HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/1/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING DECEMBER 1,1997 6:30 P.M. ROLLCALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Frack, Mayor Collings, Councilmember Aiken absent, unexcused. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lennie Breckenridge, Joni Petersen, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Nancy Lynn, Chet Virnig, Darin Darnell, Nick Wiltz, James Ashenbrenner, Danny Reierson, Bruce Nash, Jeanie Bryant, Mitch Matheson, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS John DeWitt, 1344 Fairmont, said he would like to know of the suggested tax increase Douglas County was considering, how much would go to the city; and would this be enough to reconsider lay offs in the Police Department. Robert Hanson, 1604 N Astor Court, said all Councilmembers should be required to attend all meetings. Dick Olton, 1707 Eastmont Avenue, said his main reason for wanting to be annexed into the city was for the police protection, and he asked Council not eliminate any police officers positions. PRESENTATIONS Annette Byrd, East Wenatchee Public Library, said she took the position of Librarian in April 1996 and at that time, the circulation was about eight hundred fifty-three books per month. She said one year later the circulation has doubled each month. She added, the Friends of the East Wenatchee Library, a group of volunteers, have held two book sales to provide items taxes do not provide for, such as a copy machine. Ms. Byrd thanked the City for placing a sign for the library on Ninth Street. Sue Baker, Chelan/Douglas County CASA/GAL, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Guardian ad Litem (GAL) said she wanted to inform citizens about CASA/GAL and their services. She said CASA/GAL volunteers are court appointed special advocates who serve as guardians ad litem - trained lay people from the community who act as independent advocates for children. They are appointed by a judge to speak for abused and neglected children in court. She added, volunteers are needed not only to become a CASA/GAL volunteer but also for office work and fund raising. 1 z- ' •OZ•9ZS`9I $ 3o lunowe 11401 ayl u! 9S9L gSnomy16Z9L suagwnu 1us.uem anoudde swop I!ouno0 `L661 `I iagwaoa(j `mp s!yl;o sV •1!3unoD of algel!ene spew uaaq sey legl Sulls!l a uo papiooai uaaq aney `060.6Z•Z4 M0tI Aq pw!nbai se pag!uao sw!elo luawasinqunaj osuadxa asoyl pue `OSO•bZ•Z7 MZ)-I Aq pai!nbai se iaogjo Swllpne aql ,Cq pog!yao pus pol!pne slagonoA -- s11!g;o u011ejap!suo0 Z L66I `L I iagwanoN `uo!ssaS xeln8ag -- salnww;o uo!lejap!suoZ) • I •0-9 `paimuo uollow aqy •powosaid se tpualea lnasnoa ay1 anoidde pue wol! olojedas a sg mpualro luasuoo ayl wog uo!lnlosau 2y1 anowaJ of gseN jagwawl!ouno0 Aq puooas 'sloupuaH iagwawl!ounoo ,Cq apew sem uo!low V mogav pmnoa HVQN31IVJ .LN3sNOJ •uollez!ueSjp Su!uueld uo!lRvodsuw.L Iguo!Sa,I pug `wsunoy '}jNIZ am sjagwaw mau Su!paou saau!wwoo jaylo ayl pies sBugloO lOAvw -anus of aj!i Plnom Aayl oau!wwoo ayl uo aouaja;aid nags aAIS of pounoo pads¢ pug MA 8661 ay1 jo; soau!wwo0 I!ouno3 ayl Su!lu!oddew aq P1nom ays pies sSu11103 IOXVW ' suo.1e!loBaN u . fl pug uolle8!l!-I 1oV luawa8susyy g1mwE) `uolsuedxg IleW oql mm 8661 01 uano SulALea saalAJas 1e801 ayl p!es sSu910D JoAsyy pet{ Al!� aayoleuaM ayl le ,.w.d OO Z[ ol'w'e 00:01 wo13 `L661 `ZI jagwaoaQ Sullaaw a ploy ll!ro „soil!unwwo0 AylleaH 'sp!N AglleaH „ Isn,y spN •slagwvgD 1lounoo 119H A4!3 aayoleuaM lseg ayl le •w•d OO:ZI 01 'w's 00:6 wo13 'L661 III jagwaOaQ ploq aq p!m Sullaaw AtunoO/AUD V •119W AalIeA aayoleuaM 1e Paleool aaq sewlsll40 ag119 apnlouoo pug loulslQ Alg!lfl o!lgnd ag1 le 19 jagwao2U `AspmlgS •w•d 00:9 le oouowwoo ll!m slg217 3o apend ayy •Z Acenur f of `S I lagwooa(I wa; Asldslp „loeilsgV„ ue aney ll!m wnasnW uol8ulyseM Isulua:) glJoN aqy -uul suosuas mo3 ayl 1e 'Z iagwooaQ `Aepsany uo uoou is P104 aq 11!m uoayounl aojawwoo;o aagwego aayoleuaM lseg oql :sluana pus sanss! Su!mollo; ayl uo popodai s8ugloD joAely •uo!susdx3 laluao uo!luanuoD aayaleuaM alp uo 331A.12s ' Swpuglslno;o uo.1!u800ai w aayoleuaM;o Al!� ay1 Aq paluasaid `jaluao uo!luanuoo ay1;o oioyd a uan!8 sem ays •Ja1u23 u01luanuo0 aayoleuaM ayl;o Su!uodo puej8 aql papuaue ays pigs sSwllo:) JoAeyq .LHOd3M SNOAVW L661'I M38W3334 S3lnNIW 'IIJNfl00 33HDlVN3M ISV3 30 A•LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1.1997 RESOLUTION ' 97-12-01 Resolution amending the interfund loan with the Street Department Mayor Collings read the resolution title. RESOLUTION 97-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 96-9, WHICH AUTHORIZED AN INTERFUND LOAN FROM THE STREET FUND TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Councilmember Hendricks said he would like the interfund loan paid in full during the 1997 budget year. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to pass the resolution amending resolution no. 96-9 which authorized an interfund loan from the Street fund to the Current Expense fund and extending the time for one more year. The motion carried, 5-1. (Hendricks) ORDINANCE 97-11-04 An ordinance setting property tax levies for 1998 Mayor Collings read second reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NUMBER: 97-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT ALLOWED UNDER THE NEW CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS OF RCW 84.55.010; LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1998, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the ordinance setting property tax levies for 1998. The motion carried, 6-0. 97-12-02 First reading of an ordinance establishing the East Wenatchee 1998 budget Mayor Collings read first reading of the ordinance. Councilmember Hendricks said he would like to thank the citizens that took the time to write, phone and attend the council meetings. He added, he is convinced we have a balanced budget without making any cuts to the police department. Rle -h- L. 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