HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/2/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JUNE 2, 1997 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Carson, Mayor Collings. Councilmembers Frack and Lacy excused. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Gil Sparks, Nick Wiltz, Jim West. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings reported on the following issues and events: ' East Wenatchee had a successful grant application with the Transportation Improvement Board for the Baker Street enhancement in the amount of one million dollars. LINK was also a recipient. The City/County meeting held on Thursday, May 29. Discussions were on transportation and law and justice. This meeting was followed by a meeting with Quest. Quest was asking the city to participate in economic development of the area. Councilmember Hendricks responded favorably, however, felt due to budget constraints, the city should wait until next year. Councilmember Aiken also liked the study showing how the economy was doing however, agreed the city should wait until budget time to look at financially supporting Quest. The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce would meet on Tuesday at the Four Seasons at noon. Mayor Collings reminded Council of the Race Unity Day to be held at Lincoln Park on June 14. Cashmere would be celebrating Founders Day on June 28; their Chamber hoped some of our Councilmembers would participate. The Spirit of Two Thousand, a group which included past Washington State Governors, was asking the community to be involved in a turn of the century celebration. She said Council had received information regarding Wenatchee Valley Community Television and a possible facility. Councilmember Nash said not having local TV was a loss and she hoped it would be ' resurrected. -z- ' apnioui of `page mp ui 3I1ed a dolanap o; payslm sgnlD Amog aq•L•a8puq;oo3 ag10l yoeojdde ay1 pug I1= ay; of aouellua ay; Sulouequa;o sap! us poluasaid uasjO ia;iwaf sW pup aoeW ,Seas, 'yslom qog -JW NOI.LVJ N3s3ud '0-S `pauipo uonow aq,L •4unoa selgno(I yllm Ieooualui ApnlS V uoAueZ) ay; uo sasuodxa leuoillPpe ay; anoidde of gsgDI lagwawllounoD Cq pumas 'mo)i!lnl iagwawilounoa Cq apew sum uollow V :aog3V IlaunoO •ajow siel lop paipung ang-,Cwam; mou sem aiegs s, Clio ayl3o lunoum ay; `.s.milop puesnoq; f4umg joj leoolimui ue panoldde pey Amp pounoZ) papwwal OH ,Cpm log 0 poog V uoAuuD ay; Suipieft spunl Ieuolvppe anadde of sgm liounoD of ly8noiq uewpooO • jW wa1! =I ayL •snsuasuoo Xq pwuSe liounoo •awls stgl le luauglwwoo !lounoo a joj p23ise ay `janamoq `866I Igun papaou aq lou pinom s!g•L '0001SO[$ Xlalewixotdde aq pinom amgs s,,S;la ayy •,Cllulof palaidwoo aq pinom goigm `popuq{ luuA Alleiwd XlIn;adog 'sloafad oral aq pinom aiayy •luowlseg Pug auggS!H pus `uouaasJalu! 8Z )IS Pus Peog 1u91D `.luougseg pue peo'I luWO uo sluawanadw! l03 ,S1unoo selSno(I ylim lumooi a leooualw jagloup Sul;uasaid oq pinom ay pies uewpooO •,y�! •lumooAs lsooualu! agl Lp!m paaoad of uewpooO •ry1 joj snsuasuoa ,(q poaav Ilounoz) •uewpooO -jw of uolsloop ay; aneal pinom pue eap! aql panoidds (oql p!gs mol!W pue ua3l!V slagwowpounoZ) ' •sigl uo aagoleuaM y;lm Swpuom aq pinom am g8noy;le 'Am -aft peal ay; oq of ysim;ou p!p aayaleuaM plus uewpooO jw -clam se aagoleuaM jo f4!3 ag; g1!m loafoA agl Sump ui ;saialut passajdxa s3l3upuaH jagwaw!lounoD •uoiliod .mo j03 sjepop puesnoyl KVU Suipunj oq pinom uollupodsup{L3o lumIndoG ale1S uol8ulgseM ag1 pappe OH 'II asugd J03 0018$ Pug I asegd jo3 SL£9$ aq pinom C;lo ay; of slsoo polewllso ags• •pannbal Tom Suuaou!8ua jo odoos ay; alaldwoo of lapio ul aq pinom lumow2e lsooualui ue `ajo;ajagy •adpuq ayl;o pua;sea ay; le sa!aualogap ,C;imdea pagi;uap! (pnlS uolleyodsue{L vwV aayoleuaM ag•L •28pug Pug g1noS 58Z CIS oql SulpiuSai pagslidwooag oq of popaau podai u8lsap II Pug I osegd a Suipmlaj Clunoo sgi8no4 gllm luawoolse lumpalu! uV '0-5 `pauaeo uoilow agy 'veld uo!lepodsueiy mA xiS agl 10; alep Sulisag ollgnd ay; Is 9I aunf las 01 s3loupuall iagwawl!ounoDCq puoaas `yseH jagwawllaunoo Cq apses sem uo!low V :noll3V 0aanoa Imp= Itaunoo minSai ay; Suunp play aq pinom 1I ugld laauS JVOA xiS aayaleuaM lseg agl Sulp1e821 Sulieay oilgnd agl joj alep ayl se `L661 `9I aunf laS :sonssi 8ulmopo3 2g;3o uollejaplsuoo Ilounoa pwise uuwpooO luapualuuodnS laagS Sluod32I ,LN3NLLZIVd3Q •sluowgsgdw000e I ;o kmwwns XIjahenb s,jauoissiwwo: r4uno:) sel8nod agl Suiaas of Pmmjq{ Sunlool sem agS aduego a 1su1e8e Wam salon paipung owgi pus aweu ag18ui8uego joj alam salon any-,C1ao; paJpunq aaiq,L -oSusgo aweu ayl uo palon peg looyoS yS!H joiunf luounseg aq•L tables, plantings, water fountains, a kiosk and other park enhancements. Mr. Gordon Congdon, local philanthropist, had contributed to the project. Several thousand dollars of other commitments had also been made to the project. The Council was shown a preliminary design by Ms. Olsen. Council was asked for a member to be on the project committee; the deadline goal for completion by Make a Difference Day. The committee asked East Wenatchee to be the lead agency and they would like a financial commitment in the near future. Also, they hoped some grant moneys could be available. Councilmembers collectively like the project. Councilmember Hendricks suggested using inmate labor to help with the project. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Aiken to approve the consent calendar as presented, with a correction from Lincoln Rock State Park to Lincoln Park; and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, May 19, 1997 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. ' As of this date, June 2, 1997, Council does approve warrant numbers 7169 through 7214 in the total amount of $64,572.82. ORDINANCE 97-06-01 An ordinance amending the zoning map for property located at 889 Devon Avenue Mayor Collings read the title of the ordinance, and reminded Council they had approved the rezone request earlier. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to elevate first reading to second reading. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Carson to pass the ordinance allowing the zoning change at 889 Devon Avenue. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO.97-6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE DEVON REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 889 DEVON AVENUE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF DEVON AND 9TH STREET N.E. FROM "R-L RESIDENTIAL' TO "R-O RESIDENTIAL OFFICE DISTRICT" AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 3- b- 1 1 .lamsuoijA.i2lo Xl!o Odd/DWD gazailsaO •g a n8 IA Wd Sb:L -- .LN3wN2[norQV •w-d Sb:L 19 pauanuooal pounoD ' -suoge!1o8au �uipmiial •w•d S£:L lu uoissaS anllnaax3 alnuiw uoagg a papua s8ugloD joXuw NOISS3S 3Al.L[1J3X3 L661 'Z 3Nnf SBInNIIN'11ONnO0 33HDIVN3M ISV3 3O ADD