HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/20/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JUNE 20, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Dana Barnard, John Flinner, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mayor Collings gave a report for Stuart Campbell, City Planner, on the status of the trail. She distributed a memo to Council from Mr. Campbell and his recommendation. Ms. Collings said the ' city had received no bids, a redesign may be needed and possible additional costs could be questionable. Councilmember Hendricks expressed concern about the additional cost and recommended putting the project on hold. Councilmember Nash agreed adding her concern regarding the present problems at the viewpoint. Councilmember McArthur asked whether funding would still be available if only a portion of the trail, (from the Columbia River bridge to the Pipeline bridge) was completed. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks second by Councilmember Nash, to table the project indefinitely. Dr. Gordon Congdon, trail proponent, said the trail needed to be completed, not tabled. He said it was a long time dream and would be one of the best trail projects in the area. He added four of the six years for the trail money enhancement were already past. Councilmember Mikow expressed concern regarding the design, possibly the project not being completed, the commitment the city had made to support the trail project and the costs already incurred. He recommended the design engineers meet with the Washington State Department of Transportation and find out what needs to be done to make it work. ' Councilmember Lacy said he needed more information on the feasibility of the project and the problems and he agreed with Councilmember Mikow that the engineers and WSDOT needed to reassess the complete project and the plans. - 1 - r _ •V661 'AEH ;o gquom aqq so; 'V661 'E aunr pTed S£'9LS'Z6$ ;o qunome Tegog aqq UT 'LTEZT gbnoagq 1,9ZZT Pue 'ZgZZT saagmnu .TagonOA TTo3Aed anoldde saop TTounoo 'P9PTOA azaM 06LE PUP SPLE 'VELE 'ZEL£ 'OELE gbno.zgq 9ZLE siagmnu aagonOA •Teno.Tdde so; TFounoo oq paggimgns aae '9L•ZZ£'89ES ;o qunome aqq UT Z6LE gbnoigg OZLE s:xagmnu iagonOA guamAed 'V661 'OZ aunr 'agep sigg ;o sy •TTounoo oq algelTEAe apem uaaq seq goTgM buTISTJ e uo papjooa.T uaaq aneq '060•VZ•ZV MDV Aq pa3Tnba3 se paT;Tljao smTeTo guamasingmiai asuadxa asogq Pue '090•VZ•ZV MOH Aq paiTnbai se iaDT;;o buTgTpne aqq Aq pai;Tg.Tao pue pagipne szagonOA sTTt9 ;o uoTgezapisuoo •Z V66T '9 aunr 'uoissaS JeTnbag - sagnuzH ;o aoigeiaptsuoo •T '0-S 'ATsnomlueun paT.Taeo uoTgom aqy palSTI aaaM smagt 6UTMOTTo; aqq se pue 'Paguasaad se sepuaTeo guasuoo aqq anosdde og sXoTJPuaH IagmauiTTnuno0 Aq puooas 'AoLi iagwamTiounoo Aq apem sum uOTIOw y :uoFgoy TTOunoo 2ivamzuvo SN3sNoo •saingeubis papaau aqq ainoas og TTagsoop oq pasaagunToA The gseN pue .TngglyoH ISNOFJpuaH 'AoeZ sjagmamTTounoo •anuTluoo oq seM uoTgexauue aqq ;T awTq ;o poTiad uiegjao a uFggiM papaau aq pTnoM saingeubTs TeuoFgFppe aqg pTes aqS •TTagdmeo •aye .To; uoTgexauuy ueaTg aqg uo pagaodaa osTe sbuTTToo aOAeH '(gseN 'SX0TapUaH) 'Z-£ 'Paiiseo uOFgom aqy •jaggin; 6uipaoaTd aio;aq sgTnsai aqq ;o TTounoo mao;ui pue sgsoo UT aseaiouT aqq ssasse JOAeH aqq aneq og pue :goaCosd aqq ;o AaTlTgTsea; aqq ;o MaTAa.T Taggin; ao3 's-Taautbua ubisap aqq '•oui 'WJS oq goaCosd aqq uingaa og MONTH .TagmamTTounoo Aq puooas 'Aoul iagmamTTOunoo Aq apem seM uoigom V :uoFgoy TFounoo •paaooid qou io sueTd aqq abuego 'goaCosd aqq A;TPom 'goaCoTd aqq pTga3 og aaaM suoTgdo iTagg ;o amos TFounoo p9puTma3 uemlawwTZ Aausoggy AgFo •(MONTH 'Aoe7 'inglavoli) 'E-Z 'PaTte3 ATaITUT;apui goaCosd aqq aTgeg og uotgom sNoT-TpuaH lagmamTTounoo=uotgOy TTounoo r x ' 94-06-04 A public hearing regarding the East Wenatchee Six Year Transportation Program Street Superintendent Goodman reviewed the list of projects for Council, noting his priority rating of five as 1) Phase I of the 8th and 9th Street Connection, 2) Baker Avenue extension from 5th to 3rd Street, 3) 13th Street, Baker to Devon, widen and pave, 4) 9th and Valley Mall Parkway signal system, and 5) repave Devon from lath to 15th. These projects would cost the city approximately $850,000. Mr. Goodman added, the prioritization of the projects needed to be submitted to the state by July 31, 1994. Councilmembers asked about several of the items listed and the costs in relation to the budget. Mr. Goodman said he prioritized the items based on need and anticipated revenues. Mayor Collings opened the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. Jim Brown, representing the Wenatchee Valley Mall, asked Council to make the extension of Baker Street to 3rd Street a high priority. He said the mall is planning an expansion which will generate increased traffic. Mayor Collings closed the public hearing at 7,39 p.m. ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to continue the public hearing at the July 5 council meeting to allow the council to submit their priority lists to Mr. Goodman. The motion carried, 5-0. 94-06-05 A resolution regarding vacating portions of Ramaker and Beaty Streets Mayor Collings said the resolution initiates the vacation process. A public hearing will be held July 18, 1994 to allow interested parties to be heard and the ordinance would be presented at that time. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the resolution initiating the vacation of portion of Ramaker and Beaty Streets. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 94-8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, INITIATING THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF RAMAKER STREET AND BEATY STREET. - 3 - - V - ' JaJnssajl/XJaTO AITO gOlaJlsap •$ a ZbJFA •m•d S5°s - IKHHKHflOfQy •0-S 'PaTJJeO UOTIOM aql quamgajbe aq-4 ubts of aOAem aq1 azTJoglne pue 000'SZ£S Jo; AgJadozd Ileq AITO guasaid aqq ;o ales aqq anosdde oq MoXTH JagwamTz0uno0 Aq puooas 'Aoe7 JagwamlTounoO Aq apem seM uoigom y :uoFgoy ITounoO •xaldmoo lagow a Olin padolanap aq TITM AlJadoad agy •0uI 'uul sJepap 'uoslaN Xoef Aq apem uaaq peq Ja;;o agy •AgJadoad TUN AITO quasaid agg ;o ales agl Jo; apem uaaq peq gsuz 000'SZ£S ;o Ja;;o ue pees 'saleTOossy uemMaN 'uemnaN uoQ •m•d S£:s - pauanuoOeH 'w'd OZ°s - Pauanuo0 •AgJadoJd butpJebaJ uoissas aAignoaxa alnuTw uaaq;T; e palle0 sbUTTl00 JOAeH ' NOISSSS HAISIIJs%s •MaTAaJ TTounoo Jo; sw@IT asagq aTTdwoz TTTm Jauutla ;aTgp •papaau seM aoueupio ue gons legl a0uaPTAa pue s0FlsTgegs Jo; paXse pue qT MaTAaJ 01 papt0ap TTouno0 •builaamgs c Alnf aqq le IT bUTAOJdde Japisuo0 01 IZounoO paXse pue aoueuipio Ma;JnO a ;o Adoo 1;eJp lepagngTa4sTp sXOtJpuaH JagwamTt0uno0 sssypan QNy slaod3H 'IIJNnOJ •aTITAJageM oq alivannl e 6uT-4jodsueJq ;o aouegsTp agq o1 se UJ90UOO sig gnoge paXTel JauutT3 ;aTgO •ssauotssiwwop Alunop ssTbnoQ ag1 of spaebaJ g1iM anssi JaquaO uoilualaa aTluannf aq-4 nano uJazuo0 passaJdxa agg •uotgeubtsaJ Jag buipaebas 'neaing uoilueAuOD pue Joq?sTA 'Jaxjeg uesnS woJ; 1911aT a pue 'TTeg AITO Mau agg qe a0eds papualuT JT9g1 Jo; AJe3gTI TeuoTbaH uolbuigseM TeJquaO 744SON aql q1?M g0ellu" q;eip aqq ;o AdoO a pagngTJlszp osTe aqS •uoigenlTs bogpunoJb aq1 ggTm dlaq oq pagoeue aq ATgissod pTnoo 1eg1 a0ueutpJo ue ;o aTdmes a paingTJlstp s5ui1100 JoAeH •papuagge IlaM sum pue Tn;ssaoons AJaA seM sT aunf 'AepinleS PTaq 1lsa;un3 aPTslseg agy •Teuoileonpa AJaA pus quaTlaoxa seM auexodS UT a0uaza;uo0 satgi0 uogbulgseM ;o ❑otget0ossy aq-4 Ptes sbutTTOO JOAeH SHOdsH S,HOAVH 666I 'OZ sNflf SRInNIH 'IIONf100 SaHDIVN314 SSVS JO AIIJ