HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/4/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING AUGUST 4, 1997 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmembers Frack, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Aiken excused. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Mark Peterschmidt, representing the Department of Ecology, presented Council with applications for membership to the Regional Citizens' Advisory Committee relating to the Toxic Waste Cleanup Program. ' Mr. Peterschmidt said hazardous waste cleanup had been in affect since 1990; there were six positions open on the committee; and if anyone was interested, please contact him for more information. Dan Halstrom, Quest for Economic Development acting president and CEO, gave Council an update and semi annual report of Quest and listed some of the goals for the next year. He added board meetings would be held the first month of each quarter and would be an open forum. Mr. Halstrom said he was requesting East Wenatchee's participation in funding of costs for a two county model financial projection report. This would include Chelan County, Douglas County, East Wenatchee, Wenatchee, and the port districts. The cost is sixty five hundred dollars and he asked East Wenatchee to share five hundred dollars of the cost. Mr. Halstrom said a report should be available by October for budget purposes and in answer to Councilmember Mikow's questions regarding individual entity information being available; indicated it would be so. Councilmember Lacy asked Mr. Halstrom what economic enhancements had been made by Quest. Mr. Halstrom said three small companies had been recruited, however, indicated more needed to be done and would be in the future. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Frack, second by Councilmember Carson to fund the study in the amount of five hundred dollars. The motion carried, 5-1 (Nash). 1 -z- 'bi isnSnV uo ap!Aja1BM ul laaw p!m aau!wwoD AJos!ApV alseA\ p!IOS XLL •epuaSe ayl sera 8661 j03 Su!uas lsoS pus uoou is Aepsan L si uoogounl iagwegJ atLL -91snSnd Aq mou)l iay jai aseald `polsalalu! sum ouoAue;I •saagwowpleoq iaalunloA J03 Su131001 sum ssaJ pa'I ayy 'sjaloas qof jo; sa!1lun;Joddo nano Inge sum go!ym `SupoaY1 d!gsnamd dlysao!lualddV ue popualle pey ays p!es ssullloJ 10AsW ,LHOd3M S,HOAVW '0-9 `Paluso uo!low aqy •Ienoiddu loj pau!wgns aq p!m aouumplo mau V yluom lad saellop palpung aaiyl3o aa3 s of sjagwaulpounoJ mau agl ioj 8661 `1 tienuef aAiloaJJa `sauelus pounoo aSuego of gseN jagwacul!ounoZ)Aq puoaas `sloupuaH iagwawl!ounoJ ,Cq apsw sem uo!low V :uo!laV I!aunoJ •uo!lssuadwoo iO3 poylow;saq ayl aq pinoo aa3 jug s ow2v p!p ay lanamoy `.la8pnq of ss Stnimorulsai a aq of sum pue L661 w as1e1 a aA!aaai lou p!p ogm sao,Coldwa ay1 0l yl!e3 pooS moys 01 ssm 28uego slyl jo lualui agl pounoJ popu!wai joej3 iagwawl!ounoJ •papuaue alam sSullaaw e]lxa Auew moy ssalpiuSai `yluow lad slsllop 4g paipunq aaigl io paipuny aalg1 se yons `a33 lug s;o luowAed `aldw!s idol aq pinogs 1! p!es s3loupuaH ngwatupounoJ ' •saaR!wwoa put, sSupaaw of salelal 1! se swoulosingw!al ougop p!nom aoueu!plo slyy •slu!od p!1eA awns apew pey sloupuaH lagwawpounoJ papps ay `janamoH aouemp�o ayl u! paugap se Aogod agl uo paalde pey aau!wwoo ay1 p!es Aou-I jagwawpounoJ •uodn paadle pey 1!3unoJ oql se pus aau!wwoJ 1!3unoJ aAlls►slSa"I ayl Aq papuowwooal se luataxed io3 Aogod ayl pus salaeles ayl Su!luawaldwi sum aoueulplo s!yl 1ey1 pounoJ papu!waa s8u!lloD lo,(eyg uo!lesuadwoZ) pus sausleS I!ounoJ Swuas aoueulplo uV 10-80-L6 3JNVNIQIIO 'l8'££9$ ;o lunowe ay1 ul 6600L6 ggnagl 0800L6 slusLem lenusw anoidds saop pounoJ '89'8L9`£S$!o lunouis Idol aql u! 08£L gSnoj91 Lb£L sjagwnu lusuem Moidds saop pounoJ `L661 `IZ AInf `alsp s!yl,{o sv •I!ounoD of algel!ene apses uaaq seg legl Sullsil a uo papiooai uaaq aney `060'bZ'Zb MD -I Aq pannbal se pogpjao swlslo luawasingwlai osuodxo asoyl pue `080'bZ'Zb ADd Aq pai!nbai se no33o 2ul1!pne ay1 Aq pagpiao pus pal!pne sjagonoA s11!fl3o uoilelap!suoJ .Z L66I `IZ Alnf `uo!ssaS ielnSag -- solnulw 3o uollelap!suoJ 1 '0-9 pawsa uo!low oql •palsll wom swol! Su!molloj agl se pus `paluasald se jepuolso luasuoo ay1 anoidde of Aos-I jagwawl!ounoJ Aq puoaas `s)IaupuaH Jogwawl!ounoJ Aq apew sum uopow y :uo1;av 1!aunoJ HVGN311VJ IN3SNOJ L661 171SfIDfIV S3LLfINIWIIJNfIOJ33HZ)IVN3M1SV3AOAID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1997 The Dinosaur Display will be at the Mall on Saturday, August 16, as well as the Worlds Biggest Apple Pie baking at Walla Walla Point Park. The Bicycle Meeting will be at Wenatchee City Hall on Tuesday August 19, at 2 p.m. Mayor Collings asked Councilmember Lacy to be Mayor Pro Tem at the August 18 meeting. KPQ was scheduling the radio time with Councilmembers on the third Wednesday of the month from 3:I0 to 4 p.m. Mayor Collings asked for Councilmembers to participate. The Mayor and City Clerk will be attending a budget workshop presented by the Association of Washington Cities in Leavenworth on August 22. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Frack said he had four items he wished to discuss. 1. What was the status of the mall? Mayor Collings said she had talked to Mr. Kantor last week and things were still being negotiated. 2. The speed limit on Fifteenth Street. He felt it should be reduced or the present limit enforced. Chief Harrison said it could be addressed by enforcement and he would discuss the issue with the Street Superintendent. ' 3. Concern of encroachment of property, such as SR 28 and Sand Canyon and the culverts and dumping beyond property lines. Mayor Collings said she would have staff report back to Council. 4. The dollar commitment to the Rotary. Mayor Collings said the Rotary planned on returning to Council for a financial request at a later time. Councilmember Mikow said he wished the flooding issue on Amy Court to be addressed as soon as possible. He said he had talked to the Street Superintendent and wanted a design process implemented and the problem resolved.. ADJOURNMENT -- 7:45 P.M. Virginia. Oestreich CMC/PFO City Clerk/Treasurer rj -3-