HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/4/1996 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING I November 4, 1996 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Stuart Campbell, Linda Countryman, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender, Ray Yarnell, Nick Wiltz.. CITIZEN COMMENTS Gene Sharratt, Terry Mace and Bart Locke, representing the Make a Difference Day Committee, presented the idea of placing a lighted, moving Santa Claus at the east end of the footbridge during the holidays. Scott Libert, from Quincy, Washington, designs and builds the Christmas lighting on 1-90 that is displayed in the fields. The proposal would cost about five thousand dollars and could be expended from the Stadium Fund as a tourism option. The display would be thirteen feet by twenty feet and the ' committee will provide the installation. Santa will be in place by the Christmas Parade on December 7. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Frack, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the request of five thousand dollars from the Stadium Funds to display a lighted, moving Santa on the East side of the footbridge. The motion carried, 7-0. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the consent calendar as presented The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, October 21, 1996 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, November 4, 1996, Council does approve warrant numbers 6514 through 6556 in the total amount of $375,486.47. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1996 DEPARTMENT REPORTS ' Planning Department City Planner Campbell asked Council to consider a position title change and department title change. He said he felt it was time the Planning Department title was changed to the Department of Planning and Community Development and his title changed to Planning Director. This would make East Wenatchee consistent with other cities in the area, such as Chelan and Leavenworth. Mr. Campbell added the contract with Kushlan regarding the Growth Management Act Planning had been reviewed by staff and legal counsel. The scope of work, project schedule, Citizens Advisory Committee, and meetings were all ready to move forward. Mr. Campbell said the first committee meeting would be November 12 and staff was recommending approval of the contract. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Frack to authorize the Mayor to sign the addendum to the contract with Kushlan and move forward with the process. The motion carried, 7-0. Finance Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich distributed a financial statement for October, 1996 to Council, noting the Current Expense ending balance would be in a negative. Therefore, she would again be allocating all the month's sales tax to Current Expense and none to the Street Fund. ' PUBLIC HEARING 96-11-01 A public hearing regarding property taxes in the proposed 1997 East Wenatchee Budget (Virginia E. Oestreich, City Clerk/treasurer) 1 Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said she had received a property tax assessment amount from the County Assessor's office for 1997 of $573,057. This included the new construction figure which was not available at the time of the budget workshops; however would mean an additional twenty-three thousand dollars. She added the first reading of the property tax ordinance would be at the next Council meeting. Mayor Collings open the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. No none spoke. The public hearing was closed at 7:03 p.m. 96-11-02 A public hearing regarding the final proposed 1997 budget for East Wenatchee including implementation of a gambling tax (Virginia E. Oestreich, City Clerk/Treasurer) Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the Current Expense revenues had changed with an additional estimated twenty thousand dollars on the Permit Fee line item and the addition of an estimated seventy-five thousand dollars for gambling tax, which was a Council consideration. She added the split with the Street Fund was seventy five percent - twenty five percent. -2- -£- •puaww000i P1nom pounoz) IF sum legl,{! `xel aq1 Su!sodw! puaww000l 1ou P1noo ays pus piousap JainseaJLPlJalD -waaiad auo 3o 3leq auo lioddns P1nom 'Janamoq lunouie pn3 ayl 1Joddns lou P1noo ay p!es mo)I!W Jagwowl!ouno3 •paJliom souie8 agl;o ss000id ayl moy pau!eldxa 'uolss!wwoo Suggwer,) a3elS uol8u!yseM `uaaiq JaBog •uo!lsonb uu sassawsnq ogl;o sanuanal lau ayi ioajje xs1 a Bons P1nom moq pue `paxei Allenloe saluow ayl ale moy `asodwi of ipj aq P1nom yonw moy `pun3 leiauao aql ui xel oql )o asn `aw!Jo of Su!lgweS Su!lelcu luawaolo3ua mel g1!m swalgold SulpJeBaJ suollsonb pailse Swaq slaumo luawysllgelsa agl;o awos yl!m pamollo3 uo!ssnoslp pouno0 'w'd 40:8 le SulJeaq o!lgnd ayl pasolo sSuglo3 Jo.CuW •xel ayl3o uopuivawaldw! ayl 3o Jone3 ul o gods auo oN aayoleuaM lseg `anu(j gnlD ,CJlunOD LZL I `,(eW xelnl aayoleuaM lSe3 `3N W I - 6b51e Swp!saJ `)!ru3 ulaglJoN `JalpuugZ) IV aayoleuaM lssg `luowlseg ESE `2upnq!11s!Q suing `saAuJD JlueH aayoleuaM lseg `AuANIJed II9W XaIIEA 8£8 `uooleS Ja3emJeajD `zonSu!woCl uo)l aayoleuaM Aug `aoeJJQI ,Coluax Z06lu Su!p!saJ `sauerl luoupseg `slauog w!y aayoleuaM lseg ,CemgS!H lasunS OZI£ le Su!p!saJ `sy,5 pus s,uuilN jo JaSeuew `suoww!S •Z •IH aayoleuaM lseg `,CemyS!H 3asunS 0061 is Su!p!saJ `sy,5 ayl pus wanly s,uulyy `suoww!S '-1 '3 aagoleuaM lseg `lu0wlse3 0691 `uewaleg jongO aayoleuaM lseg `aaeld poomuOJl OZI le Buips2i `s,,Ca1po-8,0,Sailo!yy `wlsnN aorug oagoleuaM `yjioN,CEmpeOJg £ZOZ `wanef• oo1S1 `uos1a131W ll!g aayoleuaM lseg `Sumliud IIBW,(alleA IZ6 `uianey s,Xll!M `gl!wS e113 oagoleuaM lseg `anuaAV lu0wlse3 059[ le Swp!sai `asnogjua3S uul zing `0111Je0 sluuOG aayoleuaM `anuQ Jaauo!d l0f `Su!inquls!Q d pue g SulluasaldaJ `sl1JeH II!M :xei Su!lgweS Up uopuluawaldwi aqi isuleSe aJlods suoslad Su!mollo3 ayy •w•d 81:L 19 Suueay o!lgnd ayi pauado sSuglo3 Jo,Celnl •l!enald P1nom wru000p pus uo!lelap!suoo pappe ayS •paisg Japio oql ui pallsa aq P1nom Su!leay ollgnd ay1 5w1np Jleads of pauSls pey ogm suoslad ayl leyl ooualpne ayi papulwai sSuilloD lo,(eW -lae ssawle33o aoueieadde ay1 gl!m aoue!ldwoo ut plooaJ uo oS of pagslm Xagl •SullquM2 SulAeq sluawysggeisa;o slaumo ag13o awos yl!m law pey Aayi pus Coe-1 pue mo)!W slagwawl!ouno0 •olgsmolle wnw!xew ay1 Su!sodw! 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Did Council wish to approve the 1991 Preliminary ' Budget as presented with the Gambling Tax being implemented at the maximum amount? Council Action: Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Frack to vote on the question. The 1997 Preliminary Budget as presented failed by a vote of 2-5 (Hendricks, Frack, Mikow, Lacy, Carson). Mayor Collings reminded Council we now had an unbalanced budget and needed to schedule another workshop as soon as possible. Council set November 13, 1996 at the next workshop date. Mayor Collings added we needed to plan for the future and this budget left little in it for any future planning. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said the Juvenile Curfew Ordinance with Douglas County needed to be discussed as to the time of the curfew and whether East Wenatchee wished to change their time to match the county. Chief Harrison said he preferred leaving our curfew time as it is. Council agreed with Chief Harrison and no change will be made. Mayor Collings advised Council of the Chamber meeting on Tuesday; Enhance East Wenatchee on Wednesday at noon; and the LINK Transfer Study at 7 p.m. on Thursday at City Hall. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES ' Councilmember Aiken asked Street Superintendent Goodman if a sign could be posted at Colorado noting the street was a deadend. Mr. Goodman said he had already ordered the sign. ADJOURNMENT -- 9:05 P.M. Virgirga E. Oestreich City Clerk 4-