HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/20/1996 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MAY 20, 1996 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Lacy, Councilmembers Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Frack, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Nash arrived at 6:50 p.m. and Councilmember Aiken excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz. CITIZEN COMMENTS Stan Marr, 1330 North Baker, read section 10.08.100 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. A. It is unlawful to park or stand any pleasure vehicle, utility trailer or other device towed by or used in conjunction with a motor vehicle, except in ' driveways or other off-street areas so long as not prohibited by other ordinances, rules or regulations. B. Pleasure vehicles shall be defined as follows: Any motor vehicle or trailer designed and used as a travel trailer, camper, motor home, tent trailer, boat, boat trailer, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers, motorcycle trailers, camping trailers and any similar vehicles. (Ord. 275 12, 1978) Mr. Marr asked Council to consider revising the section to be more lenient on pleasure vehicle owners. Mr. Marr read a suggested revision. A. It is unlawful to park or stand any pleasure vehicle, utility trailer or other device towed by or used in conjunction with a motor vehicle, in excess of 72 hors in the same location except in driveways or other off-street areas so long as not prohibited by other ordinances, rules or regulations. Pleasure vehicles shall be allowed to }ark only in marked parking areas during the appropriate season and in a marked area nearest to the owner'sproperty B. Pleasure vehicles shall be defined as follows: Any motor vehicle or trailer designed and used as a travel trailer, camper, motor home, tent trailer, boat, ' boat trailer, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers, motorcycle trailers, camping trailers and any similar vehicles. (Ord. 275 12, 1978) -z- 1 '966I ludy;o gluow agl io3 `966I `£ Gehl pled `9L'9L0`SZ1$ 30 lunoulu 1u1o1 agl vi Sb8£I g2n0nll bLL£I sioqumu luuvum IlojAud OAwddu saop I!ounoo 'SL'£8Z`99$3O MOM Iulol OIP u! 8b09 gSnonll 9669 siagwnu luu.uum anoiddu saop 1!ounoo `966I `OZ ARW `alup s!gl;o sV *pmnoD of algul!unu apuw uaaq sug go!gm 8ullsll u uo papiooai uaaq anuq `060'17Z'Zb AkD-d Xq pai!nbai su pog!>saa swlulo luowasmgw!ai osuodxo asogl puu`080'bZ'Zb h1D2I Xq pailnbaj su iaolUo SuTlipnu oq1 Xq pog!llao puu pol!pnu sjagonon s11!g3o uo!luiap!suoD •Z 9661 19 XuW `uo!ssaS julnSod -- salnu!w3o uolluiap!suoD -I ' •0-s `pauiu3 uollow oqs •pols!l wom swot! 2wMolloj ail su pup poloauoo su solnu!w aql anolddu of 313uj,3 iagwawpounoD iq puooas Aou-j ngwawl!ounoo Aq apuw sum uollow V moijad 1!3unoa IIVGN31IV3.LN3sNOJ •aagoluuam lseg u! XVU IuuowaW su `966I `LZ XuW 8u!iuloop uolluwulooid u puai sgu!lloD ioSvW NOLLV W V'I.3oud •o-S `pal.nuo uo!low aqs •salolgan amsuald of 8ullulai su suoiluln8al agl ft2uugo lu )Iool pounoo jr2al anuq of uosiuo iagwawl!ounoD Aq puooas `Xou j ngwawpounoD Xq apuw sum uollow d :uo!lad I!aunoj •pouopuuqu SuPlool halls agl uo gal wags anuq uagl pue 01311Jan OUVA01 agl wog salo!gan amsuald agl BmpIoogun aq pinom waowo s!q p!us siloupuall iagwawl!aunoD -4iodoid s,jaumo of ran paluuS!sap alqul!unu 1sa.M0N (b (0131gan3o odca uo posug) uo!leo!lddu luuoseaS (£ (8wind pays W) uam 2uilmd lu3a-j (Z ' (smog ZL) aw!1 pallw!-j ( I :a.iaM suo!slnai palsa83ns aql OITJM of pasn aq szolou3 aql plus imW -xW 9661 `OZ AVIN S31ANIW 'IIJNfIOJ 33HJ1VN3M 1SV3 3O .111J CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1996 DEPARTMENT REPORTS ' Planning Department City Planner Campbell said he would like Council to review the document regarding the pending annexation at the June 3, 1996, Council meeting. He added if the Boundary Review Board is taking any action on the annexation it will be done by this date. Mr. Campbell said flood management in Canyon A has been studied by RH2 Columbia Engineering. He said the water flowing to the river is a project which goes beyond the city limits and it would need to be a joint project between the City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County. Greg Robertson, Assistant Douglas County Engineer, gave a report on the drainage situation in all areas within East Wenatchee. He said Canyon A is a high priority for the county and to use the existing canyon for flood control would need to be done in two phases. The first phase would be initiating a corridor analysis from Lyle Ave to the river, which could include some condemnation. The second phase would be a detailed construction plan. Mr. Robertson said the cost of the construction plan could be a quarter million dollars; money was available through the Public Works trust fund and; it wasn't too soon to start since the deadline for this was March, 1997. ANNEXATION 96-05-05 A public meeting for the 10% petition annexation application for Mission Vista Group Home, Inc. City Planner Campbell explained Councils role in the annexation petition. He said Council can accept, reject or modify the proposed annexation. He noted there was no indebtedness to the city in the proposed annexation area. Randy Morrell, the applicant representing Mission Vista, said he had talked to Wenatchee Retirement Manor and they had expressed interest in being part of the annexation. He said he had not done additional canvassing. The site is located at the intersection of Third Street and Colorado Avenue and East of the vacated Baker Street right-of-way. Council discussion followed, noting that the property would come into the city as R-M Residential Multi Family which is different from the present County zoning of High Residential and General Commercial Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to modify the request for annexation to include the properties North of Mission Vista to Fifth ' Street NE and West of Colorado Avenue to the proposed Baker Avenue extension. The motion carried 6-0. -3- 4- •alq!ssod su uoos su mou)l joq lol of papoau Xogl Su!puaue uo pouueld siagwawl!ounoD Auu3I •5I-I I ounf oosed u! ploq aq pinom aouajapoo son!D uolSulgsem 3o uo!lu!oossV aql p!us sSu!llo0 joSuW •asnoq uado njuao ,touaSjawa 116 AunoD sulBno(I aql puouu of oq pinom tup oql jo3 sannp stq;o lied pue lmoo Sun!s!n aq pinom ,,,ieQ aql jo; jo, LW,, aq of allpi agl uom lugs luapnls aql p!us s8ulllo0 IOXLIW •w•d y-I woj; `966I `6Z AuNI uo asnoq uado nluao ,SouAMI;) 116 AjunoD sulSnoQ aql of uo!lullnu! ue pantaoaj peq aqs aql p!us sSu1110D jo,tulnl •urd 0£:Z it, IZ ,�eW olpu-d od}I uo aq of palnpagos ajam 31ouj3 puu mol!W sjagwawl!ounoD p!us sSu!lloD jo,tuW •punldsd •jQ gltm otullO aagoluuaAk lsu3 aql it, pue woof , mo&iawa rm!dsoq aql ut uuwdtgS •jCl ql!m awtl luads aqS •,ilalooS leo!poW sulSno(I uulogD aql ,tq „6t(j u jo3 jolooa„ a aq of paloalas uoaq puq oqs p!us sSu!llo0 jo,iulnl ' ,LHOJ3a SIHOAVW '3.LVO 9A11033d3 NV ONIHSI'ISV.LS3 ONV 3NOM WII)IONI 3HI SV NMON?I A"INOWWOO 3OVWN9,L )iOUV QNV AVMHOIH .L3SWIS N33M13U HIE 30 HINON 031VO0'I AL)13dONd 'IV3N NIV17M NO NOILVNDIS3Q 'ONINOZ 3H.L 30NVHO O.L ADD 3HL 30 dVW ONINOZ 'IVIOId30 3H1 ONION3WV `NO.LONIHSVM '33HOLVN3M .LSV3 30 AID 9HL 30 3ONVNIQl10 NV 9-96'ON 3ONVNIQIIO •0-9 Paujeo uotlow ags •auoza-1 unuSul se umou3l kpadojd uo uotleuS!sap Suluoz oql aSuugo of aouvulpjo aql anojdde of gsul l jagwawl!ounoD Aq puooas `,Cowl jogwawl!ouno3 Xq apuw sum uotlow V mopV paunoa 0-9 Patjjeo uotlow atl l Sulpeaj puooas 01 Sulpuaj lsjg alenala of s13tjpuall jagwawl!ouno3 ,Cq puooas `,(out jogwawj!ounoD ,Cq apuw sum uotlow V :nollad I!aunoj „ aounaZ jogjy of lvaoefpe pue13o dtjls )OOJ 06 e3o votluog!ssulo Sutuoz aql Su!Suego„ puaj pinogs aouuu!pjo ag13o I uonooS `£ ou!l p!us IlagdUmD jauueld SI!O ' auozaj umjSul aql se umou)l ,tuodojd uo Sutuoz agl Sulpuaum aoueu!pjo uu 3o Sutpt,al lsjt3 90-S0-96 3JNVNIQ210 9661 bZ AVW S3lnNIW-IION(lOO 33HO.LVN3M LSV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1996 Mayor Collings said she had received a letter from Quest proposing a meeting of all interested ' parties to reconsider the placement of the Urban Growth Boundary. She asked Council if they were interested and Council agreed by consensus to a positive response from them by the Mayor. ADJOURNMENT — 7:30 P.M. Virginia Oestreich City Clerk L 1 -5-