HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/1995 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING NOVEMBER 20, 1995 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember McArthur, excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Darin Bender, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Chuck Zimmerman. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of minutes — Regular Session, November 6, 1995. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried 4-0. ' DEPARTMENT REPORTS Planning City Planner Campbell said the subdivision adjacent to the Eighth and Ninth Street Corridor had been approved by the Planning Commission on May 22, 1995. The developers were now ready to submit a final plan to the Planning Commission. Mr. Campbell said Council needed to approve, modify, or reject the plans. Councilmember Mikow said he would oppose a decision to approve the plan. He said the developer should not be allowed to start a new project when street lighting on a previous project had not been completed. Street Superintendent Goodman said the City is working with the Douglas County Public Utility District on the most effective way for the City to maintain the lighting. Councilmember Nash asked why the lighting hadn't been installed when the project was under construction. Mr. Goodman said it was overlooked by the developer. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to table the issue until the December 4, 1995, Council Meeting. The motion carried, 4-0. 1 r- (paute;sge Xoe"I) '0-£ patio notlow aq.L 'topluoJ 3N 1aauS ' EP6 aql se umou� ,Cltadotd 3o uot;euwapuoo ioj 8utptAwd aoveutpto aq; anotdde o; silottpuaH tagwauipounoJ Xq puooas `mo3ltlnl tagwawltounoJ dq opuw sum uotlow V motlaV llauno:) (pau! msqu ,fou I) .0-£ `poumo uotlow aqZ •Sutpeai puooas of aouumpto agl;o 3utpu3t ;sag a;unala o; sxoupUGH tagwowltounoo Aq pumas `moTW tagwawpmnoJ , q opum sum uotlow y moi;at, l!aunoj -loafotd halls aq; alaldwoo oI tapto ut paunbai sum notlsumapuoo ag; plus aH •aoueutpto 3T 2utssud pus Sutpeat puooas o1 8utpuat ls.ig 8utlsna13 papuawwooat uuwtau=Z Aauiouy 4!0 toptttOD 3N laatlS q16 oql su umouil ,Cuadotd jo uotlsuwapuoo to; 8utptnoid aouuutpto us 3o 8utpuat lsn3 60-11-96 Xtsututns aoveutpto aql psat sSutlloJ to,Celnl 9661 toj )oSpnq s,aagoleuaM Isug Sut;dope 8utuas aouuutpto uu jo Sutpuat lsn3 80-11-56 •.Cnuiwns aouumpto oq; peat Oui1loJ toXLW ' 9661 to3 sattelus soaXoldwa aagoleuaM Iseg Butuas aouuutpto ue3o'Butpuat lsn•3 LO-11-56 ,SMulums aousutpto aq; peat sSutltoJ to,Sulnl 966I to3 oagoluuaM lsug to3 saxsl ,iltadotd 8utuas aoueutpto ue3o Sutpuat;sttd 90-11-56 33N V NICrdO •uot;unlun passasse aqI uo posuq sum 1! plus gotatlsap '966I to3 sum ales xsl aql Iegm paxsu gsuN tagwowltounoJ •w•d bO:L lu gutteaq otlgnd oq1 pasolo s8ut11oJ to,Cslnl `otlgnd oql wot3 sluautwoo ou 2_utteaH 'w'd £O:L is Suuuoq otlgnd aq; pouodo sSutlloJ toXulnl p2pnq 0043lsua1A IseR 9661 posodotd aq1 ut saxel ,Suadotd Sutptei3w Outtuaq otlgnd d 90-I 1-56 9NRIV3H 3I'l8fld ' •sutla uu an?;onpotd poo8 a ut 8utllnsat gels ,cuo aql gl?:� Iaw pug sluellnsuoo aqI `pappu OH •sis,Cluue Apnls aql gltm ptamto3 OUTAOw to3 ItounoJ papuawwoo uslgsnN 't" I!ounoD of ptegtulS uqo f pup 8nlgd uud `uelgsnN Itgd sluellnsuoo uopuxaum aql poonpotlut s8utlloJ toXulnl 9661'OZb38W3AON S3.1nNIW'IIJNrlOJ33HD VN3MISV330AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 1995 Mayor Collings read the ordinance summary. ' ORDINANCE NUMBER: 95-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE 9TH STREET NE CORRIDOR PROJECT CONNECTING 9TH STREET FROM BAKER AVENUE TO 8TH STREET NE WHERE IT INTERSECTS GALE FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS OVER, ALONG UNDER AND ACROSS SAID PROPERTY, PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION, APPROPRIATION, TAKING AND DAMAGING OF REAL PROPERTY NECESSARY TO COMPLETE AND MAINTAIN THE IMPROVEMENTS, PROVIDING THAT THE ENTIRE COST THEREOF SHALL BE PAID FROM GRANT FUNDS, STREET FUNDS, AND/OR GENERAL FUNDS OF THE CITY, AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INITIATE THE APPROPRIATE LEGAL ACTION TO CONDEMN THE PROPERTY IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY LAW. I7 *9] ItIll 911M 95-11-10 A resolution establishing the Tourism Promotion Advisory Committee Mayor Collings said she talked to Wenatchee's Commissioners about a member on both committees. She said they recommended a chair person from each committee attend meetings ' for both Tourism Promotion Advisory Committees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy approve the resolution creating a committee which will recommend allocation proposals as it relates to Hotel/Motel tax. The motion carried, 4-0. Mayor Collings read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NUMBER: 95-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON CREATING A TOURISM ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHICH WILL PRIORITIZE, SCREEN AND RECOMMEND ALLOCATION PROPOSALS AS IT RELATES TO HOTEL/MOTEL TAX. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings told Council there were vacancies on the Association of Washington Cities board and the National League of Policies board. If anyone was interested she had the ' information available. -3- h- aamsua{l,plialD Ai!D 113109sOO.3 nmgnA 'W'a Sh:L — .LN3 W NH[lofaV •sanssi gloq uo saX pies uuuip000 iost,uadng a0ueualuTW '9661 3o SuudS oqi ui paaooid of olep a g1lm pagipotu aq loeiluoo ag1 pinoo os;l pue SuudS plun ltum pinom loa(oid iop!uOD luouulsug P paIse s)loupual-i iaquiougtounoD S3.LVad(1 aNV siniod3H maNnoa •Suuuag uotlulpatu 966I `Z I iaqutaoa(I ag1 iagu Ic1un suopupuounuoom leug Auu ,(Slap of aouapuodsauoo puss ilia otp spuounuoom ags ptes sSulpo3 ioSew •easy glm(uo uegjn leu►3 agl uo lndut s,f4!D oql Suilsonboi siouoissnutuoD ,ilunoD suignoQ aq1 tuog iallal a poATaoai ags pies sgutlloj ioAuN •siagtuautllounoD luuoiltppe oml ag11u►oddu of loajja Ut aq 01 popaau aousutpio ue 'pappe ags `lanamoi-I •sdogs)ilom agl;o ouo puoue 01 oaqutauip3unoZ) polu!oddu Almau s,,c4!D agl iO3 le!ogauaq oq pinom 1! p!us ags •sletolgo paloala Almou io; lea l oq1 ui Alma alquliune sdogs)iiom leianas a1am alagl l!ounOD plot sSullloD io,Cuy�l I motllsod iapu23aQ o►lgnd s,,C1[0 ag1 so; slusodoid ldaaoe of snsuasuoo Aq paai2u pounoD 'aapua;aQ oilgnd s,,4!D ag1 io3 slusodoid io3 slsanbai Maas 01 Ienoiddu jo; l!ounoD po lse sSu►lioD ioXLw 9661 'OZ 2138W3AON S3.LCINIW 'IIJNnOO 33HO.LVN3M 1SV3 AO AID