HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/15/1995 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MAY 15, 1995 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, John Flinner, Bruce Nash, Linda Countryman, Dana Barnard, Stuart Campbell. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Collings read two proclamations. One proclaiming May 16, 1995 as Bike to Work Day; and one proclaiming May 29, 1995 as Memorial Day in East Wenatchee. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, May 1, 1995 Council Retreat, March 18, 1995. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required'by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council.' As of this date, May 15, 1995, warrant numbers 4852 through 4908 in the amount of $84,408.53; and Central Stores manual warrant transfers in the amount of $240.53—are-approved by Council. Council approved payroll warrant numbers 12924 through 12290 in the total amount of $115,167.30, paid May 5, 1995 for the month of April, 1995. Payroll warrant number 12941 was voided. 1 1 1 - 1 - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL MAY 15, 1995 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Maintenance Superintendent Goodman informed Council the bid for construction of the 8th/9th Street Corridor, Phase I, had been let. Bid results will be read June 2, at 11 a.m. He said this phase should be completed within forty-five days. s Mr. Goodman said one bid had been received for a new pickup, from Cascade Chevrolet, at the amount of $17670.80. Council agreed by consensus for purchasing the truck. Mr. Goodman said the grant monies for Phase II of the corridor had been allocated. The amount is $736,880. plus the city's share of approximately one hundred thousand dollars. Council agreed to begin advertising for engineering services for the project. Mr. Goodman said the department would like to begin the signal system at Ninth and Valley Mall Parkway. Council agreed by consensus. He reminded Council the Six Year Transportation Plan would be presented for approval by July. Planning Department City Planner Campbell said he would like to hire Planning Intern Greg Wendt for the summer, as he had done last year. Greg was very helpful to the department and Greg would be able to help with major projects. He said he budgeted for this extra help under professional services and would like to be able to hire as needed. Mr. Campbell said the River Trail project was moving ahead. Nicholls Engineering firm had been selected as the project engineer firm, Eldon Rickman would be the local engineer. Mr. Rickman is considered to have some of the best bridge expertise and experience. Mr. Campbell said the engineering estimate was approximately thirty one thousand dollars. RECOMMENDATION 95 -01-02 A- recommendation of the Planning Commission to. approve a zoning map amendment for Douglas County PUD #1 City Planner Campbell said the zoning map change was from C-M Community Commercial to W-I Warehouse Industrial. The location of the property is directly north of the existing PUD complex. It is a vacant lot of about 2.6 acres. The change is to allow the uses typical of a PUD maintenance and operations facility. - 2 - -s- •buTgaXoTg jageajb ao; MOTT? oq abuEgo aqq 6uTsn quamgjedap aoTTod aqq ;o 96paTMoa3[ sTg oq UOTgeOTpUT ou seM a3agq pappe aH •oT;;ez1 too; ;o 1oT a seM azagl qnq •laaags 141ST Uo sXTeMapTs ou ajaM aaagg quasaid qe JanaMOg 'UJaOUOD s,uasuar •sH pageToaidde aq pTes Aoe'I ,xagwamlTounoO •0TgsTTe9a a.zaM sabuego aqg paeabe �,agmam-TIV •pamOTTO; uoTssnosTp TTounoz) •buTgaXOtl azow JO; MOTIE 01 pabuEgo paads aqq squeM luamg3edaa aOTTod aqg gegq sT AlTunmmoo aqq ;o uoTgdaoiad aqg pTes aqs •sabuego 1TwTT paads pasodozd ag1 0g uoTld&zxa Xoog •luapTsa.T AqunoO sel5no0 'uasuar auuy BUTpea.z gssT; pe9J sbuTTToa JOAeN slaails aag0geuaM gseg uTeliao uo s1TwTT paads buTbUegD aOUeuTPaO ue ;o buTpe9J -4SaT3 VO-SO-96 (UTegsge 'sXOTipuaH) *T-y •paTJaeD uoTlow aqy quawaa.Tbe asTgouez; Ond aqq UT a6uego palo9JJO0 9111 anoidde 01 MOXTN .zagmawTTounoO Aq pu00as 'Aoe7 zagmawlTounoo Aq apem seM uoTlow y :uoTlov TTounoo •palzaiaoo I aq oq papaeu quamaasbe aql ;o aUTT a pTes sbuTTTOO zOAeH luawaai6y 9sTg0uei3 AqunoO sETbnoa aq-4 ;o 't, abed pasTAa1 ;o Teno.Tddy b0-60-56 •0-9 'paTa.TeO UOT40M aqy •UOTssTmmoO bUTUUeTd agq Aq papuawwooai se a6UegO buTuoz aqq anoidde og sXOTzpuaH '9gmawlTounoO Aq puo09s 'MoXTN iagmamITOunoo Aq apem seM uoTgow y :uoTgOy IT0uno0 •gaamdOTanap 01 JOTid p93Tnba3 aq pTnoM M9TA8J Ueld alTs y •Alzadoid agq o1 ss900e aqq gnoge u.Taouoo passaadxa ITounoO •10T31sTp ATTmE;-Tglnm e aneg oq zadoTanap ag1 MoITe pTnoM 915ueg0 aqq ao; gsanbai aqy •AITsuaO wnTp9H TeTguapTsaH oq AgTsuga mOq TeTguapTsaH wo3; buTuoz aqq abueg0 01 seM lsanbai agq pTes TTagdwe0 '9uueTd AlTO anuany quowlseg 06DI qe pageooT Aliadoad 3o; abuego buTuoz e anoidde of uoTssTmmoO buTuueTd aql ;o UOTlepuawmo09J y £O-SO-S6 •O-S 'p9T-1-ILz uoTgow aqy •UOTssTwwoO 6UTUUeId 9q1 Aq papuammooai se a5ueg0 dew buTuoz 9q1 anoidde oq jngg.TyoN zagwamTTounoO Aq puooas sXOTapuaH aagwawTTouno:) Aq apew seM uoTlow y :uoTloy TTounoO '1661 UT sa6uego apoo s,AlTo ag1 o1 soTad IeTzlsnpUT/buTsnogajeM zo; pamOTTe agTs aq1 pTes ITagdwe0 zN S66T 'ST XVkl 'IIONnOJ XIIO 39HOlVN214 IOVE dO XII3 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL MAY 15, 1995 ' 95-05-06 Enhancement of East Wenatchee's parking lot The Enhance East Wenatchee committee has asked for approval to clean up the city owned parking lot, add lighting, striping, a bus stop and proper curb and gutters. The committee asked Council to help with the striping and removing and replacing driveways. Councilmember Hendricks said he was in favor of the project and suggested the Council pay one half of the project or up to forty five hundred dollars. The Parks Department would fund the city share. The city would pay for the electricity for lighting on the lot. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the amount to help clean up the parking lot. The motion carried, 5-0. 95-05-06 Selecting a name for East Wenatchee's riverfront trail The North Central Washington Museum has resolved to name a portion of the river trail "Half -Sun" after Chief Moses. The request is to name the trail from the walking bridge to Rock Island Hydro Park. Jennifer Olsen, 2051 Rock Island Road, asked ' Council to determine how the other entities, as well as the citizens, feel about the name. Council tabled the subject until further information was available. 95-05-07 The Greater East Wenatchee's Comprehensive Plan City Planner Campbell explained the projected plan and its zoning. The Growth Management Act states cities propose their urban growth boundary. The plan addresses the urban growth area, land use, housing, capital facilities, utilities, transportation, economic development, planned areas, environment and citizen participation. Council concerns included changes from the 1988 and 1991 plan, some of which were left out of the new plan; rezone of acreage north of the city; recreational facilities near the Odabashian bridge; commercial growth and location; and the need of stronger language in the plan showing the Councils' support of the existing commercial core. AlrSough Council approves the plan, formal adoption will wait -until a regional transportation study is completed. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second ' by Councilmember Hendricks to support the Planning Commission's recommendation of approving the plan. The motion carried, 5-0. - 4 - - S - 1 aa3nseaaj/XaaTp AgTo 'yoiaTgsap g et FbTin 'w•d SO'8 - lM3HNHnoraV • saoTn.Tas Aue Apmu aXeg 0q puagUT qoU saop XNI'I .TanaMoy 'panuigUoosip aq pTnoM Uoigeg.Todsue.zg aqg gegg pauaaouoo suazFgTO- JOTuas wo.T; sTTeo TeTanas paniaoai pey ay pies aH (q?sue3ge3ed) XuTTsuPJI .TO; spTq oMg paniaoa.T pey XNII geyq pag.zoda.T AoeT .TagwamlTounop s3SYadn aNV sluodzu 'IIONnoo ' aTgissod se panow sbogpunoib aqg ;o AUew se aneq oq snsuasuoo Aq paaabp Ttounop •aTiw a squao ant;-AquaMq snTd TewTUe ue SJeTTop Uag azaM s953ey0 sty pies aqs •sboypunojb pa.zpunq ani; oq aa.xyq alaM aJagg aaq paw.To;uT pey .Taddelg ayg pees sbutTTop JoAeH •uoigisod ayq asig.Tanpe oq paa.Tbe ITzunoo •aaggiwwop X3oMgaN AlTunwwop ayq og pagUTodde aq oq papeau agpu.TagTe ue pTes sbuTIToO ioAeH •agebaTap a so; paXse aqs •p£ aunr aTggpas uT aaua.Ta;uoo saTITO UogbuiyseM ;0 uozgetoossV ayg ;o Ttounop papuiwai sbuTTToO JOAeH •AzogsTq s,aagogeuaM gseg gbnozyg XjeM a aq TTZM IT ptes sbuiTToO SoAeH •w•d g oq w•e TT aq TT?M s.inoq aq-4 pup wnT.pegs Tooyas OTH guow4se3 ayq le pTay aq TTTm gI •Aaesaantuue .xeaA Agxis sAq?a ayq ageagaTao og sapeoaa ;o Apa s,aayogeuaM gseg aq pTnoM S661 'LT aunr pees sbuTTTop ToAeH luodau S,HOAVH (uiegsge 'sXoTspuaH) '-T-y 'pa-maeo uoigow aqy •bUigaaw Ttounop gxau ayq .To; pajedaid aq TTZM uotgow ayg 5UIZTTew.70; UotgnTosea V •Uotstoap s,TTounop buTgegS SJauoisstwwo0 AgunoO aqq og iaggaT e pugs .ToAeH ayg aneq pae aioo IPTOJewwoo uMoguMop aqg ;o g.Toddns uT ueTd aq-4 I uTabenbueT zabuosgs asn oq AoPq .TagwawTTounop Aq puooas 'gsvN JagwawTTounop Aq apew seM Uotgow V :UOZgOV Ttounop S66T 'ST AVH gIJNnOJ AIIO 33HDIVNSM ISVS 10 AIIO