HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/6/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, John Flinner, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Stuart Campbell, Jim West, Bruce Nash, Danny Reierson, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as , presented, and as listed. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, August 15, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, September 6, 1994, payment voucher numbers 3964 through 3993 in the amount of $117,478.22, are submitted to Council for approval. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Police Chief Flinner said two East Wenatchee Police officers, Bruce Nash and Danny Reierson, attended G.R.E.A.T. a federal funded training program for Gang Resistance Education and Training. The intense five day training included reducing gang activity and violence local in neighborhoods . The officers will begin training students at Eastmont Jr. High School in January. I - 1 - I r 4,, CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 Planning ' City Planner Campbell said a Planning short course was scheduled for October 19, 1994. Mr. Campbell said it would be a refresher course on public speaking and the appearance of fairness issue. Mr. Campbell said the Planning Department wished to employ an intern for two months. Greg Wendt, a student from Eastern Washington University, would help with the annexation as well as other planning issues. Council agreed to the request for the intern at one thousand dollars a month for two months. Mr. Campbell said when the students from Eastern Washington University were here doing the study on land use and housing, it was not completed due to lack of time. The study is now complete and the amount of fifteen hundred dollars would be shared with Douglas County. Council agreed to the seven hundred dollar request since it was a budgeted item. PRESENTATIONS Wenatchee Valley Mall Jim Brown, representing the East Wenatchee Mall, made a presentation to the Council on the planned expansion of the ' Wenatchee Valley Mall. George Kirk, the mall architect on the project, presented a plan of the proposed expansion. Mr. Kirk said the plans include remodeling and enlarging Sears, as well as the parking lot south of the East Wenatchee Food Depot. Mr. Brown discussed the importance of the city participating in the project. He asked the Council to consider adopting a resolution of support. Mr. Brown said they would like the resolution to establish general policies which would include, the extension of Baker Avenue to Third street; vacating Fourth street between Ernst Hardware and Allen Furniture; widening Third street from Baker Avenue to Valley Mall Parkway; and a storm water policy for retention and drain system. Councilmember Nash asked Superintendent Goodman if any of these items were on the Six Year Transportation Plan. Mr. Goodman said the extension of Baker Avenue and the widening of Third street are on the plan. Mr. Brown said the plans were to start expansion in 1995. He added they still need to acquire the property next to Allen Furniture. •ssaooad paEog MaTnaH AaEpunog aqg se TTaM se !saTgTTign 90 AITTigtsuodsaa ta.xnpaooad uoigexauuE aqg :eazE agg ;o gueoaad aeagg ATuo sum asanoo 3T05 aqg buTlou ! suazigto pup TtounoO aqg go suaaouoo uielaao pai;iaeTo TTagdwvo aauuETd AITD •w•d OS:L IS buiaeaq oiTgnd aqg pasoTo s6uiTToO aoAVW •aTdoad uag 30 -ano Tesn;aa auo jo abeaanE up sEM aaagg pips pup s9.xngEu6is dab og upaTg aN gjTM pauotgigad aq pzEs gnoagutwzy IN •w•d OV:L IS pauadoaa seM 6utae9q DTlgnd aqy •gaoddns saatuyopueT TTn3 gnoglTm uoigpxauuE up buinpq seM uaaouoo TT0unoO auo 'anssi aqg passnostp peq TTounoO zag1v •w•d 0£:L IS buiapaq DTTgnd aqg pasoTo SBUTIToO aoAPW •gaaagS gguaagauiN TTb 'pnoagS TTig •gaazgS gguaajauTN 0T6 'gnoaguzwav Aanaex ' uozgpxauup aqg go zone; uz aXods suosaad 6uTmOT10; aqy UOTgexauUS aqg og abEgupnpp ou aas pjnoo 'gaazgS gguaagauzN TOS 'TTTO ueaQ •awooui guawaaZgaa p9xt3 a uo sz ag •6uTSE2aDUT saTgtTzgn pup sexeg 3o uaaouoo passaadxa 'anuanv guowgspa 60ST 'uosuanagS Xuead •uotgExauuE aqg IBUTE6e aXods suosaad 6uTmoTTo; aq,L •w•d ZZ:L ge buizpaq oTlgnd aqg pauado s6utTToO aoAew •gsanbea uozgpxauus s,aagogpuaM gsEg anoaddp ao csaiappunoq aqg abuego :uozgpotTdde s,AgunoO seTbnoQ gdaooE og uoisioap aqg aXew TTTm paeog Mainag Aaepunog aqy •gsanbaa agg MaTnaa og 't,66T 'tl aagogoO uo TTEg AQTo IS uTE62 gaaw TTTm papoq Matnag Aaspunog aqg pees TTagdwpO aw gaaags gguaagauiN 90 TTE apnToui pup aania aqg ao 8Z US Og papuagxa aq eaae aqg 6uiXse aaaM Aagy •pzeog MaznaH Aaepunog aqg ggtM uozg0ipsianC jo ggbia paXonui pEq AgunoO seTbnoQ pies ag •paainbea Mou seM 6uz2e9q DTlgnd a pup guaoaad anog-Agxis IS ggTM p9iJTga90 uaaq peq uozgexauue aqg pies TTagdweO aauupTd AgzO Agaadoad go uoigexauup butpapbaa butapat; oTlgnd y ZO-60-b6 ' �xzx�ax �Izsna •uoTgnTosaa agpTadoadde up g3pap Tzounoo TpbaT anpq og paaabe ITounoO 666T '9 MaSWS,LdSS salfibljW IIIJNROJ HHHDLKN3M ZSKS dO &LID Z97; CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to have an advisory vote. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: Council approved unanimously, (5-0), to go forward with the annexation as proposed. 94-09-03 A public hearing regarding pre -annexation zoning City Planner Campbell said RCW 35A.14.330 required two public hearings be held when planning for pre -annexation zoning. The second public hearing would be thirty days after the first public hearing or October 17, 1994. Mr. Campbell said then an ordinance will amend the code to set pre -annexation plans in the urban growth area. Councilmember Nash asked Mr. Campbell what would happen if landowners did not comply to the zoning. Mr. Campbell said it would be considered non -conforming use and if the uses were discontinued it would convert to conforming use. Councilmember Nash asked if it would continue as non -conforming use with a new property owner. City attorney said the property would remain non -conforming use. Mayor Collings opened the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. ' Dean Gill, 501 N.E. Nineteenth Street, again raised concerns on the annexation issue. Mayor Collings closed the public hearing at 8:11 p.m. Mayor Collings said the second public hearing would be held on October 17, 1994. 94-08-05 Second reading of an ordinance changing the zoning from C-M Community Commercial to R-M Residential Multi -Family District on property located at 90 South Grover Mayor Collings read second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance amending the final zoning map as requested. The motion carried, 5-0. •sasnoquaaab of paisjaz IT ss agsp of ssaooad 9qj paMaTAaz sxOTzpuaH pus gssN szagwawjTounoO •aousuTpzo alll aAOadds o-4 paasdead you ssM au pTss AosZ aagwawjTounoO (dosZ) 'pa T.zzsO uOTJow 9ql •buTpsaz PU0093 01 aousuTpzo 3o buTpsaz -4szT3 agsnaja 0-4t;ssN zagwawjtouno0 Aq PUOOas 'MOXTW zagwawjtounoO Aq apsw srM uoTjow v MOTIDy ZTOunOO •buTpsaz Is.zTT psaz sbuTTTOD aOAEW seen Aaossaoos 04 sagsjaz IT ss apoO jsdToTunW aagojsuaM IssS aRq buTpuaws aousuTpzo us ;o buTpsaz ISaTd SO-60-b6 ' E,LK(I aALLOadda NV SNIHSPISVISa QNK 'SHI,L'IKNad NOILZ)VHgNI 'IIAIO JNLLVNJISaQ EaOJ 'IKdIOIN[IW SEHDIVNSM LSVH SHS O,L 0£Z • i�0 • 9 NOI LJaS OL x NOIS,OSS-HIIS MEN V ONI ICIV 'AZIO SH,L NI SOOHaMOHJ Qaad HO ' 'H3aOS 'HO,LKO 'aSV21 01 ` aMii'IM ,LI JNUIKW aaOJ WdIOINIIW aaHO,LKNaM ,LSKE allL OS SLT • b0. 9 NOLLJSS MEN K SNIQQii 'NOSJNIHSVM 'aSHDivNaM Lsva d0 A.LIJ SHI dO SJNKNICrHO MV ST-b6 aJNVNIGNO (sxorzpuaH) T-b 'paTzzso uoTgow aqy •pajuasazd se aousuTpzo bot;punozb aqq anozdds of znz;jz-ijoW zagwawTTounoO Aq puooas lgssN zagwawjTounoO Aq apsw ssM uoTJow y :uOTIOV ZTOunOD '0-S 'PeTzzso uoTjow aql •buTpsaz puooas 04 buTpsaz gszTT agsnaja of ADeq zagwawZTounOO Aq puooas 'gssN zagwamUounoO Aq apsw ssM uoTgow y :uOTIOy ITOMOO buTpsaz IszT3 psaz sbuTTT03 zOdsW s][zsd AITO UT sbogpunozb 30 buTpaa; 04 buTIsjaz apo0 jsdToTunW aagogsuaM Jssa aqj buTpuaws aousuTpzo us ;o buTpsaz 4szTd b0-60-b6 • HIMI SALLOadda XV ONIHSI'Ia'd,LSE aNV ulDlILLSIa A'IIKVa-IS'IM 'IKIS,NEaISE2I W-Um OS ,JDId.LSICI TdID"daWWOJ ALINIIWWOJ W-Du WO'da AIM alll NIH,LIM SIINEAV 'daA02iJ HMOS 06 SV QSHRIOSEQ A'ITq-HSNaJ A HadOUd 'IVHd NIVINSO NO NOIS dNJISEQ JNINOZ alll ' SJNKHO O,L A,LIJ SHZ dO dKW SNINOZ 'IVIOIddO SHS ONIGNEWtI 'NOSJNIHSVM 'SSHO,LKNaM ISVa dO AS,IJ SHS dO aJNVNIGNO NV ET-b6 S0NVNICrdO b661 '9 UaEWESdES SE,LLINIW 'IION[IOO SSHOS,KNaM SSVa 90 AZIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 ORDINANCE 94-14 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 17.28.030 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, AMENDING PROVISIONS RELATING TO ACCESSORY USES IN THE R-M RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OF THE CITY AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Nash to adopt the ordinance amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code, section 17.28.030 regarding the groundhogs. The motion carried, 5-0. DISCUSSION 94-09-07 Discussion regarding recommendations for certain ordinances by the East Wenatchee Advisory Board Councilmember Nash said she supported the drug free zone ordinance; however, she had concerns about the graffiti ordinance, she did not feel property owners should be placed with the task of cleaning up graffiti. Mayor Collings suggested the Advisory Board collect more information from other city's on their procedures. ' Councilmembers agreed graffiti was not a major concern. Councilmember Lacy suggested separating the issues of graffiti and drug free zones. Councilmember Mikow asked Chief Flinner to thank the Advisory Board for their efforts. TRAIL VALUATION ENGINEERING STUDY 94-09-07 Decision on recommended East Wenatchee River Trail Value Engineering Study City Planner Campbell asked Council to agree to the Value Engineering Study. Mayor Collings said a letter of support had been received from the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Gordon Congdon had informed Councilmember Hendricks the Complete the Loop Coalition could donate towards the Value Engineering Study. Skip Johnson , representing Complete the Loop Coalition, said the coalition had received a grant to continue the trail to Lincoln Rock State Park. - L - zaznseazy/xza13 A.4TO y^-�v�gOTazgsa0 ' g eT �bzTA w• d s b: 6 - ,ZNHKMHnOf (IV w•d 0£=6 - pauanuooag •sagnuTw Aquamq 1euOlgTppe ue uOlssas aATgnoaxa aqg papuagxa sbuTTIOD aOAPW w-d E0:6 - pauanuOO •uoTgebTITT TeTquagod buTpzebaz uoTssas aATgnoaxa agnuTw uaq e paTleo sbuTlloO zOAl2W •agedToTgzed Plnoqs A4TO aqg s1a93 pue OZOZ uoTsTA sgzoddns aq pTes MOXTW zagwawjTounoo •awTg zagel e qe agedTOTgzed oq uoTgdo aqg aneq oq axT1 P1nom au pTes AOerl ,agwawTTounoo •zapTsuooaz oq 9xT1 pTnOM TTounoo 3T paxse pup agedToTgzed you P1nom AqunOO aqq OZOZ uoTsTA pawzo;uT peq AjunoO selbnoa press sbuTTToO zoARN -pagedTotgzed Aiunoo setbnoQ IT OZOZ uoTsTA UT agedToTgzed og apew sem uOTSTOap a pTes sbuTTIOD aoAvw 'b66T 'ZZ zagogo0 aq P1nom AeQ aou9za3;TQ a axeW PT -es sbuTZToJ zOAeW zuodau SIHoaVK •goaCozd 1Tezq aqq uo xzom aqq TTe aOJ dgTO aqq Pup TTagdweo --IN paxuegg 'suoseaS znog 'suTxuar aneQ (gseN) 'T-b 'PaTzzeo uoTgow eqy 'uoTITTeOO dooZ aqq agaldwoO wozg Apngs aqq go gsoO aqg gdaooe pue Apngs buTzaeuTbug anTvA aqg anozdde oq znggaVOW zagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sxOTzpuaH zagwawlTounoO Aq apew sem uoTgow V :UOTaoY TTounoO .AgTunwwoo aqq oq snoabequenpe pue AgTzoTzd e sT 1Tezq aqq 'Saagwaw zagwego og quas A9Aans a go glnsaz a se pTes 'aogoazTQ zagwegO aagogeuaM gseg 'sazzaH Tgged 666T '9 xaswasdaS SajXINIW 'IIONIIOO 33HOLVN3M JSK3 30 LLIO