HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/5/1996 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING AUGUST 5, 1996 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks Councilmember Carson, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz. CITIZEN COMMENTS Bill Stroud said he had concerns of public safety for people not being able to exit the entrance doors at the Columbia Cinema. Mr. Stroud asked Council to consider changing the code so that doors open outward. ' Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said the Columbia Cinema Theater has four main entry doors when exiting would have to be pulled open. He said the Council can amend the code, if they desire, however, any existing buildings with exit doors opening inward would be exempt from the amended code. Council agreed to physically look at the doors in the theater building. Patti Herres, Executive Director, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, updated Council on current happenings. She said the "Walk About' brochure would be printed soon. She added the Chamber was sponsoring a Candidates Forum Thursday, August 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the Eastmont High School Auditorium. Ms. Herres said the Chamber was also working on a tourism brochure for the Can Am games. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the consent calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, July 15, 1996 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. Ira •L-Z6 aoueutpj0 `luaujaQat' aslgousj; Mau u olul poialuo aogoluuaM Iseg jo C110 oql pus uotstnalgs0IDI `Z66I CInf ut plus sSutllo0 joxtw L-Z6 00uuulpj0 Cq pannbaj su Matna.t aousumpad uolstnaiqu0 I01 £0-80-96 MMA3N 3JNVWHOAU3d '0-L `Patuso uollom agy uo!susdxg jalua0 uo[luanuo0 agl pjeMol paluoolls saxsZ IaIoMaloH aql Sul pmSaj aagolsuaM 3o Xl!0 aql ql!M luautaaiSs Isooliolut otll uSts of ioXPW oql azuMpne of gssN jogwatultouno0 Xq puooas `MojjW izgwpwl!3unoD Xq opsut SUM uollom H :uotloV Ilauno0 •Suuds aql ut Suti.tsls uotlonnsuoo gjpA ptq of oS of Xpuaj oq pinogs 1! 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He said to date there are forty channels and cable is deployed from Wenatchee to Leavenworth and Rock Island with fiber optic cable having an amplifier every ten miles which helps reduce interference problems. Mr. Lam said new channels would be added in the fall and TCI hoped to have seventy plus channels by the year 2001. RECOMMENDATION 96-08-03 A Planning Commission recommendation to approve a rezone request by Jack Hale Mayor Collings said the applicant has requested a change in zoning for the parcel east of Eastmont Avenue and south of the new Ninth Street arterial. The change is from R-L Residential to R-O Residential Office. Councilmember Mikow said he had concerns of approving a rezone without a public hearing. Councilmember Aiken said, as required, all residents within three hundred feet of the proposed parcel had been notified. He added a legal notice was in the paper, and if there had been concerns of a zoning change, neighboring residents could have discussed them at that time. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Planning Commission recommendation for the rezone request by Jack Hale, ' changing the zoning from R-L Residential to R-O Residential Office on the parcel east of Eastmont Avenue and south of the new Ninth Street arterial. The motion carried, 7-0. 96-08-03 A Planning Commission recommendation to approve a Shoreline Development Permit for the Public Utility District of Douglas County Mayor Collings said the Douglas County PUD District #1 was seeking a permit as allowed by the City Shoreline Master Program for all 18 " drainage pipe to outfall to the Columbia River. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Planning Commissions recommendation to approve a Shoreline Development Permit for the Public Utility District of Douglas County. The motion carried, 7-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said the North Central Washington Museum was making a trivia game of the Wenatchee Area. She said if anyone had any trivia questions with the answers they should submit them to her before August 20. She added, the museum was selling advertisement squares on the board for a fund-raiser for one hundred seventy-five dollars each and asked Council if the City would like to purchase one. 3- -t- 1 (uaxry ,gsuri `s3ioppuaH) •£-i, papmo notlow aqZ *pied ,Speajlu smilop mo3-,44auiu puusnogl uaalgSia;o ;unowu aql jano saa; iiuuod ,feu aAMM pee loinsiQ lamas ,ilunOD selSno(I aq1 3o isonboi aqi idaooe of uoilow aqi puawe of 31oei3 jagwawiiounoo ,iq puooas `,Cou7 ngwawiiounoD ,Sq apew sum uoilow d :uoi;at, paunoa •aoua opp aqi pun3aj of paau pinom A1!D aql pee smiiop puusnogl uaaigSia pled Spuajie puq 13!gstQ lamas aqi poppu aqs -44!D aqi of sasuodxa aqi janoo pinom pajpunq ang puesnogl aAIQWJO lunowu agl3i ZII!M 'IN Pa)Isu g31a_gSa0 11010 f4i3 iloP pajpunq ang puesnogl aAIaM; jano saa3 iiuuad ,tee oAium of loplsi(I lamas ,iluno0 seiSnoQ ogl;o lsanbaj aqi idaoou of uaXid jagwawiiounoD ,Sq puooas 1mo3j!W jagwawiiounoD ,Sq apuw sum uopow V :uoi;od pounoa '.�liligisua3 jo aoiA.ios .Cue ioedwi iou coop dliprj oql plus `1oillsiQ iamas XlunoD sulSno(I `,Cu2i io2og uoissnosiP iiounoD jal,V ' -,Sjussaoau suoiloodsui aq pinom ang) pies z1IiM -IW janamoq `,Clio aql wog papaau sooiAias uopoadsui ,Cue oq lou pinom wagl pies loulsiQ lamas aqi wok muol aqi pies OH •apoD SuiPiing uuo3iun aql Suisn pasuq ajam saa; aql pies zipAM .m3WO ooueildwoD apoD -lurid luawluan agl;o uoisuudxa aql SuipmBaj sr srgj •smiiop pa.ipunq ang puusnogi aAlaMl 30 lunouru uu 13AO saa3 ;iuuad aAIEM of f4iD aqi Suilsanbw 13o gsiQ lamas ,flunoj suiSnoQ aql U104 ja;lai u paniaoaj aqs pies sSuitioD joXvW 'w-d 00:L lu `EZ lsnSnd °,iupu3 Iiujy agl;o Suivado purB u japisuoo o1 pounoo pajisu aqs •JiaaM lxau Buis luo13jani2i alp Suinud uiSaq pinoM SuiAed uisug pies sSu1110D .ro,CeY1 'w'd 00:L ol'w•d 00:i7woj3 `ZI ;snSnV `,CupuoW osnoq undo uu Suiploq oq pinom `ajols diddns ooS3o mau aql 'solders pies sSuilloD joSuini •IaiOH 1suoDlsaM aaga;uuaM aqi ie `966I `C jagolo0 oq pinom s0upoo AI ieuoi50-a opimalulS soiiio uolSuigsuM 3o uoiluiaossd aql pies sSuiiioD jo,CuW •sanssi ,Silo jo3 do uSis of iiouno3 of alnpogos wuiSojd oipej ),fM mau oq1 passed sSuiilo3 jo"BW '0-L `Paumo uoilow aqy •awu8 uinuZ aql uo aagaluuaM lsug 30 X41J aql jo3 amnbs luawasiijanpu uu asugomd of Soe i jagwatupounoj Xci puooas `uosmD jagwawpounoo Aq apuw sum uopow V mopad paunoj 9661 '5lSnDnV S3.LMM-11DW103 33HJ.LVN3M LSV3 c10 A.LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 5. 1996 1 1 J COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Carson said Wenatchee Area Transportation Study would be having an open house Tuesday, August 13, at City Hall from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Mikow said the Wenatchee Area Transportation Study Board would have a meeting Wednesday, August 7, to finalize the Draft Plan. Councilmember Nash said the meeting she attended with State Representative Clyde Ballard was very informative. Mayor Collings asked Council if August 26 could be the date set for a pre -budget meeting at 6:30 p.m. Council agreed Councilmember Aiken asked if revenue sharing from LINK would be something the City could check on. ADJOURNMENT — 8:45 P.M. l - aet Virginia lZbestreich City Clerk -5-