HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/3/1996 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING I JUNE 3, 1996 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Lacy, Councilmembers Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Aiken excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz. Bob Goodman, Joni Petersen, Ray Yarnell. PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation declaring June 4 through June 30, 1996 as Museum Month in East Wenatchee. CITIZEN COMMENTS ' Bob Larse, 2516 Boston Street NW, commended the City for the recent newsletter. He said it was very factual and informative. Mr. Larse said Douglas County has been giving incorrect information about the annexation and he is concerned about this misinformation going to the Boundary Review Board. CKU51VCi KIiWI4o1k'117.1:1 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Frack to approve the consent calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, May 20, 1996 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, June 3, 1996, Council does approve warrant numbers 6049 through 6088 in the total amount of $33,029.81. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES 1UNE 3, 1996 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Chief Harrison said that in August 1995, he applied for a COPS grant for an additional officer and had received an acceptance of the application. He said the grant pays seventy-five thousand dollars for three years of salary and benefits. Chief Harrison said without the additional officer the overtime averages one hundred thirty hours a month which totals forty-three thousand nine hundred dollars year and this would be one hundred thirty-one thousand seven hundred forty-two dollars for three years. Under the grant, with the additional officer, the city share of salary would be thirty-nine thousand four hundred one dollars for three years. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Frack, second by Councilmember Carson to accept the grant and hire an officer to begin in August, 1996. The motion carried 4-2. (Lacy, Hendricks) Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman said the Eastmont Project was complete and appeared to be within the budgeted amount. Mr. Goodman said the six year transportation plan would be ready for Council review soon and asked Council to consider prioritizing street projects. Mr. Goodman said the Ninth Street project has been advertised for bid and the bid opening would be June 24, ' 1996. Planning Department City Planner Campbell said Horton, Dennis and Associates had been selected as the consultants for the Canyon A comprehensive flood management plan. He added, the city attorney was drafting an interlocal agreement with Douglas County regarding the project. Mr. Campbell said the Wenatchee Area Transportation Study finally has a draft plan and there would be an open forum meeting June 10, from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Chelan County Public. Utility District auditorium; and a WTPI meeting would also be held at the auditorium on June 17, at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Campbell said he would be speaking at the Chamber luncheon on the WATS progress. Mr. Campbell said the contractors for the River Trail would be cutting through the portal of the bridge next week. Mr. Campbell said the Corum Development would be requesting a street name change from Corum Circle to Corum Place. RECOMMENDATION 96-06-01 A recommendation of the Street Department to make the intersection of Ninth Street NE and Eastmont Avenue a four way stop Mr. Goodman said the results of the analyses completed in January 1996 did not warrant a signal light at the intersection. However, the sight distance south to Seventh Street is deficient and would meet requirements for a four way stop. 40 -2- -£- •sgluoul Iraanas JOAO aoeld aipl ptnoo l! puu pound uo!ltsuurl u aq pinom aragl pies OH •SSugaa; sl!ounoZ) ant,q of gals io; lut,uodun sum l! p!es moTW iaqu[auq!ounog •mou aas ,Cage se saolniaS IuSa•I m!m onunuoo pmoo aqs pigs sSu!lloZ) soAuW •sola[ls[u[u[pV [4!3 u Alq!ssod `lulns!sst, anlle,TisMT[upu auTu IIn3 `I angt,is!SaZ `l I laa�iS `b aougur3 `S'I aont,gduto� apo� `£ uno� `sTaoy3o LZ ao!Iod S Su!uaeld uo!Ilsmjl oql iage 8utmollo3 aql gauai pmoo luounndop goes io3 gins Idol oU •pm;og ma!nag Anpunog aql of pounugns su panoiddt, oq uo!luxouuu aql pings sluawaimboi pug slanal SuTgjuls;o eap! uu I!ounoo aneS speaq luau[ut,dop oql; salupossy . uglgsn}i iq paTudaTd su uo!luxau[Td iagla$os ap!slsug aql io; suolldo ,CTan!IaQ ao!,uaS - NolssnJsla •urd Ob:L lu Su!laam oql u[org pasnoxa sum Am -I iaqu[aurpuno:) '0-9 Pauiso uollou[ aq L •uolloasialu! anuand luouTlsug Pue gN hails glu!N oql iu lgS!l oWen e;o SuuaaulSua put, uSlsop oql pm paaocad of uos.MD ' .Taqu[auglounoD Aq puoom `mo3jjW aaquiatupaunoD Aq opt,u[ sum uououi V :uop3V p3unoa •loafoid laauS ipullq aql ql!m uollounfuoo u! auop aq pinogs l! powSu AmLL moposialu! aql gllm auop aq of popoau SuRpouios legl paaaSe pug uiaouoo oql pazm000ai uo!ssnoslp ioxuw puu I!ounog agy •lgSil o[wen u suoddns aqs pus uo!lt,usn.g3o lno uo!loosialu! aql sptonu aqs plus w=e3 oualmW •pxmq lgS!s a salua.To iauioa aql uo pa)ut,d dmlo!d aql Alluanbag `a3usun si uopommut aql slaa3 aq pigs IIoH auarJ .dots gum mo3 a lou lg2q o[gleal u;o gone; ui si aqS iI!sp uopoosTalu! aql sasn puu anuand luourlsug anoge san!I mud d •lgS!I o WVR e;o JOAIIJ u! s! sia,CaW •ilnl •smaouoo ,Clops aiotu almao pinom dots ,Cum moj t, 1103 aq p!us put, snq u su aSzul su alolgan t, gl!m gSnomp laS of piuq si uo!loasaalut agl plus youlstQ IoogoS luouTlst,g To3 sanup snq `saa,falnl IXOD -dots Aum moj t, I2n0 lgS!l oUjgl u la;aid pinom oq pigs iauraxX •xW •uiaouoo ,Gajes t, se s! p sass aq agp.4 pasuaJouT ql!m pue uo!loasialu! aql ssoao of anuq ,Cagl• •IoogoS of loogos 1110g 3Ilum IoogoS qS'H ioTunf luouusug Put, IoogoS aIPP!W Sml.TalS mog sluapnls aTagm aould a3Iel sluana suods Igianas legl plus `qS!H ionmf luouusug iu Iud!ouud lums!ssd `jaurexl agioa{) oggnd aql u[og sluauT[uoo io; polse sSu!lloD ao,i w 9661 '£ amnf S31nNIW 1IJNnOJ 33HDIVMgM LSV2 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 3, 1996 Mayor Collings said the service levels were something to look at for the future, as well as budget ' and there were different options to make it work. No Council action was taken. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said the Chelan County auction was June 22. The Street Department had a 1962 GMC dump truck to surplus. Also Finance had two pieces of obsolete computer hardware. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Frack to approve the surplus of the above mentioned items. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Collings said the city needed to find a new alternate for the Community Network Committee. Mayor Collings said Founders Day in Cashmere would have a bike race, however Council decided not to participate. Mayor Collings said she has applied for an Association of Washington Cities board position and would be interviewed Tuesday June 11, at the conference. ' Mayor Collings reminded Council of the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce meeting at noon Tuesday and the Enhance East Wenatchee meeting at the Sewer District. Mayor Collings said she had met with students who had a sincere interest in a name change for East Wenatchee. Council had received letters from the students. ADJOURNMENT -- 8:35 P.M. Virginia. Oestreich City Clerk LJ ME