HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/6/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING OCTOBER 6, 1997 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Stuart Campbell, Bob Goodman, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender. 199311101 011 ]ado]r10-r"M fill MAYORSREPORT Mayor Collings said she had attended a meeting regarding Creating Healthy Families and Communities. Mayor Collings reported on the following issues and events: The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held at noon on Tuesday, October 7, at the ' Four Seasons Inn. The Association of Washington Cities regional meeting will be held on Thursday, October 9, at 6:00 p.m. at the Four Seasons Inn. The Healthy Kids Healthy Community meeting will be held Friday, October 10, from 12:00 noon. to 2:00 p.m., at Wenatchee City Hall. Mayor Collings said she would be meeting with Mayor Earl Tilly of Wenatchee and the United States Postal Service Friday, October 10, regarding a new postal distribution center. A City/County meeting regarding Canyon A is scheduled for October 16, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. A Chamber sponsored Candidates Forum will be held Tuesday, October 28, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., at Cedars Inn. Mayor Collings said City Attorney Zimmerman had received information from Municipal Research regarding the curfew ordinance issue. Mayor Collings said she will have more information available at the next Council meeting. Mayor Collings said the preliminary budget would not be ready before the 15th and asked Council to change the first budget workshop to October 22. 1 -z- 1 •0-L `POPRO uollow ag•l• •saouosge pasnoxa pus aouepuoue of Sulu!euad einp000ld ;o salnd ogslnod ag;;o £'I uo!laos;dopu of uoswo jagwawl!ouno0 Xq pu000s `Coe I lagwawl!ounoD , q apew sum uol;ow V :uoi liaanoj •suazll!o ag; of sallg!q!suodsa.i ino ;o 3lwgl pinogs am `Su!ppe `saouasqu pasnoxoun/pasnaxo of pap oq lou pinogs pue umo s,i! ;o onssi ue si uopesuodwoo p!es uosmD iagwawl!ouno0 suazp!o ag; Supuasaidai f4!unwwoo agl ui lno luods si awll gonw `sSullaaw llouno0 puaue uegl slow saop llounoD pies gsum Jagwawl!ounoo •pasnoxaun to pasnoxo ale Xag1 laglagm poss!w s8ulloaw jo; p!ed oq pinogs 1!ouno0 loa; lou saop aq p!es slloupuoH jagwawµounoO •uolSulgseM;o opo0 poslnaS ag; gum sagdwoo Imp ommulpio ue ldope 4O ag; palsaSSns OH 'Alleogloads pols!l aq lou pinogs sasnoxa aq; slaa; oq pug `l!ouno0 of do si pasnaxaun sum aouasge ue laglogm;o uols!oap aq; plus mo111W iagwawl!ounoD •ampoowd s,ogslno(i;o ,(l!O aql pm passaidwi sum aq plus Aoe-I jagwawl!ouno0 I aouepuoue Sullaaw posnoxaun/pasnoxa siagwowl!ouno:) h0-01-L6 Supaaw pi£ lagwanol.I aql le spew oq 1pm uolsloap a Xlln;adOH •puodsaj of oldood lag of llo;;a ue alew of ,Cil of pap!oap 113uno0 luap!sa� aagoleuaM a woij lluo ouogd ouo uaaq Xluo peg alagl 31Ep 01 `Janamoq !aan!wwoo wsunol anllnoaxa ag; jo; iaolunlon of siagwow lo; ladedsmou oq1 ui pe ue paoeld peq aqs p!es sSmlloo 3o,Ceyq aau!wwo0 ,CioslnpV xe,L BmSpo-1 £0-01-L6 NOISSfOSIQ 'ZO'699`89$!0 lunowe lelo; aq1 u! 'Z£SL g2naiA 891,E slagwnu lneMem anadde saop pounoo `L661 '9 jagoloO `alep SIT ;o sV •1!ouno0 of algel!ene spew uaaq seq Imp Sul;sg a uo poplooaj uaaq aneq `060-4Z'Zt AXDd Aq pannboi se poggin swlelo luowasmgw!al osuadxa asog; pug 1080'hZ'Zb MON Xq pannbai su jaoWo Swl!pne aql Xq pog!liao pug pallpnu sjagonoA sll!g3o uollelap!suoD L661 'S l iagwaldaS `uolssoS jelnSa-1 -- salnulw;o uopwap!suoZ) '0-S paweo uopow ag,y •paisll ajam swal! Sulmopo; ag1 se pue 'paluosaid se jepuoleo 1UOSn00 agl anoidde of 3loei3 �agwawl!ouno0 Sq puoaas `s]lal�pu2H jagwawl!ouno0 Sq opew sum uopow V :uo!;aV paunoZ) 11VON3'IV3 1N3SNOJ L661 `91MOIDO S31f1NIW 11ONflOO 33HJ1VN3M 1SV3 d0 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 6. 1997 COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Mikow said he would like to see the community be more pro active rather than impose tougher laws as it relates to gang activity. Councilmember Frack asked about the status of the Wenatchee Valley Mall. Mayor Collings suggested he call Bob Kantor, the mall owner, since she had not been informed of any further information. Councilmember Lacy said Mr. Kantor had agreed to sign interest over to J.P. Realty and maybe they should be whom to contact on mall issues. Councilmember Frack thanked Street Superintendent Goodman on the completed Baker Street project and how nice it looks. ADJOURNMENT -- 7:25 P.M. Virginia . Oestreich CMC/PFO City Clerk/Treasurer 1 1 SM