HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/18/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 18, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS ' Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman said he would like to begin the northend paving project. He said he planned to use the Small Works Roster in the interest of saving time. The project cost could be eighty to one hundred thousand dollars. He said one hundred fifty thousand dollars had been budgeted. Council agreed by consensus to begin the project. Mr. Goodman said the Eastmont Avenue project was being delayed until May. Enhancement funding may be available for sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Mr. Goodman said there would be no additional costs to the city to relocate the utility poles. Mr. Goodman said the 5th and 6th street signalization project was complete and traffic flow is better now with the new signalization in place. He commended McCandlish Electric for the work the firm did on the project. Councilmember Lacy asked about the status of the Douglas County P.U.D. franchise. Mr. Goodman said the P.U.D. was reviewing it; he would send it to the city attorney when they completed the review, hopefully within two weeks. - 1 - - z - ,Alsnowtt ueun patlieo uotgow ayy •4o9Co3d Tteag ayg so; ssaaoAq ptq aqg ubaq og gsanbaa aqq ano-Tdde og yseN iagwawTtounoo dq puooas 'doej sagwawTtouno0 Aq apew seM UOTgow y :uotgoy Ttounoo •ga6pnq uo goaCosd ayq butdaax pue 'gogCoid ayq ;o sgsoo pagewtgsa butpleba1 paMoTTo; uotssnostp Ttounoz) •gsoo ayq so sueTd ayq UT s96uey0 3oCew Aue agedtotgue qou pTp ay 'amtg STyg ge 'pue iapzo ut seM NioM jaded ayq 3o TTe Ptes TTagdweo '=W •sieTTop paipunq uanas puesnoqq auo-Agxts pazpuny auo Alagewtxozdde aq TTTM uo- s,Agta ayg :s-IeTToP puesnogg autu-Agautu paJpunq ant; sT Ttejq ayg ;o gsoo pagewtgsa ayy •sueTd goaCoid aqq uo squawwoo uaggt-TM butgg?wgns a TlTm uotgegiodsueiy 3o guawgsedaa agegS uogbutyseM aqy 1 T. Raq aqq uo pTq oq ob oq uotsstMaad pagsanbaz TTagdweo 'jauueTa Al?a syeaan zIvdy axv Noiivamamooau •jaquaa uetgstigo a6eITJGH Jog uotgeoTTdde puegs sxloMai?a V-Z0-60-66 "D •gasngO Tegsooaguaa pagtun jog uoTgeatTdde puegs sxioMalTa Z0-60-66 "£ •papton seM 19TZT iagwnu gueiieM TToJdea 'p661 'gazEN 3o gguow aqg Jo; 'b66T IS TTzdV pled 9T'Tb9,VSS ;o qunowe Tegog aqg ut '90ZZT gbnoigg bSTZT szagwnu iayonon TToided ano3dde seop T?ounoo •Tenoidde jog Ttounoo og paggtwgns aie '£8'£09'00£S ;o qunowe ay-4 UT £8S£ g6no3gq L45£ sjagwnu iayonon quawhed 'b66T ST Ttzdy 'agep sTyq ;o sy Ttounoo og aTgeTtene apew uaaq seq yotgM buTISTI e uo papjooai uaaq aney '060'bZ'Zb MJa Aq pajtnbaj se pat3?gi93 swteTo quawasingwtaj asuadxa asogg J pue '080"bZ'Zb MN Aq paztnbaz se. e iaot;;o butgtpne ayq Aq pat;tgzaa pule pagtpne sJayonOA sTTtg ;o uotgeiaPtsuoo 'Z b66T 'b Ttsdy 'uotssas zeTnbag - sagnUTH 3o uotge3aptsuoo 'T '0-S 'Alsnowtueun patsseo uotgow ayy 'pagsTT azaM swag? butMoTTo; agg se pue 'paquasazd se iepuaTeo quasuoa aqq anoidde oq yseN jagwawTtounoo Aq puooes 'syatzpuaH iagwawTtounoZ) Aq apew seM uotgow y :uotgoV T. atlaNagvo INSSNoa r- RESOLUTION M 94-04-04 A resolution appointing the Applarians as the official hosts for the City of East Wenatchee. Mr. Jim Telford, Applarians past Chancellor, and representing the Applarians, introduced members present, to the council. Joe Gaspers, present Chancellor, read a resolution appointing the mayor as honorary member of the Applarians. A plaque and a copy of the resolution were presented to the Mayor. Picture taking followed. The plaque read as follows: "APPLARIANS, WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. "Apple Capital of the World"; Be It Known MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS is an HONORARY MEMBER of the Royal Order of Applarians and entitled to All the Rights and Privileges Thereto. In Witness Whereof this Certificate Has Been Granted this 18th day of APRIL. 1994." The plaque was signed by the chancellor and minister of records. The Applarian's Resolution No. 2 was read as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE APPLARIANS APPOINTING THE MAYOR OF EAST WENATCHEE AS AN OFFICIAL HONORARY MEMBER OF THE WENATCHEE APPLARIANS. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the resolution as presented, to appoint the Applarians as the official hosting organization of the City of East Wenatchee. The motion carried unanimously 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 94-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPOINTING THE APPLARIANS AS THE OFFICIAL HOSTING ORGANIZATION FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE. ORDINANCE 94-04-05 First reading of an ordinance amending the EWMC permitting fruit sales as a permitted use in the C-M Community Commercial Zone. Mayor Collings read first reading. 94-04-06 First reading of an ordinance adopting a new model traffic ordinance. Mayor Collings read first reading. - 3 - '666T 'ST Ttjdy uo 910A uotle39pisuo0ai a Jo; TZounoO AITO of p9u3nlad •s0iwou009 pue aOTnpe ;o AZ?Tenb '901Aias ;o ssauTTawtl uo paseq gsasalui gsaq s,Al?O aql uz sT saOiAsas Te691 20; loealUoo luaiano agy •891401euaM Zseg ;o AZ?O aql 3o ZsaxaluT Zsaq aql ut lou sT a0ueuipJo sigl legl apnTout 0£T'ZT'VS£ MOH g1TM aaueZTdwoo ❑T suoilOalgo ual1TSM 's6utTTOO uMeQ ioAeH Aq 666T 'T?zdy ;o Aep g18T SIHI 030SHA :pi00az aql olui uotlewio;uT 6UTMOTTo; aql buzpeaj 190ueuipso agl paolan sbutTToO JoAeH (MONTH-S%DTJpuaH) Z-£ 'paTizeo ❑Odom aql aaAoTdwa awtl-TTn; a se AaUSOIle AZTO a 6uigsiTgelsa ' 'papuawe se a0uevipio ay; anozdde of gseN iagwawTiOunoO Aq puooas 'AoeZ jagwawT20unOO Aq apew seM u0i40w V :uoil0tl U ounoO •uOTSTOap stgl uo ITMIT awil ou seM aiagl wg al papuiwaJ pue sls00 Te6aT ;o azeMe aq Tiounoo palseb6ns AoeZ zagwawTT0UnOD •siagwawlTounoo laglo Aq uoilezapTsuO09J Aue seM 93a14l ;? aas pue u0iuido DTlgnd 3eag 01 Japzo UT paAeTap aq 6uipeai puoaas aql palsanbaj AoeZ zagwawTTOunoO •TTaM se palaptsuoo aq pTnogs bullaa; OTlgnd pees sN0t3puaH jegwamUounoO •Tenozdde ziagl gl?M laaw of pafiueg0 aq pTnoM IT pees uewzawwiZ Aauiolltl AZ?O a0ueuipio aq-4 ;o A6oTouiwial aql of uoilda0xa Nool =ngl=doH pue ADVI gsvN szcagwawTTounoo •aaAoTdwa awTI TTn; a 6utaq Aauiolle ue ;o uoTleOT;tlsnl saq of 6utleTaj ITounoo of paluasasd peg ags uotleluawn0op paMaznai aqS •Tojluo0 zapun slsoo daaN pTnoM uotldt3osap qol paui;ap ATieaTo e ql?M 'aaAoTdwa ue se 'Aausolle AgTO asnog-UT ue pue To-Tluo0 ;o Zno a -le slsoa Te6aT pees gseH iagwawTtounoO •0-S 'Alsnomiueun patiieO uotlow ags •buTpe9J puooas of a0ueutps0 aql 3o 6uipeaJ ZSSZ; alenaTa of 'MONTH iagwawTTounoO Aq puoaas 'sNO2ipuag iagwawTtounoO Aq apew seM uoilow y :UOTIOV ITounoO •a0ueutpJO aql ;o sbuzpeai gloq jo; paNse s5uTTTOO JOAeH •aaAoTdwa awtl-TTn; e se Aaujolle Alzo e buTgsilgelse a0ueutpso ue ;o 6uipeaz ZsaTj L0-to-t6 L- r A role call vote followed: Councilmember Nash Yes ' Councilmember Councilmember Hendricks McArthur No Yes Councilmember Lacy Yes under protest Councilmember Mikow No The ordinance failed on reconsideration as a majority plus one of the membership did not vote in favor of the ordinance. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings reminded Council of the April 15th deadline on Public Disclosure. Mayor Collings asked Councilmembers to consider attending the Association of Washington Cities Convention to be held in June, in Spokane. She added that the city can send three delegates to the business meeting on the Friday of the convention. Mayor Collings listed activities she had attended which included, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, the Fun Fest, Enhance East Wenatchee, and Officer of the Year Luncheon. Officer Danny Reierson was East Wenatchee's Officer of the Year. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Mikow reported on the East Wenatchee Chamber Board ' meeting. He added they were considering a low interest loan from the Columbia Bank for the Enhance East Wenatchee greenery project. Councilmember Hendricks said he would like council to consider a curfew ordinance. He will gather information for council consideration at the next meeting. Councilmember Lacy reported on Link, stating union negotiations were still on the agenda as well as consideration of a merger with LINK and Translink. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Personnel Mayor Collings called regarding personnel. Convened - 7:55 Reconvened - 8:10 ADJOURNMENT - 8:11 p.m. ' T17rgirUa E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer a fifteen minute executive session - 5 -