HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes42Z CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON , REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING OCTOBER 17, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Greg Wendt, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Gil Sparks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Collings said there was a correction to the minutes on page four. The pipe replacement was for Ninth Street not Eastmont ' Avenue as stated. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, with the correction of the address to be Ninth street. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, October 3, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, October 17, 1994, payment voucher numbers 4096 through 4157 in the amount of $142,598.92, are submitted to Council for approval. Warrant number 4147 was voided. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 12484 through 12543, in the total amount of $92,615.49 paid October 5, 1994, for the month of September, 1994. Payroll warrant numbers 12492, 12508, 12527 were voided. - 1 - I / y CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 1994 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman said the gazebo from the park had been moved to the new City Hall. Mr. Goodman said Dan Fugate of Fugate's Crane Services donated his services of moving the gazebo for "Make A Difference Day". Mr. Goodman thanked Mr. Fugate and Jennifer Olsen for coordinating the move of the gazebo. Mr. Goodman said he had been contacted by residents of Cherry Wood Manor that had concerns about water drainage since the city had removed a retaining wall and some of the landscaping. They asked for something to be done. Mr. Goodman recommended putting in a change order to put in curbs, gutters, a new retaining wall and a fence at a cost of approximately forty thousand dollars. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the change order not to exceed forty thousand dollars. The motion carried, 5-0. Planning Department City Planner Campbell said a Planning short course would be Wednesday, October 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. He said, there would also be a Growth Management forum open house on ' October 27, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Eastmont High School. Mr. Campbell reported the Boundary Review Board's decision on the annexation was to approve the request enlarging the area from Nineteenth street west to the river. He would inform Council of the next step in the process. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation declaring October 22, 1994, as "Make A Difference Day" in East Wenatchee. PRESENTATIONS Courtney Guderian and John McQuaig, The Supporters of the Center - Columbia Arts & Exhibition Center; asked Council to write a letter of support for the organization. Mr. McQuiag said the purpose was to create a home for a theater and consolidate all the art groups into one location. They asked Council to consider budgeting five thousand dollars for the center. Pat Scofield, Empire Press, said the Discover East Wenatchee guide did very well and he is planning a winter guide. He asked the Council to consider one thousand dollars towards sponsoring the issue. - 2 - paooaa aqg oguT uoTgnZosaz aqg ppea sbuTTZoo aOAPW '0-S 'paTaaso uoTgow aqy 'AITO aqg 3o pazp jjeW .iajjen aagageuaM agg uT sgoaCOMc sxzoM oTZgnd azTgTzoTzd og uoTguaguT s,A-ITo aqg buTssazdxa uoTgnZosaz agg gdope og �Cop7 zagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'MONTW aagwawjTounoo Aq apew seM uoTgow V :uoTgoV jTounoo • uoTgnZosazz aqg buTsspd papuawwooaa uoTsupdxa jjuw aqg uo uoTlvwao3uT zaggub og paguToddu aaggTwwoo agg pTps A3u7 a@gwawZTounoO xoisxedxs rIMM az'I'IKn xzHo.Lyma a oxiaxvosx sxoliYaxskmtoosu ssai=xxoo •33HJLVN3M ,Lsva d0 )=0 SHI SQISSd10 svadv SHI MOd SNOILVrM0E[2I SNINOZ QSSOd02id JNIIdOCIV 'NOIJNIHSVM 'SSHOIKNSM ISVE dO UIO SHI dO gIONnOO XIIo SHI aO NOI MOSSU d ZT-7v6 'ON NOIIn'IOSSE 0-S 'palaapo uoTgow aqy •buTuoz uoTgpxeuue-aad 3o uoTgnZosaz aqg gdopp og .ioe7 zagwawjTounoo Aq puooas 'mONTW zagwawZTounoo Aq appw sum uoTgow v :uOTIOV TTounoo w'd LZ:L ge buTzeaq oTjgnd aqg pasoZo J0AVW aqg 'sguawwoo oTjgnd ou ggTM w•d SZ:L gp buTzpaq oTZgnd aqg pauado sbuTjjoo aoApW •.txonguax og ppoH gueao uo gsua pup gaaalS paEZ og Pmol ggnog papnjouT Aappunoq aqg pTes TZagdiupD •zW -Aavpunoq ggmozb upgan aqg MaTnaz Og jZagdwpo •aW paxsu gseN aagwawZTounoo 'AITo aqg oguT paxauue sT IT ZTgun uoTgnZosaz aqg buTgdopp Aq p9goa33p sT Agaadoad ou pappu OH buTzeaq oTZgnd p9aTnbaa puooas agg sum sTgg pTps jjagdweo zW amps gdopp og uoTgnZosaa puu buTuoz uoTgexauup-aad buTpzubaz buTapaq oTZgnd puooas aqI EO-60-b6 oxlUl3H oI'IHnd •saejjop pupsnogg ani3 og do buTpun3 3o uoTgeaapTsuoo s,TTounoo paxsp agg •zaguao aqg uo gzodaz 33egs e aneb '.zaguaO zOTuaS Aajjen aagogeuaM 'uea7oW egTuog b661 'LT 2ISHOI00 SSIfINIW gIONROO SSHOIVNSM ISdS dO RIIO 0 1 L CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, EXPRESSING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO PRIORITIZE PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS IN THE WENATCHEE VALLEY MALL AREA OF THE CITY. Whereas, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee recognizes that the Wenatchee Valley Mall is a key element of the downtown business core of the City; and Whereas, the City of East Wenatchee receives a significant portion of its tax revenue from the operation of the Mall; and Whereas, the continued viability and growth of the Mall and other retail activity is a vital interest to the long-term financial stability of the city; and Whereas, the City Council recognizes certain public works improvements will contribute to the viability and growth of the retail center of the City as well as contribute to good land use planning; now, therefore, The City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington hereby resolves, as follows: Subject to the Wenatchee Valley Mall obtaining adjacent properties for Mall expansion and to the Mall's obtaining commitments from new retail tenants sufficient to Mall expansion feasible for Mall owners, the City Council hereby declares its intention to make the following public works improvements the highest priority public works projects for the city: 1. Extension of Baker Street from Third Street to Fifth Street. 2. Vacation of fourth Street from Baker Street to Valley Mall Parkway. 3. Widening of Third Street from Baker to Valley Mall Parkway. 4. Development of a storm -water retention and drainage system from Baker Street to Valley Mall Parkway. Skip Johnson asked if the street improvements could go to Eastmont Avenue instead of stopping at Baker Avenue. Mr. Goodman said the City does have plans to continue to Eastmont Avenue. Chet Bowers, 301 Valley Mall Parkway, said residents of the mobile home park were concerned about when they would have to move. - S - aaanspaal/Naalo AgTO 'gOTaz�sap • g pTUTb.zTA w• d o E= 8 - .T.nrsrwu oPaY •w•d LZ:g - pauanuoOag 'w'd LS:L - pau9nu00 •uoT3pbTgTT pup suoTIeTIobau buTpapbaa uoTssas anTgnoaxa agnuTw AgaTgq p paTTPO sbuTTTop aOAPW ' •anT3paadwT SPM zappTq aqq ggTM qunowp up buTgpTgobau pus paaoadxa saOTnsas aq-4 30 buT�sTT p ITa3 ag zanaMog :A.10aq-4 uT eapT aqP pa-zoddns aH •saOTAaas TebaT alpiadoaddp anpq oa papaau ALTO aqq pTps Aopq aagwawTTounop •saa3 TebaT 3o aaniTpuadxa aqq aano T0aIu0O uTPIUTpw 01 TTounoO MOTTE pTnoM goeaquoo aq; pTps aqs saagwawTTOun0O 0:4 saOTnzas Tebat .z03 gOPaWOO aTdwes pup aallaT e paquasazd gspN z9gw9wTTOun0D saayaan amy ssaoasa zioxnoo • sdoq"aoM ;abpnq zo3 saipp ;as pTnoM am awTj goTgM Iv 'q;L aagwanoN Aq Rppea aq pTnogs s;aodag gabpng AavuTwTTa.zd S66T 9q3 PaPPe aqS •uui suospas snog aqq qp uoou oo:ZT 'LZ zagolop zo3 paTnpagos spM 'aozawwoO 3o aagwpgp aagogpuaM gseg aqq Aq pazosuods 'buT-4aaw g1Mo.zp ueq.an up pTps sbuTTTOD XOAeN saodau Saa AYN •gaoddns zTagq zo3 aoAPH aqq Pup TTOunOD aqq paxupgq 'szaumO TTpW A9TTPA aagogpuaM 'zoluex qog •panTonuT saTgapd TTp zo3 gsaq seM gegM palupM TTOunoO aqj saaMog zW paansse Aopq aagwawTTounoO 666T 'LT HaEOIDO SHZIININ 'IIJNIlOO 33HDJVNRM .LSVa So IIIO c 171