HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/6/1995 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MARCH 6, 1995 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Stuart Campbell, Nick Wiltz, Bob Goodman, Dana Barnard, Gil Sparks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, February 6, 1995. 2. Consideration of Bills -- February 21, March 6, 1995 95-03-01 3. Cabaret License for El Sombrero Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, March 6, 1995, Council does approve warrant numbers 4536 through 4627 and 4588 in the total amount of $34,283.12 for February 21, 1995, bills and warrant numbers 4587, and 4589 through 4627 in the total amount of $39,251.12 for March 6, 1995, bills. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 12727 through 12791 in the total amount of $114,289.29, paid February 3, 1995, for the month of January 1995. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman said he received a letter from Douglas County Transportation and Land Services asking the City to for a letter of support for Fourth Street to extend across SR28 to Riverview Drive. M •loafgns a p uo ApmS uo!lelaodsueaZ PojV aagoluua,& pm Suppom anulluoo pinoqs Ilagdute:) •ajnl poaa v jlounoo •Stmuoo oolsoD puu oUpp leao!l!ppu ql!m pooS lou sum s!gl ao3 Su!unl aql paaa$u pounoo '•g•S laaalS quno j -olu! on of popualxo 8utac7 ;wou3-glnoS smogs ueld aA!suogaadtuoZ) oql •anuQ aced -_ uo Ind autoH aj!goW ag7-7uolsaedx4 ae panoadde luatulsnfpV 3o pseog aq1 p►es llagduiuD •ayg •AJI10d.Lmawm oowd.L:)nao,Id 4$1J ms v oNLIdO4V `NOZ'JNIHsvtA `33H0•LVN3h1 1SV3 30 UID 3HI 90-11ONnOJ JUIO 3HU 30 NOUMOSUH V Z-56 NOIJAIMU •0-g `Xisnotu!uuun pouauo uo!loua aqy •dailod luouiomaoad lonpoad polabai u SuM!jgelsa uopnjosaa u ldope of douq aaquaau gpunoD 6q puooas `s>joupuaH aagwotujpunoD 6q oputu sem uolloui V :uotpV I!amtoj •�to!jod luamamooad lonpoad palo ioag a Su!gs!jgmso uo!lnlosaa a ;dope of j!ouno� paalse Ijagdurco aw •ss000id uopm!jddu oql of snsuosuoo Aq pawgr jpunoD •laagS piny of laaals gIu!ls moa3 laaalS ' aa3feg Su!Pun3 ao3 d LS of uopuolldde uu l!tugns of a>j!j Plnom aq p!es IlagduU3 -jw •uUId Upip aq) ma!Aaa of patnpagos Su!loatu luauiaSuuvW glmoaD u sum aaagl p!es llogdumD aauuuld XID Su!MId •leaalaa mp le passnos!p aq onssi aql polsaSSns s3joupuoH aaquiatujpunoD •papaou sem legm 3o uo!leuuldxa ue pue lsanbaa agl3o uo!leog!lsnf ao3 pa>jse Caul aaquaatul!omtoD suolldo luaaa33!p aap!suoo of pounoD aql pa�lse aH •aSuaols ao3 Allu!oadso aouds aioui paou puu paloadxa uugl aa!snq uaaq suq lanoo aql plus zll!AA •aj g '0-S Xlsnoumiuun pa!aaeo uopom aqL •Sulpjmg loplstp aamaSpalum aql snjdms of ,Cou•j aaquiaugpunoD Aq puooas `gselq aaqutatujpunoQ Aq aputu sum uollout V :uogav I!aunoa •jusodslp agl 3o ;soo a p bud of aneq .pinom dl!o aql Smplmq a p sogsgouiap )4p aql 3I `aanamoH -Ap agl of lsoo ou aq pinom aaagl uo!leool mau a of l! panou► pue Su!pltnq agl paamboe auoamos 3! pappe OH Su!pltnq aql ui lsaaalu! ue umogs anuq aldoad luaanas plus zlj!ta -.IW •Sulpltnq lo!gs!Q aamaS/aaleM plo agl Su!snjdms aap!suoo of punoD pwlsu zll!A'i aao!Ho aoue!IdtuoD opoo aouegdtuo3 opoo (•pau!elsge gsull) 0-y `pauaeo uonout any lesodoad agl Su!goddns aauol u 13uap ao,Celnl aql anuq of mWVoW aaquiampounoD Aq puooas `XoeZ aagxuatujpuno:) Aq aputu sum uolloua d :uopoV I!aunoj 5661 '9 H08V W S3.Lf1NIW 1IJNnOJ 33HDIVN3M 1SV3 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 6, 1995 RECOMMENDATION 95-03-03 To approve a final plat for property known as Apricot Ridge Mr. Campbell said ninety-five percent of the requirements had been addressed. Engineering is reviewing the plans. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the final plat for Apricot Ridge. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. PRESENTATION Keith Williams, from the North Central Washington Museum said East Wenatchee is celebrating its sixty year anniversary this year. A committee had met to expand the June 17th Fun Fest into a real anniversary party. He asked for Council's blessing to pursue the idea. Council agreed by consensus to support the project. ORDINANCE 95-03-02 First reading of an ordinance implementing a point of sale for motor oil retailers Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to elevate first reading of the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to adopt the ordinance implementing a point of sale for motor oil retailers. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE 92-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING A POINT -OF -SALE NOTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR MOTOR OIL RETAILERS. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings presented a Certificate of appreciation to Councilmember Nash from the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce for her participation in East Wenatchee's recycle program. Mayor Collings had several items for Council. They included: East Wenatchee's Council retreat March 18th at 8:00 a.m. at the John Horan House. Mayor Collings reviewed her attendance at the Association of Washington Cities Legislative Conference in Olympia, noting it was very informative and well worth her time. 3- -b- .tamsuais/>j.ta1� gatailsap •9,ftuT2ITA l w•d 0E:8 - luoununoCpd -w•d 0£:8 - pauanuooag •w•d Z1:8 - pauanuOD •uotisSilil ajgtssod Suipm2oi uoissas antinoaxa alnutw uaal3g s pallso ssuilloo to,srw •1ouilu03 pus onssi xutlsuujl aril uo SuWom sem pmoq aql Suilou `}lj lj'l uo alspdn up anuS ,ioe7 lagwawltounoo •gutlaaw aaluutwoD .t0191A uuolS 3111 puaue 01 paat& sVtapuaH iagwawltounoo •saloigaA u.rem 01 aSsuSts palsaSSns aH -auej wnl ijai uotloas.,alut laal S gluaaljt3 pus luou4su3 ag13o womoo passa.tdxo mojtjnl iagwowpounoo ' •aSuugo s Supjuw japtsuoo pus paads ag11u �jool oiguis pa:Isu OH •1aanS gluaagt3 uo ltwil paads 3q1 Inge sllso pantaoa.t pug aq piss mo)jtW iogwawpounoD sluodda 'IIJNno3 •antlsivaswdw s Suipuas saptsuoo of paunoD poNss aqS •sSuilaaw aql a7lu of pnq It Suipug sum aq `puol liom luouno s,llogduiuD -1N gilts '$1Ellop ,Cgg paipunq ow sum aa3 jsnuuu oqi ptus agS 'liouno:) luawdolana(J puu uotlsAiasuoZ) aomosa-1 s,uolSutgssAk lu maD quoj j giim Sumuiluoo iapsuoo of pogsim Xogl ;t Itouno:) poNsu sSutlloD lokaW awtl lumisa3 wossolg alddy Suun aq pinom sign 61to ialsis s,aagoluuaA� ss santlsluaswdoi uudsf `umssijnl ioj uotloutg u Suilsog iaptsuoo of ltounoo axtl pinom oqs ptus sSutlloD ioAuw •momj taq jai pinogs Suipuallu ut polsaialui auoftm `isl ,iuW oq pinom iss33Isaig ioAvid s,io,Csjnj aql pius sSuilloo iodsW -pool awos op of Xum auo aq pjnom siowlsiSal alsis mo gum Sutlaalnl •,ilunoj aql Sugoaga sanssi 3o swaouoo iiagl ssnosip of law puq ,ilunoD sulSno(I 3o sioXLw aq1 lit, piss s2ui1103 lo,i'?W •las uaaq suq g1LZ go.tulnj;o alsp d uoXeW pue jt:)unoD s,aagoluuaM lseg ql!m paw of o lil Plnom `aagoluuam tuoij siauotsstwwoD pus ,Cil!J lo,CsW