HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/15/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes46*4 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE. WASHINGTON , REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING AUGUST 15. 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Chief Flinner, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar removing the August 1st bills for discussion. The motion carried, , 4-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, July 18, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills - August 15, 1994 3. Set September 6 and October 17 as dates for a public hearing regarding pre -annexation zoning Councilmember Hendricks asked to discuss the three voucher payments to the East Wenatchee Water District. City Clerk Oestreich said the three warrants in question were for the purchase of the building and relocation and moving costs. She added the city had already been reimbursed for these items with grant money. City Planner Campbell said the amounts paid were within appraisal estimates and right-of-way relocation costs are fees to be paid based on the grant requirements. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the August 1st bills listed as follows. The motion carried, 3-1 (Hendricks). CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1994 Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, August 15, 1994, payment voucher numbers 3904 through 3963 in the amount of $249,659.95, are submitted to Council for approval. Bills dated August 1, 1994 were paid by consensus of council and presented at this meeting in the amount of $262,885.93. Warrant numbers are 3883 through 3904. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 12374 through 12428. in the total amount of $92,600.45 paid August 5, 1994 for the month of July, 1994. DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Hall Code Compliance Officer Wiltz reported on the new City Hall. Mr Wiltz said the architects and contractors would be doing a final punch list next week. Staff anticipates moving on September 1. ' Planning City Planner Campbell said the department had several projects pending, such as a Planned Unit Development at First and McGee and a single family development at Fifteenth and Eastmont. The pre -annexation zoning would require two public hearings, which are scheduled for September 6 and October 17, 1994. Trail Update City Planner Campbell gave a Trail Committee recommendation. He asked Council's consideration to fund a Value Engineering Study. The engineering study would bring together qualified people, such as Ron Selstead, to brainstorm the present plans to determine if the project could be done, and how much more it would cost. His estimate for the Value Engineering Study could be as low as two thousand dollars or as high as ten thousand. Mr. Campbell said based on the amount already spent for engineering the present plan, the study would ultimately save money. Councilmember Hendricks and Councilmember Nash both expressed their concerns about the project and additional costs. Mr. Hendricks said street monies should be used for substandard streets and help fund the flood plan. Ms. Nash said eventually the trail will be built, however she also felt road monies should be used for street projects. She added we should let Complete the Loop complete the trail. - E - •alpp 3a1pl p 1p slsoo ssaooad 6uTuueTd aq1 UT aiegs pTnoM paAlonuT saTlzed 9141 'saAeMoy 'awTl sTg1 1e lsanbas A3plauOw ou seM aiayl pappe osTL pueTg •zH •pabupgo aneg hew 1e1q1 pTSS pueTg *IN 3anaMog 'paAlonuT aq 01 buTob 1ou aiaM Aag1 palpOTpuT peg Alunoo spTbnoo 1eg1 palou sbuTlToo JOAeH 'oZoZ uoTSTA Jo; ssaoozd buiuueld aq-4 ;o lupd e aq o1 TTounoo aql paxsp 'aay01puaM ;o A1T3 'pueTg 9TA7 oZoZ uoTSTA - •(1nyljtloW 'MONTH) Z-Z 'Pall uOT10w aqy *food Alunoo selbnoQ aq1 3o jTpdau ay1 ao; pun3 wnTpplS aq-4 woz; ssellop pazpuny jno;-A1iT141 aleaoTTe o1 gseN aagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sxoTzpuaH jagwawTTaunO0 Aq apew seM uoTlow V :uoT1oV TTounoD .awl-4 labpnq 1p TTounoo goeo3dde ullseH *IN papuawwooaj pup saTuow pala6pnqun buTpuadxa lnoge uja0uoo passazdxa MONTH zagwawTTounoo •ssellop paipuny uno; A13Tg1 ;o aoupleq alpwTxoiddp up spM pua jpaA 1p anuanas palewTlsa s,pun3 wnTpelS aq1 1pyl pelzodai gOTa11sa0 xialo A1To ,LBZ'OSS aq PInoM auop aq o1 paJTnbai xioM ay1 ;o lunowe ayl PTPs aH •Tood Alunoo seT6noQ agl uo siTedai ;00z io; sueTTop pupsnoyl ual ;o lunowe aq1 uT uoTingTsluoo e z9pTsuO3 01 TTounoo paxse 'sol0ai1:0 sNspd Alunoo selbnoQ 'ullipH 6TejO 1uawlzedaQ sNied Alunoo seT6noQ - 'S661 'oZ lsnbnV 'Aepinlps aq pTnoM 1ea11au s,pieoq jagweg0 9y1 pTes saiiaH 'ski •zpaA buTwoO ay-4 io; supld aq1 pup slaaCoad 4uaijno palsTl ayS wsTInoq Alunoo spl6noQ 6uTlowoud azngooaq e paingT3lsTp saiiaH •sH •43odas zalzenb puooas fi66T a aneb 'zoloazTQ -Iagweyo 'saJJRH T11ed a0iawwoo ;o zagwegO aagolpuaM lseg - SNOISvyxasaud •wnionb ITn; a 3o; buTlaaw epua6e TTounoo lxau ay1 uo aq pTnoM anssT ay1 pTes sbuTTIOo soApH •(gspN 'sxoTipuaH) Z-Z 'pall uoTlow aqy •upld 6uTieaulbug anTeA 9141 141TM pzpMso; 06 O1 jnggjVoN 3agwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'MONTH sagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uoTlow V :uoTloV ITounoo ' •alep 01 paATaOaz saTuow ayl Aedas 01 aney ATIenluana pTnoM Allo agl 'Mou 10aCozd ayl dots am ;T pTes aH •sjpaA ao; uo ob pTnoM 1T;auaq s,TTe31 ay-4 pappe pup lso0 ayl palzoddns ay pTes upwpoo0 luapualuTiadnS 466T 'ST 1Sn9nV sainNIw ZIJNnOJ EHH31VN3M ISVE 30 AZIo CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember McArthur to become a part of the Vision 2020 planning process if Douglas County did so also. The motion tied, 2-2 (Nash, Hendricks). Mayor Collings voted in favor of the issue, breaking the tie. RECOMMENDATION 94-08-03 Planning Commission's recommendation to approve a zoning text amendment as requested by Ed Dillon City Planner Campbell said Mr. Dillon wished to construct a greenhouse larger than what the present code allowed. He said the text amendment would affect all of the (R-M) Residential Medium Density District. Staff recommended allowing accessory structures to cover an area equal to 25% of the principle structure up to the maximum lot coverage limitation. Also this would clarify the code to allow three hundred square feet of accessory building area per dwelling unit. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Hendricks to allow accessory units equal to twenty-five percent of the principal main floor structure but no more than nine hundred square feet. The motion carried, 4-0. ' RESOLUTION 94-08-04 A resolution regarding authority of source - separated recyclables Ron Draggoo, Douglas County Solid Waste, said voluntary curbside recycling would begin in 1995. He said the Solid Waste Management Plan recommends the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission assume the authority over the collection of source -separated recyclables within the urban growth boundary of East Wenatchee. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the resolution giving the authority to the WUTC for collection of recyclables. The motion carried, 4-0. RESOLUTION 94-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REQUESTING THAT THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ASSUME AUTHORITY OVER THE COLLECTION OF SOURCE- SEPARATED RECYCLABLES IN THE URBAN GROWTH AREA OF EAST WENATCHEE. 4 - - S - ' bulgaam qxau aqg ge uoTssnosig axTI pjnoM Aagy •sauoz aau; bnup pup T'4T;;eu5 uo saoueuTpuo ;o uoTgeuapTsuoo buTgsanbau seM pueo9 AuosTApy s,uazTgTO aqq PTes sbuTII00 uoAPH 1HOd3H S,HOLVH 'SIVG 3AIy03333 NV 0NIHSIZ9VlS3 ONV SdONIH dOd SHOIytlZnO3d M33dn0 ONIId00V 3000 ZKdIOINnH 33HDIVN3M ISV3 3Hy Oy TI'6 d3ydVH0 M3N H ONIOOV 'NOISHIHSVM '33HDIVNSM JSV3 30 AyIO 3Hy 30 30NVNIQdO NV OI-56 30NVNIGHO '(MONTH) T-£ 'paTuuea aOTgow aqy •aagoqeuaM gse3 uo; Ma;uno e gdope pup aoueuTpuo aqq anoudde oq gspN iagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'sxoTupuaH uagwawjTounoO Aq appw seM uoTgow y :uoTgoy TTounoO '0-4 'paTuupo uoTgow aqy 'buTpeau puooas oq 6uTpeaa gsuT; agenaja oq gspN uagwawjTounoO Aq puooas 'sxoTlpuaH uagwawjTounoO Aq apew seM uoTgow V :uoTgotl ITounoO •aoueuTpuo aqq ;0 buTpeau gsuT; peau sbuTTIOD uOAPH ' aagoqeuaM gse3 uT Ma;uno a buTgsTIgeqse aoueuTpuo up ;o buTpeau gsuT3 LO-80-66 •MaTAai uTagq uo; papuoMau qT aneq oq paaube ITounoO •buTgaaw ITounoo gxau aqq le McTAau og ITounoo uo; pagsanbau se uaggTuMau aq pinoo aaueuTpuo aqq pips 'Aauuoggy AgTO upwuawwiZ xong0 •6uTids ITgun uo ueaA e uo3 anssT agq buTuodgsod papuawwooau sxoTlpuaH uagwawjTounoO sgTwxl AITO aqg uTggTM jewTue Aue paa; oq IpbaTIT sT qT qpqq saTTdwT aoueuTpuo paquasaid aqy 'sjewTus ;o ppagsuI sbogpunoub buTssauppp AIIpoT;Taads uaggTam aq pjnogs aoupucpuo aqq pies gseN uagwawjTounoO aoueuTpuo aqq ;o buTpeau gsuT; peau sbuTTIOO uoAeH sNiud AgTo UT slewTue ;o buTpaa; Oq buTgejau apo0 jedToTunH aagoqeuaM gse3 aqq buTpuawe aoueuTpuo up ;o buTpeau gsuTd 90-80-66 aoupuTpio aqq ;o buTpeau gsuT; peal s6uTTTOD uoAeH uanos0 ggnoS 06 ge pageool Aquadoud uo JOIJISTO ATTwe3-TgjnH IpTquapTsad H-d Oq jpToIawwo3 IlTunwwo0 11-0 woi; ' buTuoz aqq 6uTbuega aaueuTpuo up ;o buTpeau gsuT3 S0-80-66 3ONVNIOdO 666T 'ST ISnOnV SSInNIH ZIONn00 33HDIVN3rt ISV3 d0 AyIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 15, 1994 ' Council however set the date the location for the next meeting as will either be the new September 6, 1994, city hall or the present one, depending on the new city hall situation. A date for the ribbon cutting and open house for the new city hall was discussed. The majority of staff and council felt October 1, 1994 would be an ideal date. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Mikow said he would be attending the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce retreat. He added transportation would be a main topic on the agenda. Councilmember Mikow said the East Wenatchee Chamber wanted to know what the city had planned for the gazebo in our park. If the city was not taking it to the new city hall grounds, the Chamber would like to place it somewhere in the city. Staff and council agreed it should be a part of the new city hall campus. ADJOURNMENT - 9:00 P.M. ' Vir nia E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer