HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/18/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEM JAN NASH PRESIDING JULY 18, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Pro Tem Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy. Mayor Collings absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Chief Flinner, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Bruce Nash, Charles Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as amended to reflect Council's passage of the curfew ordinance in the minutes. The bills were approved as presented and listed as follows. The motion carried unanimously, 4-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, July 5, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, July 18, 1994. payment voucher numbers 3822 through 3882 in the amount of $276,868.35, are submitted to Council for approval. Council does approve payroll vouchers numbers 12319 through 12373, in the amount of $91,693.11. paid July 1, 1994 for the month of June, 1994. Payroll voucher 12318 was voided. - 1 - -z •goaCoad aql ' uo gzoddns s,Ag?o aq-4 pasiwoid Izouno0 •zanid 0-4abPid S,zeaA gelxau Aq aold uz siq?ge xa liA'aUaM'3 lseal lP aneq og padoq uotleZTUPb3o aqg pies bunoA •sH •A1?unwwoo aq-4 ut sx.zed puP slaa.zls 'sjz?uioD uo lse buioeld ;o eapi aql ;o anilioddns aaaM aagoleUaM lseg pue aagaleuaM ui SUOTgeZtUe6-jo pUe SUOTSSTMWO0 lie aql ;o TTe PFes aqS •ope.70ToO 'uoilaunr puea!) ;o slaasls aqg uo palTgigxa lse uo uotleluasaid apTIS P aneb 'loaCoad ,sanuany aqg uo sgzy, s,aagoleuaM builuasaidai 'bunoA st3N L NOIIVINHSSdd •w•d OE'L le 19Z Alnf uMogs aq TTTm lI •sbogpunolb s,aagogeuaM lseZ uo aq pTnoM sloaCgns uo- bUiu9n3 s,Ay JNIX ;o auo pees gota31saO •sH •pagaTdwoo aq osle pTnoM ubts Teuotleonpa aqg pue aoueUZPZO agy •uoileoolaa so; altw e sguaO ant;-AluaMg pue peaq a sieTTop ual 'awtl gsPT se awes aqg seM aa; STH •3aglabOl TT?1s a.IaM saTTiwe; aq-4 Ile uagM buTids alel UT buTddezg papuawwooas aH •Aliadozd aTPPsuTH aql 1P NOOT og 6uxob seM uapaaie •zR •ATsnoina.xd sbogpunozb aqg paleoola.z peq oqM zaddejq aqg 'uapaeae Aod 01 Paxlel pPq JOAPH aqy •aOAeH 9q1 ql?M law peq 'Alzado.zd saq of slPwtuP aqg butleOOTaa ui palsasagui Agjed aqg 'aTepsu'H aiuuog PTPs aqS •SBUTTTOD JOARN io; uoilenl?s bogpuno.zb aqg uo lzodaa e aneb gazas4sa0 x1al0 AgTD liodad s,zoAeH •SSaaosd uotlPxauue-a.zd aql 04 snsuasuoo Aq paaabe Tzouno0 •luawabeueH g1Moi0 ql?M saTldwoo puP aouPUTPJO Jo uoTlnTosa3 Aq auop si ssaoozd uotlexauuP-aid aqy •Mou seop Alunoo aq1 sP AIiwP; aldillnw ,zo saxaldnp so; pauoz 6utaq spueT letluapis9a Aliwe; albuTS se Bons suotlPnl?s pione pTnoM stgy •Al?a aq-4 olut Paxauue aq pTnoo Allenguana pue satiepunoq g1Moz6 uegan aq1 UT aq pTnoM seaie asagy •Suotlexauue o1 soizd AITO aq-4 aptslno bUTUOZ utbaq o1 axil pTnoM aq pees TlagdwPa 'jH 'S66T 49T lsnbny se butzeaq oiTgnd aql zo; alep aql aas og snsuasuoo Aq paa.76e ITouno0 •gualUT ;o uoilnlosaz a uagg 'BUTJPaq oiTgnd P aq pTnoM dais gxau aqy •ST gsnbny pua pTnoM asuodsai zo; poizad Mainai Aep ani;-Alto; aqy -aapzo UT seM Ile paleOipuz peq P1Po9 Maenad Aiepunog aqy 1Ua03ad A1xZs papaaU aqg UP741 a.xow ggTM paT;tljao uaaq peq uotlexauue uealg aql legl ITouno0 pawio;ut Ilagdwe0 •zH PTnoM sgg6TJ salPM PIPS aH w•d Z aq o1 lea.Tlai anileTsibal Tiouno0 aoinosad aq-4 og ssagwawTiaunoo uotssnosip 3o oTdol uiew a aq ge TZ Alnf uo uPlagO ui plaq guawdoTanau PUP uozgen3asuo0 paITAUT ITagdwe0 zauuPTd guawl=PdaO butuuPld SIHOdaH lmaHluvd3u 666T 'ST Lgnf S3inNIH 'IIJNnOJ 33HDIVN3M ISH3 dO LII3 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1994 ' PUBLIC HEARING 94-07-05 A public hearing regarding the vacation of certain portions of Ramaker and Beaty Streets Mayor Pro Tem Nash opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. Alan Lake, Lake's Trading Post, expressed concern with the vacation and the sale of the property since it will affect his access to the back of his business and residence. He distributed pictures of the parking lot to Council and expressed concerns about access. However, when questioned by Council, Mr. Lake agreed he had been using the city's access for years and did have 23 feet of designated street access now. Charles Truitt, Eastside Glass, expressed concern about access for delivery to his business. Mayor Pro Tem Nash closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Maintenance Superintendent Goodman said his department had been stripping the parking lot for maximum use for over ten years. He added the hydrant in the parking lot, painted blue, was not a fire hydrant, but gave water from the reclamation district. ' ORDINANCE 94-07-06 First reading of an ordinance amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code vacating portions of Ramaker and Beaty Street Mayor Pro Tem Nash read first reading of the ordinance. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Hendricks to elevate first reading to second reading. The motion carried, 4-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the ordinance vacating portions of Ramaker and Beaty Streets in East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 4-1, (McArthur). ORDINANCE NO. 94-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. VACATING PORTIONS OF RAMAKER STREET AND BEATY STREET PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 35.79 OF THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - 3 - -v •pieMzo; 1? anow pue loaload a741 uo snoo; 01 zoleu?pz000 1oaload E buTaap?suo0 sEM p1Eoq aq1 pappe AOeZ 'IN •ldaouoo Tepow?llnw aq1 of palElai Ile 'ssedjano ue?1lsapad a741 pue suOTzE1s is;sued ag1 'bu?Xzed aq1 uo palzodai aH •Aiew?zd se ldaouoo Tepow?llnw ag1 30 uo?1.1od ITua aa;sueil aqe 1 aOTd 01 pagaeai uaaq peg snsuasuoo V xNI'I io; bu?laaw IsToads E Papualle pEg ag p?es Aoel sagwawT?0un00 •Apnls SIVIA aq1 io; aall?wwo0 Aa0STApy suaz?1?0 ag1 uo aag0lEuaM 1seg luasaadaz of suaz?1?O Teu0TITPPe Oml bu?pui; u? dTag I?ouno0 PaXsE MoXTH aagwawTTOunoO saivadn C[HH SZ2IO m 'IIONnOO '0-S 'Pai33E0 uo?lOM agy •uo?sstwwo0 bu?uueld aql ;o bu?pu?; puE s10e; ag1 ldope pue lsanbai auoza.z 9741 anoidde of 1nT4gaVDH iagwawTTouno0 Aq puooas 'sXo?zpuaH zagw9wTTouno0 Aq apew sEM uO?1ow V :uoil0y ITouno0 •auozaz aq1 ;o jEAo3dde bu?puaww00RJ SeM uo?ss?w1800 bu?uueld aq1 'bu?pu?; pue s10e; aql uo paseq pue •sluawas?nbai apo0 Ted?O?unH aagoleuaM 1se3 ag1 g1?M AldwoO TI?M 1ue0IAl0 g a1 •iapzo u? seM lsanbai auozax agl p?es Tlagdwe0 iauueTd ?0 peog 1ue10 ;o glnos aq1 o1 anuany 3aAOJ0 'OS 06 le auoZaj ' e bu?pJP5aJ uo?lepuawwoOaJ uo?ss?wwo0 bu?uueTd V SO-LO-66 NOI.LvaH3HH003H 'HIVO 3AIZ03333 NV 9NIllaS QNV SWEV 3dI3 " ONIJ'V"ad OSO'Tb'6 140H 30 (5) NOIJ.33SSI1S 30 NOISISIHouci 3Hl HOUa 33HOJVN3M ,Lsvg 30 )LIIO 3HL JNIldH3Xa '3000 'IHdIOIN" 33HD'VNSM ISVE 3HZ dO OT0'0Z'6 NOIJ.03S ONIONaKV 'NOJ,ONIHSVM 33HolvRaM ZSli3 30 AJ,IO alll dO 33NvNIGHO NV II-66 'ON 30NVNIQ2i0 '0-S 'Pa?izeo uo?low agy •apo0 Ied?0?unH aag04euaM 1se3 aq1 ;o OTO'OZ'6 uo?40as puawe pue a0ueu?pjo aql anoidde 01 sX0?ipuaH sagwawT?0uno0 Aq puooas 'Aoeq jagwawlTouno0 Aq apew sEM uo?low y :uo?loV ITouno0 '0-S 'Pa?i=e0 uo?low ayy bu?peas puooas 01 bu?pea.z 1s1?; a1Eo AaTa o1 sX?1PuaH aagwawl?ouno0 Aq puo0as Aoe7 iagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uo?low y :uol-4oV ITouno0 •a0ueu?pao aql JO bu?peat 1S1?; PEa3 gseN way OJd JOAeH SwSea3?; ;o bu?AiiEo of saleTaz IT se apo0 Ted?o?unH aagoquuaM 1se3 aq1 bu?puawe aoueu?p-To uE ;o bu?pEai 1s1?3 LO-LO-66 b661 'ST A'Inr S3J,nNIH 'IIONn00 33HDIVN3M ISH3 d0 AZIO r 9 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1994 Councilmember Lacy said he had attended another flood management ' meeting and one of the recommendations, and maybe the most appropriate solution, would be to develop a Surface Water Utility. It was agreed by all of Council the city needed to become a part of the solution and show support by making it a joint effort. ADJOURNMENT - 8:10 P.M. Virg is E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -