HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/4/1995 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING DECEMBER 04,1995 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried 5-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, November 20, 1995. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 04, 1995, Council does approve warrant numbers 5439 through 5563 in the total amount of $55,382.04; and Central Stores manual warrant transfer numbers 107295 through 108495 in the total amount of $360.25. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 13338 through 13404 in the total amount of $112,741.15, paid November 3, 1995, for the month of October 1995. APPEAL HEARING Police Chief Harrison said Russell Minnick had been denied a taxicab driver's license based on the East Wenatchee Municipal Code 5.16.140 D which states," No taxicab driver's license shall be issued to any person unless the said person does not have a felony conviction within the past ten years and has not been convicted of an offense of reckless or negligent driving, driving while under the influence, hit and run attended or unattended or any other related driving offense within the last five years." Mr. Minnick had a felony conviction. Mr. Minnick said he realizes the law was enacted to protect citizens, however the crime he committed was not of a violent nature. He said he served his time for the conviction and was on Fri 1 A.mununs aaueuipio agl peas sSu!lloD io t aW 'O-5 `Pauauo uo!lom aqs '966I io3 aagoleuaM lsug io3 saxes f4lodoid Su!13as aouuu!pio agl anosdde o1 doers iaquiauq!3uno3 Aq puooas `mo3l!W iaqutawl!3urto3 Cq apeut sum uo!lout V :uollaV 1!aunoa 9661 so; aagoleuaM lseg io3 saxes Cuadocd Su!llas aoueu[p,ro ue;o Sulpea.i puooaS 90-11-96 33M'NICrdO (slouPuaH) •I-b `Paurea uollouw aq,l, •uolslnlpgns pue luauidolanaQ 1lufl pauueld tl!IM I aql SulpaeSai uollepuaunuooai suolsslunnoZ) SURMId ay1 anoidde of mquvow iagmaml!ounoD Aq puooas `,Caul iogwowj!3uno3 Sq apew sum uollom V :uo!laV I!aunoj •Su[snoq olgepiojlu molle 01 Iunoidde spuaunu000i uolssr=OD Suiuueld aql plus IlagdmeD -1lnl 'luawaseo ogl3o laed Suioq s)Ilumap!s agl qum sluouialmbai apoo min2w ump ialleuis aq pinom luauidolanap aql ui slol agl plus IlagdumD •slnl uols!nlpgns pue luauidolanaQ 3!ufl pauueld uiueyg Sulp 2ai uo!lupuounuooai uoissiunuoD Supamicl V £O-ZI-96 (pou!emsqu Aou-j) 0-y `po4= uollow aqs •3uouidolana(j 1!u fl pauueld lseg uoploo aql Suipxoftj uo!lepuounuo= suolss!unuoD Su!uuuld agl anoiddu of gsum iagmawl!ouno3 Aq puooas `silaupuall lagwauil!ounoD Cq apeui sum uocloui V :aop3V 113uno,3 •suuld Iuug agl;o lenoidde io; Suiloatu uoisstunuoD 5upiwId lxou aqi le possnoslp aq Plnom luouidolanaQ hurl pauueld lse3 uaPJOD a p p!es llagdumo laen3S Iauueld 14!0 luawdolanaQ 1!ufl PauuuId lseg uaploD SutpieSal uollepuaunuoaai uolss!unuoD Su!uuuld V ZO-ZI-96 NOI.LVQN3WW033'd •O-5 `Poumo uollom aqy asuoog s,ianup ge3!xe1 aagaleuaM lsug;o f)!:) s!q annboe of 31a!uuiW •.IW Su!mollu leaddu agl luuiS of ,iae-1 iagmaml!ounoD Aq puooas `gsel l iaqutauq!aunoD Xq opuw sum uo!1o[u V :uollaV 1!aunoj •lsed suq am!l;o pouad s!ql mil mou algisuodsai Alleiow si aq slaa3 aq p!es 313!uutlnl 'ryw •uoilegoid 5661 '60 N3GW3J3a S3IHNIW 'IIJNnOJ 33HJ1VN3M 1SV3 dO A113 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 04, 1995 ORDINANCE NUMBER: 95-16 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1996, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 95-11-07 Second reading of an ordinance setting East Wenatchee employees salaries for 1996 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the ordinance setting East Wenatchee employees salaries for 1996. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Collings read the Ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NUMBER: 95-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 94-18 AND FIXING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DURING THE YEAR 1996. 95-11-08 Second reading of an ordinance adopting East Wenatchee's budget for 1996 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the ordinance adopting East Wenatchee's budget for 1996. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Collings read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NUMBER: 95-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1"6, AND APPROVING AN ORDINANCE SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION. 95-11-02 First reading of an ordinance increasing the number of Council positions from five to seven. ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate first reading of the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 5-0. MIN -c- 1 •puaue 01 auor.Iana palLAvi pue Smiaaw agi ialie pamos wTo aq pinom ongi 'pappe aqS •aagoleuaM lseg 3o [4!0 aqi 01 ao[Aias ;o sa;up .Iaq Bups►I onbeld a pm mglldaW Mod iagwawlrounoD Suupaa paiouoq sguilioD JOXEW •epuaBu aqi uo swal! ou aiam magi;! BUpaaw 81 iagtuaoo(I oql Iaoum of snsuasuoa Aq poaj& IpounoD ZSlniaaw 81 iagwaoa(l agi Suilaouuo ;o anoidde Iiouno:) P1nom `Cum iugi pawewai li 3I •Supota liovnoD g;g 1 iagwaaaQ aql io; EpuaSe aqi uo Su►glov sum magi awp sigl 3e pies sSulpoD io Ce1AI poo; io3 pmd000u aq oslu P1nom swa11 poo3 algrgsuad-uou pappe aqS •,il!ununuoa aqi ut Apmj Cpaau u io; aua i snll uTeBu aaJl suwlsugD aql uo lnd aq P1nom s8ul {1!S plus sSuilloo iofeW 1110d311 S,2IOAVW '3311IWWO3 AIlOS1AQV 3J.SVM GlrIOS AJ.NflOJ SV'IOfIOQ 3H.L O.L N3Hw3W V ONI.LNIOddV NO.L`JNIHSVM `33HOJ.VN3M .LSV3 JO AlD 3111 d0 NOILTIOS321 V 11-S6 :N3H W nN NOIJJI'IOS3H 'allp uotlnlosai aql peas sSui11oD .IOAvW •0-S `Pauieo U011ow aqs •aauiulluoD %10SIApd 91seM P?IoS 44unoD selSno(I oql of iohW agi Supuiodde uopniosai aqi anoidde of gseM.Iagwawpounoo Sq puooas `,Coe -I iagwawltounoD Aq apew sum uoilow V :uog3V 113unoj aaulunuoz) AjosiApd alseM P11oS AiunoD selBnoQ aql of iagwaw a Butlutodde uotinlosa.I d . £0-Z I-S6 '3J.VQ 3AIJJ3dd3 NV ONII13S QNV S-d3HW3W N3A3S 01 3AId WOIIA All 311.1. NI SNOLLISOd ll:)NfIOJ d0 1139W IN . 311.E JNISV3113NI NOJ.JNIHSVM `33H:31VN3M .LSV3 90 AID 3111 d0 33NVNIGHO NV 61-S6:109INfIN 33NVNIQZIO NOI1[I'IOS3N -'Quwwns aouewp.Io alp peal SBurlloD 1ohN ' •0-9 `pauaeo u01iow au uanas of ang wo.g suoIl[sod pounoJ3o iagwnu aqi BnISea33111 aouuulP.Io aqi anoiddu of mo)IZW iagwawpounoZ) Xq puooas Aorj .IaqulouipunoD Aq opuw sem uonow d :uopad paunoj 9661 '170 t138W3030 S3inN1w IIJNnoD 33HJJVN3m tSV3 Ao ui:) CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 04, 1995 COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Lacy said he had a conflict with the Link board meetings and would like someone else to represent East Wenatchee, and if anyone was interested to contact the Mayor. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:35 Mayor Collings called a ten minute executive session regarding personnel and potential litigation. Council reconvened at 7:45 P.M. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Nash to agree to the one hundred five thousand dollar purchase price for the Ninth Street Corridor property. The motion carried, 4-0. (Lacy abstained) ADJOURNMENT - 7:50 P.M. L . Virgin .Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer 1 1 Emit