HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING NOVEMBER 17, 1997 6:30 P.M. ROLLCALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Aiken excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Carson to excuse Councilmember Frack and Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 4-1. (Hendricks) Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lennie Breckenridge, Joni Petersen. Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Darin Bender, Nancy Lynn, Joan Sims, Mike Martz, Mike Lenington, Chet Virnig, Darin Darnell, James Ashenbrenner, Ray Yarnell, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYORSREPORT Mayor Collings said she was asked to have her name, as mayor, included on an endorsement for the Columbia Fire Breaks Interpretive Center, in Entiat. Mayor Collings said she had received a letter from TCI Cablevision regarding the franchise fees and changes that could be made. Mayor Collings recommended not making any changes and allow TCI to collect the fees, Council agreed by consensus. Mayor Collings said the Association of Washington Cities state board has positions open if any Councilmember was interested. Mayor Collings reported on the following issues and events: The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held at noon on Tuesday, November 18, at the Four Seasons Inn. The KPQ Council radio program will be Wednesday, November 19, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Councilmembers Lacy and Hendricks volunteered to represent the city at that time. The Wenatchee Convention Center open house would be at 7:00 p.m., November 21. Mayor Collings said Friday, November 28, would be the Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Wenatchee Valley Mall. East Wenatchee, Wenatchee and the walking bridge will all light up at the same time. -z- SMA aq1 jano palaldap aneq ,Cage moq pug soAjasaj paugop aqS •papun3 0jam dagl moq pug `spwg ,Cl!o agl;o uollguuldxo us ane8 go!ansap jajnsewjIljalo 4!0 •sjelloP pajpunq 1gS!a puesnogl lgS!a-,C1uam1 jo3 losjluoo japuajod oilgnd aq1 ap!Aojd of uug aql ql!m a1BlloSau of sSu11103 joAuN pazuoglne pounol •sjgllop puesnogl kj!gl 30 lunowe aql ui lognuoo jopuajoU o!lgnd atp jo3 paAlaoaj uaaq peq lesodojd auo p!es sSuilloD jox7aw aojawwol3o jagwegO aagoleuaM lseg aql of sjellop puesnogl oml -f4j!gl pug `.uolleajoa-d pug sjind AlunoD selSnoQol smilop pajpunq any pussnogl uanas `.uo!le!oossV dool opeasuo ag10l scollop pajpunq uaagg `.aagoleuaM q1!m Sulpwg lu!oCpjamol sjellop puesnogl oulm :spun3 wnlpeiS 8661 jo3 suol;g3011e jepop Su!mollo3 ag1 popuawwooaj pug aa11!wwol ,CjoslApd wsunoL aq1 uo paljodaj ,Caul i2gwawl!ounoD 8661 jo3 aagoleuaM lseg jo31a8pnq posodojd aql SulpwSaj Suueag o!lgnd V SO -I I-L6 9NRIV3H JI'Iflfld •aousulpjo ag13o Sulpuaj lsjg puaj sSugloO jo,Ceyg ' 8661 jo3 sa!Aal xel Suadojd Su!Aas aouewpjo ue3o Su!peaj lsj!3 h0-I I-L6 3JNVNICIHO pap!on sum StilSI jagwnu lurimm lloj,(ed 'LO'91£`l$JO lunowa agl u! sja3suejl Alulpoue lloj,Ced anojdde saop I!ounoo -L661 jagolop 3o gluow 2q1 jo3 L661 `S jogwano!.l u!gd `8Z'£66`£ZI$ 30 lunowe lelol agl u! `ZS IOL6 Pug I OZS I gSnag18Z I S l sjagwnu luvuem Ilo.I.Qd anojdde saop pounol '617'8££$30 lunowg agl ui sia3susjl pun3 dumS Pug 06'bL$30lunoure aql ut sja3suen sajolS lenuaO anojdde saop pounoO '6l'L8£`14$30lunowe lelol a(P ul 8Z9L gSnojgl L69L sjagwnu lne.UVM anojdde saop pounoa `L661 `LI jagwanoK `alep SUP JO sd •I!ounoO of a19e1!gne spew uaaq seq imp Su!lsq u uo papjooaj uaaq aneq `060'bZ'Zb M:)lI Aq pajlnbaj se pag!ljoo sw!elo luawasjngwlaj asuadxo asogl pug `O80'17Z'Zb MD-I,(q paj!nbaj se jaoWo Su!1lpne oql ,Cq pog!ijao pus pal!png sjagonoA -sp!g3ouollejap!suoD •£ L661 `£ jagwanoly `uolssaS jelnda-1 -- salnulw3o uollejop!suoD •Z L661 `8Z V £ jogwano(.1 `dogsjljoM la8png -- salnulw 3o uogejop!suoo • 1 '0-S `paljjeo uo!low aq•1• •sjllemap!s of luawdoianap ap!speoj woj3 luawljeda(j laajlS aql ui sjellop puesnogl uaa{}g Sulua3suen pug sanuan0j ljnoO led!o!unW of sjgl►op pussnogl any-,C1uaA3S Sulppe sapnlou! s!q•L ' •„1a8pnq 8661 aql jo3 passnos!p swol!„ aq o1,.la8Pnq 8661 ag13o wd aq of swal!„ aq1 u! oSuego Suipjom 1l e 3o salnulw g101 jogwanoalp w uogo2noo aql q1!m paluosajd se MPUQIeo 1naSU0o agl anojdde of moI!W jogwawl!ounoo Cq pu000s ,Coel jagwawllounoO Xq apgw sum uonow d :uo!lav 1!3unoO ZIVQN3'IVJ Jx3SNOJ L661 'L 1 NTIMAON S3.LnNIW 'IIONflOO 33HO.LVN3M iSV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 17. 1997 Mayor Collings reported what options and considerations have been made during the 1998 budget ' process. Mayor Collings said, in response to a flier sent out by Councilmember Nash, she has received nine phone calls asking there be no cuts in the Police Department budget. Mayor Collings said changes need to be made in the budget for the future of the City. She said the budget could be left as is with no changes or the City could start making changes now and help the finances for the future. Mayor Collings opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. The following East Wenatchee residents spoke against any cuts to the Police Department budget including the Kid's Night Out and DARE programs. Kathy Michaelson Jeanette Owens Brittini Wolk Della Sele Ben Wolk Dennis English Kathy Stephens Gerald Chapton Karen Welch Dresdyn Brisroe Glen Widener Juanita Riedel Pat Webb Bruce Nash Wayne Bowden David Campbell, Wenatchee ' Bill Stroud, East Wenatchee, spoke in favor of the cuts recognizing the future needs of the city. Mayor Collings closed the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. 1 In response to a question from Councilmember Lacy, Chief Harrison said the Kid's Night Out program had been partially funded with grant money; the DARE program was funded with donations and cost about seven hundred dollars for supplies. Chief Harrison said these programs were not part of the planned cuts in the department at this time. He added a change in level of service could increase crime in East Wenatchee, but he did not know that for certain. City Attorney Zimmerman gave an update on the budget, noting services performed and unusual cases that had increased costs. Mayor Collings said it was time to look to the future and have a willingness to tighten our belts. Councilmember Lacy said when revenues are less than expenditures, something has to be done. -3- 1 1 iamseai,I gnjD f4!D OACI OWO gaRASOO •g "nSnA 'W*d S£:6 --.LN3WNHflOfGV •palnpagos s! 1! uogm ' Ma,Alalu! l!xa aql pualle 01 pallAu! aq pinoM l!ounoo aql `pappe aqS •suotl>=puowwooaa awos aq pjnoM aiagl pue paM fJaA auoS puq !palaldwoo uaaq puq 1!pne agl plus ga!a.i;sap jamsea{I,ppajD Suo •aoujd a)lel pinoM Mawalm 1!x2 aql uagM pue palaldwoo uaaq puq i!pne ag13! p231se SIoupuaH jagwawl!ounoD S.LllOd3a ll:)NflOJ L661'LI 'UHMAON S3.LIINIW'IIJNfIOJ33HJ.LYN3M1SV9zlO LID