HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/15/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken excused. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell, Bob Goodman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYORSREPORT KPQ Council time is scheduled for Friday, September 19, from 3:10 to 4 p.m. Mayor Collings and Councilmember Hendricks will represent the city. Mayor Collings said information from Municipal Research regarding unexcused absence policies for Councilmembers had not been received to date. She will report later. Mayor Collings had met with the Tourism Committee members on September 12 to discuss appointing a Tourism Executive Committee. It was suggested the Mayors of East Wenatchee and Wenatchee would appoint three members each to the committee: one elected official, one representative from a taxing entity (hotel/motel), and one representative from a receiving entity (such as a chamber of commerce). Mayor Collings asked for Council recommendations for committee members. Councilmember Lacy said he felt the selection of the executive committee should not be done administratively; Council should have more input. He also recommended criteria for the selection excluded members of the community. He suggested other options such as an at large position. Council requested Mayor Collings advertise for the committee, submitting background information on candidates. Council agreed by consensus for the Mayor to proceed with the recommendation of Councilmember Lacy. Mayor Collings reported on the following issues and events: The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Luncheon will be held at noon on Tuesday, September 16, at the Four Seasons Inn. The Apprenticeship and Opportunities Course held by the Educational Service District will be Thursday, September 25, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. She reminded Council of the Pre -Budget Workshop scheduled for Monday, September 29, at 6:30 p.m. ' '0-5 `Paljjeo uollow aq,1• -uollduosap IeSal paSlnaj aql g1lm kiepunoq uollexouuV gSSuam agl SUTAoidde uollnlosaj aql ldope of gsuM jagwawl!ouno0 Xq puooas `Xoe-1 jagwowl!ounoD /Cq apew sum uollow d mollad 11auno0 'eaje Mau 041 ul Sjalon asogl jo3 lowoajd olejedas a do las Algegojd ll!m luounmda(l uopalg s,jol!pnV fiunoo selSnocl aq1 pies golajlsap jajnsuo-ilpljalo f4!O •jamalo uollduosap aql a>lew of paslnaj aq pinoo 1i pus llagdweZ) joloan4 Suluueld •sjalon 01 Sulsn3uoo aq pinoo uollduosap aql Sulppe'uonduosop lu2ol oq1 ql!m pow5r pjeog malna-g kmpunog aq1 woj3 ease uolluxauue ogl3o uollduosap ag13! palse gsuN jagwawl!ounog .Gepunoq uollnxauud gSSua-1 a41 SnlAoidde uo!lnlosai V £0-60-0 NOlif170s311 'L661 1snSnV 3o gluow aql 103 `L66I `S jagwaldaS pEd `176'L90`bZ1$30lunowe Inlo1 aql u! `Z£IOL6 jogwnu luejjem poj,Ced Ienuew Pun £SOSI Onolgl Z86171 sjogwnu mmium poj,Ced anojdde saop IlounoD b1'OZO`gZ$ 3o lunowe Inlol aql ul `L9VL g8nojgl L£bL sjagwnu we.ueM anojdde saop Ipouno0 `L661 `SI jagwaldaS `alep slgl3o sV -pounoD o1 algnllene apew uaaq seq legl Supsll a uo popjooaj uoag aneq `060'bZ'Zb IADd Aq pajlnbaj se pag!uao swlelo luawasjngwlaj ' asuadxa asogl pun, `080'tiZ'Zb MDN Xq pajinbaj se jaog3o Sull!pne aql �q p !jpjao pue paupne sjagonon sll!glo uohejap!suoo •Z L661 `Z jagwaldaS `uolssaS jeln8ad -- sainulw3o uollejappuoo I 0-S `paljjeo uollow a43, •polsll ajam swot! Swmollo3 aql se pue `paluasajd se jepualeo luasuoo aq) anojdde of ,Cowj jagwowl!ounoD Xq puooas `slloupuaH jagwawl!ounoD Xq apew sum uolow V :uo!1av 11auno:) HVGN31IV3 IN3SNoo '0-S paljjeo uollow oqy 1! Malnaj pinoM lasunoo le801 legl osinojd agl glen `8661 jo3 luawaajSV leooualul alseM PPS aql uSls of jo/(eW aql azuoglne of joejd jagwawpounoj Xq puooas 'Xowl jogwawllounoD Xq apew sum uollow d :uol)aV paunoa •11 pauSls aqs ajo3aq 1! malnaj pinom lasunoo leSal pappe aqS •saduego mm!puSls ou ajam ajagl pun 'luawaoiSe aql pamalnaj peq aqs `.leoiluo sl Sulwll `luawooAL, aql pamalnaj )a,C 1ou peq IlounoD gSnogll`d 'a1sum pgoS ,ClunoO selgno(I q1!m wawaaift Ieoopowi aql u8ls of uolluzljoglne Ilouno0 jo3 pajlse sSuglo:) joXvW •IIeH "4D le •w•d 9 3e 91 jagoloo jo3 palnpagos sl V uoAueo Sulpjedaj Smlaaw (lunoDp(i!D v ' •puauu of p 2ejnooua aje sjagwawl!ouno0 •w•d 9 it 6 jagolop `uuj suosuoS jno3 agl 1e play aq ll!M SullaaW IeuolSab sally u012unlseM 30 uolleloossd 041 'w'd 0£:6 010£:9 woj3 Z jagolop palejgalao aq Ipm , u(] XminwwoO sp!N �411uaH DTL L661 'SI a3HW3ld3S S31f1NI W 'IIONflOD 33HDIVN3M 1SV3 d0 ,(M CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 RESOLUTION NO.97-9 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE RENGGLI ANNEXATION AS AMENDED BY THE DOUGLAS COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD AND REQUESTING THE DOUGLAS COUNTY AUDITOR TO SCHEDULE THE ELECTION DATE FOR NOVEMBER 4, 1997. 1;7 a7iTiTuiu f�I`►f7:ll� [�7`►i 97-09-04 A recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding manufactured housing in East Wenatchee Planning Director Campbell presented the Planning Commission recommendations for manufactured housing in the City of East Wenatchee. He said this would change the current zoning code to R-L and all units will be required to meet the Uniform Building Code requirements. Councilmember Hendricks said he was in favor of the recommendations. Councilmember Frack expressed concern about the use of certain roofing materials, in particular reflective roofing. Councilmember Mikow said he was in favor of allowing manufactured homes since there is a need for ' this type of affordable housing in East Wenatchee and he suggested the Department of Labor and Industries review the code revisions. Code Compliance Officer Wiltz did not feel a review was necessary since manufactured homes are required to be installed by a certified installer and are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Councilmember Lacy said he did not agree with the recommendation requiring garages since the purpose of the code update was to provide affordable housing as well as coordinate with Douglas County regarding their code which allow carports. Councilmember Nash agreed, adding disabled citizens might find a carport more accessible. Ms. Nash also said if the Department of Housing and Urban Development approves reflective roofing, the City should not go against that determination. Bill Foster, representing Cooper Homes, said since 1984 most manufactured homes have three -tab asphalt composition roofs; metal roofing is very limited; and required garages could add as much as an additional six thousand dollars to the total cost of a manufactured home. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to adopted the Planning Commission recommendations for manufactured housing with the exception of subject letter G which required a garage instead of a carport. The motion carried, 4-0, (Abstain - Mikow) -3- -4- •IpounoD of iloeq liodai ll!m aH -aaueulpio majino aqi pue awuo altuannf aql uo so!ls!lels ma!nai 01 awli a)I!l pinom aq p!es aH 1! leadw 01 Sullon aio;aq Supliom s! 1! 3! aas pue aoueuipio 1u3iino 0ql ma!nw 01 awli w!q m00w of pounoD palse uosliieH Ja!gD algtssod se woos se aoeld w aq of papaau aauewpio mau a `leuollnl!lsuoaun sum aouwu!pio su!ls!xa aql )! pue aoueu!pio majino w papaau ,CUo oql lla3 aqs p!ws gssN iagwawl!ounoD -I! leadai of uogeSggo s,l!ouno:) sum 1! `.leuo!lni!lsuooun aq igS!w aoueu!pio aqi lla; lasuno0 lw2a-13! p!es (oel iagwowl!ouno0 •si se gal aq pinoqs 1! `paSuapego uaoq lou peq 1! se `pue Suiliom sum aoueu!pio aql p!ws sIoupuaH iagwotupounoo •leuounigsuooun paiap!suoo su!aq sem ,ClgeSol aauwulpio ma3mo s,wegSu!llag 3o ,Cl!D aqi aou!s A4!lesal io3 aouwwpio majino s,Ai!:) aq) JO ma!nal a Sulpuawwooai sum ,CauloUB ,(i!o aqi p!ws ssugloO lo,Ceyq wnpueiowaN aoueu!pio majino LO-60-L6 NOISSfIJSIG •0-9 `PaliJea uollow a41 •sluawanoidw! oggnd Su!pieSai aagolwuaM lseg 30 fl!o aql pue uols!n!pgnS poomieug aqi uaamiaq luawaaise ue azuogine ' of gseN iagwaLupounoD ,Cq puooas `,Cowl lagwawl!ouno0 ,Cq apew sum uo!iow V :uollaV I!aunoa •spiepums s,,Cl!D oql of do sluawanoidwi suuq of pouad iea,( amyl a smolt¢ mawaoisw s!ql pue apoo s,,CiunoZ) selsno(I iapun 1uawlsan w!elo siolouiluoo aqi p!es llagdwwD •ilgl 'uo!s!n!pgnS poomieug aq) io3 sluawanoidwi oggnd pazuogine luawaaise s!qi p!es IlagdweD ioloai!Q Sumueld luawaaisV uo!sualxg Ield Ieu!q p00mieu8 90-60-L6 1N3W3311OV (gseN) I-b `pauieo uopow aqy •alep ialwl a it, paweu Su!aq CouoSe peal a `.,qunoD selsnoQ ql!m (pnls iopuioo aqi io3 sulpun3 aq) anoidde of ,Cowl lagwawpaunoo ,Cq puooas `siloupuaH iagwawpounoD Aq apew sum uo!low V :uollaV !!aunoD •SIVM ol!l uo!loai!p asol pinoo ,(pnus iopwoo agl `,Couase peal a lnogi!m Sulppe !ivawaaiSe Ieooliaiut aq1 ul possaippe aq lsnw iegl uagl ,C1unoo selsnoCI aq of sum 1! d! !Xouase peal aqi aq pinogs oqm pouopsanb mo�!W iagwawpouno0 •leoolialw aq) ql!m papnloui aiam sasealai ssaid p!es 0agduieZ) •iyl •siellop ,Cgg paipunq uanas ,px!s Ced pinom ,(1unoz) pue ,Cl!O aql go!gmjo siellop puwsnogl ,CigS!a;o aiwwosa Isoo mau a pall!wgns peq VINI -,Cpnis iopuioo aqi io3 dnois ,Goslnpw lvotutloo, aql jo lived w (I!Z) aql anew pinom luoolialu! aqi Su!noidde p!es llagdwvD loloanQ Su!uueld ,(pnis iopuioo aqi SwpiwSai ,(1uno:) selsnoClql!m uiawaaise leoolialuI uV 90-60-L6 '1v00'IN31LNI L66I 'SI Il38W9Jd3S S3.LnNIN'IIJNfIOD 33H3IVN3M 1SV3 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Frack to table the Curfew Ordinance issue until the next council meeting, October 6, 1997. The motion carried, ' S-0. ADJOURNMENT -- 8:20 P.M. irgi E. Oestreich CMC/PFO City Clerk/Treasurer 1 1 IWE