HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/2/1996 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
JANUARY 2, 1996
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the
date of the meeting.)
Mayor Collings, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow and Councilmember Carson
were sworn in for their oath of office by Deputy City Clerk Barnard.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember
Lacy, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Collings.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Randy
Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman.
Eric Phillips, LINK Transportation Coordinator, updated Council on the East Wenatchee area
Transfer Site Study. He said they were looking at different off street transfer sites and were also
working on an agreement with Wenatchee Valley Mall for funding. I
Eastmont Junior High School Principal Mark Spurgeon, introduced the school counselor Jim
Howie. Mr. Howie said two students from the Junior High had been recognized for a Spirit of
the Community award. Mr. Howie introduced Nicole Sebastian, a volunteer at Central
Washington Hospital. Ms. Sebastian said she has always had the dream of being a pediatrician
and really enjoys her work in the pediatric ward at the hospital. Mr. Howie introduced Jimmy
Cary, editor of Faucher's Neighborly News. Mr. Cary said he has enjoyed writing the paper and
wanted to thank its sponsors. Mr. Cary said he has held two crime awareness programs by video;
one was for adults and one for children. Mr. Cary was chosen as the local winner of this year's
award. Mr. Howie said the winner would go to a State level of competition and then on to the
National level if chosen as a winner at the State competition.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember
Mikow to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and as the following items were listed.
The motion carried 5-0.
1. Consideration of minutes — Regular Session, December 4, 1995. '
2. Consideration of Bills -- December 18, 1995
January 2, 1996, (1995 and 1996 bills)
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those
expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing which has been made available to Council.
As of this date, January 2, 1996, Council does approve warrant numbers 5537 through 5608 in
the total amount of $69,937.07; Central Stores manual warrant transfer numbers 108595 through
108695 in the total amount of $18.67; and Postage manual warrant transfer numbers 950001
through 950006 in the total amount of $150.90 for 1995 payables and warrant numbers 56019
through 5615 in the total amount of $14,159.12 for 1996 payables.
Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 13405 through 13473 in the total amount of
$120,728.60, paid December 5, 1995, for the month of November 1995.
Police Department
Police Chief Harrison said the East Wenatchee Police Department had initiated a wellness
program for the officers. The officers would be allowed two hours in a forty hour week period to
Officer Nash said a program would be starting January 13th for kids grade 6 through 17 years of
' age. He said the "Kids Night Out" program named by students of the Eastmont School District
would be a drug free recreation program. The program will be held every Saturday night from
7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Sterling Middle School. He added, the program would be staffed by
reserve officers and volunteers. He said there was still a need for volunteers and anyone
interested could contact him at the East Wenatchee Police Department.
96-01-01 First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 2.04 of the East Wenatchee
Municipal Code relating to City Council
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember
Hendricks to elevate first reading of the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 5-0.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash
to approve the ordinance amending Chapter 2.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The
motion carried, 5-0.
Mayor Collings read the ordinance title.
•piooai oql oiu! !4ajpuo su ut uolinlosaj oqi puoi sSutllon joArW
'0 - S `Pouno uopouj agZ •aajV Sutuueld
aagoiauam isag 01=0 agl jo3 uoiieuSisaQ asn pue-1 pue uorV glmoi() uegjfl agi uo uon!sod
s,oagoiuuoM isug 3o f !0 ag13o Aunon sulSnoQ Suis!Ape uolinlosaj aqi anojddt, of Sou -I
jaqurauqpunon 6q puooas `mo lnl jaqujauzliounoD iq apeuj st,m uotiom V :uouaV paunoZ)
alt,p of uolilsod s,,fiiD aqi jcjumlo
pinom Suut,ag ollgnd a p ajo3aq uoplosai u Suissnd pouiuuaiap sum li pue pamollo3 uoissnosip
liounon •Suu=H ollgnd aqi ajojaq uolinlosaj u 2mssud inogt, paxsu sxoupuaH iogmaugtounon
•ua.iV Su►uut,ld aagoiuuaM isug aaivaiD
' oql jo3 uonuO!saQ asn purl put, t,aiv gimolo uegin aqi uo uorl!sod
s,aagoluuam iseg3o f4In ogl3o AlunoD sviOnoQ SuisiApe uolinlosaj V £0-I0-96
'IV037 QNV S3JNVNI(MO 9NIHSI'18nd d0 3SOdHnd 3HI
HOd 33H3J.VN3M JSV3 d0 AID 3HJ. d0 )13dVdSM3N 'IVIJIAAO
10-96 1H39MIN NOI.Ln'IOS311
•alai uolinlosaj aqi peal s8ui1103 jodt,lnl
•0-9 `Pau= uolgouj ag l• '9661 jo3 jadudsmou
hippo s,aagoisuatA iseg se pljoA\ aogoit,uatA atp Su1luuftap uolinlosaj agl anojdde of Moil w
joquiamliounon dq puooas `siloupuaH jaqujaml�ouno� Cq apew sem uotiouj V :aopaV I►auno�
iadadsmau lutogjo s,aagoiuuaA&, isug SullaOisap uolinlosaj d ZO-10-96
'3•LVQ 3AIJ.33dd3 NV 9NIHsnHvJS3 QNV
10-96 :H3S W nN 33NVNIUHO
9661 'Z A*dVnNVf S3.Lf1NIW '11JNnoo 33HJ1VN3M ISV3 30 AID
WHEREAS. in 1995 the Citizen's Advisory Committee for the Greater East Wenatchee Planning
Area, after considerable discussion at open meetings and public hearings, made specific
' recommendations concerning the location of the Urban Growth Area for the Greater East
Wenatchee Planning Area to Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee; and
WHEREAS, on May 16, 1995, the City of East Wenatchee following a review of the Citizens
Advisory Committee recommendation, wrote to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners
and advised that the City accepted the recommendation of the Citizens Advisory Committee
concerning the land use designations and the proposed Urban Growth Area; and
WHEREAS, the Citizens Advisory Committee's land use designations did not include sufficient
acreage near the Odabashian Bridge designated in a commercial fashion that would permit the
development of an additional urban center in the Greater East Wenatchee Planning Area; and
WHEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee strongly supports land use designations in compliance
with the intent of the Washington State Growth Management Act that reduce urban sprawl and
centralize retail development to the extent possible; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Urban Growth Area and land use designations adopted by the Citizens
Advisory Committee permitted some retail development outside of the urban center located with
the City of East Wenatchee, but prohibited the potential for development of a regional goods
center and additional urban retail sprawl associated with such a retail center located outside of
the existing City limits of the City of East Wenatchee and at the outer -most edge of the Urban
Growth Boundary to the North, near Odabashian Bridge; and
WHEREAS, on June 27, 1995, the Board of County Commissioners adopted a Resolution No.
TLS 95-51 adopting the Citizens Advisory Committee's recommendation for the Urban Growth
Area, but significantly modifying the land use designations within the proposed Urban Growth
Area to include and permit the development of a large scale commercial retail development near
the Odabashian Bridge; and
WHEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee subsequently filed a Petition for Review with the Eastern
Washington Growth Planning Hearings Board and following the filing of this action the County
Commissioners in response to the initial telephonic hearing before the Eastern Washington
Growth Planning Hearings Board adopted Resolution No. 95-099 clarifying that Resolution No.
95-51 was a preliminary and not a final action of the County with respect to its Growth
Management Act Comprehensive Planning process; and
WHEREAS, on October 24, 1995, the City of East Wenatchee, Douglas County, and Wenatchee
Valley Mall Partnership (an additional party Petitioner to the Growth Planning Hearings Board
action) met with a neutral mediator in an effort to resolve their differences without the need fo'r.
litigation or further proceedings before the Growth Planning Hearings Board; and
puu :woo I!moi umolumop ivauno agl;o quol l ayi of sopui
mo; of oaJgi pue,4!D agi ap!sino mivao uegm Ivuog!ppe uv;o uo►ivaio aqi p!onu pue olq!ssod
ivaixa aii of ivauidoianap IgMJJaqinoruaMalyi
isug 30 ,iilo ayl 30 f4!I!gms 3nuou039 aql 01 lei!n s! i1 sana!laq gounoD duD ayi 'SV3ummk
puu !IjiM iuougmdoU Suumuld AjunoD selSno(j
aql Aq suotjmS!sop asn puul Jaglo Jo; alqul!vnv se polomoid aJam Jaglm inq `polmalsop os
lou aJam `a8pug uunlsuqupp agi of luomu pu paluool osogl Su!pnlou! `spiugozo Jaglo `SV3M3HM
pov `'aoveogpB!s uuol-Suo13o seam I milnouSr
su puo-1 luujg Suolu puu ,4!3 oql of iuomfpu poluool spngoio aqi poluuS!sop, jjms luaugndaQ
Suluueld f4unoD selBno(I aql Aqm of sr aall!unuoD AjosinpV sumq!D oql of uomo uo!lmmldxa
algruoseaJ ou sum aiayl `sJagmam aau!mmoZ) (JostnpV suaz!i!D aql f aagoluuaM isng
30 ,il!D ail of paumldxa uaaq suq su `ssaoold aau!urtuo-D Ws!npV suazlliD agl u! `sV3ii3HM
puv `.yyioN ail 01 uugl JagluJ isug
agi of pue glnoS mp of moiS of aagoluuaM lsug;o Ai!D oqi Jo; ommajoid u puq aagoluuaM 1sug
30 A113 ayi `uolirpuauuvooaJ 0011ImmOO ,(JoslnpV suazll!3 aql Su!u!ulJalua of Joud `SV3'd3HM
' puu `.raJV gimojo uegJrl agl;o ap!slno `sluamdolanap ltvlaJ Su!pnlou! `suogiauSlsop asn purl
urgm 3o uolieool agi sl!q!goid loV luomaSrueW glmoig uo1Su!gseM;o aiviS aql `SV3-d3HM
pue `.uaJV gimo-uj urgi fl aql ut pairool uaw ag1 Jo3 suollvaisop asn purl ag1 pug souupunoq
gaJV glrooJrJ ugglfl ail 3o u011230I aql u! paisaJaiu! AJan s! aagoluuaM isvg 30 A!D aql
'aagoluuaM lsug 3o di!D agl;o jmd u amooaq of pauuuld Su!aq si ran imp asnuoaq 'SV3M3HM
pur `'SJU04 (OZ) dluami ixaU aqi ulgl!m aagoluuaM
isug 30 [4!3 agi;o fled u am000q puu Xq panJas aq ll!m hill uaJe aql 3o uo!lum!iso olquuosiam
u se uaJV glmoJO uggJ(l agi;o uo!1euSlsap agl saJmbal ioV luamaSu WW gimoJD agi 'SV3ii3HM
pur `ulaJagi
poupnum suogruSlsap asn purl ail puu uaJV glmoig urgJfl aqi 3o uo!iuool oql Su!uJamoo
(iunoD ay1 put, (its ayi vaamlaq sanssi ail;o uo!lnlosaJ r pJgmol ssaoold uogu!pam ail ySnoJ p
iIJom pnu uo!irS!l!I igii ss!ms!p of paaav salyigd oql `uo!irlpam ail 2u!mollo3 'SV3N3IiM
Pug `asro pJrog sSuuuaH yimouJ Sulpuad agl ut tWo; las su suolleloln
mrI anllvelsgns pur lrmpaooid anus agl3o Auum SulSalle 5661 `LZ Aln[ uo ClunoD selsnoa
isumst, moo JouodnS ,Ciunoo uulagD ui l!nsmul r polg aagoluuaM 1sug;o C !3 ail 'SV3H3HM
pue `'sueld uoliguodsuuJl Jaq
Supaudim suo!l!puoo Jayimm of onp Jolr!pam aql Aq pauodisod aq of polsanbaJ sem uolimpam
slgi inq `,(iunoD sulSnoQ pur aagoluuaM lsug;o f4!D aql iluo Su!nlonu! pvu Jole!pam lannou
agi aJo32q 9661 `bl JagmaoaQ Jo; polnpagos sum uo!ssas uollr!pam Ivuoll!ppv ug 'SV3H3HM
9661 'Z A11Vf1NVf SgInKIW 11ONnO0 33HDIVR3M 1SV3 AO AID
WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the designation by the Douglas County
Commissioners of even more retail commercial acreage at the Odabashian Bridge, now
' reportedly sixty (60) acres following a Douglas County Commission decision on December 18,
1995, is in direct conflict with the best interests of the citizens of the Greater East Wenatchee
Area; and
WHEREAS, the short term tax benefits to be gained by Douglas County by the encouragement of
land use designations and the development of a regional goods facility at the Odabashian Bridge
should not serve as a substitute for good planning for the benefit of the citizens of the Greater
East Wenatchee planning area; and
WHEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee, because of a proposal to annex the entire Growth
Management Act Interim Urban Growth Area to the City of East Wenatchee retained
professional consultants qualified to analyze the impacts of such an annexation; and
WHEREAS, in the course of the discussion between city officials and the consultants, concerns
about the Urban Growth Area and the location of the Urban Growth Area have been raised; and
WHEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee, intends to reexamine the location of the Urban Growth
Area and the land use designations within the Urban Growth Area to be recommended by the
City; and
' WHEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee believes that it made a significant compromise with the
County by accepting the Urban Growth Area as proposed by the Citizens Advisory Committee
with the understanding that the land use designations would be those recommended by the
Citizens Advisory Committee; and
WHEREAS, the City Council believes through the most recent actions of the Douglas County
Commissioners that the recommendation of the Citizens Advisory Committee will not be
followed by the Douglas County Commissioners, but rather a decision to locate a regional goods
retail facility at the Odabashian Bridge is being facilitated through land use decisions made by
the Douglas County Commissioners with the argument being advanced that this supports the free
enterprise system and allows for competition; and
WHEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee is concerned that the issues related to competition were
not taken into account when all of the land available on the only four lane road located outside
the City and within the Greater East Wenatchee Planning Area, Grant Road, contains several
orchards designated by the County as agricultural areas of long-term commercial significance,
thus prohibiting Grant Road from commercial retail urban development; and
'9661 kMnULf 30 ALP P7 stgl Q3A'[OS3x
•eatV g1MoiH uggtn a p utgltM suotieuStsop
asn puul puu t,aty gvAouJ uugtn all;o uotluool oql to; C1unoD sej2noU of uouepuaututooat
t, taptsuoo of sautuuapap pounoD f4tD aqi su ioVvaiagi uoos su to •urd 0£:9 lu $utuut$aq
ITH AID aagoluWAk pseg aqp pe `9661 `S ,iiunlga3 uo plaq aq ll!m Suuual otignd d
•uolSutlsum `aaloluuaM lsug
jo [4t3 oql jo situn•j ii!D luattno aqi 3o mg puu glnoS oq1 of `luouidolanap 11uiai jetotauiiuoo
Sutpnlout `luouidolanap uegtn 3o uolieool aqi aSemooua lltM imp suoileuSisap asn puel
;o uoiidopu alp puu uatV glMoig ueq.in ue;o uotluool aql slioddns pounoD ,iltD aqj, S
' 'TdOM3Hl `ANON '.suotleuStsap asn puel;o uoildopu
aqi puu eatd gvAo g uugtn agp3o uoileool oql Sututaouoo uotltsod s,,CitD ag1;o pastnpe aq uleSu
aouo stauotsstutuioD AjunoD sujSnoQ;o pteog otp lugi sattsap pounoD CiiD aql `SV3H3HM
pue `.suollwolsap
asn puel oqp pue uatV gvAoig uugin all;o uotit,00l agp;o sloo[gns puuuoduit SiaA aqp uo lndut
uaztlto luuontppu uiglgo 01 `9661 `S Almuga3 uo Sutloaui telnsat sit 1e But.ivaq otjgnd L, ploq pur
sluullnsuoo juuoissajoid sit uioij uoiluuuo;ut juuomppu aimbou of spualut Ci!D aqi 'SV3113HM
pue '.alt,p olgtssod isatltua aql le lenoidde ptgMol papuaq sjogtp-pse; g uo touloui s1g1
seq stauotsstunuoo A;unoD sulSnoQ3o pteog all lugl poutaouoo st pounoD f4t3 aqi `SV3113HM
pug `.Sutuuuld luouiaSeueIN t11MouJ
Sunuaouoo ,ClunoD aql pue Ai!D aq1 uaaMiaq luauiaatSu aqi jo loeaiq luamddt, ut Sutuueld
umo slt alajduioo f4t3 all aas of attsop slt jo ,CltD aqi pastnpe ,Cjluaoat seq put, f4!D aqi to;
saolAtas Sutuuuld lad ivatuaSgueW gvAoio Sutuuojtad uaaq pug ,ClunoD sulSno(I `SV3N3HM
pue '.1Metds uugtn Suiluato pue asppg uutlsuqupp aqi lu taluoo ltuloi lutotaunuoo
Mau a Sullstjgmsa pmmoi paluauo pue iod luawo2vuuw giMoio aleiS uo)2utlsuM alp
jo lualut alp g1tM 1311;tiO3 ul ,Clioallp Ile oagojuuoM lsug jo Aito all;o atoo I!moi aqi u1 taivao
spooS luuotsai g 3o uotigool alp ait,pounu000u of Aptjlge s,fa!D oql pue am uugtn uMoluMop
aql 3o uotleztjeilAat paitgtgotd suq pug Sutumld aluudotddt, put, suoimu&sap asn puul tadotd
gSnonll luauidolanapat anatloe of CltD aqi 3o C311tgt, alp pauglyotd st,q pro -a pugtg Suole pugl
jo ,CpunoD sulSnoQ Aq utalsSs asudialuo aat3 alp puu uollgodmoo uiotj jenouiat atp 'SV3113HM
9661 'Z AdVnKVf S3.LnKiW 'iiDNnoo 33HJ.LVN3.M 1SV3 30 ,UI3
Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
Mayor Collings said this policy was required by law for employees with a Commercial Drivers
License. She said there were items in the policy in need of modifications, however she was
comfortable with the overall policy. Council agreed by consensus that the City should pay the
fees for any retesting and only be reimbursed by the employee if the retest was positive and that
this should be corrected in the policy
Mayor Collings said the 1996 Legislative Conference in Olympia was scheduled for February
7th and 8th.
Mayor Collings said she received two proposals for the Public Defender contract. She said the
proposal from Barker and Howard was forty thousand dollars and the proposal from Steve
Zimmerman was for twenty-eight thousand eight hundred dollars. However both proposals were
over the budgeted amount of thirteen thousand two hundred dollars. Therefore, a budget
amendment would be needed.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember
' Carson to award the Public Defender contract to Steve Zimmerman Law Offices, in the amount
of twenty-eight thousand eight hundred dollars. The motion carved, 5-0.
Mayor Collings said she received six applications for the two council positions but one
withdrew. The candidates introduced themselves to the Councilmembers. The Candidates were:
Bill Stroud
Ralph Aiken
Dick Olton
Duane Hevly
Larry Frack
At 7:55 Mayor Collings called a fifteen minute executive session regarding potential litigation
and to discuss qualifications of candidates.
At 8:15 P.M. Mayor Collings extended the executive session five minutes.
Council reconvened at 8:20 P.M.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember
Lacy to nominate Larry Frack for Council Position Number 6, a two year term at the election in
1997, and be effective immediately. The motion carried, 5-0.
' NjolD ,Clip AndaQ
pjeujef eue(j
W,cl OE:8—,LN,3wNxno V
•0-S `pouma uollow aql•
'9661 jo3 wal-ojd joXvW se polutoddt, aq of (at,-j analS jogwowliaunoD aluulwou of s3lappuaH
jagwawltounoD Aq pu000s `gsuN izgwawl!3unoD ,Cq apuw sum uollow V :uopad I►aunoa
•uoilisod agl jo3 aAilt,walle uu se poluioddu aq of aTI pinom aq pres )lowj
jagwawpounoD •uoillsod Imp of palutodde aq of a)lil p1noM aq ptes uosje-D jagwawpounoo
•pjeog }IAII'I
aql uo 2uiaq ut palsajalu[ ajaM sjagwawliounoo Mau xp jo SUL, 3t po lsu ,Cat, -I IagwawliounoD
S3.LVadn GNV S.caoa3H IIJNflo0
sjagwawl�auno� mau oMl agl ut worts sguilloo jo,Cuw
'O-S `patut,a uollow 3q j •xlalu!paunut 3Atlaajja oq pue `L66I ul uoclaala
aql le uual maX sno3 u `L jagwnN uoilisod pounoD jo3 uo ltd gdluN aluutwou of qappaaH
jagwawl►auno3 Aq puoaas `uosjuo jagwowpounoD Xq apuw sum uopow d :uotjaV Iiaunoa
9661 `Z A)]VnNVf S31nNIN llOW103 33HJLVN3M.LSV3 10 AID