HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING NOVEMBER 21, 1994 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Dana Barnard, John Flinner, Randy Harrison, Darin Bender, Ray Yarnell, Lennie Breckenridge, Joni Petersen, Jeanie Bryant, Chet Virnig, Gil Sparks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS John Speidel, 176 Grant Road property owner, expressed concerns of potential liability regarding a water box in the driveway of his property. Mr. Speidel said the Rock Island road project changed the road level from it's original state. During snow removal the lid to the water box had been damaged more than once. Mr. Speidel said he felt the City was responsible for fixing the box since it appeared to be a design error. After discussion of possible solutions Street Superintendent Goodman said he would get an estimate of the cost for repairs. He added, however, this did not indicate the city being responsible for the damage or repairs. Steve Johnson, 1602 North Aurora, expressed concerns of being annexed into the city. He asked if a facts sheet regarding annexations was going to be sent to residents. He asked if council had considered taking a poll of the residents. Mayor Collings said a fact sheet was being drafted for distribution, however, the city is still waiting for approval of the annexation from the Boundary Review Board. Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Director, said the Chamber was not one of the finalists for the grant for East Wenatchee enhancement. However, the Chamber would submit another application in April, 1995. - 1 - 1 -z- 'Agrunwwoo agq uT aouaToTA aonpaa oq SPm aaggzwwoo agg ;o asodand agy saZgunoo spTbnoQ pup uaTagO woa; sagppzpupo 9aagg-A-3uaMg ;o gsisuoo pTnoM aaggiwwoo agq pips Tapzads •aW •aagogpuaM gspg guasaadaa og uasogo aq og papaau qupDTlddp auo pips aH •wpaboad agq uT aagogpuaM gspg guasaadaa oq squpoTTdds ;o gSTT p papzAoad IsaTTTwpd pup uazpTTgD zo; sxaoMgaN XgiunwwoO 'Tapzads ssng sxoilvixsssua '6661 'zagwaoaa ;o pua agg Tigun digsuaagui stg anuiquoo og gpuaM •aW buzMoTTP oq snsuasuoo Aq paaabp TTounoO •aoup2TdwoO apo0 pup gaaals 'buzuupTd uaaMgaq papun; aq pTnoM uotgtsod agg 'pappp aH •pagszTdw000p ppg baaO gpgg saignp pagsTj TTagdwpO •aW •awtg gpqq Tiqun quawgapdap agg ui NaoM oq anuiquoo gpuaM •aW buiggaT ;o Tpnoaddp s,Tiounoo paxsp aH •sxaaM ano; uT Toogos agpnppab buzgapgs aq pTnoM 'uzaqui buzuupTd 'gpuaM ba-ID gpgg Tiouno0 pTog TTagdwpO aauupTa A'3TD quawgapdaa buzuupTd siaoasx sxxxiuvasa •Tpnoaddp ao; TtounoO oq paggtwqns aap '98•S6Z'OLT$ ;o gunowp agg ut 89Zt gbnoagg TTZt saagwnu aagonoA quawAl2d '666T 'TZ zagwanoN 'agpp sigq ;o sV •TzounoO oq aTgpTTpnp appw uaaq spg goigM buigszT p uo papaooaa uaaq anpg '060'bZ'Z6 MON Aq paainbaa sp paz;igaao SWTPTo quawasangwiaa asuadxa asogg pup 'O8o'4Z'Zb MJ2i Aq paaznbaa sp aaot;;o buTgipnp agg Aq pat;Tgaao pup pagipnp saagonoA sTTTS ;o uozgpaapisuoO •Z 566T 'L aagwanoN 'uotssaS apTn5ag - sagnuTW ;o uoigpaapisuoO •T 'O-S 'RTsnowiupun paiaapo uotgow agy •MoTaq pagsTj se pup 'paquasaad sp appuaTpO quasuoO agq anoaddp og mONTW aagwawTTouno0 Aq puooas 'ADPq aagwawTTounoO Aq appw spM uotgow V :uoigoY Tiouno0 HYaNSWO MMSNOO iv66T 'TZ UZSWHAON SSInNIW gIONIIOO 33HO.LKNHM JSVa d0 XIIO 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 1994 I� MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings asked Council if they would waive the banner fee of one hundred dollars for the Twilight Parade. Council agreed by consensus. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Lacy reported how LINK's budget process was going. He expressed concerns of the amount budgeted for marketing and asked for Council input. Mayor Collings called a fifteen regarding potential litigation. Convened - 7:25 p.m. Reconvened - 7:40 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 7:55 p.m. Virginia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 3 - minute executive session