HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/4/1994 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 4, 1994 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bruce Nash, Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Linda Countryman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department City Clerk Oestreich said the City of Okanogan Finance Committee had agreed to the purchase of the furniture and fixtures in the ' present East Wenatchee council chambers. Council had approved the sale to Okanogan for twenty-five hundred dollars. The items would include the furniture, dais, chairs, podium, backwall and sound and recording equipment. Code Compliance Office Code Compliance Officer Wiltz reported on the status of the new city hall saying the project was on schedule, the roofing should be started tomorrow, and several of the subcontractors were fifty to eighty percent completed. He distributed a sketch of signage for the building and its location on the property. Mr. Wiltz said he was attending sessions on Non -Residential Energy Codes and the impacts to the city. Mandates would affect planning and enforcing of code changes. Mr. Wiltz said he would keep Council informed as to the status of the issue. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 4-0. ' - 1 - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 4, 1994 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, March 21, 1994 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, April 4, 1994, payment voucher numbers 3508 through 3546, in the amount of $115,260.96, are submitted to Council for approval. Voucher number 3511 was voided. PRESENTATION Downtown Revitalization - Tami Fitzpatrick Ms. Fitzpatrick reported on the Central Washington University classes she had attended on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and the City of East Wenatchee. She said the sessions were sponsored by the Department of Community Development, were very informative and gave a Main Street approach to improving downtown areas. Ms. Fitzpatrick reported on current projects in East Wenatchee which included revitalization, signage with the Department of Transportation, signs at the city's entrances, landscaping along the bridge entrance to the city and the sign from the Port District for East Wenatchee. She added the Chamber ' was hoping to add some color with banners year round instead of just holidays. RECOMMENDATION 94-04-01 An application from Northern Fruit to amend the EWMC Title 17, Chapter 17.40 C-M Community Commercial District to allow retail fruit sales City Planner Campbell said the application had been received and reviewed by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. He said the Council could adopt the findings as presented, modify the findings, reject the recommendation, remand the issue back to the Planning Commission, or Council could hold their own public hearing. Mr. Campbell said Northern Fruit was asking for the change to allow them to expand their operation within their present borders and boundaries and to allow retail fruit sales. Councilmember Nash expressed concern of doing a text amendment for one business when a conditional use could accomplish the same thing. Mr. Campbell said Northern Fruit now operated with an existing non -conforming use and therefore was limited by the I code. - 2 - - E - 3a3nse93y/xaaT0 AiTo yOia3gsa0 '3 Ei�T63�A w'd 61:8 - ZN3HKUflOfOy w•d ST:8 ge pauanuooad •sagnutw AljTgq 3aggOuE 3o; w•d Oq:L qe uOTssas agg panuiguoo sbuTITOD 3odeH •w•d SZ:L qe pauanuoO uOFssas anignoax3 uoTje6TjTj pue dg3adoid buip3e593 uoissas anignoaxa agnutw uaaq;i; a paTTEo s6uTlloo 3odeH uoigebigtZ - dl3ado3d - NOISS39 3AI11103%3 •uOTIvzOT 3aquao E 3o; buTpun; buip3eba3 asngn; 3eau agq ui Tiouno0 og uotgeguasaad a 6u2xEw aq pTnoM laqua0-uOFgFgTyx3 pue sg3y etgwnToO aqy pees sbuTTTOD 3odeH 1HOaHU S,UOdyH •p-y 'AlsnOMTueun pat33eO uotgow ayy apo0 TedTDTunH aagogeuaM gse3 ayg puawe og dTbucp3ooae pag;e3p aq TTFM aoueuip3o uy uoxsszwwoD 6utuueTd aqg dq papuawwooa3 se s6uipat; pue sgae; ayg anOadde og MoxTH 3agwawlTzunoo dq puooas •sxoTJpuaH 3agw9wjTouno0 dq apew sen uoigow y :uOTIOy ITouno0 V66T '6 gIHdy S3,L(1NIH IIONno5 33HDlvN3M ISy3 3o AIIJ