HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/4/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING OCTOBER 4, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, touncilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Greg Wendt, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Bruce Nash, Ray Yarnell, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR I Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, September 19, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, October 3, 1994, payment voucher numbers 4052 through 4095 in the amount of $184,162.94, are submitted to Council for approval. -2 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1994 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Chief Flinner suggested the Council may be interested in a sign ordinance relating to garage sale and yard sale signs. He said an ordinance was not necessary since the City could use the Revised Code of Washington. He said a way to enforce against posting of signs on utility poles and stop signs would be to place warning decals referencing RCW 46.61.075. Council agreed by consensus to place the decals on utility poles and stop signs. Planning Department City Planner Campbell reported on the Urban Growth Boundary. He said the city was working with Douglas County on projections of growth. He said he would be participating in the Citizen Advisory Committee and would update Council on the findings. DISCUSSION AND DECISION East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce request for support of the East Wenatchee Enhancement planning grant. Councilmember Nash asked Chamber Member, Mel Henkle, if the ' monies being requested would be in addition to the Chamber of Commerce request for stadium funds. Mr. Henkle said the funds were a separate grant issue. He added the grant would pay for someone to coordinate a plan of enhancement which would include all businesses. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to support the East Wenatchee Chamber in their plan for Enhancement of East Wenatchee and allocate the request of two thousand dollars. RECOMMENDATION 94-10-01 A recommendation by the Planning Commission to approve Mission View, a Planned Unit Development City Planner Campbell said the request had been made by Don Telford for a Planned Unit Development. The project titled Mission View would be a forty-five unit complex on 2.51 acres. The proposed PUD is located between First Street SE and McGee Street SE. Mr. Campbell said the property was currently zoned R-L which allows only fifteen units per acre. The recommendation would be to change the zoning to allow 19.9 units per acre. Mr. Campbell said a fence would surround the property; there would be an on site manager; street improvements would be made including curbs and gutters; and he would work with Douglas County for - 2 - •sized mau uT squawaaTnbaa mau pus abe go asnpoaq panow aq pTnoo aAi; ATuo 'x.zed aq-3 uT s;Tun zno3-A-azo; aq'4 go piss X-Ted awoq aTTgow aqj go quapisaa e pus 'AsmNaPd TTsW AaTTEA TOE saamog Asa '0-S 'ATsnowiusun pazzzpo uoTgow aqz •but-aaaw TTounoo jxau aqq oq uoi-jpuao;ui aaow buTaq pus paATonut sargaed TTe q:lim Xaom o-4 soApW aq-4 pus 9=agwawTi3un00 om-3 3o as-3-4iwwoo p quTodde 0:4 gseN a@gwauwTi3un0D Aq puooas 'Aopq zagwawTTouno0 Aq appw sem uoTgow v :UOTIDV Tiounoo •gaoddns s,AgTo aqq papaau Aagq pus uozsupdxa aoCew p op o-4 pagstm TTsW aqy •uot-4do us aq -4ou pTnogs q:4.zoN aq-4 0-4 TTew p piss aH •szaumo TTsw aqq ;o suaaouoo passeadxa 'TTsW AaTTsA aago-4suaM ag-4 buTquGsaadaa '.zoquex qog TTsW AaTTsA aagoIeuaM Welk-XY0F3•3{dI ssaoozd gabpnq aqq buxanp pazaprsuoo aq TT?m s;sanbaa TTV I 00'OOV LZ$ - aozawwoO go zagwsg0 aagoIeuaM Iseg 'sazzaH i'31ed 00'000'£T$ - npazng uoi�uaAuoO � s0gTSTA 'megS 91UPTGW 00'000'6$ - dooq apposp0 'upwagigM Aaapq :smoTTo3 sp pa4szT aap Aagy •sTpob wsTano3 aTGgq uT gaoddns ao3 paxsp TTe Aagy •TiounoO o-q suoigequasaad apew squauodoad aaagy SHOI.LYXNHSHxa aNna HnICNIS •ssaoozd gabpnq aq-a butznp uaAib aq pTnom u0tgp.Tapzsu00 pies sbuiTToO zoAeW •wsz.zno-4 o-4 sa-asTa.x IT se AaTTpA aagoIeuaM aua 30 09PTA alnuiw -3gbza us pamogs buoraa •zW •s.aeTTop puesnogq ano; ao; buzxss sem :Isanb •Isanb 3o laoddns s,aagojsuaM gssg buimogs 'Joezquoo s aapisuoo o; Tt3un0D paxsp 'gsanb buTquasaadaz 'buoraa GTTsegO NOi.LV.LXasZxa •quawdoTanaa -Iiun pauueTd aq-4 aog pa-TTnbaz suoi-4zpuoo TTs pus mG. uozsszW ao3 uoz;soTTdde aq-4 aAosddp o-4 gssN aagwawTioun0D Aq puooas 'sxoizpuaH iagwaulTTounoz) Aq apsw sem uoi-aow v :uoi:4ov Tiounoz) •s:juawanoadwt ' paiTnbaa zaggo pup 'dn buToB sanIPA Agaadozd 'uoTIV51aaT -�nogp paua aouoo azam s.zaumo pueT :IuaopCpe paps TTagdwsO •sW •gaaJgs aaOoW 3o uoiIsozpap 666T ' fi HH80 ,OO SHIIINIW gIJNnOJ ddHJS dN3M ISK3 dO ;UIO r -�Vgl CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1994 Mr. Kantor said relocation of the mobile home park needed to be addressed as to where it could go and how this could be done. This would be one of many requirements. Mr. Kantor said he would investigate the situation further. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said she received a letter from the East Wenatchee Water District asking the city to work jointly with them to install a new twelve inch water main while road work is in progress on Ninth Street. Councilmember Mikow had concerns about replacing a pipe that has had no leaks. However, he did think the Water District should replace the pipe while the Ninth Street project was in operation. ADJOURNMENT - 8:55 p.m. Virginia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 4 -