewer and gutters. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Noyd, owners of Arby's, added the permits were in process and they were very anxious to start construction. - 1 - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar, as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 4-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, January 18, 1994. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, February 7, 1994, payment voucher numbers 3309 through 3343, for 1994 payables, in the amount of $29,281.65, are submitted to Council for approval. Warrant numbers 3311 and 3312 were voided. Payroll voucher numbers 12048 through 12101, in the total amount of $84.487.39 paid February 4, 1994, for the month of January, 1994. Payroll warrant numbers 12056, 12059 and 12085 were voided. PRESENTATION ' - Juvenile Detention Center Keith Thrapp, representing the Committee for the Juvenile Detention Center, made a presentation to Council asking for Council's support and endorsement of the juvenile center. He distributed documentation to Council justifying the needs in the community and adding the issue would again go to the vote of the people on March 8. Councilmember Lacy questioned the cost of the anticipated facility. Mr. Thrapp explained the difference in this type of facility's construction which resulted in additional costs, compared to a normal bed facility. Mayor Collings reminded Council, if they wished to give their endorsement as a government body, it would need to be on .the agenda for a vote. Council agreed to consider the issue and make a decision at the February 22 meeting. - East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Patti Herres, Chamber Director, gave a 1993 year end report. She distributed a sample of a new brochure promoting tourism to East Wenatchee. Ms. Herres asked for Council's financial support to allow Tammi Fitzpatrick, Chamber boardmember, to attend the Economic Development Conference at Ellensburg. The cost is $325, the chamber was paying one hundred dollars and she asked for funding from East Wenatchee for the balance. - 2 - - £ - •panowal aq pinogs sawoq zelnpow ao pazngoe;nuew so; squawalTnbaa Den 1Ta; ag pies SXoTzpuaH iagwawlTounoD paau aingn3 so; 'papaau ;T 'saoTsTnoid uTeglaO agepoww000e 0g pal;e3p aq pTnoo quawpuawe aqq pTes uewzawwTZ Aau3olgV AITD •walgoad aqq anlosaz pinoo a0uegsuT sTg1 UT ITwzad asn IeuoTgTpuoo e ;T paXse pue papTnTpgns Allenquana seM IT uagM Alaadosd aqq buTpsebaz uia0uoo passajdxa gseN zagwawTTounoD •IT3un0D of pauTeldxa osTe seM sawoq pasngoe3nuew pue alTgow 'uelnpow uaaMgaq a0uaia;;Tp aqy •spiepuels (QIIH) auawdolana0 uequn pue buTsnOH pue spaepuels (Den) apoD buTPITne wzo;Tun uaaMgaq 90uasa;;Tp eq1 passnOsTp TTaunoD •Ienosdde papuawwooaj uoTssTWM03 buTuueTd ag1 sanaMog 'gsanbai aqq ;o TeTuap buTpuaww00aJ seM ;;egs pTes ITagdweD '=W 's1TwTT AgTO aql uTggTM paMoTle aq pinogs sluawajTnbai apoo uTellaO buTgaaw you sawoq zelnpow ao paingae;nuew you io laggaqM sT uoTgsanb aqy •buTsnog Mau aneg 01 zabeuew sTq io; Agzadoid piegazo sTq uo awoq painloe;nuew e aaeTd of wTq MoITe pTnoM apeM wTf Aq gsanbas aql pTes aH •TTounoD ao; uoTgepuawwoaas ;;eqs pue sagnuTw uoTssTwwoD 5uruueld aql paMaTnas TlagdweD -Tauueld AgTD •seaze IeinglnoT35e uT sbuTllaMp se sawoq selnpow buTpsebai I OZO'bZ'LT TaIdegD 'apoo aqq puawe oq uoTgepuaww009z y ZO-ZO-66 NoilvaNHHHOD3H 'NVgd ONIgD.&03d 7IO 03SN )�SNnOD SVgDnOQ 3HI 30 NOIZdOQV 3Qn7DNI OZ VT-T6 'ON NOIZn7OS38 ONIQN3HV 'NOSDNIHSVM '33HDIVNEM ZSVE d0 )SID 3HZ 30 gIDNnOD AlID 3HI d0 NOIZngOS3d V E-66 'ON NOIZn70S3d '0-6 'PaTsieo uoTgow aqy •aagogeuaM gseg zo; ueld agseM PTTOS aqq UT luawpuawe ITo pasn e buTIdope uoTgnlosaa agg anoudde of MoXT3i sagwawlTounoD Aq puooas 'sXOTJpuaH aagwawTTounoD Aq apew seM uoTlow y :uoTgoy ITounoD •MaTnaz 01 TTOunoD 30; aoT;;o iaq uT aTgeTTene azaM gabpne pue liodag Tenuuy 'buTlOhOag 'agseM snopiezeH 9741 se Bons 'sgiodaz pTes aqs u01g0e o1uT IT Ind uoTgnlosai sTgq pue TTOunOD Aq saTTsea passnOsTp uaaq peq 10a[gns sTgg pTes sbuTTIOD JOAPH aagoleuaM gse3 zo; luawpuawy buTTOhOag ITO pasn A1unoD seTbnoQ aqq buTldope uoTgnTosaz y IO-ZO-b6 NOISn70S3N •aouaia;uoo aqq pun; dTaq oq snsuasuoo Aq paajbe ITounoD aag3geuam gseg ao; quawdolanap aTwouooa ;o uoTlowoid pue buTITSM quesb uo uoTleOnpa aq pTnoM 1T aOuTS V66T 'L AEVnde33 S31nNIH gIDNnOD 33HDZYN3M ZSVa 30 UID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to accept the Planning Commission's recommendations to amend Chapter 17.24.020, subsection D of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code with the amendment to allow single family dwellings, including modular and manufactured housing meeting HUD standards, not to exceed one dwelling on each lot and providing the lot is at least ten acres in size. The motion carried, 3-1, (Nash). 94-02-03 A recommendation to amend the code, Chapter 17.40 to allow auto repair work in certain areas City Planner Campbell reviewed the recommendation and the application process to date. Mr. Campbell said the request was for a zoning code amendment (Title 17, Chapter 17.40, Community Commercial District) to allow auto repair work in the C-M District. Council discussion followed regarding the restrictions, amending the code language to allow for certain types of businesses in the C-M zone, what the implications would be, UBC's stringent requirements, limitations and definitions of auto repair. Councilmember Nash said Community Commercial District uses lean toward lighter uses and industrial uses should not be allowed. ' She requested continuing problems with the code be corrected. Council decided to accept staff's recommendation, to protect the outside of the business and qualify the inside restrictions. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Planning Commission's recommendation to amend the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 17.40.020 (0) relating to the Community Commercial (C-M) zones, and to include automobile repair services performed inside an enclosed structure provided no vehicle shall be rented, built or sold upon or from the premises; and that no more than two vehicles under repair may be stored outside of the structure at any time. The motion carried, 4-0. CITY HALL PROPERTY 94-02-04 Recommendation to surplus and sell City Hall Property Mayor Collings said the intent in the new city hall process had been for the city to sell the current city hall property. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to surplus the present city hall property and list it for sale. The Council requested the Mayor to bring different proposals or options on the process of sale of the city hall to the next meeting for Council consideration. The motion carried, 4-0. - 4 - - S - 1 3aansea3y/X3alo AITO gOTa3gsap •3 eTpjTb3TA I. 'm'd 0£'8 - ZN3HxxnorUV STVTOT;;O amos Aq pagsabbns buTaq sabuego pap xNII 5uTp3ebea pamao;uT ITounoo daaX oq Aoej 3agmamlTounoo paxse MoXTH 3agmamlTounoo •Apngs sTgq buTpun; sT Agunoo aqg pTes doeZ 3agmamlTounop •A501003 ;o quamg3edaa 'TOOe,a mTy mo3; uaas peq ITounoo aqg uoTgequasa3d apTls p buTlleoa3 'Apngs ;o adAq sTgq 3o; algeTTpAe aq Aem buTpun; 3aggagM pauoTgsanb MOXTH 3agmamlTounoo •AgTunmmoo aqg uT sea3e abemep 45Tq OT;Toads buTA;TquapT sVm aaggTmmoo aqy •sgsoo gnotjgTM apem uaaq Peg sueld aouTs nano buTg3egs aq ITTM Aigegosd ssaoo3d ayq pTps aH •buTgaam aaggTmmoo quamabeueN P3ezeH POOTa aqq papuagge peq aq pTes Aop? 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