HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/2/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 2,1997 6:30 P.M. ROLLCALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Aiken excused. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell, Bob Goodman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYORS REPORT Mayor Collings congratulated City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich for her sixth year as Professional Finance Officer Certification with the Washington Finance Officers Association. Mayor Collings reported on the following issues and events: ' The Boundary Review Board meeting regarding the Renglii Annexation will be Thursday at 6:30 p.m. The Washington State Department of Transportation Committee will meet Monday, September 8th, at 1:30 p.m., at the Double Tree Inn. There will be another City/County meeting to be held Thursday September I Ith, at 9:00 a.m., at City Hall. Mayor Collings said Solid Waste will be presenting community awards for involvement of solid waste recycling. She said nominations are being accepted for categories of: Individual, Business, Government and Public Education Program. Mayor Collings said the Association of Washington Cities annual meeting for legislators will be October 9th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Four Seasons Inn. Mayor Collings said Keith Williams, North Central Washington Museum, had contacted her regarding a locomotive owned by American Silicon. She said the locomotive is in need of a home and asked Council if there may be an interest in pursuing the possibility of East Wenatchee being the home for the locomotive. Council decided to pass on the offer. 1 -z- 1 1so3 CelJano leuo!;!pPE alp �o} siaoulSua ay; wog a1Ew!lsa ue lag pinom ag p!es uewpooH ryq 'loops yluaaluanaS ;E sEM g3!gM °Valk u01131Lgsu03 ag; aiagM of 1seal le anu!luoo ,SElaano aql aas 01 alg pinom aq p!es )1oej3 lagwawl!ounoZ) •odegs poog ui ll!ls sum Pug Plo SJVOA ang lnoge Aluo sem laailS gluaolouiN of;aaaS gluaal{t,3 Ovoid uo!;aas alp p!es uewpooH •iW •laailS gluaalau!ls o1 paaoad P1noo X1?113no agl3! uewp000 *JW p031se s313upuaH Jagwawl!ounoo •hails gluMl!3 of 1aaRS glu!!.1 wo.g anuand 123leg JO ,Cel.tano aq; jo; snllop puesnogl AuaM1 se gonw su aq pinoo uo!:pod s,,4!D aqy •anuany ia3leg uo ,CEliano ue loj AU0 oql Pug;oulsq jaleM aql ql!m spew uaaq peg luawaaag ve pappE OH •sluvlP4 aJg pug saull J21eM agl•{o uollellmsui oql palaldwoo seq 1o!.gs!Q ialeM aagolwoAM lse3 aql p!es OH •anuand 103leg uo ljodai snlels E aneS uEwp000 ;uapuoluljadnS laagS luauWedaQ laonS •31iom3o adoos aq) Ma!nai 01 `•w•E :01 lg `ql l l jagwaidaS plaq aq II!m Sullaaw V -V uo,Cueo jo3 ueol pun3 Isms a uo uo!lEog!lou p2n!23ai peq ,QunoO suignoQ plus llagdum �1nI •possnos!p Ipm ueld an!suogaidwoo leuo!Sai geip aqy uLIogo lE `glZl iagoloo uo play oq p!m Su!laaw leo!ugoal uopuz!uegi0 Su!uueld uo!lvvodsug{l• leuo!Sa-1 a p!es llagduW3 -jW •0-S `pa!Lea uo!low aqy •joXuW agl3o ajn;euS!s pozuoglnu apnloui of uo!low aq; puawe of s313upu2H iagwawl!ounoo Sq pu000s `joei,q iagwawl!ouno0 ,(q apew sum uopow V :uol;OV 1!3unoj -4!o agl;o31Egaq uo paugis aq jauol uo!;epuawwooaj aql ozuoglne o1 s)loupuoH jagwawl!ouno0 Aq puo3as •31oe13 jagwowl!ouno0 ,Cq opuw sum uo!low V :uol;3v 113ano0 •,ClunoO Pug ,Sl!O agl Aq pauS!s pug Panadde aq of papaau aSuego lesodwd popuawwooai oql `pappe OH •p2021 Mull) Pug ease uo!lExouue aql uaaMlaq sam uo!lexauuE aql of luooefpe anuand luowse33o ,Cum jo-lgsu agl apnloul of ease uo!iexouue ag; tall¢ of si aiueg3 papuawwo3w agZ -uollexauue nlSuag ag13o kmpunoq pasodwd agl ui aSuego a olel!l!oE3 01 qs!m fauna selSnoa pug aagoleuajA 1sug 3o ,G!D agl pus llagdweZ) •ryg •Su!;aaw Sl jagwaldaS aq1 le pouno0 of jonaq aq of luawaaiSV leoolialul )jwp lapow agl uo SuilioM s! Suuaau!Su3 OVM •,ClunoD selSnoQ q;!m luawaajSV 1Eoolialul uE uo gui llom si f4p oql pappe OH •eaw ueq.w alogm oq1 1oajje sloedwi o2p!jq agl plus aH •,Cpn1S jop!Lo0 agl uo palJodai llogdweo lol3anQ Su!uueld ' luowdolanaa ,Cl!unwwo0 Pug Suiuueld SlIdOdM1 •LN3N lHVd34 L661 'Z b3EW3.Ld3S S3inNIW 'i10Nf100 33H0J.VN3M .LSV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the consent calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, September 2, 1997 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, September 2, 1997, Council does approve warrant numbers 7406 through 7436 in the total amount of $26,528.35. Council does approve manual warrant numbers 970100 through 970131 in the total amount of $525.39. PRESENTATION John Cottrell, Columbia River Area Agency on Aging - Senior Nutrition Program Mr. Cottrell said the agency was still in need of funds for the nutrition program. He said a public hearing has been scheduled for September 15th, at City Hall regarding what will be done with the Nutrition Program. Mr. Cottrell said the program is now serving 3300 meals a month of which East Wenatchee . residents are served twenty-five percent of them. Mr. Cottrell asked if the issue could be discussed at the City/County meeting. ORDINANCES 97-08-03 An ordinance amending Section 15.04.040 of the EWMC Mayor Collings read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE NO. 97-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 15.04.040 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR CONSISTENCY WITH CHAPTER 19.06 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO APPEALS OF LOCAL PERMITTING PROCESSES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Frack to approve the ordinance amending Section 15.04.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to the permit process. The motion carried, 5-0. 3- -4- 1 •0-S `pal== uoilow agI •opoJ ledcolunW oagoleuaM lseg ag13o OSZ'90'8[ uopoas 8uipuaun, aoueuIPIO 341 anoJdde of 6oel jagwawllounoJ Aq puooas `joei3 lagwatupaunoJ Xq apew sum uoilow V :aol;aV ItaanoJ '3IVa 3AI.I.333d3 NV JNIHSI'IgV LS3 aNV 3Sf1V'IJ A.LI'IIHV'd3A3S V 9NINIV,LNOJ!S3SS33OHd 9NIMWH3d'IVJO'IaNV SNOISIAIQHfIS.LIIOHS `S.LV7d ZHOHS HOd SNOISIAOHd HOL'9£ MJH aNV LI'SS MJlI H.LIM WHOANOJ OI 3aO3'IVdIJINf1W 33HJIVN3M ISV3 3H.L d0 ZI'91 H3,LdVHJ 9NION3WV `NOIJNIHSVM `33HJIVN3M JSV3 90 AIIJ 3HI 30 3JNVNIalIO NV El-L6'ON 3JNVNIGHO apil aouewppo aql peal sJulpoJ.IoXuW 3WM3 agl;o ZI.91 la;degJ dulpuowe aoueumplo uV 50-80-L6 ' *O-S `Paweo uollow agI •apoJ ledioiunW aagajuuaM iseg agl ,{o `61 01111 JO suolloas 8wpuowe aoueulPIO agi anadde of 313ui3 jagwowliounoJ Aq puooas `sloupuaH iagwawllounoD Cq apew sum uouow V :aol;aV 11aunoJ '3J,VQ 3AII33dd3 NV 9NIHSI7HVJS3 aNV WIV E) AII'llHVH3A3S V ONINItlINOJ !II3J[3d0 33NVI'IdWOJ MOD ISO HOI )3lIla 3HI AS 3QVW SNOIIVaN3WW0J3N NO SNOISIJ3a 3afl'IJNI S'IV3ddV IVHI AdIHV'IJ OI JWM3 OVO'90'61 9NIQN3WV !NOIJ.JV 9NIA'11I3QNfl 3HI HJJM a3IVQI'IOSNOJ 3lIV `3JNtlJIdINO1S d0 SNOIIVNIWII3I3a Id3JX3 SIV3ddV Vd3S AdINVID OI JWM3 OZO'90'61 N0II33SHIIS 9NION3WV !S3SOJHfld XVI AllI3d011d HOA NOIIVfl'IVA NI 30NVH3 V IS3nbHH AVW Sl13NMO AJ.li3dOHd U31333JV IVHI IN3W3IVIS V 3afI IJNI NOIS133G 30 331ION 3HI IVHI IN3W3lIIfla3ll A-do.Lf1.LV.LS 3HI ONIIJ3 Id3M JWM3 (3)040'SO'6I NOIIJ3SHfiS M3N tl ONIaaV f,LN3W.LSfifQV 90 al[VOH 3HI 3HOd3H'IV3ddtl JNIAMUS aNtl 33IIIWWOJ M31A3H NOISIAIOHf1S 3HI JNIIVNIWI'I3 AS SNOISIAIQHfiS IHOHS 1103 `SS3J0)Id IIWll3d IJ3f011d 3HI `JWM3 (J)0£010'61 NOIIJ3SHnS 9NIaN3WV !SIJINISIa LN3WdO'IaA3a a3NNV'ld S3Qfl'IJNI S3NO73H 3IIS HOd 3dAI N01I3V 3HI JNIAArdV'IJ JWM3 (H)O£0'10'6I NOIIJ3SHfiS ONIaN3WV `AQOH ONIIIV3H d0 NOIIwma 3HI OI'IIJNflOJ AID JNlaatl JWM3 (Z)VO£0'10'61 N0II33SHfiS 9NIQN3WV `NOIONIHSVM `33HJIVN3M ISV3 90 AIIJ 3HI AO 3JNVNIaliO NV Z[-L6'ON 3JNVNIal10 ' all!l aouewpJo oql peal sdwlloJ ioXuw JWM3 agllo 61 aµ!•L Jo suollaas JuIpuawe aoueuipio UV 170-80-L6 L661 •Z)I38W3Id3S suet [W '11JNf)OJ 33HJIVN3M ISV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 1 97-08-06 An ordinance amending Section 18.06.250 of the EWMC Mayor Collings the ordinance title. ORDINANCE N0.97-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 18.06.250 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (SEPA) APPEALS FOR CONSISTENCY WITH RCW 36.70B (REGULATORY REFORM) AND RCW 43.21C (SEPA); ADDING A NEW SECTION 18.06.165 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE SETTING A TIME PERIOD FOR COMPLETION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS PURSUANT TO RCW 36.70B.090; ELIMINATING SEPA APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF DECISIONS OF NON -ELECTED CITY OFFICIALS PURSUANT TO RCW 43.21C.060; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Frack to approve the ordinance amending Section 15.04.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to the permit process. The motion carried, 5-0. 97-09-01 An ordinance setting Council salaries and compensation Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to elevate the ordinance setting Council salaries and compensation. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Collings read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE NO. 97-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 88-21, ESTABLISHING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1998 AND APPROVING THIS TITLE AS A SUMMARY OF THIS ORDINANCE. Councilmember Frack said he did not think the flat pay rate is acceptable. He feels Councilmembers should not be paid for excused absences, and he is not in favor of passing the ordinance until absenteeism is addressed. Councilmember Lacy said the purpose of the ordinance was for uniformity instead of deciding what does or does not constitute a paid meeting. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the ordinance setting Council salaries and compensation. The motion carried, 4-1. (Frack) -5- 9- aaans= pualp dl!O 03d/OY�tO 1{alausap •gAlulSn^A Wd 01:8 --.I.N3WNIMOPQV •tp6z tagwoldoS Jo; dlA!lalual 1as aq of dols3uom IoSpnq -aid a io; paxse pouno0 •paoiojuo wall aas of o3l!l Plnom oq Ptm lloolq lull w do suS!s 1!wg Sunlied an aiayl p!as aH •dem*md 11M dalleA uo;!lull Swphed inoq omt al; puodaq Supued sa101gaA SwwaOUOO spaO pay sel ay p!es uo&m3 aagwawl!ounoZ) •leuo!leanpa pue Su!lsaIalw AJOA sem 1! 'pappa PH •lluow auo io3 oiayl aq ll!m 11eyy Callan aayoleuft le 1!q!gxa .mesou!Q ay1 p!as s3loupuaH'agwawpOunoO •sioww q*1 gSnoiyl llSI dllmoadso `waouoo 3o wom w sl!wg paads 3o luowaojo;ua all iq{ wowuedop aollod alp pue uos!LeH 3a!4dapsaupaAjoj panpays Su!laaw Odld all Swpuaue aq 1!^P� weiSoid o!pe.1 OdX ay1 `lsaluo0 ald a1ddV 1sAm-1 spoon\ all popuanu pay ay p!as 31oead jagwawl!ounoO S•LIIOd3u 'IIONIlOO I•Sugaaul alp la Supq se poOpolmouxaa sem �louawg sauolsslumop dlunoD selSnoQ (sjoupuaH) • I-17 `pa!u8o uo!low all •lesodoid sluallnsuoo al; of piuSw lnoyl!m wsunol jo; seap!;o luowdolanap all jo3 aau!wwoo a Su!lu!odde pue ldaouoo wsunol ayl3o uoddns u! oq )! uo!s!Aad alp 11!m xe1 1310 I210H lalOads luawad om1 all wog luooiad duo; all ;o )uaaiad ang-d1UOAaS Su!leOope uollepuawwooai wsunol all ldaane pue anoidde of )bead jagwowl!3uno0 dq puooas `d3e-1 jagwawltounoD dq opew sem uoilow V monaV I13uno0 7! laoddns pinom ay pue ldoouoO all sa3lg lnq ueld all a)l!l ),usoop `Su!uu!Saq all woa3 paSunoouo uoaq pay oq p!m uosaeg aagwawl!ouno0 •p!p l! awns 1,usem ay pua `.paemao; anow o1 910149A a olmmo pinols 1! 1123 :lapow „olddV laag„ all a3p1 )ou p!p taanln} all ui wsunol aoj Su!uueld le)!dao ou mas oq p!es u!e8e doa7 aagwawl!ounoD -pomopod uo!ssnos!p pounoO •lsonbai all anoadde of sem uo!lepuawwooaa all p!as `aa11!wwo:) daos!APV wsunol s,d1!O all Suguasaadaa `suuluaf aneQ •dapeA ay1 ul wsunol 3o uo!lowoad „a1ddV lead„ all of uaA!S aq d4ao3 s!ll;o luamad any-d1naABS Su!puawwooaa sl aau!wwo3 wsunol all •wsunol leool ao3 paleoolle uaoq sal luoaaad duoq •uo!suedxa iolua0 u011uanuo0 aaloleuolA all pun; Su!dlal si luaOaad dlx!s yo!gm ;o panoadde disnolnaad xm luaoaad oml la!oods all 30 'uo!leoolla xel laloyl MOH luaoaad oml all3o deow le!oueuy a aneS alS •anss! wsunol „olddV lea-„ I pasodoad all uo law aaloleuaA% Ing pue aayomu2M wupl oa3 saou!wwoo wsnol all us sSu!pog aodeN lesodoad wsunol 10-60-L6 NOIJLVQN3WW00321 L661 `Z S39W3ld3S S3lnNIW TONnOD 33HO LVN3M ISV3 dO AID