HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/21/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING I January 21, 1"7 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Aiken arrived at 6:43. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Dana Barnard, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender, Darin Darnell, Chet Vimig, Chuck Zimmerman. PRESENTATION - Bob Kantor, Wenatchee Valley Mall Mr. Kantor, representing the owners of the Wenatchee Valley Mall, said he wanted to clear up any misconceptions regarding the mall expansion as stated in recent media articles. He said he would answer any questions or concerns from Council or the public. Mr. Kantor said he was frustrated by the descriptions of the mall's expansion, the Odabashian Bridge project and the new Valley North Mall plan as a "battle of the malls." He reiterated, the expansion plans for the Wenatchee Valley Mall were far , from dead. Mr. Kantor thanked Council for their support of the expansion, in particular the proposed parking garage and the Baker Street improvements. Mr. Kantor pledged a commitment to East Wenatchee and its citizens that this project would come to fruition. Mr. Kantor detailed the area map, including the projected plans of growth out Grant Road to the Airport. He added, the revenues would pay for the expansion plus add to the city revenues. He asked Council to work with the County Commissioners for a secure future of the community. Mr. Kantor said this was a vision of the people as well as reflecting the will of the people. CITIZEN COMMENTS Bill Dobbins, 1721 N. Anne Avenue, Manager, Douglas County Public Utility District, said he would encourage agenda item number 97-01-05 be elevated to second reading. Mr. Dobbins added, the utility tax on electricity would be starting February 14, 1997. Bob Larse, 2516 NW Boston, representing Citizens for Quality of Life, said he supported the business district and felt development outside the city limits would create urban sprawl. Dick Olton, 1707 Eastmont, said he agreed with Mr. Larse regarding urban sprawl. He added he had no I objection to reasonable taxes. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 1 P-j Robert Hogan, 1521 N. Anne Avenue, said he was in favor of the mall expansion; however, he does not feel the tax payers should pay for the parking garage. Jeff Lucas, Douglas County resident, and owner of property on Gtant Road, said he supports the city's urban growth boundary, heading South and East of the current city limits. Mr. Lucas added the Urban Growth Boundary should go further East toward the airport. He also felt he had been left out of this U.G.B. planning. Councilmember Lacy asked Mr. Lucas to share his information with Douglas County Commissioners. Bill Stroud, 411 NE 19th Street, said the Environmental Impact Statement of a mall at Odabashian Bridge should be addressed and resolved. Chuck Landers, Sunset Highway, said in the mid eighty's he was asked by Douglas County Parks to research property and find areas for recreation. He said after three years of research the only area within eighteen miles was the Odabashian area. He added he would like to see that area developed as recreational for the citizens. Bob Welsh, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce board member, said he was supportive of the city and businesses and encouraged the city to negotiate with the county on revenue sharing. Mayor Collings said she had sent letters to the Douglas County Commissioners requesting a meeting with the City Council, however, to date has not received a response. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance City Clerk Oestreich said the Washington Municipal Clerks Conference would be held at the Wenatchee Convention Center in 1998, and the City of East Wenatchee would be the host city. Ms. Oestreich said the Council Committee for Finance would meet on the second Wednesday of each month. She added council would now receive a monthly financial report as well as the quarterly report. Ms. Oestreich said the budget has now been finalized and should be ready by the next council meeting. Planning and Community Development City Planner Campbell said he had reviewed the documents for the Apple Capital Mall at Odabashian Bridge area. He said his concerns were no mitigation for the lower streets; no mention of impacts or shoreline plan. He added, other concerns were the orchards on the property which have been there for many years, and what types of chemicals had been used. He added the City could lodge a complaint on the listed issues. Council agreed by consensus to have Mr. Campbell express the concerns of Environmental Impact Statement. -2- Clewwns aoueutplo aqi peai s2u11103 ioielg �. 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SuLAollo; aql se pue paluosaid mpualeo luosuoo aqi anoidde of joei3 lagwompounoD ,Cq puooas `,Cou l jagwowllounoa Cq apew sum uollow V :uoyaV IlaunoJ avQN3'IVJ IN3SNOJ 'spwil fpo aqi aplslno Su!uueld ,Cue op of ,Clto a p mum iou p!p ,CiunoJ selSno(I Pees Ilagdweo 'ty�I 'puape of pal!Au! uaaq peq loulslQ pod ,CiunoO selSnod oql pue laawSuo ,Ciao aql `lsanb `pappe aH •8Z ,Cjenue f aq pinom aau!tuWOZ) GoslnpV suaztliD lxou aql p!es llagdwe: 'iW L661 `Ii AdvnNVf sainNiw'II3NnO3 99HJ1VN3M ISV3 3O AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 ORDINANCE 97-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SIX PERCENT (6%) UTILITY TAX ON NATURAL GAS, ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 3 TO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 4.32.020(B), CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY PROVISION AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 97-01-05 First reading of an ordinance establishing discounts on certain taxes for certain classifications of East Wenatchee citizens. Councilmember Nash said this was only on the garbage and did not address the electricity or natural gas. She added she would like all low income citizens to be eligible for the discount.. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to elevate the ordinance establishing discounts on certain taxes for certain classifications of East Wenatchee citizens. The motion carried 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Lacy to pass the ordinance establishing discounts on certain taxes for certain classifications of East Wenatchee citizens. The motion carried 6-1. (Nash) Mayor Collings read the ordinance. ' ORDINANCE 97-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING DISCOUNTS FOR LOW INCOME SENIOR CITIZENS AND DISABLED PERSONS, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 4.34 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY PROVISION AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 97-01-06 First reading of an ordinance annexing property known as the Mission Vista annexation Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance annexing property known as Mission Vista Annexation. The motion carried 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to Pass the ordinance annexing property known as Mission Vista Annexation. The motion carried 7-0. Mayor Collings read the ordinance. -4- -S- L volt '1l!0 �o rr � ga!a�lsap •g VvPU Wd S I:6 -- J.N2MNI flOf GV •eldw,Cjo u! `L661 OZ Pug 61 Cjeruga3 aq pinota a3uaja3uoo s2!1.0 u012ulyseM Jo u0lle!00ssV ay1 p!es s2u!1103 IOX'R Al 0-L Paluso uo!low ayy slauo!ssitumD f4unoJ selBno(I aq1 ql!m Sullaaw a do las io,Ceyq ayl aneq of (oe-1 logwatupounoD Xq puooas `joei3 jagwowl!ouno0 Xq apew sum uo!low V mogaV 1!3ano0 '0-L Pa!-uea uoilow aqL -Sulpunj laaaS ia)eg io3 ss000id uolleolldde ayl ulSaq l3!liud pue slll!M `Jayong aAeq of )loe�3 lagwowl!ouno0 Aq puooas `Aowl lagwawpounoJ 6q apew seta uollow V moi 1!3anoj •wayl;o pe l03 panoidde oq .(Iq!ssod pue `.ioJ Aldde pinoo C1!o ay1 ' Sulpun3 Jo sadXi oajy1 aJam 01241 `pappe aH •uo!sualxa laai1S imMg aql jo; Suuaau!Suo pue uS!sap 2y1 uo `J3!l1e,I pue syl!M `iayong `wig SuuaoulSua ay y1!m llom of pounoo palse llagdweo Jauueld 44D •alejauaS pinom s!ql sanuanaJ gonw moy aw!l s!ql le `moul 1ou p!p ayS -salolyaA uo xm asloxo ue Sulluawaldw! sem `ao!A oS pueZ put, uollepodsueiy C1unoJ selSno(I p!es sSugloJ loXvW -aunt u! aq/(ew `umSe loofoid palosuods /(1!o u aq 1sojund oagoleuaM Ing aql oas of a)lg pinom ays p!es sJugloJ lo.CVw •salouaSe polsaialu! 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