HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
DECEMBER 15,1997
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Carson,
Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Aiken, Mayor
Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Bob
Goodman, Darin Bender, Chuck Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Bruce Nash, Christy Patterson.
Bill Stroud, 407 19th St. NE, East Wenatchee, asked Council to get more information out to the public
and keep them more informed on issues, possibly in the form of a newsletter.
' Mayor Collings reminded Council of the East Wenatchee Chamber meeting on Tuesday at the Four
Seasons at 12 noon. She said Representative Ballard will be the speaker.
She asked Councilmembers Hendricks and Lacy if they would appear again on KPQ. Councilmember
Lacy could not, but Councilmember Hendricks said he would.
She said the Chelan County Commissioners had sent a card for all councilmembers.
Mayor Collings thanked Councilmember Larry Frack for his two years of service on the Council. She
added a replacement would be needed for representation at RTPO.
She said Councilmember Carson had been the LINK representative; he said he would continue unless
another Councilmember wished to do so, although he did think an alternate member would be
Mayor Collings wished everyone a Happy Holidays.
Planning Director Campbell asked Council for direction on how to move forward on the Baker Street
improvement project. Discussion followed regarding the city's matching funds, how to do a conceptual
plan, and time frames regarding the grant applications. Superintendent Goodman said the project was
t very important and was a Council priority, however, it was not included in the 1998 budget and possibly
could be delayed for a time. Council agreed by consensus to move forward with the project as to getting
more information, however, not spend any 1998 budgeted dollars on the expansion of Baker Street.
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Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to
authorize up to two thousand dollars for union negotiations. The motion caffied, 7-0.
' Council then discussed the Growth Management issue and tentative costs for this item.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to
authorize up to two thousand dollars for ongoing Growth Management issues. The motion carried, 5-2.
(Aiken, Hendricks)
97-12-02 An ordinance establishing the 1998 East Wenatchee budget
Mayor Collings said before she read the title of the ordinance and before discussion she wished to make
the following statement:
As the Mayor, I am required to submit a preliminary budget to Council. Included in that budget is a
letter which lists the proposed revenues and expenditures for the upcoming year, as well as any
comments I wish to make regarding the preliminary budget.
This year, in a manner similar to last year, my letter stated what the budget does include, what the budget
does not include, and what optional revenue sources there were.
' Recalling public sentiment form last year's budget process, and listening to Council comments during
our first two budget workshops this year, it became abundantly clear that Council was not interested in
generating revenue through additional taxes. Therefore, because of my continuing concern over the
City's financial condition, I felt it my duty, as the Mayor, to bring alternative suggestions to the table for
Council discussion. While 1 expected some disagreement over these suggestions, I certainly did not
expect the behavior I have seen displayed by some. Instead of focusing on facts, and making wise, but
difficult decisions for the future of our community, the focus of some has been on pointing fingers and
laying blame. But, regardless of whether or not we like the "facts" about the City's financial conditions,
they are the "facts". And the only thing we can do to change them, is to make some tough decisions
In thinking about some of the comments I have heard regarding the $100,000 cut in the Police
Department budget, I decided to research past budgets. Since 1990, the Police Department has gone over
budget every year, except one, ranging from $13,909 over to $64,615 over. Adding up the figures for the
six years the Department went over budget, and subtracting the one year they didn't, comes to a total of
We have been fortunate to have the size Police force we've had. But even with the unfortunate layoff of
one officer, we will still have more officers per capita than any other law enforcement agency in the
valley, and we'll still have one more officer than we did before we added officers in anticipation of the
large annexation, which we all know didn't occur. In addition, we'll still be able to have the DARE
program, and Kids Night Out, which we know from the public hearing are so important to the
' At the request of Chief Harrison, Gil Sparks, who is one of our city attorneys, and I met with him to
discuss proper layoff procedure. As a result, Chief Harrison asked Mr. Sparks to draft a letter for him, to
17 -
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DECEMBER 15, 1997
Mayor Collings called a fifteen minute executive session at 8:15 p.m. regarding potential litigation.
Virginia E. estreich CMC/PFO
City Clerk/Treasurer