HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/5/1995 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON. REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING ' JUNE 5, 1995 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow,.Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Greg Wendt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Planner Campbell gave a report for the Maintenance Supervisor Bob Goodman, who was not at the meeting. He informed Council the bids for the Ninth Street Corridor Project, Phase I, had been opened by the Washington State Department of Transportation and Goodfellows Construction was low bidder at ' $496,125. CITIZEN COMMENTS Keith Williams, committee member for the Day of Decades event, distributed posters to the council. He said the event is planned as a tour of the history of East Wenatchee. The event will be held at the Eastmont High School Stadium on June 17, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR , Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, May 15, 1995 2. Consideration of Bills -- - 35-i3r6-02 Set June -19, 1995 as the date for - a public hearing regarding East Wenatchee's Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan I Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090. have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. - 1 - -z- ' '0-S 'pata eo uoTlow aqy •eagOleuaM Iseg UT slaa.zls uTel.Taa Uo sabUega 1TWTT peads uo aoueutpio agl 9n0.zdde of gseN :tegwawTTounoO Aq puoaas 'sXoT,zpuaH ,TagwawTTounoo Aq-_apew seM uoTlow y :uoTIOV TTounoo •butpeal 1sut; woi; sabuego ou aaaM asagy •buTpeaz puoaas peat sbaTTTOO aOAPN s189JIS aagOlEUaM lseg UTEI390 uo sITwTT peads buTbUegO aoaeuTpzo ule ;o buTpeaJ puoaaS 40-SO-S6 ssONVNIQuo •a.tnln; aq1 JO; buTuu?Td uo Xan.tns a Ino TTT; 01 TTounoo pagse aH 'SHsa gITM loezluoo 3ead ino; a seq Aouabe agl pule saTlunoo xTs uT paluasazdai sT AOuabe agl pies aH AgTunwwoo aql of sapTnoid Aouabe agl saotnzas 9741 ;o TTOunoO paW.xo;uT 'buTby uo ADUaby ea.TV .xanT'd eTgwnToO ail-4 buTluasasdaz 4TTa3IloJ Ugor NOISYZN3saud '0-9 'PaTJJ120 ' uoTlow aqy •saeTTOp puesnogl ua1 ;o lunowe ue uT food aql autTas dTaq of Isanba-7 9q1 anozdde o1 gseN :ragwawTTounoO Aq puoaas 'SNOTIpaaH aagwawTTounoo Aq apeW seM uoTlow y :uoTloy TTounoo buipun3 st aagoleuaM Iseg gonw Moq sIauotssTWWo� �SlunoO aq1 W30;uT OI ains aq of uT1jeH 'iH paXse MoXTH 'IN 'buTingT=luoo aq aou pTnoM Aq uno0 agl pTes uT1uEH IN uagN •siauOTSSTMWOD aql Wo33 buTWOO seM AaUOW papaau aql ;o gonw Moq paXse MoNTH aagwawTTounoo •pua .TeaK of anp TTTIS sasuadxa aq-4 6utpnTOUT 'sanuanaz jead luaiano uo paseq paleoolle aq pTnogs SJPTTop puesnogl Ual AJUO papuawwooai aqS 'xanaMOH •sanuanaa xel 191OH/T910H MOJ; awoo pTnoo spun; aql pTes g0T83ls90 zajnseasy/XJ9TO AITO *rood aq1 ;o wol7oq agl uT SIV al abseT bUTMOgS TTounoO of saznloTd paingTzlsTp aH -spun; 0 pue H s,UOTlEaioaH pue s3(3ed agl woa; awoo pTnoM ;Teq auo pule 'SIPTTop puesnogl AW1141 dTaleWTxojdde aq TTTM bUTUTT Mau aql ;o Isoo a741 pTes ut1jeH -IN •jood bUTWWTMS aql auTTea 01 sjeTTop puesnogl uaal;T; Jo; lsanbai a zapTsuoo of TTounoO paXse 'UOTleazOaH pue sNaPa Rlunoo seTbnoQ buTluasajdai 'UT1JeH 6Te20 Tood 6UTWWTMS aq1 auTTa.t 01 I UOTlUDa3DH pue s%avd Aq unoo seTbnoQ zo; isanbei buTpung ZO-90-96 Noilvu3QISN00 'TTounoO Aq panozdde aze OZ'ZLZ'6bS ;o lunowe aq1 UT 9S6b gbnozgl 606b szagwnu lue aum 'S66T IS aunr 'alep sTgl 30 sy S66T IS SNnr S3,LIINIII 'IIJN(loo 33HC)S.`dN341 wSV3 30 ILI CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 1995 ORDINANCE NO. 95-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS WITHIN THE BLEAN ANNEXATION BY AMENDING SECTION 10.32.035 AS TO BAKER STREET AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 10.32.065 AND 10.32.075 AS TO 15TH STREET NE, COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, AND 19TH STREET NW, RESPECTIVELY AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 95-06-03 First reading of an ordinance changing the zoning at 1490 Eastmont Avenue Mayor Collings read first reading. Councilmember Mikow asked if there had been any changes since they had approved the Planning Commission's recommendation. Mr. Campbell said there had been none. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve first reading, elevate first reading to second reading and pass the ordinance. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 95-6 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE JAMES MARTIN REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1490 EASTMONT AVENUE FROM "R-L RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO R-M(p) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 95-06-04 First reading of an ordinance changing the zoning map for property located at the Douglas County Public Utility District No. 1 Mayor Collings read first reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve first reading, elevate first reading to second reading and pass the ordinance. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember- Hendricks, -second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the ordinance as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. - 3 - -v *Alto aq1 ;o ;Tegaq uo 1T op ao.zauwwo0 ;o jagweg0 aql papuawwoaaz Mox?H jagwawTTounoO pue snsuesuoo Aq ou pies TTouno0 -op 01 paxse sawtlawos sT A1?o aql se 'pe ue zosuods o1 palueM A1To alp JT ITO moo paxse aqS •satl?0 uolbuTgseM ;o u0zleT00ssy ag1 le papaau seM alebaTap 5UT10A a pies aqS 'w-e IT 1e S66T 4.9 aunf paoeld aq pTnoM aTnsdeo awil aql pies sbuiTTOD zoAeH 1HOdau SIHOIVH '0-9 4P9TJJP o Uotlow aql •M@TA aTbe3 ;o I asegd pooMJeiJg anoJdde of gseN zagw9wTTouno0 Aq puooas 4m0%TH 39gw9wTTouno0 Aq apew sum uoilow y :uoF10y TTouno0 •A1ia aq1 141TM XJoM 01 snotxue 93aM sJadolanap agl PTeS aH •uosxoef pue luowlse3 of uotloauuoo Aenpeoj a se Bons 'in000 pTnoM sasegd Teuoil?ppe pue 'spuod uotlualaJ peas ozpAq ITTM iadoTanap a141 'SU190uoo J0Eew ou peg 19zl Bound eql P?es aH -op of peq aneq pTnoM siaU0Tssiww00 AlunoO 9741 se 'leld 9741 M9TAa3 0l papaau TTaunoO aqy •sliwiT Alto aql ulg1?M Mou sum Al.Tadoid agy 1uTd Alunoo a ;o uozlenutlu00 a SeM sigl pees Tlagdwe0 .TauueTd A4T;) UOTSTATpgns poomapT3g jog TeAo3dde 1eTd TeuTa 90-90-96 gVAoxdae IV%d '0-S 'Patiiea uoilow aqy alep Alawtl aiow pue JaleT a T?1un uotlnTosal aq1 aTge1 o1 gseN .Tagwawltouno0 A,q puooas 'Aoei jagwawTTouno0 Aq apew sum uoilow y :uoiloH TTounoa •ease leioiawwoo uMoluMop aql ;o lioddns panuiluoo uo aq pTnogs snoo; 9q1 ianaMoq 'u0TsT0ap Teui; 9q1 UT AgTJ074lne aTIITT aneg pTnoM uoilnTosaj aql 1eg1 p?es ITagdwe0 •sH •suaaouoo jo seapt s,lTouno0 ;o UOTSSTwwo0 bUTUUeId aq-4 wiO3UT 01 pauueTd ag ptes aH •panoadde sum ueTd aq1 aso;aq aq pinoo asagl 1nq 'sabuego ou uaaq peq azagl •Te0TlTJ0 sum 5UTWT1 lgbti aq1 4awi1 s?g1 1e aouaza;;ip ao loedMT Aue axew 10u Aew 1i U0TgnT0saJ aq-4 passed Iioun00 ;z ptes TTagdwe0 zauueTd Al?0 ueTd 9ATsuegazdwo0 eajV aagaleuaM 1se3 zaleazg 1;uap aq-4 ;o suozliod butlioddns uoTlnlosaa y 90-90-96 NOISf1'IOSHH '3I4'a 3AIS03d33 Nei JNIllaS aNV ,.SOIldlSIa `IVIH1SnaNI/9NISnOH3HVM I-M,. Ol „71ifIDUaHH00 UINnIMOD H-0„ HOda AVMNHVd 'I'IVH A3'I'IdA TSTI OS d,N30Kfav a3Sv00'I Alusd021d 3NOZ32I and AZNn00 SS 0nOa 3HI Sv NMONN AIN3dOUd 'VSU NIKZ2f30 NO NOIIHNJIS3a JNINOZ 3HI SONVH0 01 ASIO 3HI 30 dVH JNINOZ gVI0I330 3HI 0NION361d 'NO,LONIHSHM '33HO,LHN3M ISVE 30 -UIO 3HI 30 33NHNIaHO Nei L-S6 'ON 30NKNIGHO S66T 'S 3Nnf 3212.NI I 'IIONn00 33HOS,HN3t1 LSVS 30 t!IO CITY CrF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 19=5 1 1 Mayor Collings reminded Council of the Association of Washington Cities conference in Seattle June 30. Councilmember Mikow volunteered to be a delegate. Mayor Collings said LINK was having an open house on June 15 at Wenatchee City Hall. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Lacy said he had many calls regarding the Paratransit, especially from concerned senior citizens. He said LINK wanted to do it in-house however, it probably would cost too much and policy projections had not been taken into account. Councilmember Mikow asked about the enhancing of the entrance to the city. Chamber Director Herres said some plantings had already been done, drip irrigation was in; and the Enhance East Wenatchee Committee was working on the project. Mayor Collings added that she would be meeting with the Douglas County Commissioners on Wednesday and if Council had any concerns or questions she would take them to the Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT - 7:25 p.m. Virgini4 E. Oestreic , City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -