HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/5/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JULY 5, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Chief Flinner, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Jim West, Pete Fraley. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, June 20, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills 3. Approval of contract with the North Central Washington Regional Library Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, July 5, 1994, payment voucher numbers 3793 through 3821 in the amount of $30.304.64. are submitted to Council for approval. - 1 - -z •uoTITsod auo unop sgaaCozd zaggo ayl ZIP BuTAOM uoTq?sod anT; zagwnu aqq of uoTITsod uaq zagwnu aqg woz; goaCozd anuany quowlSIR 3 ayq BuTAOw pagsabbns aH SuazTjTO aqq buTllod UT aATIPTITUT ' zag zo; yseN zagwawlTounoO papuawwoa AaeZ zagwawltauno0 lTEz1 aqq ;o pealsuT squawanozdwT gagzls aneq zaglez pinoM paAanzns s,uazTITO aql ;o quaozad xTs-A1uaA9s uteogs peq gaaCozd ITpzgzaATH aql ;o AgAzns zaq pTEs yseN zagwawlTounoO gsTl aq1 uo auo zagwnu Aegs uoTgoauuoa 1aazl9 gquTN pup ggqBT3 aqq gas 01 BUT pinoM ay pappe aH •buToB gaaCozd ITEz1zaATH aqq daaX of squEM ay pup uOLgTTeOO TTezq aql 01 PaXTeq Peq aq PTes MoXTH zagwawlTounoO •ISTI u0TgezTITa0Tzd aqg go gsaz aq-4 gg2M walgozd ou Mes Aopq zagwawlTouno3 •AgtzoTzd JamOT E oq IT anow 01 aXTI pinoM aq ageleasa sgsoa aq1 ;T 'zanaMoq 'anuTluoo gaaCozd ITlez1 aqq aas oq aXTI pinoM ay pTes doe? zagwawlTaunoO •suolgdo pup seapT zaggo BuTpzebaz ALTO aqg of zaglal p BuTq;EzP ;o ssaoozd aqg UT ase Aayy •goaCozd T?ezgzanTg aqq lnogp 'szaauTbua buTgTnsuoa aqg 'sageTaossy pule uTelzagwp40 S o1 PaXleq Pleq eqs Ptles sbu?IloO zoAE4I •sloaCozd Aplzan0 (L 'uoTgezTlpuBTS AeMXzed IIEH AaIIpA pup y1uTN (9 'uoTsuagxa uTezp wzols gaazls ygu9nal3 (S 'aned pule uapTM 'gaaags gquaagzTgy (V 'uoTsuagxg anuaAy saXpg (£ 'TTEll ' quoz;zanT'd (Z 'uoTlaauuoa goazgS g1uTH PuE ggq5T3 (T :se wagg g pasTT ay pup auop gab pinoo uanas gbnozgg auo swalT p?es upwpoog zH •labpnq quazzno aqq zapun pagaldwoo aq pinoo pagscT swagT ueaq;T; ayq ;o Aupw Moq ulewpoog •zH paNse Aoeq zagwawlTounoO •suTpzp wzogs pup 'saupl uznq 'sXTvm9PTs 'sgzno apnlauT pinoM sasegd glog 'BuTPITnq bu?uueld A1unoz) selbnoa aqq oq zaXES woi; laazgS gqu?N ;o TIP papnlauT II asegd •buTPTTnq A1uno0 splbnoQ ayq Molaq gsnC paw eqs I aseqd •quowgseg pule ggq5T3 ge pipyoio aqq pule BuTPITnq IOT31sTQ zalpM aqq se yang 'uoTITSTnbov AeM-3o-lgbTz seM I aseqd PTles uewpoo0 -IN II aseqd pue I aseqd auT;ap oq uewpoo0 quapualutzadnS paxse gseN zagwawlTounoO •1sTI aqq go dog aql Is pazTgTzoTzd buTaq uoTlaauuoo laazgs gquTu pup gggbTa aqg ;o zonp; UT qou seM sNoTzpuaH zagwawlTounoo •w•d L£•9 qe buTzpaq OTTgnd ayq pasola sBuTIT03 z0AeH •paads pasEazauT o1 anp a;lesun sT aT;Jell aTOTgaA BuaPTm 'sgaazls zaygoows 'zapTM ygTM p?Es aH gaazgs yquaaauazneZuTBTezO gnoge uzaauoa paOTon •g•N•gS gluaagzTyy 00Z w d 6£'9 qle BvTzeay OTlgnd aql Pauado sbu?TioO zoApH upld quawanozdwl uoTgegzodsuEzy zeal, xTS aagageUeM gsleg aqq bulpzpbaz BuTzpaq OTlgnd e ;o uoTgenuTluoO 40-90-66 JNI'dVZH 0I'Ignd 666T 'S A'Inf S3,LnNIN 'IIONnOO 33HJLVN3M ISK3 30 LILIO per," F, CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 5, 1994 Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second ' by Councilmember Mikow to accept the Six Year Transportation Program as prioritized. The motion carried, 3-2 (Nash,Hendricks). RESOLUTION 94-07-02 A resolution adopting the East Wenatchee Six Year Transportation Plan Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the resolution to adopt the Six Year Transportation Program. The motion carried, 3-2 (Nash,Hendricks) RESOLUTION NO. 94-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE SAME TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TRANSPORTATION BOARD. Councilmember Nash said before distributing the survey she divided the city into seven areas and surveyed about twenty-five homes in each of those neighborhoods. Questions asked on the survey were regarding; 1) the Rivertrail, 2) the groundhog ' situation, 3) a curfew ordinance, 4) hiring our own City Attorney. Councilmember Nash said she enjoyed meeting the people and getting their opinions. The original surveys will be on file with the City Clerk. DISCUSSION 94-07-03 A discussion regarding the city's possible adoption of a curfew ordinance Chief Flinner said he had run reports on crimes committed in the last two years between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 5:00. He said crimes committed during these hours were vehicle prowls, shoplifting, consumption of alcohol and burglary. Chief Flinner said several of these were repeat offenders. He added the felony offenses were mostly vehicle burglaries. Councilmember Lacy asked Chief Flinner what would be the policy of a minor driving through the city during these hours. Chief Flinner said if there was no probable cause, the vehicle would not be stopped. Councilmember Mikow said the results of the survey showing only nineteen crimes in a two year period did not justify a curfew ordinance, however it did show that the police department was I doing a good job. - 3 - -v- 1 •seaae pat;Toads uT uaAT3p aq of saioTyaA ieuoTleaangj so; eoeid uT aq of aney pinoM aoueuTpso iaggoue 'aoueuTpio OT;;pixy 19POH aqg g4TA se pTes sbuTTIOO JOAeW •O-5 AisnomTueun paTiaeo uotlom aqy 5UTpeaa puooas og agenaia pup aoueutp.xo aq-4 ;o butpeaz gsal; aney 01 'sXotspuaH JagmawiTounO0 Aq puooas 'MoXtH aegwamiTounoo Aq apem seM uOTgom V :uOT30V iTounoo aoueutplo lieo ;lob aidmes a paingTaIsTp sbuTTTOD sOARH •subTs ieuotgeonpa pup aoupuTpio up snsuasuoo Aq panoidde iTOunOD 4s5ogpuno35 aqg ;o io34uo0 aO; suoiido guasa;;Tp buTssnosTp ,xal;V •iptoT;auaq aq pinoM pa; aq lou pinogs Aagg AqM pup lelTgeg s6o4punos6 ayq gnoge ubTs ieuOtgLmJO;uT up pTes suTXuaf ..Ili uoxgeujagTq oguT ob Aagg uagm aunt iTqun goieW moil; maigoad snoTies a aie AayiOOa o,4 paau s6ogpunoib aql pTes 'uu, suoseaS ino3 ;oxauMosuTXua f ' aoueutpaO aigTssod pup uoilengts bogpunoJ5 ayq 6uTpzeba.x uoTssnosTp H DO-LO-V6 (Aoe7 'AOXTW) Z-£ 'pgTlavo uOTlom aqy •sbutpeas gloq zo; mao; aadoad uT uagM iTounoO oq pauangai aq TITM aoueutpao aqy •a0uputp.xo up pup Ma;jno a gdope of 'gseN jagmamiTounoO Aq puooas 'sXOTapuaH .xagw9mitouno0 Aq apem seM uotlow H 'uOE4zV TTounoH •m.xo; zadoad of se iasunoo iebai Aq paMaTAai aq aoupuTpio Ma;ano ayq papu9wm0oaa gOTOalsaO XsaTO AITO -assort amooeq g,uoM smaigoad ayl ueam lOu saop 1pgl aa"Moq 'aagoleuaM gsp3 uT maigosd a g,usT aiagl anosd sotlsTlels ayq pTes Sauulld ;elgO •aoueutpio Ma;xnO a xo; paau a aas l,usaop aH •ioaged aoTiod poob lnoge mONTW aagmawiTounoO ylTM 'paasbp aagogeuaM lse3 'azAlul oeW pn9 •AlT=oglne ipluaaed ao.xo;ua pinoM gT asneoaq aoueuTpao Ma;jno e ;0 JOAV; uT sT ay pTes '3N gaaJIS gluaal=Tgl OOZ 'aouajmpq bteao •suoT1oe jTagq so; aigtsuodsai aq pinogs aATxp oq gbnoue pio uazpTTyo siaa; aH tapun pup ' uaagybTa ueyl .xagles japun pup uaagxts aq pinogs abp ayI pTes 'ApMX.zed TTRW AaiieA OSS '6utPEJL saXp7 ;0 aauMo 'aXeZ u e 1 v •suoTuTdo otgnd JO; pa%sp sbuTITOD JOAVK V661 'S )�qnf SaInNIW 'IIONnOJ 33HOJ,HN3M ISd3 30 AZIO i 15 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 5, 1994 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to adopt the golf cart ordinance as presented with two amendments. The amendments are no vehicle permit fee and driving adjacent only to the golf course. The motion carried, 4-1 (Hendricks). ORDINANCE 94-9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 10.44 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING GOLF CARTS AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said she would be on vacation from July 13 through July 26. Councilmember Nash would be Mayor Pro Tem in her absence at the July 18 meeting. Mayor Collings asked Council how they wished to respond to Quest for Economic Development's letter for support of their mission and activities. The Council declined the request at this time. Mayor Collings said the Citizen's Advisory Board had met and recommended two ordinances; one on graffiti and one on drug free zones. Mayor Collings reminded Councilmembers of the Special Council Meeting to be held at 10.00 a.m. Friday, July 8. This meeting will be with the Douglas County Commissioners to discuss City and County issues. Mayor Collings distributed a sample ordinance relating to carrying of firearms for future discussion. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Mikow said he attended the Wenatchee Area Transportation Study meeting. He said the WATS study was being completely reorganized. Councilmember Mikow said Douglas County was the lead agency and KCM would be the consulting firm. He said a new interlocal agreement would be required. Councilmember Lacy suggested any Councilmember attending meetings or serving on other committees should make a written report for the other Councilmembers. Mayor Collings said a Department of Corrections meeting will be scheduled in early fall to discuss issues of public education and ' public information. - 5 - - 9 - a9i nseaiy/KiaTo d1T0 goTaz�sap •3 VTU,*. JTA m'd 9p;8 - INaHMEnoroH •palnpagos se buTnuTluoo ajzom sloaCoid TIP 39nanog 'Jabeuem Mau a buTpnlouT 'uoTlezTuebaoax alatdmoo e peg seq neeing uoTquanuoo pue 101TsTA ag, pTes gsPH iagmamZTounoD b66T 'S i'Inr S3ZnNIH 'IIJNnOJ 33HDIVN3M SSKS 30 LIIJ