HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/2/1996 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING December 2, 1996 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLLCALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Frack, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Stuart Campbell, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bruce Nash, Nick Wiltz, Nancy Lynn, Darin Bender, Darin Darnell, Jim West. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation declaring East Wenatchee as the Christmas City of the East. CITIZEN COMMENTS ' Bill Millett, 450 South Lyle, said the city money going toward the capital facilities plan should be used for the transportation study in order to solve the traffic problems on the Columbia River Bridge, Grant Road and Highway 28. He feels the city should adopt the County's plans as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the consent calendar as amended under Street Department reports, page three, changing it to say "defer improvements to property." The motion carried, 7-0. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, November 18, 1996 Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 2, 1996, Council does approve warrant numbers 6636 through 6665 in the total amount of $20,000.34; and manual warrant numbers 960124 through 960139 in the total amount of $605.38. 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ORDINANCE 96-I1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE;FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1997, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to adopt the ordinance setting the property levies for the 1997 fiscal year. 96-12-03 First reading of an ordinance adopting the 1997 East Wenatchee budget Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the ordinance was being presented as Council had requested at the last meeting. It included the utility tax and recycling figure of forty-eight thousand. She added, due to the fact the Ninth Street grant funding had not been completed prior to year end the figure shown would be a pass through but would be completed in 1997. Mayor Collings read first reading of the ordinance. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said she had received a letter from Douglas County Auditor, Laurie Evenhus, proposing the City of East Wenatchee to become a subagent for Douglas County and the State of Washington. Council asked for more information from the County Auditor. Mayor Collings listed the meetings for the week: Tuesday, 12:00 p.m. the East Wenatchee Chamber; Thursday, 6:00 p.m. the Boundary Review Board Hearing regarding the Mission Vista annexation; Saturday, 6:00 p.m. the Festival of Lights Parade. Mayor Collings asked Council if they wished to continue with the public defender we now have or if we wanted to have proposals submitted for a public defender for the 1997 fiscal year. Councilmember Lacy suggested going to bid with the request including bilingual preferred. The consensus of Council was to accept proposals for the 1997 fiscal year. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Carson said a Transfer Site Study meeting would be Thursday at City Hall at 3:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT -- S:IS P.M. 1 Virginia 9. Oestreich BIB ' •pam se f4!unwwoo ssou!snq ayl pue sluawlledap ayl loedwi l!!m saxes ,Claadoid Su!sealoui sou pus zll!M iaog;p oaue!ldwoD opoD •sluauwudaQ aogod pue laaj1S ayl u! luawdmba Suift Swoeldal se 113m se sluauq!wwoo asayl doal 01 popaau oq P1nom saomosai anuanai 1euo!1!ppe pue usld uo!leuodsuuj L jsa k x!S ay yl!m do daax of 219s oq sou Ipm luou4wdaQ ioonS agl la8png lua.uno ayl yl!m p!es uewpoog luopualu!iadnS laa.pS •aol uas jo f4!lunb pooS a pop!Aoid slyl lla; pus saxes ,(1gRn pled pus aagoleuaM ui pang ay legs papps aH •ou!loap pinom aowas;o CUlenb ay1 pue sluoa4mdop Ile loedwi pinom laSpnq ayl of slno leuoll!ppe Cue p!es llogdweD jauuel(i ,C3!3 -saxes kwadoid aseanui jo saxes,<1!pjn luawaldwi of pop!oop,(ay13! f4!0 ayl lioddns pinom,Cagl p!es pieog ayl pue Sullaaw paeog jagwego aayoleuoM lseg aql papualle pey ay p!es mol!W jagwawpounoO •sanuanai Ieuoll!pps u! Suuq pinoo Imp xel,Io ad,(1 awos Su!luawaldwi le lool of paou am stuins le!oueug mo uo poseq pue pua lea,C ayl ySnwyl sn laS of xg jo!nb a sum s!yl pus sSu!po:).xo,Ceyq '0-9 `Paweo uo!low aqy -jsa,C ouo jo pouad a jo; pun3 asuadxg luaunO of puny loanS oyl wog ueol punJJalm us anadds of ,Coe -I Iagwawl!aunoQ Aq puooas `s)13!JpuaH jagwawl!ounoo ,Cq apew sem uo!low V :ao!lav 1!aunoO •1!Pwo jo au!l Ied!o!unW a io %unowe wualw us jueq ayl woi; mouoq `.luawuedaQ loa.US ayl yl!m ueol punjjalu! ue :ajam algel!sne suo!ldo ayl p!es yo!allsap -sW •Iloj,Ced palewpsa pue sajnl!puodxa umouq lenloe ssal `sanuanal palewllsa Supoafad sum s!gy •slellop puesnogl ang-AluaAaS Clalew!xolddu jo aAlleSau s aq P1nom yolym aouslsq pun3 du!pua jagwaoaQ polew!lsa ue papnloui pus lagwanop1 JO pua yluow ayl lo} pun3 asuadxg luauno ayl•{o snlels agl uo pounoO palepdn yo!allsap jalnseai]A ialJ ,Clio sanuana-d 'SA saml!puadxg - sn1e1S Ie!oueuiA NOISSf1JS1U •S!w!A 1a4O `uosayltW yol!W `iauuajquaysV sawef `pawe,k,Cea `lue,Cjg a!ueaf `swlS ueof `uasialad !uof 11saM wy `IlaweQ uueQ `iapuag uueQ `uu,(-1 ,Couepl `zll!M �o!N `gsum aonjg `uew,CilunoD epu!-I pjsweg sueQ `llagdweO uenlS `uos!uell Cpuell `uswpooQ qog `ga!ansoo e!u!SJIA :laasaad JOTS •pasnoxo josj3 jagwawl!ounoD •sSugloo joAvW `ual!d jagwowl!ouno:) `uosjez) jagwawl!ounoD `sloupuaH jagwawl!aunoJ `mo>(!W jagwawl!ounoD SCoe-1 jagwawl!ounoD `ysuM jagwawl!ouno:) :luasaad siagwawllaanoa 11,IVJ 7'IOM (•Su!laaw ayl3o alep ayl wa3 siea,( xisjo pouad a J03 HIM Irl!D le pou!elal aq IpM pus paplooal sem Suilaaw slq L) ' W'd uj 9661 `Ol jaqagwaaaU 9NIUIS321d SONITIOJ NMVU NOAV W U3N3AN0J IIJNnOJ AID 3HI JO NOISS3S'IVI33dS NO.LONIHSVM `33H:)IVN3M ISV3 AO A.L13 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 1996 Officer Nash, employee and resident, said the city should rescind the decision of allowing the Sewer District the discount on permit fees in the amount of twenty-seven thousand dollars. ' Court Clerk Petersen said she was proud to live in East Wenatchee and feels safe with our police protection and well maintained roads. Police Chief Harrison said the overtime since August has been lowered from one hundred thirty hours to an average of fifty hours a month and, he added concerns about lowering the level of service in the city. Officer Matheson said he has been in law enforcement for eighteen years and it is very important to keep a high level of service. He expressed concerns of only one officer on duty at a time. Councilmember Nash said she couldn't understand what had happened to the financial status of city. Councilmember Hendricks said he would like to put this before the voters and he is opposed to a tax increase of any kind. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to implement a utility tax on electricity. A second motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to table the tax issue until a public hearing could be held. The motion failed 3- 4. (Mikow, Lacy, Carson, Collings) Councilmember Carson said he would like to remove the implementation of a contract with Waste ' Management for garbage collection and recycling as a budgetary item if a utility tax on electricity was implemented. Council Action: The previous motion was amended by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to implement a utility tax on electricity and remove the implementation of a contract with Waste Management for garbage collection and recycling. The motion tied 3-3. (Hendricks, Nash, Aiken) Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks to table the discussion to the next meeting and hold a public hearing regarding the implementation of a utility tax on electricity. The motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT -- 7:15 P.M. Virgin .Oestreich City Clerk 1 -2-